Monday, May 24, 2021

Launch of Digital Currency Consortium

The New Virtual Organization World

It's a New Principled and Civilized World, It's Virtual and It's Organized

I am very pleased to announce the launch of Digital Currency Consortium.

Digital Currency Consortium is designed to complement the efforts of Sean Worthington and CloudCoin Consortium as we proceed in our own direction with the implementation of our own vision, mission, and global digital currency adoption strategy. 

Thus, we not only invite but also welcome ALL current CloudCoin Consortium members who share our vision and mission to join Digital Currency Consortium. When and where appropriate, we do intend to provide financial support to CloudCoin Consortium for its Digital Currency Innovation, Research and Development activities just as we would for any other Digital Currency organization which meets our eligibility criteria for such financial support. 

To begin your introduction to The Digital Currency World,  go to Digital Currency Consortium.

Let Us Manifest!

About Author:  Pierre Coupet, Q of Virtual Organization Management is the founder of Virtual Organization Management Institute (VOMI), VOMI Global Think Tank VOMI Virtual Organization AcademyVirtual Organization LeadershipVirtual Organization AdvisorsVirtual Organization Recruiter, Digital Currency Consortium, Digital Currency Ethical Board,   Virtual Organization  Executives, and Blockchain Executives :: founder of the modern virtual organization management and virtual organization recruitment disciplines pioneered since 1997:: founder of League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives:: and Lead Architect of Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial SystemContact Online

Stock Photo: courtesy of Pixabay

Copyright 2007-2021. Pierre Coupet. VOMI. Virtual Organization Management Institute. Virtual Organization Leadership. Virtual Organization Advisors.  Virtual Organization Executives. Blockchain Executives. VOMI Virtual Organization Academy. Virtual Organization Recruiter. VOMI Global Think Tank. All rights reserved. Cannot be reproduced without permission.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Exclusive Strategy for Official Global Ambassadors of Digital Currency Consortium


The New Virtual Organization World

It's a New Principled and Civilized World, It's Virtual and It's Organized

What is an Official Global Ambassador of Digital Currency Consortium?

The best way to answer that question is to start out by telling you WHAT IT IS NOT:

It is NOT your typical Low Level Global Ambassador, Brand Ambassador, or Goodwill Ambassador position you find on the internet (a quick Google search for Global Ambassador reveals about 194,000,000 results).   

It's NOT a Sales Executive Job :: It's NOT a Part-Time or Full-Time Cryptocurrency Job - in fact, it has absolutely nothing to do with cryptocurrencies :: It is NOT an Agent position  ::  It is NOT a (window-dressing) Advisory Board position. It is NOT a Board of Directors position. 

It is NOT a Social Networking Opportunity ::  a la Facebook, LinkedIn, Telegram, Twitter, Discord etc. ::  which only requires an infantile and sophomoric response "Yes, I accept your invitation" in order to be a contact or to join some group so you can then go on about your business as usual.   
That means,  You  Will NOT Be Meeting or engaging in any sort of discussions with fellow Official Global Ambassadors on social networks or social media.   
It is NOT an opportunity for you to just park your name and this prestigious membership on our website, your website, your executive profile, your social media profile and your resume (or curriculum vitae) without any further effort on your part.

It  is NOT a position which requires any sort of Digital Currency or Cryptocurrency or Blockchain Technology knowledge and expertise or any Virtual Organization Management training by VOMI :: It's NOT a position which imposes any sort of reporting requirements  ::  It is NOT a position which imposes a minimum number of work hours :: It is NOT a position with Key Performance Indicators :: It's NOT a Research position.  In other words, it does NOT interfere with your current position and activities.

Now I can tell you WHAT IT IS:

It is a very Prestigious position.  It is a position of Trust.  It is a position which requires Eligibility.   It is a Collaborator position.   It is a Mission-Specific position.   It is a Rewarding position.


It is the most prestigious Collaborator position anywhere in The Digital Currency World strictly by virtue of its relevance to the development of a new global financial system and global economy, its importance to mankind, and the cause of Human Evolution.   

Although the terms "digital currency" and "cryptocurrency" are used interchangeably throughout the entire "Virtual Alternative Currency Ecosystem,"  please note that there is a significant difference between the two of them.   Hence, there is a fundamental difference between The  Cryptocurrency World and The Digital Currency World.  

Whereas the Bitcoin cryptocurrency which is based on blockchain technology gave birth to The Cryptocurrency World,  it is indeed the CloudCoin digital currency based on Sean Worthington's patented RAIDA technology (Redundant Array of Independent Detection Agents) which gave birth to The Digital Currency World.   (You'll find out more as you read on.)

You are allowed, when appropriate and upon receipt of clearance from the founder of  Digital Currency Consortium,  to officially represent all members of Digital Currency Consortium in Your Country at MAJOR local, national or international events and at the highest levels of industry, academia and government. 

For Example, if the President of the European Council or European Central Bank (ECB) would like to invite a representative of Digital Currency Consortium to speak or inform on the Potential Impact of Digital Currencies - NOT Cryptocurrencies -  On the European Union's Economy, Digital Currency Consortium would, in turn, provide clearance to an Official Global Ambassador in one of the EU countries to officially represent the Consortium and speak on that subject.

Here is another example:   Let's say that a Local High School or College or University in Spain wanted a representative of Digital Currency Consortium to speak on that same subject.   In which case, Digital Currency Consortium would NOT refer such request to any member of the consortium.   Nor would Digital Currency Consortium provide clearance to our Official Global Ambassador in Spain to officially represent the Consortium at that function.

However, that being said, the Official Global Ambassador in Spain can, on his own initiative as a matter of public service and NOT in an official capacity, request or accept an invitation to speak on that subject at such venue. 

Here Is Another Example:  Let's say that the president of  Brazil, Austria, Haiti, India, Nigeria, France, Italy, South Africa, China, Russia, Venezuela, Syria, Israel or Iran would like to invite a representative of Digital Currency Consortium to be their Official Guest of Honor at an appropriate summit whereby discussions about The Digital Currency World - NOT The Cryptocurrency World - is expected to play center stage, then our Official Global Ambassador in such respective country would, if appropriate,  be provided clearance to officially represent all members of the Digital Currency Consortium at that event.

Here Is Another Example:  If a Congressional Committee of the US Congress or the Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System wanted Digital Currency Consortium to provide Subject Matter Expert testimony on the development of this world of digital currencies - NOT cryptocurrencies - I call "The Digital Currency World," Digital Currency Consortium would refer such request to an Official Global Ambassador of the Consortium here in the US.    


It is a position of Trust.   We TRUST that our Official Global Ambassador will NOT abuse or exploit this position and the privilege and prestige which attaches to being associated with the most prestigious name and organization in The Digital Currency World by engaging in any sort of nefarious or other activities that are inconsistent with the mandate of the Official Global Ambassador.

As well, we TRUST that our Official Global Ambassador will not, outside of Digital Currency Consortium and in whatever capacity,  engage in any sort of personal, private, public or business activities that will negatively reflect on all the members of Digital Currency Consortium.

Moreover, We at Digital Currency Consortium also TRUST that our Official Global  Ambassadors are acting in good faith and without any ulterior motives (e.g.,  pretending to be an employee of Digital Currency Consortium in order to grossly mislead others about their so-called "digital currency executive" or "cryptocurrency executive" credentials for illicit, fraudulent or nefarious purposes) when they claim that they are eligible to serve as our Official Global Ambassador in their respective country.


You are eligible to serve as our Official Global Ambassador in your country ONLY if your Circle of Influence in your country  ALREADY INCLUDES  Senior Executives at some of the highest levels of industry, government and academia.    If not, then you would be breaching the TRUST we place in you before you even assume this position.

Second, you MUST currently have a significant personal stake in One or More Digital Currencies which not only meet our criteria to be classified as such but are also officially recognized by Digital Currency Consortium.  A significant personal stake represents a minimum number of 50,000 digital currency units.   
For Example,  if you have a significant personal stake in a so-called digital currency which is NOT officially recognized by the Consortium for reasons which may have to do with,  but are not limited to, nefarious and border line activities or dubious practices of the Leadership of such digital currency organization :: and you have no significant personal stake in any other digital currency :: then you would not be able to meet our eligibility criteria for an Official Global Ambassador appointment. 

But most importantly, We at Digital Currency Consortium also TRUST that you will indeed notify your Circle of Influence about your new Official Global Ambassador appointment and that you will, in good faith, do your very best to carry out your mandate.

Being a Collaborator means your association with other members of Digital Currency Consortium is based purely on your very own self-interest in order to advance your own personal, private or public agenda.  

Digital Currency Consortium assumes that the tremendous amount of prestige in having your name associated with the most prestigious name in The Digital Currency World is part of such agenda.

As well, Digital Currency Consortium views its association with each Official Global Ambassador and Digital Currency Organization it deems worthy of support and assistance to be in its own self-interest.

As a Collaborator, there are no bosses for you to report to.  You get to Learn How To Lead Yourself. You're on the same level as every other member of the consortium.   

You agree to expose your Circle of Influence to only the Digital Currencies in which you hold a significant personal stake, however you deem fit.    You are free to engage in any transactions which involve the exchange of ONLY your very own holding of digital currencies.   As well, you are free to solicit professional assistance from fellow members of the Consortium in the conduct of such transactions,  to the extent that their assistance falls within the parameters, guidelines, processes :: as well as best practices, policies and procedures :: for engaging in such transactions, as promulgated by the Consortium,  in order to ensure that ALL Consortium Members Speak With One Voice and Practice What We Preach.  

You will NOT attempt to bind other members of the Consortium or the Consortium itself during such transactions and will indemnify them all from any potential liability resulting from such transactions and your own individual actions. 


Your sole mission is to Serve as a Catalyst for the introduction, acceleration and explosive growth of digital currencies - NOT cryptocurrencies - in your respective country as we chart a course and path to The Digital Currency World.    

That includes providing assistance to these officially-recognized Digital Currency Organizations on either a pro bono or fee-paid or payment-in-kind basis.   As well, it is in each Official Global Ambassador's best interests to make a purely voluntary financial donation of a percentage of net proceeds received from the exchange of an organization's digital currency in order to support their ongoing Digital Currency Innovation, Research and Development Initiatives.  

And How Exactly Do You That?   The answer lies in:    Simplicity.  Professionalism.  Discipline. Foundational Infrastructure.  Focus. Consistency. Persistence. Perseverance.  Speak With One Voice. Principled Leadership. Principled Geopolitical Leadership.   Learning How to Collaborate In a Virtual Organization Environment. THAT IS ALL! 

I know it's easier said than done, however, it goes without saying that Social Networks and Social Media are NOT conducive for such mission.  Thus the reason for the launch of Digital Currency Consortium.

Therefore, I will continue to expand on, as well as make available to ALL Official Global Ambassadors, the tremendous amount of documents I have already written on the subject of  Digital Currencies and this march toward The Digital Currency World.   As well, ALL members of Digital Currency Consortium will have access to these materials. 

In the interim, ALL potential Official Global Ambassadors should begin their journey to The Digital Currency World  directly from the Digital Currency Consortium website.     

I saved the best for last.   The greatest and most fulfilling reward that anyone can possibly receive is the knowledge that their contribution in this life will make a meaningful and internally-rewarding  difference in not only their own life but also in the lives of an untold number of generations to come way after they have made their journey into the next world.  
This is your opportunity to take action and make a real difference.   
Moreover, you will also receive an appropriate financial reward from the exchange of any quantity  of your very own digital currency holdings with any individual, organization, institution or government within your Circle of Influence. 
Time to Discuss Your Exclusive Strategy as an Official Global Ambassador

1.  Introduce your Circle of Influence to Digital Currency Consortium, your appointment as Official Global Ambassador and your own digital currency, however you deem fit.  

2.   Invite any distinguished colleague who also has a Circle of Influence which ALREADY INCLUDES  Senior Executives at the highest levels of industry, government and academia to join you on the Consortium as an Official Global Ambassador. 
Why?   Well, we realize that your very own bona fide Circle of Influence is very limited and that, in no time at all, you will quickly run out of colleagues to introduce yourself to in your new Official Global Ambassador capacity.

Most importantly, this will give you an opportunity to engage in very uplifting, philosophical, theoretical and practical discussions with like-minded colleagues and kindred spirits on the topic of Digital Currencies not based on blockchain technology and the critical role that they will eventually play in The Digital Currency World.

Otherwise,  you will feel like a lone Digital Currency voice in the Digital Currency World  wilderness;  who is desperately trying to have an intelligent  discussion with a bunch of Cryptocurrency voices in The Cryptocurrency World wilderness about the sanctity and promise of Digital Currencies.     

Think about that for only one second and then ask yourself these two (2) questions: 
  • How in hell are you going to bridge that chasm? 
  • Why in hell would you even want to bother trying?  
The answer is very clear:   No amount of persuasion or name-calling would suffice.  You would have to be completely insane to even attempt to do so.   Live and Let Live.   

Thus the reason why I chose to found The Digital Currency Consortium so that those who understand the sanctity and promise of Digital Currencies can all speak with one voice.    

The bottom line is this:   Digital Currency Consortium is the only place in the world where Digital Currency Stakeholders Can All Speak With One Voice.   We Can All Speak With One Voice.    
Time to Answer Some Crucial Questions You May Have About This Position 

Question #1.   What do you mean by "We Can All Speak With One Voice"?

That means, NO cryptocurrency trash talk.   Our focus should be on "digital currency trailblazing" instead of trying to copy or imitate what has worked well for the cryptocurrency community.   There is no need to try to turn a digital currency into a cryptocurrency or merge them. As well, there is no need to try to turn a cryptocurrency into a digital currency or merge the two.    
The bottom line is this:  There is NO need to bash cryptocurrencies or digital currencies.  They can co-exist with each other.  We just prefer to go our own way. 
Question #2.   With respect to the Circle oInfluence requirement, I am NOT a "Senior Executive at some of the highest levels of industry, government or academia."    Why did you send me an invitation to become an Official Global Ambassador?

First and foremost, please note this is only an invitation to explore a most prestigious Collaborator position and NOT an official appointment.    Your acceptance of our invitation is only the beginning of a  formal vetting and official appointment process.
Digital Currency Consortium will never extend this invitation to you again nor will you ever be able to apply for it in the future.   This Is The Real Deal!
Second,  there is a big difference between "having(access to) a Circle of Influence and "being a member" of such Circle of Influence.    You are only required to have access to such Circle of Influence.

Question #3.   Being that the Official Global Ambassador position is the most prestigious Collaborator position in The Digital Currency World, how much does it cost to become an Official Global Ambassador?

Since I have already made myself very clear about how much importance we place on this position, I can now give you the answer to your question:   It's priceless.  Thus, the cost is ZERO dollars.   ZERO digital currency units.
That means anyone who truly believes in  the Core Principles, Ideas and Values that the Official Global Ambassador position represents and meets our eligibility criteria is welcome to walk through our doors.

Question #4.   In the event that I am unable to meet the requirements to become an Official Global Ambassador, can I still join Digital Currency Consortium?  

Yes.  Digital Currency Consortium is open to ALL Digital Currency Stakeholders worldwide.  If you are the owner of just one single Digital Currency unit which is officially recognized by the Consortium, you are welcome to join us.  Go to Digital Currency Consortium for membership information.  Membership is FREE to all.  

In Conclusion

I hope that the information just provided has enlightened you a great deal on what the Official Global Ambassador position is all about. 


Request Additional Insights into the Official Global Ambassador opportunity in order to proceed.  I am unable to accept phone calls or emails nor do I have any interest in obtaining your private phone number, Skype or WhatsApp info to call you to discuss this position.   

Now that you've had a chance to finish reading this document, if you are the recipient of a personal invitation from me, simply follow the foregoing instructions on how to proceed.    

The Ball is now in your court!   


Let Us Manifest!

About Author:  Pierre Coupet, Q of Virtual Organization Management is the founder of Virtual Organization Management Institute (VOMI), VOMI Global Think Tank VOMI Virtual Organization AcademyVirtual Organization LeadershipVirtual Organization AdvisorsVirtual Organization Recruiter, Digital Currency Consortium, Virtual Organization Executives, and Blockchain Executives :: founder of the modern virtual organization management and virtual organization recruitment disciplines pioneered since 1997:: founder of League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives:: and Lead Architect of Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial SystemContact Online

Stock Photo: courtesy of Pixabay

Copyright 2007-2021. Pierre Coupet. VOMI. Virtual Organization Management Institute. Virtual Organization Leadership. Virtual Organization Advisors.  Virtual Organization Executives. Blockchain Executives. VOMI Virtual Organization Academy. Virtual Organization Recruiter. VOMI Global Think Tank. All rights reserved. Cannot be reproduced without permission.