Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Whatever You Do to My Brother, You Will Also Do to Me...


The New Virtual Organization World

It's a New Principled and Civilized World, It's Virtual and It's Organized

Whatever You Do to My Brother, You Will Also Do to Me...
By Pierre Coupet

There is a universal rule:  Given the time, place and circumstances, whatever you do to my brother, you will also do to me if and when you are given the chance.  

In a world of Intelligent Beings, no explanation or dissertation is required.  However, as we all know, that is not the world we live in.  We have yet to make the transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being - a process which, at the very least, may take another 20,000 - 2 million years.  Therefore, let me dice it out for those of you who may be wondering where I am going with this.  

Definition of Brother.  First and foremost, "brother" has nothing to do with gender.  It's just an expression used for any human being (alive or deceased) on the face of the earth.  For those of you who have been infected with the so-called woke ideology and may be wondering, why not "sister" instead of "brother," if you are a female, you are welcome to replace the word "brother " with "sister."  

Therefore, it can also be said, "Given the time, place and circumstances, whatever you do to my sister, you will also do to me if and when you are given the chance."   

The Entire Human Race Is Running Out of Time

Now that I have gotten that out of the way, let me address the primary and overarching reason why I thought it necessary to bring up this subject.   

That's because the entire human race has run out of time and the current Human Devolution Train we are all on (also known as Human Evolution Train 2-22-222) is now careening at full speed toward a precipice leading us straight into the Abyss of Hell - wherefrom we will never be able to crawl our way out or recover. 

Over a period of billions of years of our existence on this planet, the human race has somehow managed with the assistance of technology to make the transition from being "the lowest of all life forms on planet Earth" to becoming "the most hideous, horrific, primitive, barbaric and savage creatures" on the face of the earth - if not the entire universe.   

A tragic outcome which has turned the entire human race into an existential threat to not only the whole of mankind but also to all other life forms on planet Earth. 

The irony of it all is that we have somehow deluded ourselves into thinking that we are Evolving  instead of Devolving, and that we are the "most intelligent creatures" on the planet.  

In fact, comparing a human being to an "animal" or "subhuman" is a disgrace to all animals and so-called subhumans.

But Pierre, I Don't Understand

Please note I am fully aware you cannot understand what I just said.  However, the a priori truths I am about to introduce ::: the few questions that I am about to ask ::: the indisputable facts I am about to present ::: and the comments, statements and observations I am about to make :::  will help clear the air for some of you - at least, just a little bit.  Inshallah!

A Priori Truths

  • The Human Race.  We are all members of the human race.  In other words, we are all genetically related to each other.  We are all members of the same family.  We are all distant cousins to whomever we are unable to directly trace on our own family tree.  

Yes, whoever and wherever you are, You Are My Cousin whether or not you want to believe it.  

  • We Have a Creator.   We are all created by some Intelligence that we can all refer to as "Our Creator."  Other than the fact that we were Created, we know absolutely NOTHING about this Creator.   However, that being said, this hasn't stopped trillions of human beings over the billions, if not trillions, of years since our creation from guessing or pretending to know the attributes of such Creator, and when and why we were in fact created.
  • Our Home is Planet Earth.    Planet Earth is Our Home. It is Our Land.  We are just transient caretakers of whichever little corner of the land we happen to be born in.  When our life ends on this planet and we make the transition to the next world or dimension ::: yes, you morons, there is another world after this one ::: that little corner of the planet that we occupy is left to our progeny to maintain as well as build upon.   

However, we should be free to roam anywhere throughout Our Home without anybody's goddamn permission, even though that is not currently the case.

  • Planet Earth is a Beautiful Sight to Behold.  A Paradise unto Itself.   Earth is such a beautiful planet!  However, that being said, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.  Thence, most human beings are completely oblivious to such beauty and take a great deal of pleasure at destroying our planet in more ways than any Intelligent Being can even imagine.  
  • Planet Earth Is a Planet of Human Slaves.  We all live a life of slaves on this planet.  No one has a clue as to whether or not this is by design since none of us has the ability, or know how, to carry a conversation with Our Creator.  However, the facts from time immemorial to present day, minute and second speak for themselves.   

The only thing that we can be certain of is that We All Live and Manifest in a Virtual Reality of Slaves, Masters, and Morons whose foundation lies on the Tyranny of The State and Global Financial SystemThe point being, Slavery cannot exist or flourish without The State and Global Financial System.  

  • The Human Race is a Horde of Primitive And Barbaric Savages ("PABS").  The facts from time immemorial to present day, minute and second speak for themselves.   

(The latest example is the current WholesaleHorrific and Diabolical Slaughter of Our Cousins in Gaza by Their Cousins in Israel and The United States of America which is now being filmed and streamed live and in color for all the world to see - all done without a shred of remorse and conscience, and with total impunity.)  

It would take at least a million years to record mankind's savagery, butchery and barbarity.   We are either Predators or Prey. When we are not victimizing others, we are being victimized.  The pendulum is constantly swinging from one direction to the next - and never stops.  None of us gets a free pass.  

Shame On Every Single Human Being on this planet for allowing this to happen on our watch either directly or indirectly.  We are all guilty in one way or another.              

  • We Are All Infected with a Virus which Turns All Human Beings Into Slaves.  This virus is embedded in the DNA of every single human being on our planet and turns us all into Slaves, Masters, and Morons.  Based on the manifestation of this virus, I coined the term "Sla-Mas-Moron Virus" back in December 2015 as a fitting name.  Nobody knows when the Sla-Mas-Moron Virus was inserted into our DNA.  Therefore, it is highly likely that none of us will ever get to know when and why this came about.
  • We Are All Intelligent Beings-In Progress.     The only clue that we have about being some sort of Intelligent Being-In Progress is that we are constantly trying to mimic Our Creator.  We have yet to make the transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being.     

A Few Questions that I Have for You

  • Since we are all related to each other, what is the difference between your life and the life of one of your cousins across the globe?  Which one has more value?  Which one is worth defending, fighting for, saving, and putting your own life on the line whenever a bully, thug, coward, scumbag, psychopath, sociopath, vile and demented tyrant, or lying sack of shit rears their ugly head for whatever reasons?   
  • What is the difference between your son's life and the life of a son of one of your cousins across the globe?  Which one has more value?   Which one is worth defending, fighting for, saving, and putting your own life on the line whenever a bully, thug, coward, scumbag, psychopath, sociopath, vile and demented tyrant, or lying sack of shit rears their ugly head for whatever reasons? 
  • What is the difference between your daughter's life and the life of a daughter of one of your cousins across the globe?  Which one has more value?   Which one is worth defending, fighting for, saving, and putting your own life on the line whenever a bully, thug, coward, scumbag, psychopath, sociopath, vile and demented tyrant, or lying sack of shit rears their ugly head for whatever reasons?
  • What is the difference between your spouse's life and the life of a spouse of one of your cousins across the globe?  Which one has more value?   Which one is worth defending, fighting for, saving, and putting your own life on the line whenever a bully, thug, coward, scumbag, psychopath, sociopath, vile and demented tyrant, or lying sack of shit rears their ugly head for whatever reasons?
  • What is the difference between your newborn infant dangling at the edge of life in an incubator at a hospital, fighting to survive, and the newborn infant of one of your cousins across the globe?  Whose life has more value?  Which one is worth defending, fighting for, saving, and putting your own life on the line whenever a bully, thug, coward, scumbag, psychopath, sociopath, vile and demented tyrant, or lying sack of shit rears their ugly head for whatever reasons?
  • What is the difference between the home that you and your family now live in and the home of one of your cousins across the globe?   Which home has more value?  Which one is worth defending, fighting for, saving, and putting your own life on the line whenever a bully, thug, coward, scumbag, psychopath, sociopath, vile and demented tyrant, or lying sack of shit rears their ugly head and invades your home for whatever reasons?
  • What is the difference between your need to be treated with respect and dignity and the need of one of your cousins to be treated with respect and dignity across the globe?   Whose need  for respect and dignity has more value?  Which one is worth defending, fighting for, saving, and putting your own life on the line whenever an invader, bully, thug, coward, scumbag, psychopath, sociopath, vile and demented tyrant, or lying sack of shit rears their ugly head and begins to humiliate you, assault you, and trample on your dignity and need for respect for whatever reasons?   

Indisputable Facts I Am About to Present

  • Each and every single one of us throughout the entire history of mankind has been either a direct or indirect Contributor to all the wrongs, carnage and evil in the world due to the simple fact that Nothing that is happening today, this very minute and second, is the result of Some Malevolent Entities that sprung up on us out of nowhere.   

I wish I could say that what is happening today in Gaza is something that No One Could Have Possibly Predicted and that this is the work of The Devil Himself.     

However, the only difference between the current Genocide of Palestinians in Gaza and all the Millions of Other Genocides committed by our Cousins against their fellow Cousins throughout the entire history of mankind is that today's WholesaleHorrific and Diabolical Slaughter  of Our Cousins in Gaza by Their Cousins in Israel and The United States of America is now being filmed and streamed live and in color for all the world to see.  

None of the parties to this slaughter care to hide or refute their actions.  In fact, they are proudly and brazenly justifying their actions and even refuse to condemn it or show any remorse whatsoever.  Their only interest is in finishing the job as soon as possible. 

With the exception of the small and courageous nation of Yemen in the Middle East which took a mighty stand and dared to declare war against Israel, ALL other world leaders trembled like a bunch of Chihuahuas,  pissed and shit in their pants, and stood there like a bunch of Cowards and Scumbags, posturing, grandstanding, wordsmithing, babbling, denouncing and taking half-ass measures;  while watching the Slaughter of their fellow Cousins being broadcast live and in color on their computer and television screens.  

  • The reason for such Cowardice, Spinelessness, Pathetic Display of Fake Concern and Outrage, and Total Disgrace is plain and simple.  With respect to each of the foregoing questions I just asked, "Which one has more value ::: Whose life has more value ::: Which home has more value ::: Whose need for respect and dignity has more value," these world leaders were all able to rationalize, equivocate and differentiate.    And such is the case for every single human being on this planet.   

Hence the reason why what is now happening in Gaza will continue to occur for millions of years for as long as we remain infected with the Sla-Mas-Moron Virus and tethered to The State and Global Financial System; thence, unable to evolve.                               

My Comments, Statements and Observations

Now I can tell you where I am going with this when I stated, "Whatever you do to my brother, you will also do to me if and when you are given the chance." 

  • Don't go by what people say, go by what people do.  If somebody can find a reason to harm another human being for no apparent and valid reason,  to invade their residence and move them out of their home, to slaughter family members and chase them off their land, to bulldoze their home when a family member tries to resist, then I have absolutely no doubt that this person (more like a monster and maniacal son of a bitch) will also do the same to me.   Case closed. 

The point being, never delude yourself into thinking that your "special relationship" with someone; some organization, institution or other entity; or some government will keep you out of harm's way or spare you from their wrath.  

All that is needed is a reason, and believe it or not, reasons are like assholes and elbows, and everybody got one.  

  • If One of Your Allies can drop a bomb on any structure or hospital 
:::: where helpless women, children, babies, infants, newborns, babies in incubators clinging to life and fighting to survive, pregnant mothers, cancer patients, elderly patients suffering from Alzheimer's and dementia, heart disease patients,  and patients in operating rooms are located and known to be seeking refuge or treatment ::::  
Then What Makes You Think That YOUR ALLY wouldn't do the very same thing to YOU and Your People if and when it is given the chance? 

  • If your own government can plunder, invade and enslave another nation, then that same government :: YOUR GOVERNMENT :: will one day find any reason to plunder you, invade your space and enslave you any time it wishes to do so. 

(In fact, this is happening all over the world, right now this very minute and second, in the form of a bottomless pit of new legislation, mandates, laws, sanctions, restrictions, investigations, inquisitions, persecutions, prosecutions, imprisonment, torture, assassinations, asset forfeiture, fines, taxes, etc.) 

  • If your country has an "unbreakable bond" with one of its steadfast allies, and eventually finds it expedient to abandon such ally because it perceives such action to be pragmatic and in its own best interests, then your country will also do the very same thing to YOU - its own people.  

(In fact, the leaders of every single country, dynasty, or empire in the world ::: from time immemorial to present day, including this very minute and second as you read this ::: have done that repeatedly and there is no end to that sort of cowardice and betrayal.)  

You have absolutely no idea of how much discipline and restraint it took for me to avoid mentioning a List of Countries and Leaders that are NOW engaged in this practice and providing you with clear and irrefutable evidence.  

The point being, at the end of the day, after all has been said and done, eventually it is YOUR OWN LEADERS who will betray YOU and SELL YOU OUT.   

In the Grand Scheme of Things

But the crux of this article has to do with the Grand Scheme of Things:  The Need for Mankind to EVOLVEHuman Evolution - and nothing else.   

Otherwise, trying to document the sordid and pathetic history of mankind since time immemorial is truly an exercise in futility due to the simple fact that I would only be preaching to the choir.  People all over the world have become numb and desensitized to this sort of evil.  Beyond the initial shock and revulsion, people eventually lose interest and go on with the business of life.    

And this document would suffer the same fate as that of MILLIONS OF OTHER DOCUMENTS, written in one form or another, which have sought to ring the alarm bells.  

It would Float in a Fiery and Endless Storm of Fear, Intrigue, Apathy, Amnesia, Ignorance,  Death and Destruction.   Nothing would be learned from its content, and it would soon be forgotten, minutes after being read.       

Why is that, you might ask?    That's because 

:::: (1)  focusing on what is happening now;  (2)  going down the rabbit hole in order to analyze current events and predict a final outcome;  (3)  going on a fishing expedition in order to dredge up the past and seek redress of prior grievances;  (4) going on an archaeological excavation in order to uncover new evidence of mankind's atrocities and rewrite history; (5)  keeping you entertained;  (6) keeping you misinformed and disinformed(7) keeping you afraid and scared to death of either the boogeyman or your government;  (8) Keeping you busy, scared, incensed, revulsed, angry, and mad at each other and the world; and last but not least, (9) keeping everybody focused on Making a Living (from the homeless to the billionaires) ::::

These things are exactly what the Architects of Mayhem, Death and Destruction ("The Unholy Trinity") want you to do in order for them to Maintain the current Slave-Master-Moron World Order on our planet.   

They do NOT want to lose your attention.  They can't afford to lose your attention.  They can ill afford to have mankind wake up from our current Sleepwalking state and Zombie condition.  They understand full well that, The Minute You Wake Up, this will spell the end of Slavery for good on this planet; and there is no way they will be able to put the genie back in the bottle.      

Who is The Unholy Trinity.  In a nutshell, The Unholy Trinity consists of the following:  1) the so-called Deep State or Cabal, 2) The State, and 3) The Global Financial System.         

I have already written a great deal about this subject; therefore, if you care to learn more, just go on an archaeological excavation at Virtual Organization Management Institute Repository.  In the interim, there is plenty of material in this document that will allow you to get the ball rolling on the road to Human Evolution.

In Conclusion

In order to EVOLVE, you have to mentally and physically Walk Away from All This Madness and Let the Children Play.   However, that being said, You First Need to Wake Up - it's a very simple process which only requires your own personal initiative.

To Wake Up, review Boarding Pass for Human Evolution Train 2-22-2222 for more information and details on how to proceed.  As the old saying goes, the road of a thousand miles begins with a single step.  This boarding pass is that very first step on the Road to Human Evolution

Hopefully, this boarding pass may eventually lead you to want to become An Official Human Evolution Ambassador.   However, that being said, as another old saying goes, "first things first, one step at a time."    I mentioned it only because I want to let you know that there is much, much more to human evolution than just this boarding pass.  

One small but critical human evolution admonition:  If you care about the cause of Human Evolution, besides sharing this document with others on social media, Go beyond that!   That means, use your own intelligence and imagination in order to come up with ingenious ways to get the link to this document in front of as many people as possible across the globe.    

I am positive and confident that, somewhere out there in the vast wilderness of social media, there are many geniuses and incredible talent who can figure out how to do this without resorting to spamming others and any illegal, immoral, nefarious and spurious activities.  

Intermediate Step

  • All Potential Candidates for Official Human Evolution Ambassador.    Take the Initiative.  Spend at least a couple of weeks reading as much information as possible about Human Evolution that are listed on, or referenced within, this document.  Upon completion, then proceed to Request an On Demand Human Evolution Videoconference in order to offer ideas and insights on how this position fits into the Global Scheme of Things for both you and the cause of Human Evolution. 
Advanced Steps         
  • Potential Human Evolution Station Stakeholders.   If you are the CEO or Other Key Decision-Maker at an organization who has never really given much thought to Human Evolution, and how that fits into the Grand Scheme of Things at your organization ::: particularly with respect to becoming a Human Evolution Station ::: then I strongly recommend that you convene a Human Evolution Station Brainstorm Session with the members of your  Executive Leadership Team in order to review :::: Boarding Pass for Human Evolution Train 2-22-2222 :::: and explore the immense number of immediate and long-term benefits of becoming a Human Evolution Station to your organization.  
As the old saying goes, two heads are better than one. I welcome your insights, foresight, wisdom and judgment.
You may also Obtain a Human Evolution Station License in order to submit a support request if you have any questions or issues and would like some ideas or solutions.

Or Click Here for Detailed Information about a Human Evolution Station.   

  • Human Evolution Station 2-22-2222 Stakeholders.  If you or your organization fall into the category of a Human Evolution Station 2-22-2222 and would like the opportunity to issue the Boarding Pass for Human Evolution Train 2-22-2222 to your constituents, then Click Here for Detailed Information about a Human Evolution Station License.     
  • Hardcore Advocates for Human Evolution.  If you believe that you fit the profile of a  Hardcore Advocate for Human Evolution and deem it an honor, privilege and opportunity to count yourself among kindred spirits on the current Human Evolution Train 2-22-222 :::: and would like to either support or contribute to the cause of human evolution, however you deem fit :::: then proceed to Next Station on the Road to Human Evolution:  2 22 2222.   Be sure to take the time to follow through on the links listed in the main body of this document and proceed accordingly. 
  • Seeking a More Prominent and Influential Role in Human Evolution.   If you seek a more prominent and influential role in Human Evolution; have all the time in the world and the financial means to engage in such pursuit; then I invite you to request an invitation to join League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executivessubject to a great deal of consideration and approval. It's a very high hurdle to overcome.  (In other words, receipt of the invitation is not automatic.)
  • Member-In-Principle.  If you are NOT really an Advocate for Human Evolution, and yet believe that you could contribute in whatever way you deem fit, then I invite you to peruse the article ::: Member-In-Principle: The Ultimate Membership Level ::: for details on how to proceed. 
  • Subliminal Supporter of Human Evolution.   If you are merely a Subliminal Supporter of Human Evolution, then you are welcome to share the link to this document with family, friends, colleagues and associates in your Circle of Influence who share the cause of Human Evolution. One of them will surely thank you for it.
  • Want More Info on the Profile of Passengers of Human Evolution Train 2-22-222.  If this is your initial exposure to the concept of Human Evolution; and you would like to know more about the profile of the passengers on the current Human Evolution Train for whatever reasons that you may have; then the following article ::: From King of the Jungle to Living in a Valley of Kings  ::: provides you with the details.
A Priceless Parting Gift to All

Anytime my late dad, Joseph A. Coupet Sr., wanted to share with me a little bit of advice, knowledge or useful information, he would always say, "Pierre, it's now time for us to delve into the secrets of the gods."  

Of course, who in their right mind, could possibly resist the temptation of being privy to the secrets of the gods; thus, with great anticipation, I waited for him to put me in the know - in that special group of people with access to valuable information. 

In that spirit, consider yourself now privy to the secrets of the gods as I share with you this document:    

    Supplemental Information for Advocates of Human Evolution 

    You may also Obtain a Human Evolution Station License in order to submit a support request if you have any questions or issues and would like some ideas or solutions.  Moreover, I invite you to review at your own leisure these additional documents which offer a deep insight into the virtual organization management discipline and virtual organization leadership; as well as the need for mankind to make the transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being in order to further embark on the road to Human Evolution.   No need to rush, just bookmark this page, you have an entire lifetime to read them:   

    Let Us Manifest!

    About Author:  Pierre Coupet, Q of VOM, is the founder of Virtual Organization Management Institute (VOMI), Virtual Organization Management Institute Repository,  VOMI Global Think Tank VOMI Virtual Organization AcademyVirtual Organization LeadershipVirtual Organization AdvisorsVirtual Organization RecruiterDigital Currency Consortium, Digital Currency Ethical Board,  Virtual Organization JobsVirtual Organization  Executives, and Blockchain Executives :: founder of the modern virtual organization management and virtual organization recruitment disciplines pioneered since 1997:: founder of League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives:: and Lead Architect of  Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial SystemContact Online.   

    Copyright 2007-2024. Pierre Coupet. VOMI. Virtual Organization Management Institute. Virtual Organization Leadership. Virtual Organization Advisors.  Virtual Organization Executives. Blockchain Executives. VOMI Virtual Organization Academy. Virtual Organization Recruiter. VOMI Global Think Tank. All rights reserved. Cannot be reproduced without permission.