Monday, February 26, 2018

China's Global Initiatives Causing Alarm Bells in the West:: How to Proceed

The New Virtual Organization World
It's a New Principled World, It's Virtual, and It's Organized

China and Russia's Eurasian and other global and regional initiatives are causing alarm bells to ring all over the Western world and, it goes without saying, every single effort is being made in order to sabotage these initiatives since the West fears that their successful implementation would, at the end of the day,  result in a "cataclysmic changing of the guard."

After all, no world power in human history "has ever and quietly gone gentle into that good night" when it's time for them to hand over the baton and go into their own corner.   No amount of assurances, compromises,  memorandum of understandings,  formal or gentlemen's agreements, treaties, UN resolutions  or pacification moves and gestures can calm their fears.  They always fight tooth and nail to the very last breath and minute - and the Western powers are NO EXCEPTION to the rule. 

In fact,  what you are dealing with here is a paradox.   A paradox in the sense that this "cataclysmic changing of the guard" is a "Direct Result AND Consequence" of these "assurances, compromises, memorandum of understandings,  formal or gentlemen's agreements, treaties, UN resolutions and pacification" which were intended to prevent a cataclysmic event from happening in the first place.

If that is the case, then the question before us and all of mankind (as well as China and Russia's leaders) is:   How should China and Russia proceed?

And this is where The New Virtual Organization World Consortium comes into play::  in the sense that we believe that this cataclysmic event is NOT a foreordained conclusion and that there is a very "simple and realistic otherworldly alternative" that, heretofore, has consistently escaped our current primitive and barbaric savage mentality.     

However, that being said, this alternative requires that China and Russia's business elite and political leaders take the time to explore not only that alternative but also a number of others as members of The New Virtual Organization World Consortium.

In connection thereof, I have made a number of changes designed to make The New Virtual Organization World Consortium more inclusive at a global level so that well-meaning professionals and leaders (not trolls) from every corner of the globe can have a chance to sit down together outside the confines of today's archaic institutions in order to come up with solutions that will lead toward the "human evolution" of mankind.   See :: Can't Afford to Join The New Virtual Organization World Consortium? Here Is How ...  ::  All Roads Lead to Damascus:: Where All Dreams of a Better World Meet a Fateful End

About Author:   Pierre Coupet, Founder & Q of Virtual Organization Management is the founder of Virtual Organization Management Institute (VOMI), VOMI Virtual Organization Academy, Virtual Organization Leadership, Virtual Organization Advisors,  VOMI Global Think Tankand Virtual Organization Recruiter :: founder of the modern virtual organization management and virtual organization recruitment disciplines pioneered since 1997 :: founder of League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives :: the World's Foremost Digital Currency Analyst :: and Architect of THE NEW VIRTUAL ORGANIZATION WORLD Collection. Contact directly or via CHAT.

Stock Photo: courtesy of Pixabay : Free Digital Photos :: and Unsplash

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Can't Afford to Join The New Virtual Organization World Consortium? Here Is How ...

The New Virtual Organization World
It's a New Principled World, It's Virtual, and It's Organized

If you have ever been excited at the prospect of becoming a Distinguished Member of The New Virtual Organization World Consortium :: the elite and most prestigious consortium in the world ::  after hearing or reading about us;  and then suffered a massive heart attack after taking a look at the qualification requirements and the membership dues on the website;  then the rest of this article will definitely be "Welcome News and Sweet Music" to your ears. 

Here is an excellent solution we are making available to all ardent followers and supporters of The New Virtual Organization World:  Go the "Consortium Sponsorship" route.

Here Is How It Works:

As you may already know, the primary focus of The New Virtual Organization World Consortium (and our other consortia) is on Global 5000 and other leading organizations (as described on the site) and Governments who have (1) a huge financial and economic stake in what we are doing, and (2) a deep interest  in the arrival and mission of The New Virtual Organization World

However, that being said, there are many individuals as well as small organizations around the world::  that we are NOT focused on since they do not meet our #1 criteria: Global 5000 Organization and Other Leading Organization or Government::  but who would like to join the consortium because they do meet our #2 criteria:  Must have a "deep interest" in the mission of The New Virtual Organization World.

In which case,  we give them an opportunity to personally invite  any organization or government within their existing  Circle of Influence (which meets both criteria)  to go to our website and (1) formally submit a consortium membership application and  (2) to have himself or herself (the individual who sent the invitation) designated on the application as their official Distinguished Member representative. 

If you fall into this category of our supporters who would like to take advantage of this unique, career-changing, groundbreaking, life transforming and historic opportunity, please note that you'll need to observe the following protocol:
  • You cannot and must not  contact any random organization.  It MUST be a Global 5000 organization, Other Leading Organization or Government that you've had dealings with;  that you either currently have (or had) an excellent relationship with;  and which meets both criteria for consortium membership.
  • Regardless as to whether or not you can personally afford to pay the consortium membership dues out-of pocket,  you  cannot and must not fill out the consortium membership application on behalf of another organization or government  (even if such organization agrees to reimburse you or provide you with the funds for the membership dues).   The application can only be filled out by that Global 5000 organization, other leading organization or government which meets both criteria  for consortium membership.  The bottom line is this:  You cannot represent a third party without our express knowledge and formal consent. 
  • Regardless as to whether or not you can personally afford to pay the consortium membership dues out-of-pocket,  consortium membership is open only to organizations or governments which meet our membership criteria.   In other words, the Consortium does NOT accept applications or fees from individuals.
  • If a new Consortium Member Organization or Government (which you had invited) agrees to have you represent them as their official Distinguished Member representative,  the Consortium will require from YOU  an official document which confirms the terms of the agreement between YOU and the new Consortium Member Organization or Government. 
Such agreement MUST include how you are being remunerated by that organization and the minimum total annual compensation you will receive by that organization during your first year on the consortium.    
We require that such organization or government pay you a minimum total annual compensation of USD $250,000 (You can always negotiate for a higher amount.  For the type of work you will be doing and the astronomical amount of benefits that your sponsor stands to gain from your participation on the consortium, the recommended amount is USD $500,000).   Toward the end of this article, you will get the full picture. 
WHY IS THAT, you might say?  
Well, from the consortium's  standpoint, it is critical that the compensation you receive from such organization or government be commensurate with the caliber of executives that we expect on the consortium.  
If such organization or government does NOT deem you worthy of this level of compensation, there can only be 2 reasons for that:  1) They do not believe that you are worth this level of compensation based on their perception of you or their prior experience with you.  2) Or they just don't really have a clue as to what the consortium is REALLY ALL ABOUT and WHAT'S IN IT FOR THEM.
The standard Costs vs. Benefits or Return On Investment consideration which must be addressed prior to getting any sort of buy-in.  
In other words, that can only mean that you yourself haven't taken the time to really understand what the consortium is all about; thus unable to educate that organization on Costs vs. Benefits or Return On Investment in one simple paragraph  (without having the need to prepare presentations, flowcharts, spreadsheets, budgets, cash flow projections, etc.).   
As well, we have another critical reason for insisting that you are properly compensated for your Distinguished Member representation on the consortium.  There is a tremendous learning curve involved for a new Distinguished Member and, therefore, we cannot afford to have any sort of member turnover due to any member feeling that they are not being properly compensated.  
It is just too damn expensive (in more ways than you can even imagine) for the Consortium to have to bring in someone to pick up where a former member left off.  We cannot afford to have a Trump Administration turnover rate for the sort of work that our mission entails.            
  • Membership participation for ALL Distinguished Member representatives MUST be on a full-time basis (standard 40 hours per week).   NO part-time work is allowed.   If you have a busy schedule and can't meet that requirement, then you will NOT be able to participate.
  • This is NOT a typical consortium.  It's a combination of  Consortium, Think Tank, Diplomatic Forum, Futuristic City-State Enclave Research,  Postdoctoral Fellowship Research on Virtual Organizations, and Virtual Organization Leadership Executive Sabbatical - all rolled up into one.  
The New Virtual Organization World Consortium is  the Most Prestigious Consortium anywhere in the world and I personally challenge anyone anywhere in the world to prove otherwise.  We have a treasure trove of knowledge, information  and  intellectual property to share with those who "truly have a deep interest in The New  Virtual Organization World." 
I invite you to read:  An "Otherworldly" Financial and Economic System is Oxygen and Water For ... :: in order to get a very basic idea of the breadth and scope of our mission. 
I guess you can now understand why Part-Time Work is NOT allowed :: why 100% Commitment is required :: why our membership dues are not your typical and average consortium fees :: and why we insist that YOU are properly compensated by your sponsor for your participation on the consortium.      
(We just don't have the time to fart around and play games with curiosity seekers, lookie-loos, tire kickers and fence sitters.)
  • And last but not least,  prior to approaching any organization or government regarding the consortium,  I strongly recommend the following:  1) Do your homework!  Go to the Virtual Organization Management Institute Blog and read (as well as take the time to thoroughly understand) the last 10 articles.  2) Follow ALL the links in these articles; which will in turn provide you with a 360-degree view of VOMI and what we are all about.  3) Upon completion of tasks #1 and #2, then go ahead and prepare your very own comprehensive strategy in terms of how you would want to approach these organizations or governments that you would like to invite to join the consortium and have them appoint you as their Distinguished Member representative.
A Word of Caution:  Do NOT attempt to read everything at once or you will be totally overwhelmed.  As one of my colleagues stated, "Pierre ... There is so much interesting, relevant and rich material there. I also find it overwhelming."  However,  rest assured that  "there is a method to the madness."    
The key to the gates of The New Virtual Organization World Consortium is to remain composed, focused  and patient.  It should take you anywhere from 2 weeks to 1 full month in order to complete these tasks.  If you are NOT willing (or just don't have the time) to devote that much effort in trying to fully understand what this is all about in order to secure a seat on the consortium and completely transform your life and career, then DISREGARD this article  and no further communication between you and the consortium is necessary.  
I hope this helps. I tried to be as thorough and transparent as possible.

About Author:   Pierre Coupet, CEO & Q of Virtual Organization Management is the founder of Virtual Organization Management Institute (VOMI), VOMI Virtual Organization AcademyVOMI Global Think Tankand Virtual Organization Recruiter:: founder of the modern virtual organization management and virtual organization recruitment disciplines pioneered since 1997:: founder of League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives:: and Architect of THE NEW VIRTUAL ORGANIZATION WORLD Collection

Stock Photo: courtesy of Pixabay : Free Digital Photos :: and Unsplash

Friday, February 23, 2018

An "Otherworldly" Financial and Economic System is Oxygen and Water For ...

The New Virtual Organization World
It's a New Principled World, It's Virtual, and It's Organized

An "Otherworldly" Financial and Economic System is Oxygen and Water for Human Evolution.

Why is that, you might say?    Well, it goes without saying that,  without oxygen and water, practically most forms of life on this planet, as we now know it,  will die.

And that very same principle also applies to Human Evolution:   Without an "Otherworldly" Financial (Oxygen) and Economic (Water) System,  humans will never evolve and there is a high likelihood that we will eventually become extinct.

In other words, despite our technological evolution over the past millions to billions of years, from a Human Evolution standpoint, we have not evolved one iota:: and two of the primary culprits responsible for our failure to evolve are our (past, present and future) financial and economic system.

So, let us examine the difference between our current global financial system and an "otherworldly" financial system.

Anatomy of Current Global Financial System

Today's Global Financial System is a very "primitive" standard financial system that mankind has inherited from our Ape-Troglodyte-Neanderthal Ancestors from time immemorial. 

In a nutshell,  a standard financial system consists of the financial instruments used for acquiring and producing goods and services; the formal or informal institutions required to manage the issuance and regulation of these financial instruments;  and the mechanisms used to account for such transactions and activities.

Although, with the advent of time, the nature of the financial instruments,  goods and services:: the formal or informal financial institutions and their methods of issuance and regulation of these instruments:: as well as their accounting mechanisms, have all undergone drastic changes since their introduction to us by our Ape-Troglodyte-Neanderthal Ancestors,  nonetheless, the underlying essence of their financial system, which we are still using this very day, minute and second,  has NOT changed one iota.

It is purely a Power and Control-based system.   In other words:
  • Have "Financial Instrument," Can Buy Food to Eat; the lack of it means you will have to rely on government welfare and handouts from aid agencies, if available,  or starve (to death, in many cases).
  • Have "Financial Instrument," Can Buy Shelter; the lack of it means you will have to rely on government welfare and handouts from aid agencies, if available,  or you will be vulnerable to the elements (and die in many cases).
  • Have "Financial Instrument," Can Buy Clothing; the lack of it means you will have to rely on government welfare and handouts from aid agencies, if available,  or you will be vulnerable to the elements (and die in many cases)
  • Have "Financial Instrument," Can Buy Medicine or Get Healthcare; the lack of it means you will have to rely on government welfare and handouts from aid agencies, if available,  or you will suffer needlessly (and die in many cases).
  • Have "Financial Instrument," Can Obtain Basic Quality Education; the lack of it means, at best,  you will suffer from an inferior education and a lack of opportunities and be condemned to a life of indentured servitude or labor,  economic exploitation, extreme hardships, poverty (and many related nightmares).
  • Have "Financial Instrument," Can Obtain Advanced or Higher Education; the lack of it means  you will just have to be proud of the fact that you are working for a very smart and highly educated boss - don't laugh!;  or be content with the fact or stigma that your boss is smarter and wiser than you;  or believe that you are less worthy than your highly educated colleagues (even if you are smarter than all of them combined).
  • Have "Financial Instrument," Can Buy Transportation; the lack of it means you will suffer from a lack of mobility and be limited to a restricted environment (and all related adverse consequences).
  • Have "Financial Instrument," Can Travel; the lack of it means you will suffer from a lack of freedom of movement and be vulnerable to myopia (and all related adverse consequences). 
  • Have "Financial Instrument," Can Build a Product; the lack of it means you will have to be content with the fact that somebody hired you to Build Their Product (even if you are the one who invented or designed it).
  • Have "Financial Instrument," Can Sell a Product; the lack of it means you will have to be content with the fact that somebody hired you to Sell Their Product (even if you are the one who designed and built it).
  • Have "Financial Instrument," Can Build an Organization; the lack of it means you will have to be content with the fact that somebody hired you to lead or be a member of that organization (even if you are the architect of that organization - i.e., the brains behind it).
  • Have "Financial Instrument," Can Build Many Advanced Scientific Research Institutes;  the lack of it means you will have to be content with the fact that your company or country is not on a Sanctions List and you may be able to obtain admission at such institutes subject to meeting their requirements (even if your organization or country has an abundance of highly talented scientists).
  • Have "Financial Instrument," Can Build Many Futuristic Technology Companies;  the lack of it means you will have to be content with the fact that your company or country is not on a Sanctions List and you may be able to purchase or license some of these technologies subject to meeting all requirements (even if your organization or country has an abundance of highly talented technologists).
  • Have "Financial Instrument," Can Build Highly Advanced and Sophisticated Aerospace and Defense Program; the lack of it means you will just have to be content with the fact (more like "thank your lucky stars") that your company or country is not on the US (or any other powers-that-be) List of Countries that need to be destabilized or bombed back to the Stone Age for refusing to toe the line (even if your organization or country has an abundance of highly talented aerospace scientists).
  • Have "Financial Instrument," Can Build or Rebuild Country's Powerful Military and Invincible Defense System; the lack of it means you will have to be content with the fact that your company or country is not on a Sanctions List and you are still permitted to purchase unclassified and restricted versions of some of these defense systems (even if your organization or country has an abundance of highly talented, sophisticated and innovative aerospace and weapon systems scientists and physicists as well as legendary military tacticians and gurus).
  • Have "Financial Instrument," Can Build Large and Powerful Armies, Conquer Lands, Destroy Enemies, and Build Vast Empire and Dynasties; the lack of it means you will have to be content with the fact that your country is not on the current list of countries to be burned to the ground and swallowed up by your bloodthirsty neighbor (even though you know it's only a matter of time before the sons of Mephistopheles turn their sights toward you and make your country a Living Syrian Hell).
  • Have "Financial Instrument," Can Build Major Interstellar Space Travel Program;  the lack of it means you will have to be content with the fact that your company or country may one day be able to participate in such program IF  it is not on a Sanctions List;  you haven't pissed off the powers-that-be in any way, shape or form;  and you have not voted the wrong way on any  United Nations resolution (even if your organization or country has an abundance of highly talented astrophysicists).
  • Have "Financial Instrument," Can Build or Rebuild Country's Entire State-of-the-Art Infrastructure, thus leading to a Creation of Millions of Jobs and a Very Prosperous Economy;  the lack of it means you will have to be content with the fact that your company or country is not on a Sanctions List and investors (in the form of Traditional Banks, Venture Capital Companies, Joint Venture Partners,  Institutional Investors, Sovereign Debt, etc.) are willing to enslave existing stakeholders and current and future generations of your people, respectively,  with a mountain of debt related to Foreign Direct Investment in your company or country (even if your organization or country is in possession of--or sitting on--an abundance or mountain of valuable mineral resources).
  • Have "Financial Instrument," Can Purchase Machinery, Equipment and Hire Expertise and Labor Needed to Extract Country's Mineral Resources; the lack of it means you will have to be content with the fact that your company or country is not on a Sanctions List and investors (in the form of Traditional Banks, Venture Capital Companies, Joint Venture Partners,  Institutional Investors, Sovereign Debt, etc.) are willing to enslave existing stakeholders and current and future generations of your people, respectively,  with a mountain of debt related to Foreign Direct Investment in your company or country in order to extract these mineral resources (even if your organization or country is in possession of these valuable mineral resources).    
  • Have "Financial Instrument," Can Build a Futuristic City-State Enclave with a Civilized World Financial System in Every Corner of the Globe; the lack of it means you will have to be content with the fact that your company or country is not on a Sanctions List and investors (in the form of Traditional Banks, Venture Capital Companies, Joint Venture Partners,  Institutional Investors, Sovereign Debt, etc.) are willing to enslave existing stakeholders and current and future generations of your people, respectively,  with a mountain of debt related to Foreign Direct Investment in your company or country (even if your organization or country is in possession of--or sitting on--an abundance or mountain of valuable mineral resources).
  • Have "Financial Instrument," Can Build or Rebuild Country's Financial System; the lack of it means you will have to be content with the fact that your company or country is not on a Sanctions List and you are still permitted to participate in the current global financial system (even if your organization or country has an abundance of highly talented, sophisticated and innovative financial gurus).
  • Have "Financial Instrument," Can Build or Rebuild Country's Entire Economic System; the lack of it means you will have to be content with the fact that your company or country is not on a Sanctions List and you are still permitted to participate in the current global economic  system (even if your organization or country has an abundance of highly talented, sophisticated and innovative economic gurus).
  • Have "Financial Instrument," Can Build the Greatest and Most Advanced Civilization in the Entire History of Mankind; the lack of it means we will all have to be content with the fact that we are nothing but a bunch of primitive and barbaric savages and cross our fingers or pray that, one day,  we will not have to gain first-hand experience of the savagery and butchery of our fellow human beings (even though there is a great number of  good, decent, civilized and highly intelligent human beings throughout the planet who can indeed contribute to the advent of such advanced civilization and we have ALL the resources in the world that we need to make this happen).
  • Have "Financial Instrument," Can Build Paradise On Earth; the lack of it means we will all have to be content with the fact that this is all just wishful thinking a la Alice in Wonderland; the real world is nothing but a jungle - a world of predators and prey, where the strong survive and the weak perish;  that "might is right"; and that only the mighty get to administer their dose of justice (even though there is a great number of  good, decent, civilized and highly intelligent human beings throughout the planet who can indeed make this dream a reality for all).
As I have clearly demonstrated, you will notice that NOTHING can be done or accomplished outside the  purview and confines of the standard financial system we have inherited from our Ape-Troglodyte-Neanderthal Ancestors.  Hence the reason why Humans have NOT evolved One Iota over the past millions to billions of years.   

Our Debt-Based Financial System is purposely designed to keep every single individual, organization, institution and nation on planet Earth in a state of chaos and servitude (or economic slavery, to put it bluntly).   

It relies on Masters and Slaves:: Leaders and Followers:: Royalty and their Subjects:: Rulers and their Praetorian Guards::  Religions::  Ethnic, Gender, and Political Division and Persecution:: the Rich and Poor::  Predators and Prey:: Wars, Invasions, Annexations and Conquests; the Strong and Weak:: Might Is Right:: the Law of the Jungle:: Survival of the Fittest:: the Privileged Class and the Lower Class::  the Enlightened and the Ignoramus and Uninformed::  Human Compromise Operations, Sting Operations, False Flag Operations, Restriction of Access to Information:: Misinformation, Disinformation, Lies, Lies, Lies and More Lies::  Oppressive and Repressive Laws::  Criminal, Thuggish, Insane, Abhorrent and Blatant Invasion of Privacy via fake, hypocritical and sinister KYC (know your customer) and AML (anti-money laundering) Laws::  Wiretapping, Arrests, Interrogations, Trials, Punishments,  No-Knock Warrants, Jails, Beatings, Torture, Human Degradation, Forced Tube and Rectal Feeding, Body Cavity Searches and Death by Execution:: Extortion in the form of Taxes, Fines, Assessments and Asset Forfeitures all under threat of Confinement or Death::  Mansion and Spacious Housing Inhabitants and Cramped Quarter, Hut or Cave Dwellers::  and last but not least, the Sacredness of  Human Dignity and Quality of Life for the Mighty,  and No Significant Value Attached to Human Life for Ordinary People.

Therefore, Whoever or whichever Supranational entity or financial consortium controls the current global financial system does, in fact, have an enormous amount of Power as well as Total and Absolute Control over the pace of progress (or regression) of every single nation on planet Earth.

Anatomy of Otherworldly Financial System:  Oxygen for Human Evolution

Whereas an "otherworldly" financial system is purely "NEED-based":
  • Have a Need to Engage in Any Activity that can or will contribute to the evolution of the human race,  then undertake that effort either individually or in collaboration with others.  That's all there is to it!
This financial system relies solely on the empowerment of  each and every single Individual and NOT on the omnipotent power of the State or some supranational institution
(I already know the primitive and barbaric savage thoughts that are going through your mind right now this very second, however, that's quite normal and you are not alone.  Yes,  you are right! This concept is indeed out of this world and you can't really wrap your mind around it, hence the reason why it is called an "otherworldly" financial system.)     
It represents the Oxygen needed for humans to evolve from our current "primitive and barbaric savage state."   Just in case you might be wondering, "No, I am NOT talking about some remote tribe in the Amazon Forest, the jungles of Asia and Africa, or any other remote, underdeveloped, or unexplored region of the world.   I am specifically referring to ALL human beings living here on planet Earth."   That means You and I both.

This otherworldly financial system only relies on Principled Geopolitical Leaders; Otherworldly Futurists, Pioneers and Innovators;  bona fide Collaborators; the Strength and Value of  the Human Potential;  the Value of  Human Ingenuity;  and the Catalytic Effect of  Living in Freedom from Tyranny.

With respect to how this is possible,  the answer lies in front of each and every single one of us if only we really and truly cared to know and  are willing to remove the veils of ignorance which blind us all::  and if we are also ready and willing to trust our own intelligence. 

Hence the reason for the existence of  The New Virtual Organization World Consortium and the Host a Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial System  project in progress:: wherein this information can be shared with others of like mind for the benefit of all of mankind and Human Evolution.

So, let us now examine the difference between our current global economic system and an "otherworldly" global economic system.
Anatomy of Current Global Economic System

Our current global economic system is a direct offspring and consequence of our current global financial system.   There is absolutely nothing that can be done to fundamentally alter its course:: or to either change or make any substantial improvements to it:: regardless of any sort of  technological revolution or evolution.

Whether this technological revolution or evolution is in the form of Blockchain, Distributed Ledger, Hashgraph, Directed Acyclic Graph, Cloud Currency, or any other form of technology developed  now or in the foreseeable or distant future,  no fundamental or paradigm changes can be made to our current global economic system.       

Anatomy of Otherworldly Global Economic System: Water for Human Evolution

The same can be said with respect to an otherworldly global economic system.  It does indeed represent Water for Human Evolution.  To wit, it is a direct consequence of the otherworldly global financial system.   That means, as long as the otherworldly global financial system remains in place, no amount of technological revolution and evolution can have any sort of fundamental and structural effect on the foundation of the otherworldly global economic system.   

Thus, it can be said:: and we can all be reassured:: that once an otherworldly global economic system is put in motion, the evolution of mankind will proceed on an exponential basis by leaps and bounds. 

About Author:   Pierre Coupet, CEO & Q of Virtual Organization Management is the founder of Virtual Organization Management Institute (VOMI), VOMI Virtual Organization AcademyVOMI Global Think Tankand Virtual Organization Recruiter:: founder of the modern virtual organization management and virtual organization recruitment disciplines pioneered since 1997:: founder of League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives:: and Architect of THE NEW VIRTUAL ORGANIZATION WORLD Collection.

Stock Photo: courtesy of Pixabay : Free Digital Photos :: and Unsplash

Copyright 2007-2023.  Pierre Coupet.  VOMI. Virtual Organization Management Institute. VOMI Virtual Organization Academy.  Virtual Organization Recruiter. VOMI Global Think Tank.  All rights reserved.  Cannot be  reproduced without permission.