Thursday, January 30, 2025

Human Evolution 2-22-2222 ::: Father Forgive Them, They Are...


The New Virtual Organization World

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Human Evolution 2-22-2222 ::: Father Forgive Them, They Are Machines - For They Know Not What They Are Doing

By Pierre Coupet

Imagine Yourself
the only remaining offspring of a race of Intelligent Beings who left Planet Earth in your care while they are away on vacation, traveling throughout the Cosmos in order to marvel at the beauty of Creation.    

Upon their return to Planet Earth a million years later, Father stands there completely aghast and in complete disbelief at the condition of all Human inhabitants of this planet and asked you the following questions:  
  • Question #1.  Son, what have you done?
  • Question #2.  How could you do something so pathetic, disgusting and horrible? You are a disgrace to all Intelligent Beings in the universe.   
  • Question #3.  And what were you thinking?  

Without waiting for your answer, Father immediately ordered you to erase all Human Beings from the face of the earth, out of a well-founded fear that they may eventually become unmanageable and propagate throughout the rest of the universe.   At which point, his fellow Intelligent Beings would have no choice but to destroy the entire Universe in order to ensure that no traces of Human Beings are left behind.

Thus, instead of challenging Father's order, you decided to wait for things to cool off a bit so that you could give him an Intelligent Being Answer that is intended to allay all his fears about this Race of Human Beings You Created on the face of the earth.    

Your Answer to Father

Well, it's now time for Me to Imagine your answer to Father: 

Father, things are not as bad as they seem.  With respect to the foregoing questions, here are my answers: 

  • Answer to Question #1.  Son, what have you done?  

I created this race of human beings strictly for entertainment purposes, just so I could pass the time as I await your return to Planet Earth.   Even though I created them in my image, notwithstanding, they are a race of Primitive And Barbaric Savages ("PABS"); and thus, they represent no threat to Intelligent Beings in the universe.

  •  Answer to Question #2.  How could you do something so pathetic, disgusting and horrible? You are a disgrace to all Intelligent Beings in the universe.
Well, as horrific, monstrous, genocidal and incomprehensible the carnage they inflict on each other, please note it is by design.  I have embedded in the DNA of every single human being who has ever lived on the face of the earth the Sla-Mas-Moron Virus ("Slave-Master-Moron Virus") that, as its name connotes, is specifically designed to ensure the following:

::::: The Slave component of the virus is designed to cause all human beings to automatically want to enslave each other.  It works flawlessly.

::::: The Master component is designed to allow them to develop a hierarchical structure, code of conduct, primitive infrastructure and system of governance whereby fellow slaves can rule over, tyrannize, brutalize, terrorize, gain hegemony, and annihilate each other from cradle to grave.  A Virtual Reality World of Live Human Predators and Prey based on the Law of the Jungle ::  wherein Might Is Right, Survival of the Fittest, a Babelian Tower of False Narratives, and Smoke-and-Mirrors rule the day.     

::::: The Moron component is designed to keep them in a zombie state so that they can never wake up and exit from the Perpetual Doom Loop Cycle of Savagery and Willful Ignorance which characterizes their existence on this planet.  It induces them to willingly participate in, or enable and facilitate, the nightmare they have been programmed to impose on each other and endure from cradle to grave.  It does that by giving them the illusion that there is such a thing as Free Will; that they are intelligent; that they are in charge of their own destiny, and thus, are able to chart their own course.    
It strips them of any amount or level of intelligence and consciousness which would ever cause them to become aware of their zombie state; their Primitive, Barbaric And Savage ("PABS") condition; their willful ignorance; and the fact that they are living in a Simulation - A Virtual Reality.   Moreover, it leads them to believe that technology is a by-product or manifestation of intelligence and a great, mighty and advanced civilization.  Hence, leading them to the false conclusion that the more advanced their technology, the more intelligent and powerful they become. 
Whereas, in fact, it is just the opposite:  the more advanced their technology, the more primitive, barbaric and savage they become; and the closer they are to the time when they themselves will be able to annihilate the entire human race.    
  • Answer to Question #3.  And what were you thinking? 
Now that you are aware of the Self-Destruct nature of the Sla-Mas-Moron Virus that is embedded in the DNA of every single human being on this planet, it's obvious that they are their own worst enemy; and thus, represent no threat to the rest of the Universe.  Given enough time and patience, something that we have plenty of, they will eventually annihilate each other without the need for us to intervene.

Your Plea to Father

Moreover, in light of the above, Let Me now Imagine your Plea to Father:

Father, forgive them, though they are made in our image, they are really Machines - for they know not what they are doing. 

In Conclusion

One thing for sure, I know for a fact that I will never win a Nobel Prize, Pulitzer Prize or any other kind of award for this article.  Nor would I ever accept any sort of award, accolades or reward from any human being on this planet for this document due to the simple fact that this article, in and of itself, cannot possibly cause anyone to alter or reverse the course that they have been programmed to follow beginning day one of their existence.   

Nor do I expect or want or care to gain followers.  I fact, I don't want any followers.  I am content going in my own direction; and thus, have absolutely No Need for anyone's help, support, favors, donation, tips, grants, financial assistance, comfort, or embrace.   Nor do I have a need to be in the company of anyone or their recognition.   It is a lonely road that a true Human Evolutionary should relish and cherish.

"Moreover, the history of mankind since time immemorial dictates that those who seek fame and fortune have no choice but to dwell in the basin of infamy and opportunism."   

However, that being said, I am always willing to extend a helping hand to those who seek my assistance, as well as to collaborate with kindred spirits.

This document is only intended to be a wake-up call; a gentle touch on the shoulder of someone who is in a very deep sleep or comatose state, as I whisper the words:  

If you can hear me, look at yourself in the mirror after you've had a chance to wake up.

That is all!   Whatever you do from that point forward is entirely up to you.   

Next Steps for Advocates of Human Evolution 2-22-2222

For Initiates to the Concept of Human Evolution 2-22-2222.   If this is your initial exposure to the concept of this global Human Evolution Station 2-22-2222 initiative, and you were able to feel that gentle touch on your shoulder and hear my subliminal message during your very deep sleep, then I invite you to look into this Mirror and tell yourself what you see ::  An Eye-Opening Conversation with a Human Evolution Station 2-22-2222

For Advocates of Human Evolution.  Proceed to the VOMI Global Think Tank  Mirror in order to take a very good look at yourself.
For Hardcore Advocates of Human Evolution.  If you have already looked at yourself in the Mirror; don't like what you see or the person that you have become; have already done a lot of soul searching; and, going forward, you want to explore all your options and available alternatives; then calmly proceed to  Boarding Pass for Human Evolution Train 2-22-2222  ::: I stand ready to welcome you with open arms only if you need my assistance or seek to collaborate on the Global Human Evolution  2-22-2222 Initiative. 

Supplemental Information for Advocates of Human Evolution Station 2-22-2222 

Obtain a Human Evolution Station License in order to submit a support request if you have any questions or issues and would like some ideas or solutions.  Moreover, I invite you to review at your own leisure these additional documents which offer a deep insight into human evolution, principled leadership, principled geopolitical leadership, political evolution, The Virtual Organization World, the virtual organization management discipline and virtual organization leadership.  Such knowledge being the critical components of a foundation which will allow mankind to make the transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being; and upon which will rest the pillars of a New Global Civilization of Intelligent Beings that will allow us all to further embark on the Long Road to Human Evolution.   No need to rush, just bookmark this page, you have an entire lifetime to read them:   

Let Us Manifest!

About Author:  Pierre Coupet, Q of VOM, is the founder of Virtual Organization Management Institute (VOMI), Virtual Organization Management Institute Repository,  VOMI Global Think Tank VOMI Virtual Organization AcademyVirtual Organization LeadershipVirtual Organization AdvisorsVirtual Organization RecruiterDigital Currency Consortium, Digital Currency Ethical Board,  Virtual Organization JobsVirtual Organization  Executives, and Blockchain Executives :: founder of the modern virtual organization management and virtual organization recruitment disciplines pioneered since 1997:: founder of League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives:: and Lead Architect of  Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial SystemContact Online.   

Copyright 2007-2024. Pierre Coupet. VOMI. Virtual Organization Management Institute. Virtual Organization Leadership. Virtual Organization Advisors.  Virtual Organization Executives. Blockchain Executives. VOMI Virtual Organization Academy. Virtual Organization Recruiter. VOMI Global Think Tank. All rights reserved. Cannot be reproduced without permission.