The New Virtual Organization World
It's a New Principled and Civilized World, It's Virtual, and It's Organized
Official Relaunch of Social Media Watercooler: Ghosts of Social Media Past, Present and Future
By Pierre Coupet
I am very pleased to announce the official relaunch of Social Media Watercooler and the release of the live stream of our very first Hangouts On Air event.
I invite you to be my guest on Social Media Watercooler if you would like an opportunity to make a 5-10 minute presentation about your private initiatives or your company's products and services followed by a 5-10 minute discussion about the impact of social media on such initiatives or your organization.
Social Media Watercooler is a FREE weekly event (for both guests and attendees) held every Saturday between 5 AM - 9 AM PST USA via Hangouts On Air. You are welcome to invite anyone to hear you speak.
Click here for more information or to schedule a date and time for your presentation.
By Pierre Coupet
I am very pleased to announce the official relaunch of Social Media Watercooler and the release of the live stream of our very first Hangouts On Air event.
I invite you to be my guest on Social Media Watercooler if you would like an opportunity to make a 5-10 minute presentation about your private initiatives or your company's products and services followed by a 5-10 minute discussion about the impact of social media on such initiatives or your organization.
Social Media Watercooler is a FREE weekly event (for both guests and attendees) held every Saturday between 5 AM - 9 AM PST USA via Hangouts On Air. You are welcome to invite anyone to hear you speak.
Click here for more information or to schedule a date and time for your presentation.
I look forward to hearing more from you - and about your organization - soon.
Best regards,
Pierre Coupet
Social Media Watercooler Host
Let Us Manifest!
on The New Virtual Organization World Consortium
on The New Virtual Organization World Consortium
About Author: Pierre Coupet, Q of VOM, is the founder of Virtual Organization Management Institute (VOMI), Virtual Organization Management Institute Repository, VOMI Global Think Tank, VOMI Virtual Organization Academy, Virtual Organization Leadership, Virtual Organization Advisors, Virtual Organization Recruiter, Digital Currency Consortium, Digital Currency Ethical Board, Virtual Organization Jobs, Social Media Watercooler, Virtual Organization Executives, and Blockchain Executives :: founder of the modern virtual organization management and virtual organization recruitment disciplines pioneered since 1997:: founder of League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives:: and Lead Architect of Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial System. Contact Online.
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Stock Photo: courtesy of Pixabay
Copyright 2007-2023. Pierre Coupet. VOMI. Virtual Organization Management Institute. Virtual Organization Leadership. Virtual Organization Advisors. Social Media Watercooler, Virtual Organization Executives. Blockchain Executives. VOMI Virtual Organization Academy. Virtual Organization Recruiter. VOMI Global Think Tank. All rights reserved. Cannot be reproduced without permission.