Human Evolution is a nanosecond-by-nanosecond process.
However, as it turned out, the simple truth is, they are the ones who are least likely able to understand :: in fact, I will venture to say, for the most part, they are totally incapable of understanding :: what this is all about for the simple reason that they are so deeply immersed, ingrained and psychologically invested in the status quo that they are indeed the ones who are too blind, deaf and dumb to grasp such a simple concept. (To understand what I mean by that, see Folly of Visionary’s Frustration In The Land of the Blind, Deaf and Dumb - not now, you can read it later.)
In other words, throughout their entire lifetime, they have fought so long and hard; made so many sacrifices and Faustian bargains in order to get to where they are at now, this very second; and have drunken so much of the Devil's Brew from the Chalice of Secrecy, Realpolitik, Fear, Cowardice, Human Compromise Operations, Lies, Bullshit, Deception, Smoke and Mirrors, Misinformation, Disinformation, False Flag Operations, Mind Manipulation, Robbery, Exploitation, Oppression, Repression, Tyranny, Slavery, Wholesale Death and Destruction, Might Is Right, Wars of Conquest and Genocide; that deep down inside each and every single one of them they can only come to one conclusion: They stand more to lose than any other segment of the global population.
Human Evolution Paradox
So, here we are faced with a Human Evolution Paradox. Children are unable to implement what their own mind can easily and effortlessly grasp and comprehend. Whereas Adults are the only ones who have the ability to implement what their mind is unable to conceive, grasp and comprehend.
Thus, Human Evolution rests at the mercy of the pace of Mother Nature which cannot be rushed under any circumstances: one nanosecond at a time and under the strangest of circumstances.
In Conclusion
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Let Us Manifest!