The New Virtual Organization World
- If you believe that people are capable of leading themselves.
- If you believe that people should learn how to lead themselves.
- If you believe it is impossible for any person or entity to lead others, and thus refuse to lead others.
- If you know - or are willing to learn - the difference between the words "conscious" and "consciousness."
- If you understand the difference between "knowledge" and "intelligence."
- If you believe that you possess the same amount of intelligence as every other human being.
- If you understand the difference between "having intelligence" and "using your intelligence."
- If you understand that, in the grand scheme of things, knowledge is infinite, and thus there can never be an end or limit to "knowledge discovery."
- If you understand that, in the grand scheme of things, intelligence is infinite, and thus there is no limit to "the amount of intelligence" we have access to.
- If you are willing to concede the possibility that you may not even exist in accordance with our current definition of existence.
- If you believe that Wisdom is infinite. Thus no person or entity can claim to be in possession of Wisdom. Hence, one can only engage in a perpetual Search for Wisdom.
- If you believe that no single individual or entity can impart Wisdom to others.
- If you believe that Enlightenment is infinite. Thus no individual or entity can claim to be Enlightened. Hence, one can only engage in a perpetual Search for Enlightenment.
- If you believe that no person or entity can Enlighten others.
- If you refuse to be validated by others (medals, prizes, awards, followers, publicity, etc.)
- If you understand that "Success" is an illusion and a distraction, and thus refuse to strive for and be enslaved by the lures and trappings of success.
- If you understand that "Power" is an illusion and a distraction, and thus refuse to strive for and be enslaved by the lures and trappings of power.
- If you understand that "Wealth" is an illusion and a distraction, and thus refuse to strive for and be enslaved by the lures and trappings of wealth.
- If you understand that your Consciousness is distinct from your physical body and that the Real YOU is your Consciousness. That means you can never die and will never die in accordance with our current definition of death. Thus No Individual or Entity In the Universe has any power and control over you. Hence, any power and control that others have over you are those which have been granted to them by YOU. In other words, fuck the powers-that-be. YOU have the power.
- If you believe that YOU are the only master of your own destiny. Live and Let Live.
- If you are willing to question every single bit of information that you have ever acquired since you came into this world and thus are willing to explore other interpretations and even conflicting information.
- You Are NOT White, Black, Brown, Minority, Racist, Privileged or Disadvantaged
- Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa
- League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives
- Sanity Is the Conformity to Insanity and Absurdities
- Insanity Is the Rejection of Sanity and a Precursor to Knowledge Discovery
- Your Choice: A Better World Or a Brand New World?
- Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a "Civilized World Financial System"
- Folly of Visionary’s Frustration In The Land of the Blind, Deaf and Dumb
- Virtual Organization Advisors
- Virtual Organization Leadership
- Virtual Organization Recruiter
- Virtual Organization Management Institute
- Virtual Organization Management Institute Repository
- The New Virtual Organization World Consortium
- Digital Currency Consortium
- Digital Currency Ethical Board
- The Digital Currency Manifesto
- Virtual Campus Dormitory Consortium
- Virtual Residential Community Consortium
- A Global Need For Principled Geopolitical Leaders
- Treatise On Political Evolution
Stock Photo: courtesy of Pixabay
Copyright 2007-2021. Pierre Coupet. VOMI. Virtual Organization Management Institute. Virtual Organization Leadership. Virtual Organization Advisors. Virtual Organization Executives. Blockchain Executives. VOMI Virtual Organization Academy. Virtual Organization Recruiter. VOMI Global Think Tank. All rights reserved. Cannot be reproduced without permission.