The New Virtual Organization World
An Evolutionary is an individual who believes in the critical need for human evolution and is willing to embark on The Road to Human Evolution. Such march entails the following: A clear understanding of the role of Principled Leadership, Virtual Organizations, a World of Virtual Organizations, Virtual Organization Leadership, Principled Geopolitical Leadership, Political Evolution, Making the Transition from Human to Intelligent Being, and Building a Global Civilization of Intelligent Beings Based On a Civilized World Financial System.
Who Are the Evolutionaries?
There are two (2) distinct groups of Evolutionaries: (1) The .00999 Percenters, and (2) The .00001 Percenters - both of whom consisting of a grand total of .01% of the global population, collectively referred to as "The .01 Percenters." (Review 5/19/22 article Beneath...Lie Battered Souls for details. NOT now - long article)
Why Such Lofty and Unattainable Goal?
If such pursuit were NOT perceived to be lofty and unattainable, then there would NOT be any need for Evolutionaries. Instead, we would all be content with the status quo: A constant drumbeat for Revolutionaries Who Want to Make the World a Better Place - the results of which have always turned out to be a Lofty and Unattainable Goal over the last 600+ million years :: A Supreme Irony.
The only problem with the Revolutionary approach is that, "The World Is Already a Better Place without human beings."
The Road to Human Evolution Is a Lofty and Attainable Goal
An approach which requires ALL Human Beings to understand that although they currently think and act like a bunch of primitive and barbaric savages (PABS), they are really Intelligent Beings-In-Progress and that they do indeed have the capacity to learn how to mine and use their intelligence.
At which point, they would realize that embarking on The Road to Human Evolution is most assuredly a Lofty and Attainable Goal.
However, that being said, I am fully aware that is easier said than done for 99.99% of the global population. In which case, there exists somewhere on this planet an infinitesimal number of human beings scattered all over the globe :::: the remaining .01% of the global population (The .01 Percenters) :::: who have already reached a state of awareness regarding their capacity to mine and use their intelligence in order to make the transition from human beings to intelligent beings; and thus are ready and willing to begin to chart a new course toward human evolution.
Invitation to All Evolutionaries
Thus, if you sincerely believe that you are an Evolutionary, a member of The .00999 Percenters or The .00001 Percenters ::: collectively referred to as "The .01 Percenters" ::: then proceed to review the 5/19/22 article Beneath...Lie Battered Souls for more details on The .01 Percenters and the following Next Step for Potential Collaborators.
Next Step for Potential Collaborators
- Virtual Organization Management Institute
- Virtual Organization Advisors
- Virtual Organization Leadership
- League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives
- The New Virtual Organization World Consortium
- Virtual Campus Dormitory Consortium
- Virtual Residential Community Consortium
- VOMI Global Think Tank
- You Are NOT White, Black, Brown, Minority, Racist, Privileged or Disadvantaged
- Member-In-Principle: The Ultimate Membership Level
- Why a Virtual Organization Advisors Consultation Is a Smart Investment and Far-Reaching Business Decision
- I Don't Care to "Do Business" With You, Your Organization or Government
- Virtual Organization Management Institute Repository
- Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa
- League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives
- Sanity Is the Conformity to Insanity and Absurdities
- Insanity Is the Rejection of Sanity and a Precursor to Knowledge Discovery
- Your Choice: A Better World Or a Brand New World?
- Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a "Civilized World Financial System"
- Folly of Visionary’s Frustration In The Land of the Blind, Deaf and Dumb
- Virtual Organization Advisors
- Virtual Organization Leadership
- Virtual Organization Recruiter
- Virtual Organization Management Institute
- The New Virtual Organization World Consortium
- Digital Currency Consortium
- Digital Currency Ethical Board
- The Digital Currency Manifesto
- Virtual Campus Dormitory Consortium
- Virtual Residential Community Consortium
- A Global Need For Principled Geopolitical Leaders
- Treatise On Political Evolution
Stock Photo: courtesy of Pixabay
Copyright 2007-2022. Pierre Coupet. VOMI. Virtual Organization Management Institute. Virtual Organization Leadership. Virtual Organization Advisors. Virtual Organization Executives. Blockchain Executives. VOMI Virtual Organization Academy. Virtual Organization Recruiter. VOMI Global Think Tank. All rights reserved. Cannot be reproduced without permission.