Thursday, February 11, 2021

My Agenda: Collaboration, Principled Geopolitical Leadership and Human Evolution

The New Virtual Organization World

It's a New Principled and Civilized World, It's Virtual and It's Organized

Over the last couple of decades,
I have literally received thousands of compliments, accolades and requests from individuals, organizations, investors, institutions and governments  - including 
sovereign wealth funds and societies  - from all over the globe :::  regarding the activities of Virtual Organization Management Institute and related entities :::  and for information on how they can be part of any of our global initiatives.   The words most often used are "intriguing, fascinating, revolutionary, I want to know more."

In connection thereof, my tendency has always been to point them to several of my articles, papers and treatises (totaling anywhere from dozens to hundreds to thousands of pages) in order to provide them with a deep insight into one or more of our global initiatives.    For One Simple Reason:  
It is absolutely impossible to convey to any single human being on planet Earth what we are all about through some 30-second elevator pitch, 15-minute presentation, viral marketing, marketing gimmick, or smoke-and-mirrors and magic sleight of hand since we are introducing concepts that are deeply rooted in a philosophy that is totally alien to mankind and our current civilization:  Collaboration, Principled Geopolitical Leadership, and Human Evolution.   
Many of the responses I have received go along these lines:  "Pierre, I haven't yet had a chance to finish reading..." or "Pierre, the material you provided is just overwhelming..." or "Pierre, I am going on a 6-month sabbatical..." or "Pierre, there has been a death in the family..."   

In other words, in the absence of a clear understanding of this philosophy, the meaning of each one of these words ::: Collaboration, Principled Geopolitical Leadership, Human Evolution - as well as Principled Leadership, Virtual Organization Leadership, Political Evolution, The New Virtual Organization World, Intelligent Beings, A New Global Civilization of Intelligent Beings, A Civilized World Financial System :::  is subject to every single reader's interpretation and thus left in the eye of the beholder. 

The point being, when I say that our initiatives are "totally alien to mankind," I really mean it from both a literal and figurative standpoint.     Thus the need for me to approach things from a very simple My Agenda standpoint and then leave it up to each reader to either seek the light or embark on a search for enlightenment.  

My Agenda

In a nutshell,  here is what we are all about in chronological order:  

  • Agenda Item #1.    Internal Providers License.   Being the founder of both the Virtual Organization Management discipline pioneered since 1997 and Virtual Organization Management Institute, my primary focus is on offering  to Global 5000 organizations and governments worldwide an Internal Providers License which allows them to offer the Virtual Organization Leadership Executive Training, Assessment  and Certification and the formal Virtual Organization Leadership Executive designation  to 1000 Mid-Level Management to Senior Level Executives within their own organization.  

Such training includes the art of  CollaborationPrincipled Leadership and Principled Geopolitical Leadership.

  • Agenda Item #2.    Virtual Organization Leadership Force.   The knowledge gained at  Agenda Item #1 sets the stage for these organizations to develop their very own internal Virtual Organization Leadership Force  spread out across  the globe.   For Example,
    • Microsoft Virtual Organization Leadership Force  
    • Google Virtual Organization Leadership Force 
    • JP Morgan Virtual Organization Leadership Force 
    • AT&T Virtual Organization Leadership Force 
    • Apple Virtual Organization Leadership Force  
    • Netflix Virtual Organization Leadership Force  
    • Disney World Virtual Organization Leadership Force 
    • Amazon Virtual Organization Leadership Force  
    • US Congress Virtual Organization Leadership Force  
    • Department of Defense (DOD) Virtual Organization Leadership Force 
    • NASA Virtual Organization Leadership Force   
    • NSA Virtual Organization Leadership Force 
    • FEMA Virtual Organization Leadership Force 
    • Cyber Command Virtual Organization Leadership Force 
    • Yale Virtual Organization Leadership Force  
    • Harvard Virtual Organization Leadership Force 
    • MIT Virtual Organization Leadership Force 
    • South Africa Virtual Organization Leadership Force 
    • Belarus Virtual Organization Leadership Force 
    • African Union Virtual Organization Leadership Force 
    • NATO Virtual Organization Leadership Force 
    • European Union Virtual Organization Leadership Force 
Disclaimer:   Please note the aforementioned entities are strictly listed for illustrative purposes and are NOT existing clients of VOMI and affiliated entities as of the publication date of this article. 
  • Agenda Item #3.   Consortium Membership.   The implementation of Agenda Item #2 sets the stage for these organizations, institutions, governments, and academia  to jointly participate and collaborate in one or more of the following consortia:  
  • Agenda Item #4.   New Global Civilization of Intelligent Beings.   The implementation of Agenda Item #3 sets the stage for Political Evolution,  a Civilized World Financial System, the development of a New Global Civilization of Intelligent Beings and the beginning of a pursuit for enlightenment worldwide.
  • Agenda Item #5.   Human Evolution.   The implementation of Agenda Item #4  sets the stage for the beginning of HUMAN EVOLUTION. 
The Bottom Line

The bottom line is this:   We are all about Human Evolution.   However, that being said, and as clearly outlined throughout Agenda Items #1-5, it all begins with the Virtual Organization Management  discipline. 

Moreover, you will notice that NONE of the foregoing Agenda Items include the need for "Investors" for the simple reason that "We Have Absolutely No Need For Investors."   Participation in--and contribution to--the cause of Human Evolution is open to  everyone, including all potential investors.   In fact, I highly recommend membership in the foregoing consortia to all potential investors who seek to participate in the building of this New Global Civilization of Intelligent Beings.

In Conclusion

Therefore, my first priority is a focus on Collaborators, by extension,  Official Global Ambassadors  in every single country in the world.  Real Deal Collaborators  who truly share the Cause of Human Evolution ::  who are  Completely Independent :: "Who Will Do What They Say They Can Do," and "Who Will Give What They Say They Can Afford to Give."    

We are also focused on another group of Collaborators, by extension, Distinguished Members of League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives.     

If you believe that you might be a good fit for either of these two Collaborator opportunities, then proceed in accordance with the information provided within the referenced documents.  Otherwise,  I am not prepared to engage in discussions that fall short of Collaboration with anyone and thus lead to nowhere.  

On the other hand, even if you are NOT a fit,  if you know of anyone who may be a good fit, then share this document with them.

Let Us Manifest!

About Author:  Pierre Coupet, Q of Virtual Organization Management is the founder of Virtual Organization Management Institute (VOMI), VOMI Virtual Organization AcademyVirtual Organization Leadership, Virtual Organization Advisors, Virtual Organization Executives, Blockchain Executives,   VOMI Global Think Tank, and Virtual Organization Recruiter :: founder of the modern virtual organization management and virtual organization recruitment disciplines pioneered since 1997:: founder of League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives:: and Lead Architect of Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial SystemContact Online

Stock Photo: courtesy of Pixabay

Copyright 2007-2021. Pierre Coupet. VOMI. Virtual Organization Management Institute. Virtual Organization Leadership. Virtual Organization Advisors. Virtual Organization Executives. Blockchain Executives. VOMI Virtual Organization Academy. Virtual Organization Recruiter. VOMI Global Think Tank. All rights reserved. Cannot be reproduced without permission.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Open Door Policy For Friends, Colleagues and Social Media Contacts


The New Virtual Organization World

It's a New Principled and Civilized World, It's Virtual and It's Organized

Pierre CoupetI am very pleased to share with you the following link  which you can use to schedule a live videoconference  with me for either of the following reasons:
1)  To say hello or to make a referral :: 
2)  Whenever you have a thought or idea you would like to share with me or bounce around for some feedback :: or
3)  Whenever you feel the need to touch base due to some life-changing event or just for personal updates. 
It's a much better, professional, orderly and disciplined way to engage with friends, colleagues, associates and social media contacts - the sort of approach which lends legitimacy to the relationship and adds a truly personal and human dimension to communication in a virtual organization or social network environment.
With respect to any business-related correspondence, it goes without saying that you are always welcome to browse through the VOMI website for any collaboration or licensing opportunities and proceed accordingly.   
You are also free to contact me at any time via my contact info below.   
With respect to the global pandemic, the harsh times many are currently experiencing and the current economic climate, if you happen to be deeply affected by it, just keep in mind that "This too shall pass.
I look forward to staying in touch.  Keep the faith and keep up the good work. 
Kind regards,
Pierre Coupet
Founder & Q of VOM


Thursday, February 4, 2021

The World's Only Virtual Organization Careers Repository


The New Virtual Organization World

It's a New Principled and Civilized World, It's Virtual and It's Organized

How time flies!  It has been over five (5) years since the launch of Virtual Organization Jobs on January 26, 2016 - the world's leading and only destination for Virtual Organization Leadership Career Opportunities.    

Little did I know then that a Virtual Organization Leadership Executive would become one of the most prized executives in the world since the only bona fide virtual organizations in existence across the globe are all related to, or affiliated in some form or another with, Virtual Organization Management Institute, the pioneer of the Virtual Organization Management discipline and Virtual Organization Leadership.  

Fast Forward to Today

Now, more than ever, it seems that every single organization, institution and government throughout the globe has finally come to terms with the message that I have been sending out over the past 20 years about the need for all organizations, institutions and governments to launch their very own Virtual Organization Leadership Force - NOT Virtual Leadership Forcein order to ensure Business Continuity or Continuity Of Operations (COOP) in a Virtual Organization Leadership environment.   

Well, better late than never!  

Free Posting On Virtual Organization Jobs

Therefore, as a temporary measure, if your organization or institution has any bona fide "Virtual Organization Leadership" career opportunities that you would like for us to post on Virtual Organization Jobs,  send it directly to support[at]virtualorganizationleadership[dot]com for review and consideration.  If approved, you will be provided with a confirmation of the listing details.  

Let Us Manifest!


About Author:   Pierre Coupet, Q of Virtual Organization Management is the founder of Virtual Organization Management Institute (VOMI), VOMI Virtual Organization Academy,  Virtual Organization Leadership,  VOMI Global Think Tankand Virtual Organization Recruiter :: founder of the modern virtual organization management and virtual organization recruitment disciplines pioneered since 1997:: founder of League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives:: and Lead Architect of Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial SystemContact Online

Stock Photo: courtesy of Pixabay

Copyright 2007-2021.  Pierre Coupet.  VOMI. Virtual Organization Management Institute. Virtual Organization Leadership.  VOMI Virtual Organization Academy.  Virtual Organization Recruiter. VOMI Global Think Tank.  All rights reserved.  Cannot be reproduced without permission. 

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

The Virtual Organization Leadership Proof Is in the Coronavirus Virtual Leadership Challenge


The New Virtual Organization World

It's a New Principled and Civilized World, It's Virtual and It's Organized

It goes without saying that never before in the entire history of mankind have Leaders from every single field and industry throughout the entire globe been so simultaneously faced with a greater existential challenge:  The Existential Coronavirus Leadership Challenge.     

Moreover, with respect to industry, governments, educational institutions and all other institutions, and all religions across the globe, this existential challenge is further compounded by the Coronavirus Virtual Leadership Challenge.    In other words, How Can They Lead Effectively In a Virtual Environment?   The key word being, "Effectively."

Virtual Chaos

To paraphrase, for 95% of these executives, their honest answer is:   
We are doing the best we can under the circumstances until things can finally get back to normal or the "new normal."   However, that being said, the one lesson that we have learned from this tragedy is that, having been caught flat-footed this time around,  we need to be better prepared the next time around to deal with any sort of business continuity challenges on a global scale - not just another global pandemic. 

The School of Hard Knocks

Unfortunately,  these executives  had to learn from the school of hard knocks that Leadership in a Virtual Environment ("Virtual Leadership") clearly amounts to Virtual Chaos and is NOT a substitute for Organizational Leadership in a brick and mortar environment OR  the Virtual Organization Leadership model of governance and Virtual Organization Management discipline  pioneered by Virtual Organization Management Institute and Virtual Organization Leadership  over the past 24  years ::: since none of them could have anticipated the global extent of such massive disruption of society. 

As well, this Remote Worker frenzy has opened up a Real Can of Worms 
and unleashed a real Circus and Carnival of so-called Remote Workforce Experts, Remote Workforce Pioneers, World-Renowned Remote Workforce Speakers (with a PhD having nothing to do with Virtual Leadership attached to their name)Remote  Workforce Executive Coaches,  Remote Workforce Trainers with over 40 years of experience (don't laugh!),  Remote Workforce Gurus, Remote Workforce Psychologists, etc. :: who are feverishly doling out advice on social media and mainstream media on How to Keep the Remote Workforce Healthy, Safe, Secure, Engaged and Motivated :: as well as trying to peddle their next potential bestseller book.  

Ask any of them, "What is the difference between Virtual Leadership and Virtual Organization Leadership?" and carefully observe their response.    None of them will tell you "I really don't know."  

In Conclusion

Regrettably, and with deep sorrow, the Coronavirus Leadership Challenge turned out to be The One Irrefutable Proof that Virtual Leadership is NOT a substitute for the Virtual Organization Leadership model of governance pioneered by Virtual Organization Management Institute and Virtual Organization Leadership since 1997.    

The "We'll Cross That Bridge When We Get There" mentality and response that I used to receive from my colleagues over the past 20 years has proven to be disastrous for every single organization and institution across the globe.   Hopefully, we have all learned from our failings and will take the necessary steps to move forward.    It's finally Time to Cross That Bridge!

Next Steps

I invite you to review the following Virtual Organization Leadership solutions in order to turn to the next chapter.    If your organization or institution is one of the following, then proceed accordingly:

  • A Forbes Global 2000 or Equivalent Enterprise Level Organization.   Click Here  for the  Virtual Organization Management Institute (VOMI) Internal Providers License solution ::  OR ::  Click Here for the Virtual Organization Leadership Executive Training, Assessment and Certification offered at Virtual Organization Leadership.  
  • A Central Government Branch or Department, City, State or Province.  Click Here for additional information. 
  • A Large National, International and Global Consulting Firm, and Leading Leadership Training Provider.   Click Here for the Virtual Organization Management Institute (VOMI) Learning Partners License solution.  
  • A Prominent Regional Consulting Firm in the HR Leadership Development, Recruitment and Executive Search Space.   Click Here for the Virtual Organization Management Institute (VOMI) Regional Facilitators License solution.

Let Us Manifest!


About Author:   Pierre Coupet, Q of Virtual Organization Management is the founder of Virtual Organization Management Institute (VOMI), VOMI Virtual Organization Academy,  Virtual Organization Leadership,  VOMI Global Think Tankand Virtual Organization Recruiter :: founder of the modern virtual organization management and virtual organization recruitment disciplines pioneered since 1997:: founder of League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives:: and Lead Architect of Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial SystemContact Online

Stock Photo: courtesy of Pixabay

Copyright 2007-2021.  Pierre Coupet.  VOMI. Virtual Organization Management Institute. Virtual Organization Leadership.  VOMI Virtual Organization Academy.  Virtual Organization Recruiter. VOMI Global Think Tank.  All rights reserved.  Cannot be reproduced without permission.