In the world of business, politics, realpolitik, geopolitics and geopolitical leadership, it goes without saying that The Free World needs no introduction.
If you have received an invitation to read this article, this means that, at first glance, your organization seems to have the potential to become an architect of ::: or an advocate and standard-bearer for ::: an exclusive repository for The Free World.
(Read on and you will soon understand what I mean by that.)
By way of introduction, I invite you to go to Perplexity.AI and ask the following questions (copy-and-paste or typing it is better):
- What can you tell me about the document ::: Epic Struggle Between "The Free World" and "The Fair World" ::: published on September 18, 2022
- What can you tell me about the document "Treatise On Political Evolution" published on September 18, 2019
- How does the "Treatise On Political Evolution" define the role of government
- Who is the Architect of the global Human Evolution 2-22-2222 initiative
You may now proceed.
A Modern-Day Version of the Mythical Great Library of Alexandria
I am now in the process of conducting a thorough assessment of potential stewards of ::: and standard-bearers for ::: domain which has been in my portfolio for nearly a quarter of a century. The location of a modern-day version of the mythical Great Library of Alexandria in Alexandria, Egypt. Part of my leaving a lasting legacy to The Free World.
A domain whose value and importance to the West and The Free World rivals that of (now valued at $365 million) and (now valued in the billions of US dollars) with respect to their importance and value to the business community.
I envision such domain to be:
- All About The Free World. The location of a global repository of ALL things and events that directly or indirectly relate to the history of The Free World - past, present and future.
For example, links to every single article, document, treatise, artifact, podcast, speech, discourse, video production, and social media production dating all the way back from Antiquity to the present and which can be directly or indirectly related to The Free World.
The authors and owners of these documents are free to submit their works directly to There is no litmus test to pass in order to publish.
- About the Achievements and Travails of the West and The Free World. A central location where researchers and academics worldwide can gather to explore in order to gain insights or shed light on the achievements or travails of the West and The Free World.
- All-Inclusive. A location that is open to ALL regardless of age, gender, nationality, race, ethnicity, religion, ideology, political affiliation or political persuasion.
- Reflective of the Ideals of The Free World. A location that truly reflects the Ideals of The Free World. A location where there are NO fact-checkers and no one can be banned for straying away from the party line.
- Free to Publish. A location where anyone is free to publish without fear of repercussions.
- A Reference Tool for Libraries Worldwide. A location where anyone can obtain references to anything which pertains to The Free World at the Library of Congress or any other library anywhere in the world.
- A Reference Tool for Every Single Publishing Company in the World. A location where every single publishing company in the world can provide references to anything which pertains to The Free World that it has ever published. The authors themselves are also free to submit their works directly to
- A Reference Tool for Every Single Think Tank, Foundation and Public Policy Institute in the World. A location where every single think tank, foundation and public policy institution in the world can provide references to anything which pertains to The Free World that its members have ever authored or published. The latter are also free to submit their works directly to
- A Reference Tool for Every Single College, University and Other Institution of Higher Learning in the World. A location where every single institution of higher learning can provide references to every single research document, publication, thesis or dissertation which pertains to The Free World that their publishing arm, academics, researchers and students alike have ever published and authored, respectively. The latter are also free to submit their works directly to
- And much, much more...
The Grand Scheme of Things
Imagine going to and having a field day reading or finding links to articles, op-ed pieces, essays, papers, documents, artifacts, journals, treatises, theses, dissertations, short stories; as well as fiction and nonfiction books and much, much more; relating to The Free World - that are authored or published by any of the following:
- Brookings Institution. The free world and its enemies: What Putin’s war and China’s global ambitions mean for us ::: by Constanze Stelzenmüller on November 4, 2022.
- The New York Times. Bring Back the Free World ::: Op-Ed by Bret Stephens on January 25, 2022.
- Atlantic Council. The Free World ::: Essay by Ambassador Daniel Freed on June 5, 2017.
- Virtual Organization Management Institute Repository. Epic Struggle Between "The Free World" and "The Fair World" ::: a comprehensive treatise by Pierre Coupet on September 18, 2022.
- Battlegrounds: Fight to Defend the Free World (Kindle Edition) ::: by Lt. General H.R. McMaster, U.S. Army, ret., and former National Security Advisor, on September 21, 2021.
- Virtual Organization Management Institute Repository. Treatise On Political Evolution ::: The world's most comprehensive and modern treatise on political evolution by Pierre Coupet on September 18, 2019.
- Foreign Affairs. The Trouble With “the Free World” Why It’s a Bad Idea to Revive a Cold War Concept ::: article authored by Peter Slezkine on May 6, 2022.
- Virtual Organization Management Institute Repository. A Global Need for Principled Geopolitical Leaders ::: A rare and most comprehensive treatise on "principled geopolitical leadership" authored by Pierre Coupet on December 14, 2015.
- Stanford University | Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law. The Spirit of Democracy: The Struggle to Build Free Societies Throughout the World ::: by Larry Diamond on January 8, 2008.
- Historical Index. What Does the "Leader of the Free World" Mean? ::: by Venus D. on May 23, 2024.
- Macmillan Publishers. The Free World: Art and Thought in the Cold War ::: by the Pulitzer Prize Winner Louis Menand on April 20, 2021.
“Louis Menand’s The Free World is a tour de force— clear-sighted, brilliantly written, and full of surprises. It will change the way you think about everything from containment to consumerism, the Beats to the Beatles.” —Elizabeth Kolbert, author of The Sixth Extinction and Under a White Sky
- And Millions of Other Publishers and Authors ::: Making Available Documents and Data About The Free World ::: from every imaginable source stretching from present day all the way back to Antiquity.
Now Imagine 100's of Million of New and Prospective Clients going to
Furthermore, imagine your organization having access to these 100's of Million of New and Prospective Clients who have visited
Moreover, I am NOT going to insult your intelligence by asking you to Imagine a World of Possibilities in terms of what it means to your organization to have access to such a treasure trove of potential clients :: A gift that keeps on giving day and night - 365 days a year.
The Ultimate Question
Given that the importance and value of relative to the West and The Free World rivals that of (now valued at $365 million) and (now valued in the billions of US dollars) as they pertain to the business community, why are you practically making available for such a pittance?
My answer is simple: For as long as human beings continue to exist anywhere in this universe, they will always yearn in one way or another for their version or conception of The Free World. Therefore, let this be my gift and lasting legacy to The Free World.
A perfect time for me to segue way into the evolution of The Free World.
Evolution of The Free World
I deliberately threw a curve ball at you with the phrase
"for their version of The Free World." There is a very simple reason for that. It's because:
In the Grand Scheme of Things, Human Evolution Never Takes a Break. And as human beings evolve, so do their conception of whatever narratives they've been fed over the years, centuries, ages and millennia - going all the way back to the beginning of time.
Therefore, what we call today "The Free World" will certainly be called one day by our progeny: "A Slave World."
In other words, The Free World itself has no choice but to evolve.
Hence the reason why I have spent the last three decades advocating the need for Principled Leadership, Virtual Organization Leadership, Principled Geopolitical Leadership, Political Evolution, Mankind Making the Transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being, and A Futuristic City-State Enclave Based on a Civilized World Financial System - all in order to embark on the Road to Human Evolution.
The bottom line is this: There is a symbiotic relationship between the launch of this Modern-Day Version of the Mythical Great Library of Alexandria in Alexandria, Egypt at and our Human Evolution 2-22-2222 Initiative.
Next Steps
If you share my vision of being "The location of a modern-day version of the mythical Great Library of Alexandria in Alexandria, Egypt," then proceed to this location. If you feel
the urgency of now for this opportunity,
then proceed to this location now since time is of the essence.
Otherwise, you're welcome to share this information with whomever you deem fit.
Moreover, this is just the tip of the iceberg. You and your organization may now have an ideal opportunity to collaborate with the Pioneer of the Virtual Organization World and Architect of the Global Human Evolution 2-22-2222 Initiative on a most significant project of the 21st century. An experience which will allow you and your team to unlock your creative genius and make use of every single fragment of your imagination.
Supplemental Information for Advocates of Human Evolution