The New Virtual Organization World
For the simple reason that they themselves ::: the pioneers of these technologies ::: never really thought that the broader private industry and general public would be interested in the adoption and application of such technologies in the way that I envisaged and foresaw it.
Let alone the Virtual Organizations and Virtual Organization Leadership Force aspect of it: The corollary to a World of Virtual Organizations, Principled Leadership, Principled Geopolitical Leadership, a New Global Civilization Based On a Civilized World Financial System, Political Evolution, Mankind Making the Transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being, and Mankind Charting a Path Toward Human Evolution - all of which are light years ahead of today's thinking about Organizations, Virtual Organizations, Virtual Organization Infrastructure, Virtual Workspace Tools and Remote Working.
Regrettably, it saddens me to say, as it stands today, that given today's technologies and the current tools we all have available at our disposal, in comparison to where the entire human race should be at this point in time, We Are All Now Living in the Stone Age.
And, to this very day, hour, minute and second, as you are reading this, many of them refuse to turn on their camera during a videoconference. Over the last 17 years, I have had to insist that the camera be turned on during a videoconference prior to proceeding. And upon doing so, they look like a deer in headlights.
- (1) Founded the world's leading and only 100% Virtual Organization Management Institute.
- (2) Founded the only bona fide Virtual Organizations in existence to date.
- (3) Developed the concept and blueprint for distinct and fully operational 100% Virtual Organizations staffed by a fully-trained and highly sophisticated Virtual Organization Leadership Force operating as a separate entity and/or in parallel with their brick and mortar counterparts instead of being merely an extension or appendage of an entity.
- (4) Founded the world's leading and only Virtual Organization Leadership training and certification program provider for executives and professionals worldwide.
- (5) Founded the world's leading and only Virtual Organization Leadership Executive-In-Residence program for corporate, public policy and government executives, and academics on sabbatical leave.
- (6) Founded the world's only Virtual Organization Academy for professionals;
- (7) Founded the world's leading and only offeror of Virtual Organization Leadership Executive Search for enterprise organizations, institutions and governments worldwide.
- (8) Founded the world's only job board that is strictly focused on bona fide 100% Virtual Organization Leadership career opportunities.
- (9) We are the world's only offeror of Postdoctoral Virtual Organization Fellowships.
- (10) We are the world's only offeror of bona fide 100% Virtual Organization Internships to college students worldwide.
- (11) We are the world's only offeror of Virtual Organization Leadership Case Studies to enterprise organizations, institutions and governments worldwide seeking answers on how to navigate in the virtual organization world.
- (12) We are the world's only offeror of Virtual Organization Research Sabbatical opportunities to Mid-Career Faculty PhDs on sabbatical leave at universities and 4-year colleges who are interested in obtaining virtual organization management training, conducting research on virtual organizations, and Virtual Organization Leadership Research.
- (13) We are the world's only offeror of Virtual Organization Leadership Training Licenses ::: Internal Provider Licenses ::: to Enterprise Level Organizations, Other Major Global Institutions and Governments across the globe who seek to offer to their own internal staff our Virtual Organization Leadership Executive Training, Assessment and Certification solution.
- (14) We are the world's only offeror of Virtual Organization Leadership Training Licenses ::: Learning Partner Licenses ::: to Large National, International and Global Consulting Firms, and Leading HR Leadership Training Providers with an established, dominant position in their market and region; who seek to introduce their clients to our Virtual Organization Leadership Executive Training, Assessment and Certification solution.
- (15) We are the world's only offeror of Virtual Organization Leadership Training Licenses ::: Regional Facilitator Licenses ::: to Prominent Local or Regional Consultants and Consulting Firms who seek to introduce their clients to our Virtual Organization Leadership Executive Training, Assessment and Certification solution.
- (16) We are the world's only offeror of Virtual Organization Aptitude Assessment Licenses to Large and Prestigious Universities and Colleges worldwide who seek to introduce to their constituency (faculty, students and website visitors) our Virtual Organization Aptitude Assessment solution.
- (17) We are the world's only offeror of Virtual Organization Appraisal and Valuation training, services and strategic partner opportunities to Business Valuation Consultants worldwide who know absolutely nothing about the appraisal and valuation of virtual organizations.
- (18) We are the world's only Architect of Futuristic City-State Enclaves Based On a World of Virtual Organizations and a Civilized World Financial System. (Not referring to Futuristic Cities or Smart Cities whose financial system is based on fiat currency or cryptocurrencies.)
- (19) Founded the world's first and only Digital Currency Consortium whose objective is to set standards and criteria for the launch and evaluation of a digital currency's intrinsic value, respectively. (Not referring to cryptocurrencies. There is a huge difference between a digital currency and a cryptocurrency.)
- (20) Founded the world's first and only Digital Currency Ethical Board whose objective is to offer insights on ethical considerations as well as best-practices, policies and procedures relating to the exchange or conversion of digital currencies. (Not referring to cryptocurrencies. There is a huge difference between a digital currency and a cryptocurrency.)
- (21) Authored and published The Digital Currency Manifesto - the world's very first and only manifesto on digital currencies - and made it an integral component of the virtual organization management discipline. (Not referring to cryptocurrencies. There is a huge difference between a digital currency and a cryptocurrency.)
- (22) Authored and published A Global Need for Principled Geopolitical Leaders - the world's very first and only treatise on "Principled" Geopolitical Leadership - and made it an integral component of the virtual organization management discipline.
- (23) Authored and published Treatise On Political Evolution - the world's very first and only treatise on "Political Evolution" - and made it an integral component of the virtual organization management discipline.
- (24) Launched Virtual Organization Management (VOM) Institute Repository, the world's leading and only repository of documents, articles and reference information that is strictly focused on the subject of virtual organizations and The New Virtual Organization World.
- (25) Founded the world's leading and only 100% Virtual Organization Global Think Tank whose objective is to spearhead the formulation of policies for the rapid introduction and explosion of virtual organizations worldwide.
- (26) Founded the world's only Virtual Organization Consortium that is strictly dedicated to introducing mankind to a World of Virtual Organizations that no one alive today can even imagine. A world that will lead to the widespread adoption of Principled Geopolitical Leadership, the advent of Political Evolution, a New Global Financial System, a New Global Civilization of Intelligent Beings and the Dawn of Human Evolution.
- (27) Founded the world's only Virtual Campus Dormitory Consortium whose primary objective is to Transform Primary and Secondary Public Education as we now know it worldwide and introduce mankind to a World of Virtual Organizations and Innovation in Education that no one alive today can even begin to imagine or conceive.
- (28) Founded the world's only Virtual Residential Community Consortium whose objective is to transform the global urban landscape as we now know it as mankind makes the transition to this World of Virtual Organizations and charts a path toward Human Evolution.
- (29) Founded the world's leading and only - and most prestigious - League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Men and Women who have an immense and genuine interest in this World of Virtual Organizations we have been advocating for and building over the past 25 years so that mankind can make the transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being and chart a path toward Human Evolution.
- (30) Founded Virtual Organization Advisors whose primary objective is to be the Initial Point of Reference and Focal Point of Contact for any single individual or organization or other entity anywhere in the world which has an interest in learning more about any of the aforementioned Virtual Organization World entities and initiatives.
Obviously, this is a rhetorical question, thus no need for you to try to come up with an answer.
"Pierre, it's obvious that every single organization in the world has some sort of vexing issues or challenges that they have to deal with. Having read this article, you have somewhat broadened my horizon a bit in terms of possible solutions. How should I proceed?"
My answer could be as simple as this:
"Thank you, Ami, for your inquiry. Go to Virtual Organization Advisors in order to review detailed information on what we are offering and simple instructions on how to proceed in a seamless and very transparent fashion. Have an awesome day!"
Example #2
Let's say that you are now working on some really innovative, groundbreaking, very sensitive and beyond top secret projects. You came across this article by accident or just sheer providence which got the wheels in your mind spinning rapidly in all directions. You're now wondering how this World of Virtual Organizations can complement or add value to what you are now working on. Your question could be as simple as this:
"Pierre, it's now my turn to flip the script on you since you are so fond of saying that you are working on things that are light-years ahead of today's mainstream. We are now working on things that you cannot even begin to imagine or understand and that I am now unable to disclose or discuss with you. However, that being said, your article leads me to believe that there is a possibility that certain aspects of this World of Virtual Organizations that you speak of could add value to what we are now working on. How should I proceed?"
My answer could be as simple as this:
"Thank you, Robert, for your inquiry. I accept with deep humility your flipping the script on me and, in fact, I welcome your challenge. Go to Virtual Organization Advisors in order to review detailed instructions on how to proceed in a seamless and very transparent fashion. I look forward to talking with you soon."
Next Step for Potential Collaborators
- Virtual Organization Management Institute
- Virtual Organization Advisors
- Virtual Organization Leadership
- League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives
- The New Virtual Organization World Consortium
- Virtual Campus Dormitory Consortium
- Virtual Residential Community Consortium
- VOMI Global Think Tank
- You Are NOT White, Black, Brown, Minority, Racist, Privileged or Disadvantaged
- Member-In-Principle: The Ultimate Membership Level
- I Don't Care to "Do Business" With You, Your Organization or Government
- Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa
- League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives
- Sanity Is the Conformity to Insanity and Absurdities
- Insanity Is the Rejection of Sanity and a Precursor to Knowledge Discovery
- Your Choice: A Better World Or a Brand New World?
- Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a "Civilized World Financial System"
- Folly of Visionary’s Frustration In The Land of the Blind, Deaf and Dumb
- Virtual Organization Advisors
- Virtual Organization Leadership
- Virtual Organization Recruiter
- Virtual Organization Management Institute
- Virtual Organization Management Institute Repository
- The New Virtual Organization World Consortium
- Digital Currency Consortium
- Digital Currency Ethical Board
- The Digital Currency Manifesto
- Virtual Campus Dormitory Consortium
- Virtual Residential Community Consortium
- A Global Need For Principled Geopolitical Leaders
- Treatise On Political Evolution
Stock Photo: courtesy of Pixabay
Copyright 2007-2022. Pierre Coupet. VOMI. Virtual Organization Management Institute. Virtual Organization Leadership. Virtual Organization Advisors. Virtual Organization Executives. Blockchain Executives. VOMI Virtual Organization Academy. Virtual Organization Recruiter. VOMI Global Think Tank. All rights reserved. Cannot be reproduced without permission.