Friday, May 27, 2022

The Fictional Narrative of a Rules-Based International Order


The New Virtual Organization World

It's a New Principled and Civilized World, It's Virtual and It's Organized

Careening blindly at lightning speed toward an inevitable Nuclear War with "clearly intended" consequences smacks of hubris and total insanity.  

In the event you are thinking, "But Pierre, if such nuclear war is inevitable, then is it logical for me to conclude that there is nothing that I can do about it and thus am helpless to affect the outcome in any way, shape or form," my answer is:  Yes, you are correct!   

However, that being said, this article is NOT intended to prevent this incoming nuclear war.   Rather, it seeks to address the choices and decisions ALL of mankind will have to consider and make in the immediate aftermath of such conflagration and how we can all move forward.

However, prior to going over these choices and decisions, I know that most of you are wondering why I am so sure that this nuclear war is inevitable.   

The answer is extremely simple:   This has absolutely nothing to do with prophecy, manifest destiny, access to some reliable insider sources, or some unique ability to predict the future.  

In other words, that is no different than stating that [2 + 2 = 4] or me making the following statement:  Tomorrow, the sun will rise in the east, and set in the west.   

Obviously, such statement is based strictly on observation over a period of millennia; and has nothing to do with mathematics, rocket science or any sort of supernatural powers.  

Thus, let me now proceed to explain why I am so sure that this coming nuclear war is inevitable:

Reason #1.  The History of Mankind Is Written In Blood    

We are a bunch of primitive and barbaric savages (PABS) who have never enjoyed for even one minute any uninterrupted era or relative period of calm, harmony, peace, Collaboration, and prosperity.

This permanent state of affairs has always been the result of a Rules-Based International Order since time immemorial. 

Reason #2.  A Constant and Perpetual Struggle for Hegemony

The history of mankind is rife with conflicts and wars of conquest based on the concept of Might Is Right and Manifest Destiny.   In fact, such concept lies at the core and foundation of every single Local, Regional and International Political, Military, Economic and Scientific Alliance; government; regional power; world power; empire and dynasty since time immemorial.  

To deny this concept is tantamount to the height of hypocrisy, ignorance, stupidity, moronicity and mental retardation.

Mankind inherited this concept from our ape ancestors, a bunch of PABS (Primitive And Barbaric Savages) who had a need to govern on the basis of a Rules-Based International Order. 

Reason #3.  Slavery is the Only Form of Governance that Mankind Has Ever Been Exposed To

Slavery is all that the human race has ever known.  It is enshrined in the cloak of constitutions, executive orders, so-called laws and under color of law ::: and emanates from the following:

  • A smorgasbord of ideologies (e.g., democracy, communism, autocracy, dictatorship, theocracy, fascism, etc.) and dogmas ranging across every single imaginable spectrum and platform of human civilization.
  • A smorgasbord of religions and belief systems encompassing every single aspect of human existence.
  • An avalanche of legislations, mandates, restrictions, sanctions, fines, fees, taxes, extortions and coercion.
  • Government seizures, confiscations and thefts of personal property, financial and economic assets, and all other forms of possession.
  • All manners of deprivation, including the right to make a living in a chosen profession.
  • State restrictions to freedom of religion, association, movement, thought, speech and expression as well as freedom from invasive and unwanted bodily intrusions.
  • State violence in the form of psychological and mental abuse, sensory deprivation, physical abuse, rapes, physical confinement, beatings, unwanted and invasive bodily intrusions, rectal feeding, physical torture, death, physical restrictions to mobility, and geographic restrictions. 
Slavery which is further compounded, aided and abetted by all corporate entities and other institutions  operating under the jurisdiction or aegis of governments worldwide; in coordination with the complicity or acquiescence of the so-called powers-that-be and the general public, respectively, out of a need or natural instinct for self-interest, self-preservation, greed, fear, stupidity, ignorance and willful ignorance. 

The credit for mankind's permanent state of subjugation, barbarity, savagery and mental retardation belongs to none other than our obsession with the need for a Rules-Based International Order.   

Reason #4.  Mankind's Addiction to Misery and Violence Due to Sla-Mas-Moron Virus   

We are literally addicted to misery and violence for the simple reason that each and every single human being on this planet has the "Sla-Mas-Moron Virus" embedded in our DNA.  (See December 14, 2015 article A Global Need for Principled Geopolitical Leaders for details - NOT now, very long article.)  

That means, out of a total of 8 billion people on planet Earth, the slave-master-moron effect of the Sla-Mas-Moron virus guarantees that only a small number of people (about 800 self-anointed and appointed Masters) gets to decide the fate of all remaining human beings (over 7+ billion Slaves) on this planet who are entrusted with certain responsibilities or assigned to carry out their duties like a bunch of Morons.   

Hence the reason for the fitting name and description:  Sla-Mas-Moron Virus.  

Mankind's obsession with a Rules-Based International Order is based purely (100%) on the effect of the Sla-Mas-Moron Virus embedded in our DNA. 

Reason #5.   Throughout the Entire History of Mankind, We Have Never Learned How to Lead Ourselves

Why does that matter, you might ask?  The answer is as clear as daylight:  It matters a great deal for the simple reason that, your Masters :::  the World Leaders whom we rely on to decide the fate of mankind and whose actions have already led to the Beginning of World War 3 :::  are currently on an inexorable course toward the annihilation of the majority of the global population.

And since we have never learned how to lead ourselves, that means we have absolutely no way and no one to replace them at this critical juncture in the history of mankind.   

The bottom line is this:  The entire human race is on board a runaway train run by a conductor who has lost his mental faculties and there is no one on board who knows how to run a train.   Moreover, regardless of whom would want to step up to the plate and assume control of the train, that person would not be able to change the fate of all the train passengers.   The time to learn how to run a train has long come and gone.  The only thing that the passengers can do is to hold on to whatever it is that they can get their hands on, prepare for the worst, and hope for the best. 

In the interim, we (i.e., the entire human race) are being purposely deluded into thinking that World War 3 has not yet begun while we are in fact right in the middle of World War 3.   

What has NOT yet begun is the launch of nuclear weapons by the parties to this conflict which would, in turn, precipitate a Full-Blown Nuclear War between NATO and Russia and their allies.  At which point, every single country in the world would have no choice but to choose sides.  

Thus, your leaders are hoping that you lack the intelligence to understand the nuances between the Beginning of World War 3 and a full-blown Nuclear War.  However, that being said, it's not a matter of if, but when.   And when such full-blown nuclear war erupts, YOU will NOT be able to claim or pretend that you did not know that your PABS leaders were so foolish and insane to ever allow things to get to this point.

Unfortunately, to add insult to injury, your Masters are invoking the need for a Rules-Based International Order as an excuse or smokescreen for the recent launch of World War 3 and the inevitable launch of a Full-Blown Nuclear War which will certainly engulf most of humanity.  

Reason #6.  If Anything Can Go Wrong, It Will

We have all heard at one point in our lives something which has to do with "The Law of Unintended Consequences."  Every single religion teaches us something to the effect that "Man proposes, God disposes."  As well, we have all heard the expression, "If anything can go wrong, it will." 

The point being, no matter how smart, wise, brilliant, and experienced that you perceive your leaders sitting in their ivory towers to be; and how powerful and invincible and exceptional your country is; and how easy it is for your leaders and allies to wreak havoc on others; it is impossible for anyone to predict the outcome. 

In other words, this stupid and childish game and charade that YOUR leaders are playing or engaged in, respectively, about NOT wanting to get directly involved in a war that is certain to lead to World War 3 while they are directly involved in the middle of World War 3 ::: which is guaranteed to lead to a Nuclear War :::  is NOT going to turn out so well for the entire human race. 

Things will go wrong and pointing the blame after the facts ::  at whomever or whoever it is that we want to :: will not do any of us any good.  

It will NOT bring back to us our father, mother, brother, sister, cousins, grandmothers, grandfathers, spouse, children, infants, pregnant mothers, grandchildren, other family members, close friends, friends, and associates.  

It will NOT rebuild our homes, cities, highways, and other infrastructure.  It will NOT restore the infrastructure of our current global civilization.  It will NOT clean up the air and remove the contamination in our environment.

The saddest part of it all is that ::: as it stands this very day, minute and second while you are reading this document :::  the very same people who stand to be annihilated as a result of this World War 3 that we now find ourselves right in the middle of, and ensuing inevitable Nuclear War :::  are the very same people who are clamoring for the enforcement of this fake and phony Rules-Based International Order.

Reason #7.  Last Call for Alcohol Syndrome

For those of us back in our wild and younger days while we were having the time of our life ::: who lacked the usual restraint and moderation of most bar and nightclub patrons ::: the most dreaded part of the evening was the familiar "Last Call for Alcohol."   

Ask any bartender, he would tell you that "there would always be this one customer" that they had to absolutely boot out of the bar or nightclub so that they could finally close the establishment.   For the simple reason that he lacked the good judgment and mental faculties to leave on his own volition.    

Well, when a customer is so drunk to a point where he has lost all sense of reality and just wants the party to continue regardless of the circumstances, what else can you expect?  

In a sense, that is what happens to dynasties, empires, regimes, world powers, superpowers, hegemons, all forms of government, ideologies, political unions, military alliances, associations and, by extension, their leaders.   They get so drunk with power and arrogance to a point where they lose all sense of reality and lack the good judgment and mental faculties to walk away from a situation or leave a scene on their own volition when they get that Last Call.  

Hence, they want the party to continue regardless of the circumstances. That is, of course, until some external force(s) steps in and forces them to step aside or make room for others.      

In essence, this beginning of World War 3 that we are right in the middle of this very minute is the result of this Last Call for Alcohol notice to the NATO Alliance and European Union.   

To underscore the importance and gravity of this Last Call for Alcohol notice, the world's most influential geopolitical leader of the 21st century, the 99-year-old Henry Kissinger, was tasked to deliver this message at the recent World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.    

He stated in clear and unequivocal terms that the window of opportunity for a diplomatic solution and peaceful resolution to this NATO-Russia conflict is a matter of months, NOT years.  Or else, Nuclear War is a real possibility or foregone conclusion.

However, that being said, the NATO Alliance and European Union believe that they have no other option but total victory or else the Russian Bear will run roughshod over them and make them pay a very steep and dear price for daring to poke and insult him.  Specifically, the US knows (not believes) that its prestige and power will be completely diminished if Russia is not totally vanquished.

Whereas Russia believes that it is facing an existential crisis which requires victory at all costs.  Thus, it cannot afford to back down after all the harms and insults which have been inflicted and leveled, respectively, against their country and leadership.   

Hence the reason why a Nuclear War is inevitable once World War 3 began.   In fact, both NATO and Russia are fully aware that World War 3 has already begun and that there is no way to put the Nuclear War genie back in the bottle.     

The Supreme Irony is that both parties are invoking a Rules-Based International Order as the basis for their steadfast refusal to move an inch away from their current position.  None of the parties can afford to lose face and crawl back into their own hole for the simple reason that they know how the real world works.       

Reason #8.  No Interference in the Affairs of Human Beings (PABS)

Although there is a very clear and simple solution to this tragicomedy, WE are NOT allowed to interfere in the affairs of human beings across the globe.  WE have to let things run their course.  That means we cannot take sides whether we want to or not.  Nor are WE allowed to do anything that would lead others to believe that WE have become part of the conflict.  The only thing we are able to do is offer solutions on how to move forward after all events in motion have already run their due course.  

Just in case you are wondering what I mean by "WE," this term only signifies "those of us who have embarked on the Road to Human Evolution."   That's all! 
In other words, we are not in communication with some sort of alien civilization or secret society.  Nor are we suffering from any delusion of grandeur.      

What's Wrong in Having a Rules-Based International Order?

With respect to this oft-used term, Rules-Based International Order, it's finally time for me to now address, so to speak, "the elephant in the room."  So, what's wrong in having a Rules-Based International Order?  

The term "Rules-Based International Order" is, by design, inherently deceptive and insulting to people's intelligence.  Its advocates assume that we are all blind, deaf, dumb, and stupid beyond measure - nothing but a bunch of morons.  

For the simple reason that, when 99.99% of human beings hear that term, they have a tendency to automatically associate it with a Global Entity or International Order operating under One Set of Rules that:

  • Are Fair to Everyone.
  • Are designed for Everyone to Follow.
  • Are designed to Instill Discipline and Bring Order to chaos in our lives. 
  • Are designed to Bring Clarity to our life, purpose and mission.
  • Are designed to Instill Cohesion and a Sense of Responsibility in the accomplishment of our mission. 
  • Are designed to Make Everyone Accountable for their actions.
However, as we all know, unless you've been living under a rock your entire life, that is NOT How The Real World Works.   We all live in a world of predators and prey, bullies, pirates, liars, charlatans, thieves, psychopaths, sociopaths, extortionists, people and nations who want you to bend to their will, hegemons, sanctionnaires, sanction freaks, sanction addicts, lapdogs, patsies, vassals, slaves, thugs, nasty and evil creatures without an ounce of conscience and remorse - where Might Is Right, etc.   And if you need me to tell you more about how the real world works, then stop reading this paper.  

This "Rules-Based International Order" term is deceptive from the standpoint that it is intended to prey on the very worst instincts of human beings:  fear, ignorance, willful ignorance, stupidity, lack of personal initiative to come up with answers to their own questions;  a need for masters:::in order to be led, protected and punished by them whenever they (their slaves) go astray; a preference for slavery:::to satisfy their need to be cared for:::to conform to edicts, dictates, orders, rules, mandates, etc. for the greater good:::simply out of fear:::or due to the need for self-preservation;  and last but not least, our primitive, barbaric and savage mentality. 

It is also designed to prey on the very best instincts of human beings:  our kindness, innocence, loving and caring spirit, gullibility, willingness to rally for a good cause, willingness to sacrifice for a good cause, willingness to sacrifice for the greater good, and a constant search for clarity in our life and the world around us.

The formula is very simple:  Prey on the very best instincts of human beings in order to make them commit the most horrible atrocities which require the use of their very worst instincts.   

That includes Man's Inhumanity to Man, Conquests Based On Manifest Destiny, Conquests Based On Racial Superiority, Genocides, Fratricidal Wars, Wars to End All Wars, Wars for so-called Democracy and Human Rights, Crusades, Holy Wars, Global Wars On Terror, Color Revolutions, Perpetual Invasions, Covert Wars, Proxy Wars, Wars for A New World Order, Wars for a One World Order,  World Wars and Nuclear Wars  - all in order to uphold a fake and phony Rules-Based International Order.

Moving Forward

Notwithstanding the fact that there is nothing that we can do now to prevent this Nuclear War from happening, nonetheless, we can begin to prepare ourselves for the aftermath so that mankind will never again be caught unprepared or feel helpless in the face of certain disaster.  

That means, we can now begin to learn what we need to know in order to prepare for or prevent another Armageddon or Apocalypse event:   Principled Leadership, Virtual Organization Leadership, Principled Geopolitical Leadership, Political Evolution, Making the Transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being, and Building a Global Civilization Based On a Civilized World Financial System in order to embark on the Road to Human Evolution.

Next Step for Potential Collaborators

The following entities are ideal for any individual, organization or government who wishes to become a Collaborator:

Supplemental Information for Advocates of Human Evolution

Moreover, I invite you to review, at your own leisure, these documents which offer a deep insight into the virtual organization management discipline, virtual organization leadership, as well as the need for mankind to make the transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being and further embark on the road to Human Evolution.   No need to rush, just bookmark this page, you have an entire lifetime to read them:

Let Us Manifest!

About Author:  Pierre Coupet, Q of VOM is the founder of Virtual Organization Management Institute (VOMI), Virtual Organization Management Institute Repository,  VOMI Global Think Tank VOMI Virtual Organization AcademyVirtual Organization LeadershipVirtual Organization AdvisorsVirtual Organization RecruiterDigital Currency Consortium, Digital Currency Ethical Board,  Virtual Organization  Executives, and Blockchain Executives :: founder of the modern virtual organization management and virtual organization recruitment disciplines pioneered since 1997:: founder of League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives:: and Lead Architect of  Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial SystemContact Online

Stock Photo: courtesy of Pixabay

Copyright 2007-2022. Pierre Coupet. VOMI. Virtual Organization Management Institute. Virtual Organization Leadership. Virtual Organization Advisors.  Virtual Organization Executives. Blockchain Executives. VOMI Virtual Organization Academy. Virtual Organization Recruiter. VOMI Global Think Tank. All rights reserved. Cannot be reproduced without permission.

Monday, May 23, 2022

Rise of the Evolutionaries


The New Virtual Organization World

It's a New Principled and Civilized World, It's Virtual and It's Organized

What is an Evolutionary?   

An Evolutionary is an individual who believes in the critical need for human evolution and is willing to embark on The Road to Human Evolution.   Such march entails the following:  A clear understanding of the role of Principled Leadership, Virtual Organizations, a World of Virtual Organizations, Virtual Organization Leadership, Principled Geopolitical Leadership, Political Evolution, Making the Transition from Human to Intelligent Being, and Building a Global Civilization of Intelligent Beings Based On a Civilized World Financial System.    

Who Are the Evolutionaries?

There are two (2) distinct groups of Evolutionaries: (1) The .00999 Percenters, and (2) The .00001 Percenters - both of whom consisting of a grand total of .01% of the global population, collectively referred to as "The .01 Percenters."    (Review 5/19/22 article Beneath...Lie Battered Souls for details.  NOT now - long article)

Why Such Lofty and Unattainable Goal?

If such pursuit were NOT perceived to be lofty and unattainable, then there would NOT be any need for Evolutionaries.   Instead, we would all be content with the status quo:  A constant drumbeat for Revolutionaries Who Want to Make the World a Better Place - the results of which have always turned out to be a Lofty and Unattainable Goal over the last 600+ million years :: A Supreme Irony.     

The only problem with the Revolutionary approach is that, "The World Is Already a Better Place  without human beings."   

The Road to Human Evolution Is a Lofty and Attainable Goal

Therefore, since the world is already a better place without human beings, what is truly needed is a Paradigm Shift from Trying to Make the World a Better Place to Making the Transition from Human Beings to Intelligent Beings.   

An approach which requires ALL Human Beings to understand that although they currently think and act like a bunch of primitive and barbaric savages (PABS), they are really Intelligent Beings-In-Progress and that they do indeed have the capacity to learn how to mine and use their intelligence.  

At which point, they would realize that embarking on The Road to Human Evolution is most assuredly a Lofty and Attainable Goal.  

However, that being said, I am fully aware that is easier said than done for 99.99% of the global population.  In which case, there exists somewhere on this planet an infinitesimal number of human beings scattered all over the globe :::: the remaining .01% of the global population (The .01 Percenters) :::: who have already reached a state of awareness regarding their capacity to mine and use their intelligence in order to make the transition from human beings to intelligent beings;  and thus are ready and willing to begin to chart a new course toward human evolution.

Invitation to All Evolutionaries

Thus, if you sincerely believe that you are an Evolutionary, a member of The .00999 Percenters or  The .00001 Percenters ::: collectively referred to as "The .01 Percenters" ::: then proceed to review the 5/19/22 article Beneath...Lie Battered Souls  for more details on The .01 Percenters and the following Next Step for Potential Collaborators.                               

Next Step for Potential Collaborators

The following entities are ideal for any individual, organization or government that wishes to become a Collaborator:

Supplemental Information for Advocates of Human Evolution

Moreover, I invite you to review, at your own leisure, these documents which offer a deep insight into the virtual organization management discipline, virtual organization leadership, as well as the need for mankind to make the transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being and further embark on the road to Human Evolution.   No need to rush, just bookmark this page, you have an entire lifetime to read them:

Let Us Manifest!

About Author:  Pierre Coupet, Q of VOM is the founder of Virtual Organization Management Institute (VOMI), Virtual Organization Management Institute Repository,  VOMI Global Think Tank VOMI Virtual Organization AcademyVirtual Organization LeadershipVirtual Organization AdvisorsVirtual Organization RecruiterDigital Currency Consortium, Digital Currency Ethical Board,  Virtual Organization  Executives, and Blockchain Executives :: founder of the modern virtual organization management and virtual organization recruitment disciplines pioneered since 1997:: founder of League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives:: and Lead Architect of  Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial SystemContact Online

Stock Photo: courtesy of Pixabay

Copyright 2007-2022. Pierre Coupet. VOMI. Virtual Organization Management Institute. Virtual Organization Leadership. Virtual Organization Advisors.  Virtual Organization Executives. Blockchain Executives. VOMI Virtual Organization Academy. Virtual Organization Recruiter. VOMI Global Think Tank. All rights reserved. Cannot be reproduced without permission.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Beneath...Lie Battered Souls


The New Virtual Organization World

It's a New Principled and Civilized World, It's Virtual and It's Organized

Beneath our meticulous grooming and manicure, flawless appearance, suits, costumes and other attire, degrees, titles, achievements, reputation, followers, so-called fortune and claim to fame lie nothing but a bunch of battered souls.   

Battered by a meteoric shower of lies, deception, sophistry, edicts, restrictions, mandates, extortion, abuses too many to even begin to describe, mundane threats, threats of violence, actual violence, terror, state terror, and a smorgasbord of self-inflicted wounds.

And drowning in a cacophony of voices from every imaginable source and our very own sea of nihilism, addiction, fear, apathy, ineptitude, feelings of impotence, feelings of helplessness, stupidity, ignorance, willful ignorance and, most of all, a never-ending need for power, acceptance and recognition.

Why do we tolerate such banal, primitive, barbaric and savage existence even when there are clearly alternatives?         

What Are the Alternatives?

For the 90 Percent.   No alternatives for those who have accepted their lot in life.    So, what are these alternatives?  There is no point in answering that question from anyone who has accepted his lot in life and doesn't really understand what all this fuss is about.   

The point being, they are blinded by their own realities and perceived self-interest.  To such person, you are about to complicate their life and become the instigator or purveyor of an existential crisis for them.  

As far as they are concerned, they are bound to feel inside or will outright say openly, "My life was going fine until you got into the picture. I am sorry I ever met you or listened to anything you had to say."  

We are talking about 90% of the world's population.

For The 5 Percent.   Prove to me that I really have alternatives.   This is a segment of the global population that would like a change in their situation, however, they are NOT willing to take any risks, and thus, they either need proof or a lot of convincing that any actions they take will NOT result in the equivalent of "jumping out of the frying pan into the fire." 

We are talking about 5% of the world's population.

For The 3 Percent.   Just point me in the right direction for these alternatives.   This is a segment of the global population which feels that THEY too are entitled to a better life and are willing to take whatever risks are appropriate in order to effectuate a change in the status quo.   They are the real supporters of the cause who are ensconced in various positions and at various levels within the current system.  

We are talking about up to 3% of the world's population.
For The 1.99 Percent.    At long last, we've found the alternatives we've been looking for.    This is the segment of the global population which has been lingering in the dark abyss of the dungeons and roaming around in the labyrinths of the deep underground caverns, in search of alternatives which will alleviate or altogether provide a complete solution to the current plight of ALL dwellers and inhabitants.    They are the true revolutionaries and martyrs who are willing to give their all for the cause and are indeed the founders of a new global experiment.    

We are talking about up to 1.99% of the world's population.

For The .00999 Percent.   The hell with all existing alternatives - we are open to a new paradigm.    This is the segment of the population which understands, with respect to all existing alternatives, that ALL Roads Lead to Damascus, and thus, are open to a new paradigm.   They are the true evolutionaries (NOT revolutionaries).  They are NOT interested in making the world a better place.  Instead, they seek to build a new world.   

We are talking about .00999% of the world's population. (799,200 people out of a gobal population of 8 billion.)

Therefore, within a global population of 8 billion, you can expect to find at most 799,200 people who are open to a new paradigm and prefer to go their own way, so as to not be encumbered with the remnants of a failed system. 

For The .00001 Percent.   The hell with all existing alternatives - forge a new paradigm.   This is the segment of the population which clearly understands that the current system has no redeeming values; realizes that the implementation of any existing alternatives is an exercise in futility; and goes full speed ahead to architect and forge a new paradigm.   They are not only evolutionaries but also the architects of a new paradigm.  Hence, the architects and builders of a new world which will serve as a springboard for all current and future generations. 

We are talking about .00001% of the world's population.  (800 people out of a gobal population of 8 billion.)

Therefore, within a global population of 8 billion, you can expect to find at most 800 people to actually take the time to architect and forge a new paradigm.  

In Conclusion

In conclusion, the failure to take into account the identities of The .01 Percent (i.e., The .00999 Percent +  The .00001 Percent) of any population in order to forge a new paradigm will spell the doom of any existing alternatives.   

Thus, in light of the foregoing alternatives, within the context of a new global civilization of intelligent beings needed in order to embark on the Road to Human Evolution, you should now be able to understand why mankind has not been able to evolve one iota over the last 600+ million years.         

Hence the reason why mankind continues to tolerate such banal, primitive, barbaric and savage existence even when there are clearly alternatives.  (Since these alternatives are the equivalent of All Roads Lead to Damascus.) 

"All Roads Lead to Damascus" is just a cryptic way of saying, no matter which road you choose, or which alternative you select, at the end of the day, after all has been said and done, you will wind up in the same situation or same place that you were in before - or you will meet whatever fate was in store for you. 

The point being, we cannot change the outcome of our fate when we are not willing to walk away from the source of all our ailments in order to forge a new paradigm.  Tinkering around the edges of a failed system only serves to give us the illusion of progress and prolong our misery - and nothing else. 

Thus, if you happen to fall into The .00001 Percent category - and are a bona fide member of The .00001 Percent focused on Human Evolution - I invite you to unlock and throw away the shackles of all existing alternatives and begin to forge a new paradigm.  


Next Step for Potential Collaborators

The following entities are ideal for any individual, organization or government that wishes to become a Collaborator:

Supplemental Information for Advocates of Human Evolution

Moreover, I invite you to review, at your own leisure, these documents which offer a deep insight into the virtual organization management discipline, virtual organization leadership, as well as the need for mankind to make the transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being and further embark on the road to Human Evolution.   No need to rush, just bookmark this page, you have an entire lifetime to read them:

Let Us Manifest!

About Author:  Pierre Coupet, Q of VOM is the founder of Virtual Organization Management Institute (VOMI), Virtual Organization Management Institute Repository,  VOMI Global Think Tank VOMI Virtual Organization AcademyVirtual Organization LeadershipVirtual Organization AdvisorsVirtual Organization RecruiterDigital Currency Consortium, Digital Currency Ethical Board,  Virtual Organization  Executives, and Blockchain Executives :: founder of the modern virtual organization management and virtual organization recruitment disciplines pioneered since 1997:: founder of League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives:: and Lead Architect of  Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial SystemContact Online

Stock Photo: courtesy of Pixabay

Copyright 2007-2022. Pierre Coupet. VOMI. Virtual Organization Management Institute. Virtual Organization Leadership. Virtual Organization Advisors.  Virtual Organization Executives. Blockchain Executives. VOMI Virtual Organization Academy. Virtual Organization Recruiter. VOMI Global Think Tank. All rights reserved. Cannot be reproduced without permission.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

The Cataclysmic Effect of Polar Relationships


The New Virtual Organization World

It's a New Principled and Civilized World, It's Virtual and It's Organized

Let me just cut to the chase and answer the question I know you are dying to ask me:  "Pierre, what exactly is a Polar relationship?"   

Polar Relationship

A polar relationship is a relationship based on jurisdiction, boundary, domain, sphere of influence, circle of influence, common cause, ideology, affinity, and an infinite number of other qualifiers.    

It is one of two primary types of relationships:  (1) polar, and (2) nonpolar.   Within each type of relationship, there is an infinite number of categories based on affinity and objectives.    

For example, within a Polar relationship, there are two (2) main categories:   Unipolar and Multipolar

Within the Unipolar category, there is an infinite number of sub-categories.  

For Example:  

  • The World's Only Superpower (from a military standpoint)
  • The World's Only Economic Superpower (from an economic and global financial system standpoint)
  • The World's Only Maritime Superpower (strictly from a maritime standpoint)
  • And an unlimited number of other sub-category qualifiers (just use your imagination)    
Within the Multipolar category, there is also an infinite number of sub-categories.  

For Example:

  • A Global Superpower (from a military standpoint - e.g., Russia)
  • A Global Economic Superpower (from an economic and global financial system standpoint - e.g., China)
  • A Global Maritime Superpower (from a sphere of influence standpoint - China used to be such superpower at various times prior to the discovery of the Americas)
  • OPEC+   
  • Eurasian Economic Union
  • And an unlimited number of other sub-category qualifiers (just use your imagination)     

Nonpolar Relationship

It's now time for me to address the other type of relationship:  nonpolar relationship.  

A nonpolar relationship is a full-spectrum, "highest a priori ethical code" relationship that is strictly focused on Principled Geopolitical Leadership, Political Evolution, and Making the Transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being; whose ultimate objective is a new global civilization of Intelligent Beings charting a course toward Human Evolution.  

To answer a question I know you are dying to ask, this "highest a priori ethical code" relationship is strictly based on the following universal principle: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

At present, outside of Virtual Organization Management Institute and affiliated entities, you will NOT find any business entity, government, political organization, public policy institution, educational institution, religion and, by extension, any of their executives, officials, members, policymakers, academics, evangelists and practitioners who have any concept or understanding of "nonpolar" relationships.   

There is a reason for that:   That's because it is the simplest relationship, and yet the most powerful, enlightened and mutually beneficial relationship, that any human being could possibly imagine.  It appeals to our best instincts,  the discovery of our consciousness,  a perpetual search for knowledge, the harnessing of our intelligence, and an everlasting search for wisdom and enlightenment.   

As such, a nonpolar relationship is impervious to the presence and corrupting influence of PABS (Primitive And Barbaric Savages)  whose modus operandi is to utilize every single tool and weapon in their arsenal in order to divide and conquer.   

Nothing is done out of fear, coercion, extortion, intimidation, for the greater good, for the sake of survival, or due strictly to self-interest.  Every single determination, decision and action is based on one simple criteria:  Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.   

(For 99.99% of human beings, I am perfectly aware that this sounds like a crock of shit to them.   There is a good reason for that:  That's because we wind up with shit for brains when we refuse to use our intelligence.  Thus, anything which deviates from the PABS orthodoxy is automatically branded "a crock of shit".)

The "Ghost Among the Living" Effect of Nonpolar Relationships

The Parmanu effect of nonpolar relationships turns each and every single human being into A Power of One.   

That means, for any individual, organization, institution or government which would be inclined to perceive such human being as a potential threat, they would literally have an insurmountable challenge to overcome.   Why is that, you might say?  

The reason is simpler than you think.   That's because: 

  • There is no ideology to rally against. 
  • There is no ideology to suppress.
  • There is no individual to link to any ideology and brand as an enemy.
  • There is no one to intimidate, cut a deal with, and offer a plea bargain.
  • There is no one to divulge secrets or obtain any secrets from.
  • There are no secrets to reveal or obtain.
  • There is no group to infiltrate.
  • There is no one to influence or co-opt.
  • There is no one to bribe, cajole, coerce or extort. 
  • There is no one to target for a compromise operation.
  • There is no one to target for a sting operation.
  • There is no one to spy on or obtain information from.
  • There is no one to turn into a spy or informer.
  • There is no one to provide any secret, misinformation or disinformation. 
  • There is no numerical force to rally against and attack.
  • There is no country or territory to invade.  
  • There is no banner to rally against. 
  • There is no individual to identify and target for any nefarious purpose.    
  • There is no "head of the snake" or hydra monster to go after and cut off. 
  • There is no litmus test to apply in order to identify where someone's sympathies lie. 
  • There is no Artificial Intelligence which can detect consciousness and precreation.  (I know you are baffled and don't know what "precreation" means.  No need to try to google it because you will not find its true meaning there.   I am NOT talking about procreation.)
  • There are no leaders and supporters to target.  
  • There is NO specific location, domain, or habitat to target and invade.
  • In a nonpolar relationship, YOU pose NO threat to any individual human being, organization, institution, or government.  (You are like a clove of garlic, a religious cross or sunlight to a vampire and someone to shun and stay away from.) 
  • And, last but not least, the only threats that human beings who are involved in Polar relationships have to be concerned with, are those that will assuredly come from within and among themselves - AND NOT FROM YOU.  

That's because in a nonpolar relationship, we are all dealing with each other at the "consciousness" level and beyond.  A level that only Intelligent Beings are able to attain.   At which point, it becomes  mathematically impossible from a quantum, cosmic, and "a priori truth" standpoint for an Intelligent Being to represent a threat to any human being, let alone another Intelligent Being.   

That would be the equivalent of saying "John knows how to speak, read and write in order to express himself, however, he doesn't know the alphabet and the meaning of words." 

The bottom line is this:   In a nonpolar relationship, each individual practically becomes "A Ghost Among the Living."  

The Cataclysmic Effect of Polar Relationships

There is a reason why human beings have such a limited life span.   Since nothing that happens on this planet is really anything new, then all it takes is a couple of generations for human beings to finally figure out that everything they have ever been taught and led to believe throughout their entire lifetime is really nothing new - the same old shit - and has been nothing but a pack of lies, half-truths, fairy tales, bullshit, misinformation, disinformation and, in the majority of cases, nothing but a lot of horseshit.    

Of course, by the time they would have figured it all out, they are already in their 60's and 70's suffering from some form of mental incapacitation and mobility issues due to various age-related illnesses and diseases, and knocking on death's door, waiting for The Gream Reaper to welcome them to the other side.   At which point, none of these lies and fairy tales really matter in the grand scheme of things.   The things that now have precedence for them are really the welfare of their children, grandchildren and the rest of their progeny - and their legacy. 

And the same cycle repeats itself over and over for millions of years. We are all stuck in this time-loop and feel that there is no way for anyone to get off.   Thus the reason why mankind has never been able to evolve.

Therefore, for the sake of posterity, the only things that all new and future generations of human beings need to know is that the entire history of mankind is written in blood.   Blood shed by a bunch of PABS (primitive and barbaric savages) for whatever reason that your mind can conceive.  Barbarity on such a scale that your mind cannot even conceive.   Primitive customs and traditions that make you wonder if human beings are really machines instead of the sentient beings they purport to be.  Primitive cultures laying claim to the mantle of "civilization."  Butchery of fellow human beings on such a scale that even the Devil can't help but shed tears for his minions.   

Human beings have been responsible for one cataclysm after another without any sort of respite or breathing room.  We are talking about the entire history of mankind which can be traced back all the way to 600+ million years.  

Most importantly, what you need to know is that this entire period of time in history has always been marked by human beings engaged in Polar Relationships.   For the simple reason that they have never known or been made aware of the existence of Nonpolar Relationships.

As to these cataclysms, I will leave it up to each and every single reader to do their own research into any specific time period.   Otherwise, it would take me at least a million years to try to compile all of them and still come short by about ninety percent (90%) of such events.   

In Conclusion

The history of mankind tells us all that "the more advanced and civilized we become, the more childish, primitive, barbaric and savage we get."  

Perhaps, it's time for mankind to embark on a new journey on a different road.  A journey that has the potential to lead to the creation of a new Global Civilization of Intelligent Beings which can embark on the Road to Human Evolution.   

What do you think?   What do you have to lose?

Next Step for Potential Collaborators

The following entities are ideal for any individual, organization or government that wishes to become a Collaborator:

Supplemental Information for Advocates of Human Evolution

Moreover, I invite you to review, at your own leisure, these documents which offer a deep insight into the virtual organization management discipline, virtual organization leadership, as well as the need for mankind to make the transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being and further embark on the road to Human Evolution.   No need to rush, just bookmark this page, you have an entire lifetime to read them:

Let Us Manifest!

About Author:  Pierre Coupet, Q of VOM is the founder of Virtual Organization Management Institute (VOMI), Virtual Organization Management Institute Repository,  VOMI Global Think Tank VOMI Virtual Organization AcademyVirtual Organization LeadershipVirtual Organization AdvisorsVirtual Organization RecruiterDigital Currency Consortium, Digital Currency Ethical Board,  Virtual Organization  Executives, and Blockchain Executives :: founder of the modern virtual organization management and virtual organization recruitment disciplines pioneered since 1997:: founder of League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives:: and Lead Architect of  Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial SystemContact Online

Stock Photo: courtesy of Pixabay

Copyright 2007-2022. Pierre Coupet. VOMI. Virtual Organization Management Institute. Virtual Organization Leadership. Virtual Organization Advisors.  Virtual Organization Executives. Blockchain Executives. VOMI Virtual Organization Academy. Virtual Organization Recruiter. VOMI Global Think Tank. All rights reserved. Cannot be reproduced without permission.