The New Virtual Organization World
It's a New Principled and Civilized World, It's Virtual and It's Organized
- Moment in Time #1. The No Need to Rush, Will Cross that Bridge When We Get There Moment. There are times when we come across something of value that might be of interest to us, however, we have more pressing matters to deal with; and thus, we are willing to put things on hold until such time that we can turn our attention toward it.
And, from our standpoint, it's just fine if we lose that opportunity.
- Moment in Time #2. The Brief Moment in Time When Something Unexpected Comes Along and We Got to Have It Now. There are also times when we come across something that we don't necessarily need but feel that we can get it now if the price is right. That impulsive moment when you feel that you don't want to pass up on an opportunity because it's a bargain. However, as time passes, that euphoric feeling evaporates and you come to your senses. At which point, you are either glad that you didn't get it; and if you did get it, you develop buyer's remorse and feel that you made an ill-conceived decision and unnecessary move.
In any case, think of that brief moment in time as the Gotta Have It Now or Buy It Now moment.
- Moment in Time #3. A Rare Moment in Time When You Come Across a Unique Opportunity, Instantly Realize It, and Will Spare No Effort to Grab It and Hold on to It. Last but not least, there are times when we come across an ideal and priceless opportunity; instantly realize it; have no need for anyone to convince us of its value and merits; view that time period as a Brief Window of Opportunity; and thus, will immediately grab it and do whatever is humanly possible in order to hold on to it.
Well, think of this moment in time as When the Stars Finally Align.
This moment in time indeed applies to those of you who view any of these domains from both a Synergistic and Symbiotic standpoint - This Rare Moment in Time When the Stars Finally Align.
In essence, that's what the Last Chance Link is about. It takes you to a location which encapsulates the foregoing three (3) moments in time and gives you the opportunity to select the one option that fits you best for a specific domain.
For example, there are three options to select from:
- Sale Price (applies to Moment in Time #1)
- Submit Offer (applies to Moment in Time #2)
- My Best Offer (applies to Moment in Time #3)
- Hundreds of hours of research spent on identifying potential organizations (by industry, field and sector) who would have a strong interest in acquiring a specific domain.
For example, potential suitors for include:
- Travel and Tourism Companies - down to a granular level
- Media and Publishing Companies with a focus on global issues and freedom of information
- Non-Profit Organizations with a focus on human rights, democracy, or global development.
- Technology Companies with a focus on internet freedom, privacy, or global connectivity.
- Educational Institutions focused on global studies or international relations (e.g., Princeton University, Dartmouth College, Columbia University, etc.)
- Political Organizations such as think tanks, advocacy groups, or political parties with a focus on global issues.
- Hundreds of hours of research compiling a list of specific organizations, narrowing the list down to the ones that have the means and are most likely to benefit from acquiring such domain, and then conduct further research on each member of their Executive Leadership Team. Such research includes a review of their career background and accomplishments in order to assess their ability to understand the intrinsic value of the domain to their organization - so we can come up with a list of finalists that we can approach regarding the domain.
- The approach includes sending a custom email to each finalist which either includes the link to a detailed article (e.g., A Call to Potential Architects and Standard-Bearers of the Repository of The Free World) ::: or a confidential and comprehensive document via such email ::: which specifically outlines Our Grand Vision for that Specific Domain, its Intrinsic Value, and how the finalist organization stands to benefit from its acquisition of that domain. Instead of the typical harebrained reason or voodoo explanation offered by so-called domain negotiation experts, domain valuation experts, or domain appraisal tools with respect to what makes a domain name valuable (e.g., 4 letters or less, 10 characters or less, memorable, site traffic, annual revenues, search engine ranking, etc.)
- To express your interest in the domain, you are directed to a Secure and End-to-End Encrypted Form which will reinforce the information you have already been provided via email or within the foregoing article. At which point, you will then have an opportunity to evaluate the information provided for that domain and determine for yourself if its acquisition is an Exclusive Opportunity or a Commodity.
If you deem that domain to be a Commodity, you will be advised to Stop Right There and Not Proceed Any Further with respect to that domain.
On the other hand, if you view the acquisition of that domain as an Exclusive Opportunity, you will be provided with crucial information on how to assign a specific value to that domain with respect to your own organization. At which point, you will have an opportunity to submit your best and final offer under the section: My Best Offer for (domain name).
(Please note you will NOT receive any counteroffers from us. Nor will you be able to submit any more offers for this domain. Therefore, think wisely before you submit your best and final offer.)
- Upon receipt of your My Best Offer for a domain, if we deem it a bona fide and reasonable offer, we will respond to you via email and forward your information to our Outside Legal Counsel who will provide you detailed information - in writing - on how to proceed.
Otherwise, you will NOT hear from us at all.
In the event that the domain is also listed for sale on a domain registration service provider, we will then use an alternative method for you to deal directly with the domain registration provider with respect to the sale and payment for the domain. Ethics first.
Benefits of the Concierge Level Service
First and Foremost. We are clearly aware that our domains will be of interest to only a very small and exclusive group of companies and institutions - a very small club. Therefore, it makes no sense to use the same cookie-cutter approach used for the mass marketing and sale of domains - as well as for customer and sales support; an experience which leaves a lot to be desired.
You expect excellent customer service and sales support; a lot of transparency; a professional, welcoming environment; and an enhanced domain acquisition experience; none of which can be provided by domain registrars. Hence the reason for the Concierge Level Service.
Second. You are being introduced to an Exclusive Opportunity instead of a Commodity. A substantial amount of research has already been conducted and shared with you via email or through a published article that is available to the public.
Third. A symbiotic relationship exists between a domain name and an exclusive opportunity. In other words, the domain name is just the ideal conduit for the exclusive opportunity. Regardless of what these so-called domain name experts would want you to believe, on its own, a domain name has ZERO intrinsic value and whatever worthless superficial value that a domain name expert or domain appraisal tool is willing to assign to it.
Fourth. Based on the extensive research information we have already shared with you, you know more about the intrinsic value of the domain name than all these so-called domain name experts and negotiators in the world.
Fifth. With respect to customer service and sales support, there is no need for you to make telephone calls, leave messages or be put on hold waiting for someone at a call center (in the US, Pakistan, India, the Philippines, Bangladesh, Estonia, or Costa Rica) to get on the phone with you - only to finally get transferred to someone in the US who knows absolutely nothing about your company, your needs, and the importance and value of the domain name you are inquiring about.
In all fairness, you should not expect them to know any of these things - it's way above their pay grade and they are not trained for that. They are doing the very best they can under the circumstances.
Sixth. No need to worry about language barriers with respect to obtaining accurate information from customer service and sales representatives pretending to be domain name experts and negotiators. No need to worry about obtaining professional, reliable, and ethical customer support.
Seventh. When it comes to making an offer for a domain name, there is NO Minimum Offer or Price Ceiling to deal with. No need to exchange a string of emails or participate in any sort of haggling, bidding, or back and forth negotiation. Just submit online a reasonable offer which makes sense to you, that is all!
Eighth. No need to worry about the security risk of submitting confidential information online or by phone to a third party or domain sales representative prior to knowing for sure that you will be able to close the deal. In fact, you will only be instructed as to whom and where to submit your payment once you have actually submitted a bona fide offer for the domain since we already know who we are dealing with.
Ninth. No need to worry about running the risk of another potential buyer submitting a better offer due to the simple fact that once your offer is officially accepted, we will not be able to accept any other offer.
In the meantime, if that domain was really invaluable to your organization, and this was a Window of Opportunity that is bound to close anytime soon, you just gave your competitors an opportunity to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.
In which case, Intelligence, Leadership, Decisiveness, and Speed of Execution are the only factors which will determine the outcome of this high-stakes contest - and the Ultimate Winner.
- Last Chance Link for
- Last Chance Link for
- Last Chance Link for the following:
- Last Chance Link for the following:
- ::: Pertains to the global Human Evolution Station 2-22-2222 initiative. Go to Perplexity AI for more information.
- ::: Pertains to maintaining a historical record of transactions and values assigned to the legacy version of CloudCoin, the world's only bona fide digital currency. As well as its uses as a Boarding Pass for Human Evolution Train 2-22-2222 and other aspects of the global Human Evolution Station 2-22-2222 initiative. Go to Perplexity AI for more information.
- ::: a think tank and forum for spreading a message of goodwill, innovation and human evolution to the CloudCoin digital currency universe. Click here for ideas.
- ::: Click here for ideas.
- ::: Click here for ideas.
- :: For priceless domain name investors. Pertains to the website of League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives
- :: Pertains to Residential Real Estate Development uniquely suited for Virtual Organization Leadership Executives and other Virtual Organization Leadership professionals working primarily in a 100% Virtual Organization environment.
- :: For premium and priceless domain investors. Pertains to a stealth global initiative which amounts to Making a Giant Leap on the Road to Human Evolution.
- :: For a Global Executive Search Firm which specializes in the global search for Virtual Organization Leadership Executives.
- :: For a Global Staffing Agency which specializes in the global search for personnel who will be working primarily in a Virtual Organization environment.
- :: For domain name investors
- :: For domain name investors.
- Submit Offer. The "Submit Offer" option for may have a Minimum Offer requirement. (Since it is no longer listed for sale on any domain registration service provider, you will not be able to do so on the latter. However, a version of the Last Chance Link for this domain may include such option and minimum offer requirement.)
- My Best Offer. Whereas the "My Best Offer" option has NO Minimum Offer requirement and NO Price Ceiling. In theory, that means it is possible for you to submit only $1 as your best offer. As well, it's also possible for you to also submit an offer that is more or much more than the Sale Price.
Do my fellow competitors understand the Intrinsic Value of domain relative to their organization and, if so, what is the maximum amount that any one of them would be willing to offer?
For your convenience, if you view as an Exclusive Opportunity, then use the Last Chance link below in order to proceed to submit your My Best Offer.
- Last Chance Link for
Question: If we were to obtain domain, since you have already articulated to us Your Vision of Global Initiative, would you be able to assist us in its implementation whenever we are ready to proceed?
Answer: As it stands this very minute and second, the answer is yes. However, that being said, I am contemplating retirement in the very near future. At which point, the likelihood of such possibility will gradually recede over time. I hope that helps!
Decisiveness and Speed of Execution is Key. As the old saying goes, the early bird catches the worms.
Supplemental Information for Advocates of Human Evolution
Obtain a Human Evolution Station License in order to submit a support request if you have any questions or issues and would like some ideas or solutions. Moreover, I invite you to review at your own leisure these additional documents which offer a deep insight into the virtual organization management discipline and virtual organization leadership; as well as the need for mankind to make the transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being in order to further embark on the road to Human Evolution. No need to rush, just bookmark this page, you have an entire lifetime to read them:
- You Are NOT White, Black, Brown, Minority, Racist, Privileged or Disadvantaged
- Member-In-Principle: The Ultimate Membership Level
- Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa
- League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives
- Sanity Is the Conformity to Insanity and Absurdities
- Insanity Is the Rejection of Sanity and a Precursor to Knowledge Discovery
- Your Choice: A Better World Or a Brand New World?
- Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a "Civilized World Financial System"
- Folly of Visionary’s Frustration In The Land of the Blind, Deaf and Dumb
- Virtual Organization Advisors
- Virtual Organization Leadership
- All Roads Lead to Damascus:: Where All Dreams of a Better World Meet a Fateful End
- Virtual Organization Management Institute
- Virtual Organization Management Institute Repository
- The New Virtual Organization World Consortium
- Digital Currency Consortium
- Digital Currency Ethical Board
- The Digital Currency Manifesto
- Virtual Campus Dormitory Consortium
- Virtual Residential Community Consortium
- A Global Need For Principled Geopolitical Leaders
- Treatise On Political Evolution
Copyright 2007-2024. Pierre Coupet. VOMI. Virtual Organization Management Institute. Virtual Organization Leadership. Virtual Organization Advisors. Virtual Organization Executives. Blockchain Executives. VOMI Virtual Organization Academy. Virtual Organization Recruiter. VOMI Global Think Tank. All rights reserved. Cannot be reproduced without permission.