Friday, July 28, 2023

Virtual Organization Acquisition Guidelines


The New Virtual Organization World

It's a New Principled and Civilized World, It's Virtual and It's Organized

As the old saying goes, Never Say Never!

Over the past couple of decades, I have received hundreds, if not thousands, of offers to either finance, invest in, or purchase any of a number of virtual organizations that I have founded over the years. My answer has always been, NO.

Why is that, you might ask?

Well, to make a long story short, (1) there was never a financial necessity, and (2) I never did stop to think that nobody gets to live forever and that, eventually, I would have the pass the baton on to others.

Thusly, given my age and today's current life expectancy, it is highly probable that I only have another 5-10 more years left to ensure that kindred spirits gain the benefit of my knowledge and the little bit of wisdom I have acquired over the years so they can successfully navigate in this new terrain.

These kindred spirits include those who are bold, adventurous, visionary, intelligent and enlightened enough to enter the gates of this World of Virtual Organizations in order to eventually embark on the Road to Human Evolution ::::

Therefore, I am NOT merely interested in a successful CASH exit so I can walk away from years of blood, sweat and tears. For the simple reason that every single day, hour, minute, and second of my existence over the last two (2) decades has been very intoxicating for me - nothing but pure joy and ecstasy. In fact, I would even be willing to pay just to be able to continue doing what I have been doing over the last couple of decades.

And should you ever have the opportunity to enter the gates of the Virtual Organization World, you would instantly realize what I mean by that.

In other words, for me, a successful exit means leaving what I have founded in good hands; the hands  of faithful stewards; so that they too will ensure in perpetuity the passing of the baton in good hands.

In The Good Hands of Faithful Stewards who have taken the following initiatives:

Initiative #1. Learn What that Virtual Organization is all about. Took the time to understand what the organization is all about.

Initiative #2. A Deep Insight into Virtual Organizations. Took the time to obtain a deep insight into virtual organizations.

Initiative #3. Intrinsic Value of the Virtual Organization. Took the time to gain a deep insight into the Intrinsic Value of the virtual organization.

Initiative #4. Virtual Organization World Exploration. Took the time to understand what the Virtual Organization World is all about. In which case, they are willing to venture outside their comfort zone in order to explore unfamiliar Virtual Organization World territory which will invariably lead them to a fork on the road pointing in the following direction: Know Thyself, The Terrain, and Your Grounds.

Initiative #5. Are willing to Stand On the Shoulders of Giants. In which case, they are willing to invest the amount of time and effort needed to achieve the levels of competency required to ensure that they ::: and the organization ::: are able to live up to the ideals set forth by the founding members as they attempt to carry out their Mission in accordance with the Cause of Human Evolution, the Vision, and the Grand Scheme of Things.

Initiative #6. Are willing to sit down at the Virtual Organization World table in order to play the game of Human Evolution.

In Practical Terms, the Following Initiatives Mean:

Initiative #1. Learn What that Virtual Organization is all about. For example, with respect to this very small sample of bona fide Virtual Organizations, proceed directly to their website: 

At first glance, can you tell what the organization is all about? If you can't immediately tell what it's all about, then STOP right there.

Why is that, you might say? That's because that virtual organization simply is NOT for you. Thus, any further effort on your part means that "you want to be sold on the value proposition" of that Virtual Organization.   That also means you are viewing it strictly from a potential profitable investment standpoint - and the hell with our cause, vision, mission, and grand scheme of things.

In which case, that automatically disqualifies you from consideration as my potential successor. This is NOT amateur hour or hand holding time and changing of diapers for virtual organization toddlers in nursery school in the Virtual Organization World.

On the other hand, if upon going to the website, a lightbulb shines inside your head, then proceed to dig very deep into exploring, not only all current opportunities that are listed on the site, but also all other potential opportunities that flow from them based on the sum total of your own knowledge and experience. And be sure to make a note of them so that in the event you receive notification that you are under consideration and get an opportunity to be granted an audience with me, we can discuss them at length.

When it comes to both current and potential opportunities, the following treatise ::: Road to Human Evolution: Stop Feeding the Primordial Beast ::: will give you a ton of ideas.

The point being, I am NOT interested in selling anyone on anything. Instead, it's just the opposite. I need YOU to sell me on the proposition that you understand what we are all about, as well as all current and potential opportunities that an acquisition of a Virtual Organization represents to both YOU and your organization.

Please note in the event you are being represented by a Business Broker or Mergers & Acquisitions Specialist and other parties, the foregoing information equally applies to them.

Initiative #2. A Deep Insight into Virtual Organizations. With respect to each Virtual Organization, since our focus is on this World of Virtual Organizations and you already understand:::::or a have a good feel for:::::the current opportunities in play, then proceed directly to Virtual Organization Advisors in order to obtain a deep insight into Virtual Organizations as well as a much clearer understanding of all current and potential opportunities you had identified.

There is an excellent reason for such insight at this stage of the game. Being the founder of the virtual organization management discipline and of every single bona fide virtual organization in existence as of the date of this document, I can guarantee without a doubt :::: in fact, it is a sure bet :::: that YOU yourself, including anybody else that you have ever come across, do NOT know a damn thing about Virtual Organizations.

And if you believe that you already know that information, or that all you have to do is Google it, then STOP right here and then go ahead and build your own. For the simple fact that I have absolutely no desire to deal with charlatans, clowns, imbeciles and idiots who are not aware of their limitations.

Moreover, if you merely happen to be a Business Broker or Mergers and Acquisitions Specialist, and are representing current and potential clients on the sale or acquisition of Virtual Organizations; and either YOU are not aware that such knowledge of Virtual Organizations and expertise is critical in your line of work or YOU just outright refuse to obtain such knowledge due to willful ignorance and stupidity; then consider yourself harmful to anyone who solicits your services only with respect to Virtual Organization transactions ::::: and a disgrace to your profession since you now know for a fact that such insight into virtual organizations is required.

From the standpoint that your clients and potential clients do not have a clue :::: and will never have a clue :::: that there is a substantial difference between brick-and-mortar organizations, online businesses, remote businesses, virtual businesses, and Virtual Organizations. Thus, will never know that you are either a Virtual Organization quack who is out of your league or a charlatan hiding that information from them.

In which case, we have absolutely nothing to talk about and FUCK OFF. Go play your games elsewhere without our assistance.

Initiative #3. Intrinsic Value of a Virtual Organization. Now that, in general, you have obtained a tremendous amount of knowledge with respect to Virtual Organizations; much more than anyone you have ever come across; you should now have a much clearer picture of which of the foregoing Virtual Organizations is of interest to you.

That means you are now in a position to determine, as best you can at this stage of the game, the Intrinsic Value (NOT the Market Value) of that Virtual Organization.

It's now time for me to share a little revelation with you. When it comes to virtual organizations, there is no such thing as Market Value. The only thing that matters is the Intrinsic Value.

By the way, to digress a bit, if you ever come across anyone who claims that they can assign a Market Value to a virtual organization; just run like hell, as fast and as far away from them as you can. It would take too long for me to let you know the reasons why. However, that information is provided at :::: Initiative #2. Deep Insight into Virtual Organizations.

Since you are not an expert on Virtual Organizations, just use this very crude process for determining the Intrinsic Value.

  • Step #1. Make a list of every single opportunity listed on the website and assigned revenue.
  • Step #2. Make a list of every single potential opportunity that you projected at Initiative #1 and assign a revenue to each.
  • Step #3. Prepare a Complete Business Plan for the Virtual Organization of interest to you as if you were starting from scratch. There is a reason for that as well as a method to the madness. Since you have never owned or led a bona fide virtual organization, you will be starting from scratch. However, the starting from scratch process is absolutely required for purposes of coming up with a crude Intrinsic Value of any virtual organization. Such business plan may include any or all of the following: Executive Summary: Who We Are, What We Sell, Who We Sell To :::::: Financial History :::::: Company Overview: Management Team, Solutions and Services, Potential Solutions and Services, Competitors :::::: Target Market: Market Review, Market Needs, Potential Key Clients, Market Trends, Market Growth :::::: 5-Year Strategy and Implementation: Marketing Plan, Milestones, Competitive Edge, Current Strategic Alliances, Potential Strategic Alliances :::::: Financial Plan: Personnel Plan, Sales Forecast, Budget, Cash Flow Assumptions, Loans and Investments, Projected Profit and Loss Statement, Projected Balance Sheet, Projected Cash Flow Statement, Monthly Financial Details. (LivePlan offers an excellent solution for sharing this information with us. The foregoing template information is an adaptation from their software.)

Just in case you are wondering, "But Pierre, you got the role reversed. That is information that I need from you in order for me to make a decision about the Market Value of such Virtual Organization. So what gives!" Here is my answer: Go back to the very beginning of this::::Initiative #3. Intrinsic Value of a Virtual Organization::::section. There is a difference between Market Value and Intrinsic Value. No need for you to apologize.

Now that you've gone through this entire process based on your current knowledge and experience as well as your own understanding of both current and potential opportunities available to you and your organization over a projected 5-year period from this acquisition, you have just given me all the information that I need in order to know what the Intrinsic Value of that Virtual Organization is to YOU and your organization.

However, that being said, please note that NOT ALL INTRINSIC VALUES ARE EQUAL.

What this means is that the Intrinsic Value of a Virtual Organization for YOU can be substantially different for someone else or some other organization.  

For Example, one moron without a pot to piss in or two nickels to rub together could assign a value of USD $100,000 to a Virtual Organization which has an Intrinsic Value of USD $10 billion.  

The point being, the Intrinsic Value of a Virtual Organization is different for every single individual and organization.

Just in case you are wondering what formula I will use in order to assign an Intrinsic Value based on the data you have provided to me for a Virtual Organization of interest to you, I am unable to oblige. Due to the fact that, by doing so, I would only be inviting the public to manipulate the numbers in order to arrive at an Intrinsic Value they deem favorable to them.

Well, here is the method to the madness that I mentioned earlier. If YOUR Intrinsic Value falls within the range of 70-100% of the Real Intrinsic Value of a Virtual Organization that we have already determined for the Ideal Suitor, then You and your organization will be given further consideration for discussions on how to proceed.

The bottom line is this: Anything less than 70% of the Real Intrinsic Value of such Virtual Organization means one or more of the following: (1) you don't understand the value of that Virtual Organization; (2) you lack the sophistication level and intellectual maturity to understand the opportunities presented before you; (3) you and your organization simply just don't have the resources needed in order to step up to the plate and succeed; and last but not least, (4) you are hoping that we are just a bunch of simpletons or too stupid to understand what we are holding on to, and that you could swoop in for a real steal and bargain of the century.

The point being, we know what we are holding on to and we also know their real value for the Right Person and Organization. In other words, it has to be both. If I don't like the Person but it's the Right Organization, then it's a No Starter. On the other end, I may like the Person but not the Organization, thus also a Deal Breaker.

Just in case you are wondering, "But Pierre, why are you being so arrogant and such an asshole. Who gives a shit about the Person and the Organization after you've sold the business? The hell with them. Just take your cash, pay your taxes, and go on and enjoy your fortune for the rest of your life."

Well, if this were my first introduction to a bona fide Virtual Organization, I certainly wouldn't want anybody to do that to me; and whether or not I could get away with it; I, sure as hell, am not going to do that to anybody.

So, here is the answer. There is no way in hell that any Corporate Executive from Antiquity (i.e., the brick-and-mortar world) can just step in out of left field and begin to run a bona fide virtual organization. Especially a Global Virtual Organization.

I don't give a shit who you are, where you are from, and what planet you think you are living on; that just isn't possible.

Moreover, it is also much more complicated than that. The Intrinsic Value of each Virtual Organization has 90% to do with Cause, Vision, Mission and the Grand Scheme of Things. These are the things that differentiate us from every single organization out there in both the Virtual Organization World and the brick-and-mortar world.

Hence the reason why the success of the Virtual Organization depends on my staying on board in an interim Grand Steward capacity over a minimum 2–5 year transition period at a compensation rate of $1 (one dollar) per year for the purpose of recruiting, training and grooming not only my replacement but also the entire Executive Leadership Team. (It's obvious I don't want a job, nor do I have a need for one.)

Moreover, I want you to succeed more than you will ever know due to the simple fact that your acquisition of such Virtual Organization is just the beginning of a mutualistic symbiotic Virtual Organization World relationship that is intended to last for centuries and millennia - way after we have made our transition to the next world.

Take my word for it, a tremendous amount of Virtual Organization Leadership  Executive training and experience will be required.  And without going into any details, with respect to such Virtual Organization, the Executive Leadership Team has to be YOUR people; information that is covered at :::: Initiative #2. Deep Insight into Virtual Organizations.

At my own discretion, I may decide to leave after two years if I am reasonably satisfied that my goal has been achieved and my presence is no longer required - although 2 years may be a pipe dream or could be considered overly optimistic. In any case, no more than five (5) years to get everyone on the right track.

Initiative #4. Virtual Organization World Exploration. Take as much time as you need in order to read and understand the following treatise ::: Road to Human Evolution: Stop Feeding the Primordial Beast. That is essential for you to understand the Grand Scheme of Things. That is the equivalent of stepping into the big league. This is where you get to see and understand how the acquisition of any Virtual Organization fits into the Virtual Organization World grand scheme of things.

Initiative #5. Are willing to Stand On the Shoulders of Giants. That means you need to remove your blinders or shed your superiority complex in order to take advantage of virtual organization world opportunities. There is nothing wrong in admitting, first of all, to yourself, that you don't know something; and, most importantly, to be willing to take the time to learn from someone else so you don't have to reinvent the wheel. The point being, make it a policy to always be willing to stand on the shoulders of giants.

Otherwise, we are bound to remain in the sort of Perpetual Doom Loop of Ignorance and Stupidity which negatively impacts our Intellectual Capacity and prevents us from ever embarking on the Road to Human Evolution.

For Example, over the last 50 years, and specifically with respect to the Virtual Organization World over the last 30 years, I have literally come across thousands of executives from all fields and industries; many of whom having an impressive record of educational and career achievements in the brick-and-mortar world. Many of these achievements were related to internet technology, online marketing, online education, online training, virtual webinars and seminars, social networks, social media, and blockchain technology. Yet, with few exceptions, practically none of them could bear the thought of humbling themselves and admit to me:

"Pierre, I don't know a goddamn thing about virtual organizations. However, that being said, I sure am willing to stand on the shoulders of giants, so I won't have to reinvent the wheel. In turn, I do have a lot of other skills that are transferable in this Virtual Organization Leadership position that the organization can substantially benefit from."

Instead, all I hear is the typical bullshit, hubris and arrogance about how great they are and the constant spewing of the volcanic ash and lava of their prior achievements in order to obscure the fact that they don't know shit about virtual organizations.

By "they," I am also referring to Leading Venture Capital Firms, Leading Investment Banking Firms, Leading Investment Management Firms, Investors worldwide, Business Brokers, Mergers & Acquisitions Analysts, Potential Suitors, Potential Business Partners, and Transaction Advisory Services Executives at the local level to Big 4 Consulting Firms.

Practically none of them will readily admit that they don't know what a Virtual Organization is. In fact, they truly don't know the difference between a Virtual Organization and all these other online-related entities out there - a huge contributing factor being willful ignorance.

Willful ignorance from the standpoint that I have personally responded to:::::or contacted:::::many of them on the subject of virtual organizations in order to highlight the fact that there is such a thing as a Virtual Organization; and thence gave them an opportunity to learn more - alas, all to no avail. The ignorance and stupidity is just mind-numbing, to say the least.

Hence the reason why they don't know a damn thing about Virtual Organizations; and therefore, they wouldn't know anything at all about Virtual Organization Valuation Methodology, Virtual Organization Structuring and Restructuring, etc.

Think about this for a few seconds. How can you advise a client on the valuation of a Virtual Organization when you yourself don't know a damn thing about virtual organizations?

Another way to articulate another angle to this initiative is to lift an entire section from the aforementioned treatise ::: Road to Human Evolution: Stop Feeding the Primordial Beast.

::::::::: Shed Your Superiority Complex.   People who feel inferior tend to make up for their mental illness by projecting an air of superiority in order to make others feel that they are inferior to them.  No different than people who are weaklings and mental midgets have a tendency to project a false sense of strength and intellect.  Thus, they will go to any lengths to conceal their weaknesses and feeling of inferiority in order to prevent others from finding out that "the emperor has no clothes." For the most part, these individuals tend to gravitate toward any level of positions of authority within any single field or industry throughout the globe.

:::::::: A representative sample includes many of the following: middle management-to-executive level professionals in every single field and industry; senior to executive level functionaries of public policymaking bodies; law enforcement and judicial figures; think tank members; secret society members; religious figures; intelligence community members, etc.

::::::::: By extension, their projection of superiority to make up for a feeling of inferiority leads to corruption-to-the-core and tyranny  ::::::::: (I am sure you don't understand the connection between feeling of inferiority and corruption.)

The moral of the story is: Don't be the emperor with no clothes.  Take the time to obtain a deep insight into virtual organizations.

Initiative #6. Are willing to sit down at the Virtual Organization World table in order to play the game of Human Evolution. At this point, you've been exposed to a voluminous amount of information about this World of Virtual Organizations I call the "Virtual Organization World." Moreover, you now understand the role that your acquisition of a bona fide Virtual Organization will play.   With respect to the foregoing list of Virtual Organizations, just go directly to their home page in order to refresh your memory:

That means, this is where the rubber meets the road. And in order for you to gain and maintain a modicum of credibility with us, proceed directly to Virtual Organization Leadership in order to enroll a minimum of 100 Executives in the following Enterprise Level Organization (ELO) Solution: Virtual Organization Leadership Executive Training, Assessment and Certification :::

It's now time to talk the talk, walk the walk.

Why such a huge number of executives scheduled for virtual organization leadership executive training prior to the acquisition of any of these virtual organizations?  The answer is simple: 

That is the absolute minimum number of personnel needed to run any of the foregoing virtual organizations.   And it will take a tremendous amount of time to recruit and train these individuals in the virtual organization management and virtual organization leadership discipline before they can hit the ground running.   
The point being these are NOT hit-the-ground-running mom-and-pop or start-up acquisitions.  You will be stepping into the BIG LEAGUE and BIG BUDGET acquisitions territory.  And you'd better have qualified "Virtual Organization Leadership Executives" with a modicum of knowledge and experience in the Virtual Organization World who will be able to step in and hit the ground running under my stewardship and guidance over a minimum 2-5 year period.     

Otherwise, we have no intention of playing games. 

For example, in the case of VOMI Global Think Tank, talking to any Potential Suitor representing a global organization :::: who wants to "spearhead the formulation of policies for the rapid introduction and explosion of virtual organizations worldwide and to advocate on behalf of its stakeholders from around the globe" ::::  yet, does NOT have a sliver of Virtual Organization Leadership Executives on its own management and leadership team or throughout its global workforce :::: is, at best, a farcical comedy; and would clearly be an error in judgment on my part.

Thus, upon completion of the Virtual Organization Leadership Executive training, both parties would be able to proceed in good faith and on an expedited basis. Many of the newly commissioned Virtual Organization Leadership Executives would then form the core of the newly acquired Virtual Organization and be ready to hit the ground running.

As illustrated in the treatise ::: Road to Human Evolution: Stop Feeding the Primordial Beast ::: each bona fide Virtual Organization is merely one Human Evolution Card out of a total of 16 Human Evolution Cards that others will get a chance to play at the Virtual Organization World table. And the ultimate goal of every single Human Evolution card is to embark on the Road to Human Evolution.

However, that being said, none of these human evolution cards require current and potential stakeholders to subscribe to the cause of Human Evolution. In other words, YOU and your organization are NOT required to believe in, or subscribe, to the cause of human evolution. Playing at the Virtual Organization World table, whether we know it or not and whether we want to or not, merely signifies that a Human Evolution Card is laying the foundation of the Road to Human Evolution.

Recognition of Paradigm Shift in the Selling Process for a Virtual Organization

We are very mindful of the fact that our Virtual Organization Acquisition Guidelines represent a significant shift from the standard process ::: or cookie-cutter approach ::: for the acquisition or sale of a business, as well as for mergers and acquisitions practices that Business Brokers and Mergers & Acquisitions Specialists and Attorneys are accustomed to.

However, that being said, since each Virtual Organization acquisition is a unique transaction subject to a unique process and special requirements, those who do decide to venture outside their comfort zone will gain invaluable knowledge and experience as one of the original pioneers or early adopters of highly sophisticated virtual organization valuation and acquisition processes.  As well, they will be highly rewarded for their efforts.

Thus, a perfect time to segue way into the next topic.

Powerful Incentives to All Mergers & Acquisitions Attorneys, Specialists and Business Brokers

For those of you who are willing to take a leap of faith, and have shared the link to this document with your own clients or potential clients, please note the following:

  • Request a password so you can Register your name and the firm that you are affiliated with so we can have your information on file for future reference. If you are a Mergers and Acquisitions Attorney who is employed by a firm, we will NOT work with your firm, and thus, the name of your firm is not required; we are only willing to use your services strictly on an independent consultant basis.
  • Upon registration, we will provide you with highly confidential information about your target market so you won't have to waste any time and marketing efforts chasing ghosts. In addition, you will receive specific information regarding some of our non-negotiable terms so that you can avoid any potential bottlenecks and surprises coming to you and your clients out of left field.
  • As well, we will provide you with lucrative, up to 7-figure incentives at the individual level in order to ensure the faithful and successful implementation of our Virtual Organization Acquisition Guidelines.
  • Any direct contact by any potential buyer of a Virtual Organization must provide us with the name of the person, business broker, or mergers and acquisitions specialist or attorney who referred them. Otherwise, I will not deal with such individual or entity.
  • Any potential buyer of a Virtual Organization that you refer to us who undertakes::::Initiative #2. A Deep Insight into Virtual Organizations::::will automatically qualify you or your firm for a complimentary deep insight session. (Limit of one complimentary deep insight session per person or firm.) Notwithstanding the availability of this opportunity, I strongly recommend that you avoid taking this route due to any number of potential negative connotations that are associated with it.
  • Upon successful completion of an acquisition, you will then be given an opportunity to participate in other similar transactions.

Next Step

  • For Business Owners Interested in Virtual Organizations.   Proceed directly to Virtual Organization Advisors in order to obtain a deep insight into Virtual Organizations.
  • For Global Enterprises and Potential Ideal Suitors of a Virtual Organization.  Proceed directly to Virtual Organization Advisors in order to obtain a deep insight into Virtual Organizations and express your interest in becoming a Potential Ideal Suitor in the Comments Section.
  • For Business Brokers, M&A Specialists or Attorneys Interested in Virtual Organizations.  Proceed directly to Virtual Organization Advisors in order to obtain a deep insight into Virtual Organizations.  
  • For Business Valuation Advisors and M&A Specialists Interested in Partner Program.  Proceed directly to Virtual Organization Advisors in order to obtain a deep insight into Virtual Organizations and express your interest in partnering with the founder of The Virtual Organization World in the Comments Section.  

A Priceless Parting Gift to All

Anytime my late dad, Joseph Coupet, wanted to share with me a little bit of advice, knowledge or useful information, he would always say, "Pierre, it's now time for us to delve into the secrets of the gods."  

Of course, who in their right mind could possibly resist the temptation of being privy to the secrets of the gods; thence, with great anticipation, I waited for him to put me in the know - in that special group of people with access to valuable information. 

In that spirit, consider yourself now privy to the secrets of the gods as I share with you this document:    

Supplemental Information For Advocates of Human Evolution 

Obtain a Human Evolution Station License in order to submit a support request if you have any questions or issues and would like some ideas or solutions.   Moreover, I invite you to review at your own leisure these additional documents which offer a deep insight into the virtual organization management discipline and virtual organization leadership; as well as the need for mankind to make the transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being in order to further embark on the road to Human Evolution.   No need to rush, just bookmark this page, you have an entire lifetime to read them:   

Let Us Manifest!

About Author:  Pierre Coupet, Q of VOM is the founder of Virtual Organization Management Institute (VOMI), Virtual Organization Management Institute Repository,  VOMI Global Think Tank VOMI Virtual Organization AcademyVirtual Organization LeadershipVirtual Organization AdvisorsVirtual Organization RecruiterDigital Currency Consortium, Digital Currency Ethical Board,  Virtual Organization JobsVirtual Organization  Executives, and Blockchain Executives :: founder of the modern virtual organization management and virtual organization recruitment disciplines pioneered since 1997:: founder of League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives:: and Lead Architect of  Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial SystemContact Online.   

Stock Photo: courtesy of Pixabay

Copyright 2007-2024. Pierre Coupet. VOMI. Virtual Organization Management Institute. Virtual Organization Leadership. Virtual Organization Advisors.  Virtual Organization Executives. Blockchain Executives. VOMI Virtual Organization Academy. Virtual Organization Recruiter. VOMI Global Think Tank. All rights reserved. Cannot be reproduced without permission.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Exclusive Premium Domains for Virtual Organization World Partners


The New Virtual Organization World

It's a New Principled and Civilized World, It's Virtual and It's Organized

Ask anyone who knows anything about me or has been exposed to my writings over the past three decades about The New Virtual Organization World, they will tell you that I am the founder of the virtual organization management discipline pioneered since 1997.   

However, that being said, with the exception of just a handful, practically none of them can tell you anything at all about the humble beginnings of the virtual organization management discipline and this World of Virtual Organizations I call The New Virtual Organization World.  

Humble Beginnings

What originally started as an introduction to a World of Virtual Organizations  ::::::: based on Virtual Organization Management, Virtual Organization Leadership, Virtual Organization Education, Virtual Organization Webinars, Virtual Organization Seminars, Virtual Organization Events, Virtual Organization Internship, Virtual Organization Fellowship, Virtual Organization Research Sabbatical, Virtual Organization Research, Virtual Organization Licensing, Postdoctoral Virtual Organization Research Fellowship, and Virtual Organization Training Certification, etc. ::::::: quickly spread in so many directions that I could not have ever expected or imagined when I first began my journey on the World Wide Web back in 1993.

We Evolved

In other words, while everyone out there was just sleeping at the switch and ignoring my message about this World of Virtual Organizations :::: including all these Internet Geniuses, Leading Scientists, Technology Gurus, Social Media Gurus, Leading Enterprise Executives, Artificial Intelligence Gurus,  Artificial Intelligence Experts, Internet Marketers, Executive Coaches, Leading Internet  Technology  Investors, Leading Blockchain Technology Investors, and Leading Visionaries and Influencers of the 21st Century :::: that gave us plenty of valuable time to work under the radar and Continue to Explore and EVOLVE.

Needless to say, in the interim, we were bombarded by investors who did not::::and still don’t::::have a clue as to what the hell we’ve been doing and what all this fuss about a World of Virtual Organizations is all about.

All they know is that whatever it is that we are involved in has something to do with the internet; that it’s Virtual – whatever the hell that means; hence, an excellent opportunity to gain a decent, if not excellent, return on their investment.  And being that I am the founder of the virtual organization management discipline, it would be the icing on the cake, and thus would make their investment a much surer bet than what they currently have in their portfolio.  

In their mind, in 99.99% of cases, the word “Virtual” conjures up the image and idea of something related to—or having to do with—Organizations or Entities without a Physical Presence, Groups of People using the internet to communicate and cooperate with each other, Freelance Contractors  working at home::or while on the road::directly from their laptop or computer, Digital Gig Workers, Access to the Internet, Peer-to-Peer Networks, Social Networks, Social Media, Internet Technology, Remote Work, Flexible Work, Working at Home, Working at the beach while getting a suntan, Working while vacationing around the world, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Teleconference, Videoconference (popularized by Zoom during the pandemic), Webinar, DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization), Blockchain Technology, Cryptocurrency Exchanges, Cryptocurrency Companies, Distributer Ledger Technology Entities, Technology-Based Organizations or Entities without a physical presence, etc.

A Blessing in Disguise. The net effect of this confusion has worked to our advantage from the standpoint that we were able to learn and benefit a great deal from our previous efforts since we have never been under any sort of financial pressure from investors, shareholders or lenders or to meet analyst expectations - for the simple reason we've never had to deal with any of them.  In any case, it would take a 100-volume encyclopedia to encapsulate what we learned during the last 30 years. Thus, I will refrain from any elaboration.

One of the most valuable lessons that we learned is that we were aiming too low; even though the entire world thought that we were aiming too high. And, in a strange twist of irony, I came to discover that it was us, we ourselves, who did not fully understand the tremendous and explosive power of this World of Virtual Organizations that we sought to unleash upon mankind.

Most importantly, I came to realize that every single human being on the face of the earth is a subliminal supporter of our efforts.  Although I must admit that the lack of enthusiasm and response to our efforts over a sustained period of time did leave me somewhat bewildered and gave me the wrong impression that the support was non-existent.    

In other words, whether you know it or not, if you are a human being on the face of the earth, instinctively and subliminally, you support the concept behind this World of Virtual Organizations; even though, at a conscious level, you most likely don’t have a clue as to what the hell I am talking about.  

The real issue was always about the practicality of the implementation of this World of Virtual Organizations and all that flows from it.  Even the so-called Visionaries of our time thought that we were too far detached and removed from today's realities.  They could not see any nexus between lofty ideas, goals and principles with revenue goals, return on investment, and shareholder concerns. 

How wrong and misguided they were!

The bottom line is this: YOU are a subliminal supporter of this World of Virtual Organizations. It is the foundation of Principled Leadership, Principled Geopolitical Leadership, Political Evolution, Making the Transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being, A Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial SystemBuilding a Global Civilization of Intelligent Beings, Becoming a Sentient BeingEmbarking on the Road to Human Evolution and Human Evolution.

So that we can eventually travel side-by-side with our Creator throughout the Cosmos in order to marvel at the beauty of Creation.

A perfect opportunity for me to segue way into the next topic for every single one of you who is curious about this World of Virtual Organizations and would like an Exclusive Opportunity to Partner with us.

Exclusive Opportunity for Potential Virtual Organization World Partners

Now that you have a very, very, very slight idea as to what this World of Virtual Organizations could be about, I am making available a number of exclusive Premium Virtual Organization World Domains for anyone who wants to take the time to gain a deep insight into this World of Virtual Organizations and learn how they can contribute to it.

Thus, I invite you to review this most comprehensive July 2, 2023 treatise ::: Road to Human Evolution: Stop Feeding the Primordial Beast ::: in order to understand which Exclusive Premium Virtual Organization World Domains would be of great value to you – in the event I deem you or your organization to be a suitable Virtual Organization World Partner.

I can assure you it will take you at least a couple of weeks to wrap your mind around this World of Virtual Organizations and truly understand what this is all about.

The point being, I am NOT merely interested in facilitating the transfer of an Exclusive Premium Virtual Organization World Domain, I want to make sure that it goes to an organization or someone who will use it for the purpose it was initially intended.

Therefore, don’t waste your time if your intent is strictly to acquire a valuable or priceless premium virtual organization world domain name for resale.

Review Lists of Exclusive Premium Virtual Organization World Domains. I now invite you to explore the following lists:

Next Steps

  • If you believe that you are a Potential Virtual Organization World Partner and may have an interest in one or more of the domain names, then I invite you to request an On Demand Videoconference  strictly to introduce yourself and getting to know each other. No discussion regarding domain name transactions is permitted during this meeting.
  • If you believe that you are a Potential Virtual Organization World Partner and do NOT have an interest in any of the exclusive premium virtual organization world domains, then I also invite you to request an On Demand Videoconference strictly to introduce yourself and to express potential and broad avenues of Virtual Organization World Collaboration. No sales pitches.
  • If you are NOT a Potential Virtual Organization World Partner and do NOT have an interest in any of the exclusive premium virtual organization world domains, then I invite you to share this article with anyone in your Circle of Influence whom you deem fit. 
  • If you are merely a Subliminal Supporter of Human Evolution, then you are welcome to share this document with family, friends, colleagues and associates. One of them will surely thank you for it.  You may also Obtain a Human Evolution Station License in order to submit a support request if you have any questions or issues on the subject of Human Evolution Stations and would like some ideas or solutions.
A Priceless Parting Gift to All

Anytime my late dad, Joseph A. Coupet Sr., wanted to share with me a little bit of advice, knowledge or useful information, he would always say, "Pierre, it's now time for us to delve into the secrets of the gods."  

Of course, who in their right mind, could possibly resist the temptation of being privy to the secrets of the gods; thus, with great anticipation, I waited for him to put me in the know - in that special group of people with access to valuable information. 

In that spirit, consider yourself now privy to the secrets of the gods as I share with you this document:    

Supplemental Information For Advocates of Human Evolution 

Obtain a Human Evolution Station License in order to submit a support request if you have any questions or issues on the subject of Human Evolution Stations and would like some ideas or solutionsMoreover, I invite you to review at your own leisure these additional documents which offer a deep insight into the virtual organization management discipline and virtual organization leadership; as well as the need for mankind to make the transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being in order to further embark on the road to Human Evolution.   No need to rush, just bookmark this page, you have an entire lifetime to read them:   

Let Us Manifest!

About Author:  Pierre Coupet, Q of VOM is the founder of Virtual Organization Management Institute (VOMI), Virtual Organization Management Institute Repository,  VOMI Global Think Tank VOMI Virtual Organization AcademyVirtual Organization LeadershipVirtual Organization AdvisorsVirtual Organization RecruiterDigital Currency Consortium, Digital Currency Ethical Board,  Virtual Organization JobsVirtual Organization  Executives, and Blockchain Executives :: founder of the modern virtual organization management and virtual organization recruitment disciplines pioneered since 1997:: founder of League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives:: and Lead Architect of  Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial System  

Stock Photo: courtesy of Pixabay

Copyright 2007-2023. Pierre Coupet. VOMI. Virtual Organization Management Institute. Virtual Organization Leadership. Virtual Organization Advisors.  Virtual Organization Executives. Blockchain Executives. VOMI Virtual Organization Academy. Virtual Organization Recruiter. VOMI Global Think Tank. All rights reserved. Cannot be reproduced without permission.

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Road to Human Evolution: Stop Feeding the Primordial Beast


The New Virtual Organization World

It's a New Principled and Civilized World, It's Virtual and It's Organized


I am sure you must be wondering about the identity of the Primordial Beast and whence it resides.   And for those of you who are familiar with my writings, you are most likely wondering what any of this has to do with Virtual Organization Leadership, Principled Geopolitical Leadership, Political Evolution, Making the Transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being and, last but not least, Human Evolution.  

Well, the Primordial Beast is a Compilation of Primeval Narratives that are spoon-fed to us since birth:::and which we all buy into:::on a daily basis.  It stands guard at the gates which lead to the Road of Human Evolution.   The mission of the Primordial Beast is to ensure the perpetuation of all existing Narratives; in order to prevent every single human being from embarking on the road leading to human evolution.  

We feed the Primordial Beast on a daily basis and it resides within each and every single one of us.   

What Are These Narratives

When it comes to cataloging this Compilation of Primeval Narratives (the "Primordial Beast"), suffice it to say that it would take an eternity to do so, for the simple reason that we are all dealing with a moving target.   These primeval narratives are constantly reinvented and regurgitated lies, bullshit, bedtime stories, phantasmagorical tales; as well as primitive, barbaric and savage concepts and conventions; which defy explanation and bear absolutely no resemblance to reality.  

They are passed down to us from one generation to the next since time immemorial.   And thus, any attempt to place these narratives under any sort of scrutiny is considered a blasphemy and heresy by a horde of slaves and biological machines (i.e., our fellow human beings).  As well, it causes the latter to recoil in horror and go into complete shock and total convulsion. 

Think of this Compilation of Primeval Narratives (the "Primordial Beast") as a Hydra monster with several heads.  Every time one of its heads gets chopped up, two more pop up in its place.   In essence, the same applies to the Primeval Narratives.  Every time one of the narratives gets debunked, two more pop up in their place.  Thus, trying to debunk any of the narratives is an exercise in futility.

Prime Examples of Primitive, Barbaric and Savage Concepts and Conventions

  • Labels.   Instead of acknowledging that we are all members of the Human Race occupying One Planet and having a Shared Destiny, somehow or another, we have managed to convince ourselves and others that we are all the things that we are NOT.   In turn, these labels give us the perfect excuse to manifest our very worst primordial instincts.

The May 22, 2020 document ::: You Are NOT White, Black, Brown, Minority, Racist, Privileged or Disadvantaged ::: goes into the details.  (It's a very long document, read it later in your spare time.)

  • Hierarchy.   Instead of learning how to Collaborate with our fellow human beings in order to Make the Transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being, we have somehow managed since time immemorial to introduce and adopt a Slavery System whose very foundation is based on a Hierarchical structure.  A system of masters and slaves - and morons - which is antithetical to making the transition to Intelligent Being and Human Evolution.

The May 14, 2022 document ::: Virtual Organization Leadership: The Fascia of a New Global Civilization of Intelligent Beings ::: takes you on a fascinating journey and exploration of this concept.  (It's a long document. Read it in your spare time.)

  • Primitive, Barbaric, Savage, Corrupt to the Core, and Evil Geopolitical Leadership System.  Since time immemorial, we have somehow been duped into thinking that human beings are unable to lead themselves and, in the absence of fear and the ever-present threat of punishment that the State provides, we are genetically predisposed to wreak havoc and mayhem on others. In other words, the State is there to provide a system of checks and balances in order to prevent human beings from going astray.   Thusly, we have managed to convince ourselves that we need Leaders to guide us, protect us, make decisions on our behalf, and care for us from cradle to grave - all for the greater good.    

In turn, we have managed to create and accept a Machiavellian Global Geopolitical Leadership Monster; with a lust and ravenous appetite for Corruption, Deceit, Lies, Bullshit, Bedtime Stories, Phantasmagorical Tales, Tyranny, Blood, Death, Destruction, and Butchery on such a grand scale; that not even the Devil Himself could have possibly contemplated. 

The comprehensive December 14, 2015 treatise ::: A Global Need for Principled Geopolitical Leaders ::: sheds a great deal of light on this subject.  (Long document of over 200 pages. Read it later.)

  • Irreverence for Human Life and Human Dignity.   Human beings are viewed as mere pawns on a geopolitical chessboard; and, therefore, are deemed to be expendable.  

The September 18, 2019 document and the world's most comprehensive and only treatise on political evolution ::: Treatise On Political Evolution ::: encapsulates the foregoing in a myriad number of ways. (Over 300 pages - read it in your spare time.)

  • State Monopoly On the Use of Force.   The State grants unto itself a monopoly on the use of force.  This slave-master-moron prerogative guarantees the subjugation of a compliant, obedient and frightened population of slaves (i.e., every single human being) throughout the entire planet.
The State is merely a Concept which views itself as being distinct from the Organs of the State, its Functionaries and Subjects.   In essence, the Permanence of the State is what distinguishes it from the fleeting nature of its organs, functionaries and subjects.  As such, it is not concerned with the affairs of mortals:  the organs of the State, its functionaries and subjects.  
Therefore, any developments which represent a threat to the Permanence of the State must be dealt with using whatever means that are necessary.    
Thus, Keeping the State Alive is the Number One Priority.
No different than the Concept of a Tree (the roots and trunk).  The Tree views itself as distinct from the stems, branches and leaves which bloom, wither, die and fall from the tree throughout the seasons.  Thus, the Permanence of the Tree is what distinguishes it from the fleeting nature of the stems, branches and leaves.  Therefore, anything which threatens the Permanence of the Tree must be dealt with using whatever means that are necessary.  
Thus, Keeping the Tree Alive is the Number One Priority.  

 A perfect opportunity for me to segue way into the next item.

  • State Immunity from Acts Intended to Ensure Its Survival.    Thus, the State grants unto itself a blanket exemption from all matters dealing with virtues, right and wrong, morality, the laws of God and nature; as well as immunity from all crimes, perversions, abominations and actions that ordinary mortals are subject to; as long as they are committed in the name of the State in order to preserve the institution.   (Think of the plight of Julian Assange.)

In Machiavelli, a lecture delivered by John Morley on June 2, 1897, the author alludes that the renowned Italian political theorist Niccolò Machiavelli (May 3, 1469 - June 21, 1527) believed that "There are no crimes in politics, only blunders."  In fact, that's the way it has always been since time immemorial.   I hope you can appreciate the global implications of such doctrine.  

The organs of the State, its functionaries and subjects are absolved of any "blunders" committed in the name of the State; while the State itself remains blameless for their actions.   

Hence the reason why every single human being on planet Earth, since time immemorial, remains blind and is forever wedded to the Concept of the State.  We cannot even remotely imagine a life, a country, an organization, or any sort of existence, without the State.    

For Example, 

  • What would we do without the State?  

  • What would life be like without the State?   

  • Who will lead us if we don't have a State? 

  • How can we possibly lead ourselves outside the confines of the State?  

  • How can we have a Civilization without the State?  

  • How can we have a Country without the State?    

  • Who will protect us if not the State? 

  • How can we defend ourselves without the State?    

  • How can we organize ourselves without the State?

Hence the reason why YOU cannot even begin to imagine life without the State.   To accommodate its diverse flock, the State doesn't care what you want to call it as long as The State Lives and it is able to retain its function and power.   (It could care less what name you are able to come up with.)

    Thus the reason why there are so many different flavors of the State.   For example:  democracy, autocracy, aristocracy, oligarchy, technocracy, totalitarian, fascist, kleptocracy, corporatocracy, anarchy, theocracy, monarchy, absolute monarchy, constitutional monarchy, republic, constitutional republic, parliamentary republic, Islamic republic, bolivarian republic, provisional, nationalist, socialist, nationalist-socialist, nazi, Banderist, imperialist, Duvalierist, Leninist, Stalinist, communist, dynasty, libertarian, republican, dictatorship, etc.    

    It's all smoke and mirrors. It doesn't matter which one you pick.  They are all the same.  Anybody who tells you any different with a straight face is either infantile, gullible, an imbecile, a moron or a fraud.    (Think of the plight of Julian Assange.)

    • Global Financial System.    Our global financial system ensures that all of mankind remains enslaved from cradle to grave.  

    The March 15, 2018 document :::: All Roads Lead to Damascus:: Where All Dreams of a Better World Meet a Fateful End :::: goes into the details.  

    • Making a Living.   Name me one person on this planet who has not been inculcated with the notion of "the need for you to make a living."  In fact, just about every single decision and action we will make throughout our entire existence on this planet requires that we take that concept into consideration.  It does not matter if you are the world's so-called richest human being.  
    In fact, the wealthier you are, the more concerned you are about making a living.   For the simple reason that you refuse to even imagine what life would be like without your riches. (Just think about it for a quick second: From riches to rags.)   
    For the benefit of the younger generation, here is a very simple reason that you can immediately relate to:  That's because the State can seize everything that you own, including every single penny that you have in your bank accounts or hiding under your mattress.   Moreover, the State can compel you to provide a full and accurate list of everything that you possess, under penalty of perjury - and all that this entails.  The point being, the State has even made it a crime for you to withhold from the State accurate information about everything of value that you own; regardless as to whether or not they are physically in your possession. 
    Why is that, you might ask?   Well, that's because the road to Making a Living is inextricably tied to the Global Financial System and the State; and thence, leads directly to a World of Slaves. The bottom line is this:  Making a Living is the chains that bind every single human being on this planet together in perpetual Slavery.    
    • Illusion of Freedom, Human Rights, Democracy and The Rule of Law.   That is the most powerful and intoxicating potion in the cabinet of the Snake Oil Salesman; and the most dangerous poison in the world for those who fall prey to the allure and promise of this pie in the sky.  The end result is always the opposite for those gullible souls who buy into this illusion and promise.   (Think of Julian Assange.)
    How You Are Feeding the Primordial Beast

    The following practices represent some prime examples of how we all feed the Primordial Beast:

    • Willful Ignorance.   The most damaging of all human traits.   Why is that, you might ask?  That's because no amount of information and empirical evidence is ever enough for a Slave to digest; even when the information provided is not being contested.  That's because the Slave is fully aware of his status and all available options.  It's just that he is a Contented Slave who doesn't see anything wrong in being a slave ::: and prefers to remain a slave.  He is the type of Slave who will report you to his masters; and, upon command from his Master, will either lynch or crucify you without an ounce of hesitation.   It's an astonishing number of people.   In fact, it is highly likely that YOU yourself fall within this category of slaves.
    We are talking about 90% of the global human population.
    • Taking the Path of Least Resistance.    When faced with the realization that we are indeed Slaves on this planet and the role that every single one of us plays in the enslavement of the entire human race; our very first tendency is to feel overwhelmed with a sense of hopelessness and powerlessness; and then choose the path of least resistance.   Such path inevitably leads to a sense of resignation.    After all, what can one person do when faced with such overwhelming odds?        
    • Sense of Incredulity.   We tend to outright dismiss the information about our Slave status for the simple reason that "this is the life that we were born into and the only one we have ever known"; and thus, our current understanding of Slavery and Freedom is inconsistent with our real  Slave status.  The point being, when one thinks of slavery, we automatically conjure up in our mind the image of someone in captivity in a specific setting, shackled, in balls and chains, or subject to restricted freedom of movement, if any.   Moreover, we have nothing resembling real "Freedom" to contrast with and compare against our real Slave status.   
    For those human beings who fall into this category, they are faced with the following conundrum:  "If we are Slaves, then what does it mean to really be Free?" 
    The answer to that question lies in the following document :::: Genesis of Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial System

    • Sense of Disillusionment and Blow to Ego and Self-Esteem.    Imagine yourself being the president of either the Russian Federation, China, India, the United States, Turkiye, Islamic Republic of Iran, Brazil, South Africa etc.::::or a so-called  Richest Man in the world.  And this is your very first time coming across this document.   

    I am obviously talking about so-called Very Powerful People with huge egos who have reached the pinnacle of their career.       

    The question I now have for you is this:  How would you feel if, upon reading this document, you were to discover that "You Are Really a Slave"?   That is strictly a rhetorical question, thus no need to answer.   

    The point that I am making is that I know how hard it would be for you to digest the fact that everything you ever believed in, accomplished, and built has been based on an edifice of lies and smoke-and-mirrors.  And, most importantly, how devastating it would be for you to think or admit to yourself that you have been duped into contributing to your very own enslavement. 

    That's the sort of feeling or realization which normally causes us to continue to go along with things as they are and just disregard such information.  For the simple reason that there is no way in the world that we would want to admit or confide to anyone that, all this time, we have been naive, gullible, blind, deaf and dumb with respect to our own individual condition; and to what has been happening right there in front of our very own eyes - all this time hiding in plain sight. And that we have been conned and misled our entire life.      

    Notwithstanding the foregoing, were you to make such admission to your family, friends, colleagues, and associates; they would surely have pity on you and recommend that you check yourself into an excellent psychiatric facility or insane asylum, where you can get all the help you need.  

    • Feeling Aggrieved and Seeking Redress of Grievances from Your Fellow Slaves.   It takes a very primitive, barbaric and savage mentality to make life miserable for others and to harm or enslave another human being.  Such primitive person automatically falls within the category of "one of the lowest of life forms" in the universe.  

    In which case, why on God's green earth (nothing to do with religion - just a colorful expression) would you stoop so low as to go to that very same person, perpetrator or institution  ::: this very primitive, barbaric, savage and wretched creature; and one of the lowest of life forms in the universe ::: in order to complain about and seek redress of your grievances?    

    In what universe do you think that you live wherein you can appeal to one of the lowest of life forms in the universe for redress against their own evil deeds?   (Think of Julian Assange and billions of others throughout the entire history of mankind.) 

    The point being, Other Than Brutal Repression in the form of:::::batons, cracked skulls, broken bones, rubber bullets, live bullets, tear gas, death, assassinations, seizure of assets (i.e., theft)  under color of law, deplorable living conditions,  endless persecutions under color of law,  oppression under color of law,  extradition requests, extraditions, extraordinary renditions, kidnappings under color of law, torture, enhanced interrogations, forced feeding, rectal  feeding ::::::::::  malicious prosecutions and sham trials under color of law in Fake and Clownish Courts and endless appeals to Supreme Kangaroo Court Justices (think of the plight of Julian Assange) :::::::::: detention, interrogation, plea deals, arrests, shackles and manacles, jail cells, threats of long-term confinement in a penal institution, solitary confinement,  body cavity searches and other dehumanizing and desensitizing treatment,  and long or lifetime sentences in a penal institution:::::What Kind of Response did you expect from these lowest of life forms 

    Don't you realize that by going to them in order to complain and seek redress of grievances that they themselves have inflicted upon you :::::: you have in essence lent weight to their idiocy and monstrosity :::::: and thus dignified not only their primitive, barbaric and savage conduct but also their stupidity, moronicity, and ignorance.  

    And, at the very least, you have just placed yourself one tier below one of the lowest of life forms in the universe; thus, justifying the treatment you have received at the hands of these wretched creatures and monsters. 

    Regrettably, I wish I could say that such primitive, barbaric and savage practices are confined to certain individuals, leaders, geopolitical leaders, world leaders, heads of state, nations, institutions, groups of people, corners of the world and ideologies.   Moreover, I wish I could say that these practices are relegated to, or reminiscent of, certain time periods in the annals of the history of mankind.    

    In which case, such offending parties or egregious behavior could be readily identified and localized so that principled men and women of conscience and goodwill could undertake a major effort to marshal all appropriate resources needed to eradicate such scourge within our midst.

    However, that being said, The Offending Parties Are All of Us.   The Monsters Are Us - Every Single Human Being on the Face of the Earth.   We don't really know why we do all these horrible and dreadful things.   We don't really know that WAre Feeding the Primordial Beast every second of our existence.   And, most importantly, we don't really know How to Stop  Feeding the Primordial Beast.

    The reason is simple.  That's because We Are NOT Sentient Beings.  We are all biological machines who have been programmed to do all these dreadful things that we do.  Hence the reason after billions of years on this planet ::: in spite of our technological advancement and palpable evidence of the human condition :: we still haven't been able to mentally and intellectually evolve in order to Make the Transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being.  In fact, we don't even know the difference between a Human Being and an Intelligent Being.     

    Prime Examples of How to Stop Feeding the Primordial Beast

    The following practices represent some prime examples of how to stop feeding the Primordial Beast:

    • Do Unto Others as You Would Have Them Do Unto You.   Although this sounds cliche, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is based on the highest a priori ethical code and is the hardest thing in the world to practice.  
    To emphasize the degree of difficulty, your chances of coming across someone face-to-face::::throughout your entire existence on this planet::::who actually practices that basic tenet is nil to none.   You stand a better chance at guessing the winning lotto number ten (10) times in a row than to actually meet such a person.

    In fact, that's what Principled Geopolitical Leadership is all about.  Principled Geopolitical Leadership has an autophagic effect on cowardice, bullying, the coercive power of bullies and dictatorial regimes, and murderous psychopaths. The comprehensive December 14, 2015 treatise ::: A Global Need for Principled Geopolitical Leaders ::: sheds a great deal of light on this subject.  (Nearly 200 pages. Read it later in your spare time.)

    However, that being said, there is only one place in the world or academia where this subject is taught and actually put into practice.  It is part of the Virtual Organization Leadership program offered at Virtual Organization Management InstituteVirtual Organization Leadership and VOMI Virtual Organization Academy.  

    • Know Thyself, The Terrain, And Your Grounds.   A human evolution version of quotes from  Sun Tzu's The Art of War.
    Know Thyself.   First and foremost, it's critical that you know who and what you are.  You are a Biological Machine; therefore, you are NOT an Intelligent Being or a Sentient Being.  Moreover, You are an Artificial Intelligence who has the capacity to Make the Transition from Human  Being to Intelligent Being. Hence the need to make the transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being. 
    You are a Master at the Art of Self-Deception.  You are a Master at the Art of Self-Destruction.  You specialize in the art of Stepping over a Dime to Pick Up a Penny.  The following treatise ::: Genesis of Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial System ::: delves into the deleterious effects of this mentality and how it works.    
    Stepping over a Civilized World Financial System in order to languish in the morass of the Current Global Financial System.
    You are a Griffon Vulture with an 8-foot wingspan, weighing about 20 pounds, and are able to fly at a height of nearly 37,000 feet at speeds of up to 22 miles per hour - as well as stay in the air for hours at a time.  At such height, your vision can spot a carcass on the ground. Yet astonishingly and to everyone's consternation, you prefer to live on the ground in the savannah along with 300-pound Ostriches who can run fast but cannot fly.     
    In other words, you have a real identity crisis.
    Know The Terrain.   Second, it's equally important for you to understand the world that you live in.  All human beings alive today are living in a Virtual Reality World that is strictly a figment of our forebears' imagination:  a bunch of apes dating all the way back to billions of years.  It is a world of Primitive And Barbaric Savages ("PABS").   A world based on Ossified, Calcified, and Fossilized Concepts and Narratives forged over a period of billions of years.    
    No, I am NOT talking about the Matrix or some crude, childish and idiotic Metaverse.  This virtual reality world is much more sophisticated than the Matrix or any version of any Metaverse that our primitive, barbaric and savage minds can conjure out of thin air. 
    Know Your Grounds.    And, last but not least, it is imperative that you understand the grounds you currently occupy.   Being aware of your current environment allows you to tread carefully when dealing with your fellow human beings::::as you seek to make the transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being in order to embark on the Road to Human Evolution.
    Throughout this document, you will be exposed to additional information and a significant number of links which support the foregoing assertions.    Thus, I beg your indulgence as I proceed.     
    • Recognize the Manifestation of the Sla-Mas-Moron Virus.   That is also covered at great length in the December 14, 2015 treatise ::: A Global Need for Principled Geopolitical Leaders.   Do not attempt to destroy the virus for the simple reason that it is embedded in your DNA. Just  don't feed the virus once you understand how it works.  There is, however, an antivirus for the Sla-Mas-Moron Virus that is also embedded in your DNA and which you can activate at any time once you understand how the Sla-Mas-Moron virus works.  I will discuss that toward the end of this document.
    • Recognize the Enslavement Process and Birth of Slavery.   Believe it or not, Slavery is an addiction.  Initially, it always begins with a lure, promise or honey pot that is just too good to pass up and which requires very little effort on your part.  
    And the minute you buy into any of these propositions, that's when you get to discover that you've made a Faustian bargain with the devil; and it's too late for you to back out. 
    For Example, Think Of

     ::: democracy, human rights, a rules-based international order, majority rule, civilian leaders ::: every man and woman gets to have their day in court and be judged by an impartial jury of their peers ::: freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom from persecution, freedom from oppression, freedom from repression, freedom from tyranny ::: you can do whatever you want and you can be whatever you want to be :::  nil to none corruption ::: life  in a modern and civilized world, the most enlightened civilization in the world, become part of a great civilization :::  a master race  ::: live in an exceptional nation, live in the most powerful nation in the world, a powerful military ::: the best political system in the world, you get to choose your leaders, your leaders have to answer to you, you too can be a leader, you too can become a very powerful leader  ::: land of opportunity, anything that you can imagine is possible,  land of plenty, anybody can go from rags to riches, you too can become rich and famous,  you too can become very powerful,  everybody has a chance at stardom and their 15 minutes of fame :::  the best educational system in the world ::: access to the wonders of technology,  living in complete safety and security ::: a multipolar world,  concept of indivisible security,  all leaders are treated as equals, principle of noninterference in the affairs of sovereign nations ::: global cooperation :::  sustainable development goals, global diversity and inclusion, tackling climate change, The Greater Good, carbon credits, global commerce, free trade, freedom of travel, freedom of association ::: world health promotion :::  protecting and saving the cultural heritage of mankind ::: world peace and security promotion, etc.  

    After all, who in their right mind would want to pass up on any of these so-called wonderful opportunities?

    Well, if any of these lures, honey pots and promises were indeed genuine, every single member of the human race would now be living in Paradise or the Garden of Eden.   However, that being said, the history of mankind from time immemorial indicates that these lures and promises are NOT at all what they seem to be.  In fact, there is absolutely nothing new in this smorgasbord of goodies which has not been previously offered to our ancestors.  

    The point being, if the foregoing list of goodies seems eerily similar to what is currently being offered to today's generations; and you believe that I may be referring to certain specific countries and alliances that you are aware of; then you are sorely mistaken.  

    Why is that, you might ask?  

    Well, my answer is for the sake of all future generations:::::be it 600 million - 1 billion years from now:    That's because nothing is new under the sun.  If it were possible for me to travel back in time to 600 million B.C., every single word in this document would also apply to them.  They would feel that I was talking about them and their leaders.  Slavery is in our genes.  Thus, a perfect time for me to segue way into the enslavement process (referred to as the "D5 Enslavement Process").   

    The D5 Enslavement Process.    The D5 Enslavement Process includes the following steps:

    Step #1 - Distraction.  It comes in the form of Secrecy, Deceit, Lies, Misinformation, Disinformation, Bullshit, Bedtime Stories, Phantasmagorical Tales, Tyranny, Blood, Death, Destruction, and Butchery.   The idea is to keep you distracted from what is really happening right there in front of you every single waking hour, minute, and second of your day.                   

    Step #2 - Dumb-Down.    It comes in the form of a litany and smorgasbord of Narratives that are designed to prevent you from ever using your own Intelligence.  The Intelligence that every single human being is born with.  Thus, relegating every single human being to the status of a Biological Machine which can be programmed by others at will.    

    You are introduced to just about every single harmful concept and narrative that one can think of:   The State, The West, Western Values, Western Civilization, Eastern Civilization, Colonialism, Religion, Making a Living, Culture, Customs, Traditions, Race, Superior Race, Inferior Race, Slavery, Indentured Servitude, Ethnicities, Castes, Political Systems, Financial Systems, Economic Systems, Sanctions, Educational Systems, Laws, Law Enforcement, Judicial System, Incarceration, Supermax Prisons, Wars, Rules of War, World Wars, War Crimes, Dynasties, Royalty, Countries, National Borders, Alliances, Rules-Based International Order, World Order, Secret Societies, Hierarchy, Hegemony, Exceptionalism, Arms Control, Climate Control, The Greater Good, Patriotism, Might is Right, Axis of Evil, Manifest Destiny; and the endless list goes on.   

    Step #3 - Denigrate.    Once the dumbing down process has fully taken place, every single human being in the world is subject to a denigration process by their fellow human beings that is designed to ensure compliance with the Concepts and Narratives which have been fostered upon or ingrained within them.  

    This denigration process includes:  name calling, humiliation of world leaders, labeling, defamation of character, sanctions, theft of assets under color of law, propaganda, compromise operations, destabilization, mind control, mind manipulation, imposition of martial law, deprivation of means or opportunity to make a living, air blockade, naval blockade, exclusion zones, safe zonesno-fly zones, humanitarian corridors, air and maritime border violations, restricted air space, freedom of navigation operations, complete disregard of international law, repression under color of law, persecution under color of law (think of Julian Assange), invasion of privacy under color of law, detention, interrogation, plea deals, weaponization of financial system, weaponization of judiciary; and the endless list goes on.   

    Step #4 - Defile.   Restrict freedom of assembly and dissent through batons, cracked skulls, broken bones, rubber bullets, live bullets, tear gas, death; assassinations of world leaders, political leaders and scientists; proxy wars,  color revolutions, instigation of military coups and civil wars; destruction of country infrastructure, seizure of assets (i.e., theft)  under color of law;  bulldozing of family homes; crop destruction, occupation of religious sites, punitive sanctions designed to inflict deplorable living conditions on a population,  endless persecutions under color of law,  oppression under color of law,  extradition requests, extraditions, extraordinary renditions, kidnappings under color of law, torture, enhanced interrogations, forced feeding, rectal  feeding ::::::::::  malicious prosecutions and sham trials under color of law in Fake and Clownish  Courts and endless appeals to  Supreme  Kangaroo Court Justices (think of the plight of Julian Assange) while languishing in prison or solitary confinement ::::::::::  arrests, shackles and manacles, jail cells, threats of long-term confinement in a penal institution, solitary confinement,  body cavity searches, sodomy, and other dehumanizing and desensitizing treatment,  and long or lifetime sentences in a penal institution; and the endless list goes on.

    Step #5 - Destruction.   Full Spectrum Dominance, full-blown civil wars, country invasion, bombing of country back to the Stone Age, destruction of country infrastructure, no-knock raids, SWAT raid, bulldozer home demolition, total ransack of property, fire-bombing of entire city, bombing of villages, strategic nuclear bombing, tactical nuclear bombing, biological warfare, occupation of country, crop destruction; military intervention to "restore law and order"; military intervention to restore "democracy, human rights and the rule of law"; and the endless list goes on.

    The bottom line is this: The D5 Enslavement Process equally applies to all individuals, organizations, institutions and governments.  If you are a human being, alive and breathing on your own, that means you yourself are responsible, in one way or another, for the enslavement of your fellow human beings across the globe.  Therefore, pay attention to all the foregoing signs so that you can begin to learn how to stop feeding the primordial beast.             

    • Refrain from Going to the Town Square or Shouting from the Rooftops About Your Slave Status Awareness.   There is a valid and legitimate reason for exercising such restraint.   For the simple reason that the Slave-Master-Moron Virus that is embedded in the DNA of every single human being on this planet since time immemorial is specifically programmed to elicit such reaction from Slaves who are becoming:::or have become:::aware of their Slave status; and thus pose a potential or existential threat to the Slavery system (also known as the "Slave-Master-Moron World Order").  

    After all, how else are your Masters supposed to know when there are non-sympathizers, malcontents, rebels and traitors within their midst or stable of slaves?

    Moreover, there is no need for you to become a sacrificial lamb at the altar of ignorance, malfeasance, and evil. 

    And, last but not least, as stated earlier, nine out of ten people (an astonishing 90% of the global population) are content being Slaves (i.e., "Contented Slaves"); and thus, would take umbrage at your attempt to upset the status quo.   In other words, you are NOT telling them anything new; and thus, they would view your message to be disconcerting, destabilizing, and potentially harmful to them in more ways than one.  

    The point being, they don't want to be associated with you in any way, shape or form, lest they be judged guilty by association and thence incur the wrath of their masters.

    In fact, it is these very Contented Slaves who will be marshalled against any slave who represents a potential or existential threat to the Slave-Master-Moron World Order.   Therefore, remain tight-lipped about your newfound knowledge.

    • Refuse to Be Understood.   Wanting to be understood by your fellow human beings is the ultimate cardinal sin; therefore, refuse to be understood.   

    Why is that, you might ask?  That's because the very act of trying to be understood will lead you on a long walk down the path of crucifixion. 

    The point being, and as stated earlier, human beings are Biological Machines::::an Artificial Intelligence programmed to enslave each other.   We are all a bunch of Primitive And Barbaric Savages ("PABS").   We have yet to make the transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being; at which point, we would then be able to absorb and understand such information about Human Evolution or any similar concept and narrative.    

    Until then, any information that these Biological Machines receive which is inconsistent with the mandate of this Artificial Intelligence (i.e., to enslave each other) will automatically result in immediate blowback.  They are NOT able to absorb any new concepts or narratives.  They are NOT Intelligent Beings.    Hence the reason you should refuse to engage in any extensive or global campaign to be understood.    

    Socrates, Galileo, Plato, Cicero, Aristotle, Giordano Bruno, Hypatia, Baruch Spinoza, Nicolas de Condorcet, Hieronymus Magius, Sir Thomas More and thousands of others since time immemorial learned the hard way. 

    Therefore, it's better to remain misunderstood.  In which case, all writings which deviate from the current Primitive and Barbaric Savages orthodoxy must be published only for the sake of posterity.  

    • Refrain from the Temptation to Want to Liberate Fellow Slaves.   Your primary concern and directive should be about taking stock of your own individual condition and making every possible effort to free your mind and yourself from the vestiges of slavery.  You cannot do that while you are worrying about fellow slaves.   (90% of whom have no idea of what real freedom is, are not at all interested in freedom; and, moreover, have absolutely no desire to join you or help in the cause of freedom.)  

    The point being, it's impossible to liberate others while you yourself are living in captivity, in shackles or chains, or are enslaved in other ways.  

    • Don't Be a Torch Seeking Those Who Are Trapped in Darkness.   In other words, don't be an idiot.  It took me a very long time to learn that lesson.

    Honestly, I have spent most of my life being such an Idiot.   

    Why is that, you might ask?  Well, that's because I have spent nearly my entire life being aware of the existence of this vast, beautiful, wonderful and exciting world out there, shining bright, just waiting for us all to discover and experience.  

    (Unfortunately, how I came upon such discovery borders on the surreal and falls outside the scope of this paper.)

    In any case, seeing that most people on this planet are just trapped in this dark cave, a dark labyrinth within some abyss, a veritable hellhole full of monsters and unimaginable creatures, I always assumed ::: wrongly, I might add ::: that the reason they stayed within such environment was because they just couldn't find their way out of this darkness in order to discover the existence of this exciting and wonderful world out there - just waiting for them with open arms. 

    And that my life's mission was to be "The Torch" that would seek them all out within the deep crevasses of the labyrinths of hell.  The Torch that would guide them and put them on a firm footing in the direction toward this bright and shining world waiting for them. 

    However, that being said, it never really dawned on me that: 

    • these people are NOT really trapped in this dark cave; 

    • this dark labyrinth is their natural habitat and part of their ecosystem; 

    • they have perfect vision in the dark; thus have no need for a Torch

    • their vision is extremely light-sensitive and thus would be blinded by The Torch

    • moreover, they would be blinded by the natural light emanating from this bright and shining world above ground which, I wrongly assumed, was there waiting for them with open arms; 

    • and if any of these cave dwellers wanted to venture outside their comfort zone, they would have embarked on such a journey on their own;

    • and such journey would eventually lead them in the direction toward this bright and shining world. 

    The moral of the story is this:  The Road to Hell is indeed paved with good intentions.  It is NOT your job or responsibility to Rescue others who are in bondage.  Nor should you accept such responsibility.   When those who are in bondage eventually become aware of their individual condition; have finally grown sick and tired of being in bondage; and are thence willing to venture outside their comfort zone; they will then embark on such a journey which will eventually lead them to Freedom.    

    At which point, the most that you can do is answer their questions or point them in the right direction when they come knocking at your door.   In other words, don't go looking for them.  Instead, let them come looking for you.  (That is common sense.)

    Otherwise, it will be a complete waste of time and energy.  These very slaves will accuse you of either disrupting the wonderful life they had or of having made their previous situation even worse; and will then unleash their fury against you on a dime. 

    • Don't Be a Torch Looking for People Who Need to Find Their Way In the Dark.  Refrain from this moronic and idiotic concept.  People who truly need to find their way in the dark will take it upon themselves to go find a torch.   They certainly wouldn't be expecting to find a torch roaming around in the dark on its own looking for them.  That's just common sense.   
    In essence, this is a regular occurrence all over the world; people, organizations, institutions and governments across the globe running around telling you that They Are the Torch that you need to find your way in the dark. For a price.  To Ensnare you.  And to Enslave you. They are just trying to Make a Living.

    Therefore, if you truly believe that You Are a Torch, then let those who are looking to find their way in the dark come looking for you.   (That is common sense.)

    Oh, how I wish that someone would have come along decades ago in order to point this out to me.   
    • Don't Be the Sun Looking for People in the Dark.   This is another moronic and idiotic concept.  The sun doesn't move around all over the place in order to find people who want to enjoy the sunlight.   People who truly want to enjoy the sunlight will go where the sun rises (in the east) and where the sun sets (in the west).  As well, people who are in the dark and need sunlight will open up their doors, blinds or curtains when the sun is shining.   They certainly wouldn't be expecting the sun to look for them or shine through their doors, blinds or curtains.  That's just common sense.  
    In essence, this is another regular occurrence all over the world.   There is no shortage of people, organizations, institutions and governments across the globe running around telling you that They Are the Sun that you need to light up your world or light up your dark room. For a price.  To Ensnare you.  And to Enslave you.  They are just trying to Make a Living.

    Therefore, if you truly believe that You Are the Sun, then let those who are looking for the sun to light up their world or light up their dark room come looking for you.  (That is common sense.)

    • Don't Be a Flashlight Looking for People Who Need to Find Something.  When was the last time you heard of a flashlight going around looking for people who need to find or see something in the dark?  Obviously, it's a rhetorical question, thus no need to answer.   As we all know, the answer is, never.   It goes without saying that people who need to find or see something in the dark will go looking for a flashlight.  That is just common sense.
    In essence, this is a standard refrain all over the world.   People, organizations, institutions and governments across the globe running around telling you that They Are the Roving Flashlight you need to find or see anything in the dark.  For a price.  To Ensnare you.  And to Enslave you.  They are just trying to Make a Living.

    Therefore, if you truly believe that You Are a Flashlight, then let those who need to find or see something in the dark come looking for you.  (That is common sense.)

    • Don't Be a Key Roaming Around Looking for People Who Want to Unlock a Door.   Just stand by the door waiting for those who want to walk out the door in order to breathe the fresh air outside and enjoy an exciting adventure.
    • Shun the "Making a Living" Mentality.  Earlier, I emphasized in the "Making a Living" section under Prime Examples of Primitive, Barbaric and Savage Concepts and Conventions that "Making a Living is the chains that bind every single human being on this planet together in perpetual Slavery."  In essence, every single human being on this planet is programmed to "make a living" from cradle to grave.  Moreover, just think of all the things that people will do, and all the hoops they are willing to go through, in order to make a living.  
    For Example, 
    ::::::: If allowing others to inject a known deadly toxin disguised as a vaccine into their veins:::a proven biological weapon with serious long-term health implications which may even result in premature death:::is required in order to continue to make a living, then so be it.   
    ::::::: If wearing a face mask:::widely known to be 100% ineffective and downright clownish and ridiculous:::is required in order to continue to make a living, then so be it.

    ::::::: If walking down a one way lane in a supermarket, while wearing a face mask, and standing 6 feet apart from the nearest shopper, customer or employee:::universally acknowledged by any sane person with not even an ounce of intelligence to be downright Mentally Retarded, Stupid, Imbecilic, Moronic, Idiotic, and a zombie scene from an apocalyptic movie:::is required in order to continue to make a living, then so be it.  

    ::::::: If wearing a face mask at a restaurant or on an airplane while eating a meal:::universally recognized by any sane person who is alive and breathing on their own; to be a scene straight out of an insane asylum by patients who have been lobotomized:::is required in order to continue to make a living, then so be it.  

    ::::::: No need to continue with the list of examples for the simple reason that it would take at least one million (1,000,000) pages of documents to cover just 1% (one percent) of the amount of idiocy and absurdities that human beings have been subjected to and are capable of enduring throughout their lifetime - just so that they can continue to make a living. 

    Henceforth, whenever you are about to engage in any sort of activity, or are pondering on making any kind of decision, you need to honestly answer this question to yourself:   After all has been said and done, is this really about making a living?

    For the simple reason that "making a living" is inextricably linked to the global financial system and the State, without which Slavery cannot exist.   (Read it again if you need to refresh your memory.)  

    By extension, this means that every single activity or decision that involves "making a living" contributes directly or indirectly to the enslavement of all of mankind.

    Therefore, should anyone ever ask you the question, "What is life all about," you could accurately and confidently state:  Life is all about Making a Living.

    • Zero Tolerance for Making a Living.  Making a Living is all about someone trying to sell something AND compliance.  That someone could be any human being representing himself or acting on behalf of an organization, institution, government, or any other entity.  That something can be any tangible or intangible thing.   
    You will notice that selling something and compliance are 2-sides of the same Making a Living coin. 
    Selling something requires the dog-and-pony show and all the accoutrements: the packaging, begging, flattery and subordination ::: following time-honored practices, customs and traditions ::: deception, strutting around, smoke and mirrors, omissions, lies, cheating, bait-and-switch, stealing.  From a performance standpoint, this also involves trying to meet daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly quotas.  
    In short, selling something requires saying or doing anything that needs to be said and done in order to either make a sale or sell someone on a value proposition.  Whereas compliance requires saying or doing anything that needs to be said and done in order to comply  
    (Anybody who tells you any different with a straight face is either gullible, naive, wet behind the ear, a moron, a liar, a thief, or a fraud.)
    The problem with selling is that it places you in a vulnerable position whereby your livelihood or success depends on the decision of "someone else" instead of the value of what you are offering.  (The same can be said with respect to compliance.)
    That is a lot of power that you are entrusting in the hands of a person or group of people.  That someone could be a clown, a moron, a complete idiot, someone that you would never dream of being in the same room with or care to associate with, a repugnant character, an imbecile, a genius, an enlightened person, a good person, or an evil son of a bitch.  That person could also be someone who wants you to beg, grovel, get on your knees, set aside your ego, and swallow your pride in order to make the sale or sell them in on your value proposition; even though they may have a desperate need for what you are offering. 
    In other words, I have just outlined to you just about every single type of human being that I have ever encountered over the years during my entire 50-year career. 

    Moreover, that is a lot of leverage over you that you are giving to someone who may or may not have a need for whatever it is that you are offering.  In which case, you are NOT entering into a conversation or discussion with someone as equals.   Rather, you are acknowledging at the very beginning of your encounter with that person, that you are ready and willing to enter into a Slave-Master-Moron relationship; that you are the Slave and Moron; and that the outcome of your discussion will be determined by your Master.  

    Just in case you are wondering, "But Pierre, if I am not allowed to sell to anyone, then how will I ever be able to make a living," then you have just made my point.  Making a Living is a Slave Mentality.  There is no need to sell anything.  Instead, make available relevant information to those whom you deem could have a potential interest in what you are offering.  For those who do indeed have an interest in what you are offering and are willing to take the time to go over the information, it will include specific instructions on how to proceed.  
    (I know it's easier said than done and there is much more to it than that. However, it works when you are dealing with those who have an interest in Making the Transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being or a Global Civilization of Intelligent Beings.)
    For those who have absolutely no interest in your offering; are either too lazy or busy to take the time to review the information; are just too stupid or incompetent ::::: or simply lack the wisdom, foresight, intellect or maturity ::::: to understand the value of the information provided and all potential opportunities, then that is not your problem - it is their problem.  
    In fact, you should be thrilled and thankful that you didn't have to deal with them. For the simple reason that, down the road, they would have wound up costing you much more than you ever invested in them or received from them; and you would eventually come to regret that you ever came across them and gave them the time of day.   (I speak from both experience over a 50-year career and empirical data since time immemorial.)

    Please note I am fully aware that is not how it works in the real world::::this Slave-Master-Moron World Order::::that you now live in.  However, this document is not a Slave Manual on how to be a better or more effective and productive Slave.  This document is really all about making the transition from Human Being (i.e., a Slave) to Intelligent Being.  At the end of this document, you will have an opportunity to find out how to proceed if this topic is of interest to you.    

    Thus, an ideal opportunity for me to segue way into the next topic. 

    • Recognize an Evolutionary When You Come Across One.   The May 23, 2022 article:::Rise of the Evolutionaries:::says it best, "An Evolutionary is an individual who believes in the critical need for human evolution and is willing to embark on The Road to Human Evolution."  Of course, there is much more to it than that simple definition.  Thus, I invite you to peruse that article in order to learn more.  

    The point that I want to make is that this document is really about people who want to evolve and are willing to embark on the Road to Human Evolution.  I don't want to convince anyone who is currently satisfied with the status quo.  

    In fact, I don't want to have anything at all to do with anyone who is woefully misguided; and thus, wants me to make a case for them to join our organization or for giving us an opportunity to do business with them.  Instead, it's the exact opposite.  

    It is YOU who needs to convince me that you are indeed a fellow Evolutionary in order for me to consider investing any amount of time and effort into you.  The only and best way to convince me beyond the shadow of doubt is through your own actions (i.e., how well you are willing to follow the instructions given to you at the end of this document on how to proceed).   A lot of nonsense and bullshit will not pass muster.    

    As well, if after reading this entire document, you are left with the slightest notion that you will be giving us an opportunity to do business with YOU, then you need to quickly disabuse yourself of this silly notion because I consider anyone with this sort of Slave mentality as our worst nightmare.  Instead, it is YOU who will be given an opportunity to Collaborate with us in order to embark on the Road to Human Evolution.   

    To emphasize how serious I am, I dare any human being alive anywhere on this planet to take up the following challenge and break through the absolute gauntlet I have created for anyone who wants to test my resolve:    

    I don't give a shit who you are, no amount of money in the world or persuasion on your part will be able to convince me to make an exception to the rule and grant you a special pass to embark on the Road to Human Evolution if your actions are inconsistent with what we are looking for in an Evolutionary.     

    The bottom line is this, it's extremely critical that we start our relationship on the right track.  That means we consider each other as equals.  There are no Masters and Slaves.  None of us are there to Make a Living.  We don't want you among us::::better yet, stay in your lane::::if your primary motivation to join us is to use the knowledge acquired from us in order to Make a Living.   We're there to Collaborate with each other and our Ultimate Goal is Human Evolution.    

    And the only way you can evolve is to use the knowledge acquired from us in order to Stop Feeding the Primordial Beast.  Otherwise, thank you for your consideration, but no thank you.

    I make absolutely NO apologies if you consider such unequivocal stance an ultimate display of arrogance.  For the simple fact that if you truly understand what's at stake::::that human evolution is NOT just another stupid and idiotic money-making scheme; or some marketing ploy, promotion, and social media gimmick; by people who are trying to make a living::::then you would be congratulating me and giving me a badge of courage for staying true to the cause of human evolution.  

    You would be thrilled to know that we are the real deal. As well, you would be assured that joining us would place you in good company.

    • Recognize a Sentient Being When You Meet One.   Sentient Beings are an anomaly.  The chances that you will ever come face to face with and meet a Sentient Being during your entire existence on this planet are nil to none.  
    The simple fact is that Sentient Beings and Human Beings repel each other at vast distances. As such, this makes it nearly impossible for human beings to know the difference between human beings and sentient beings. 
    Moreover, there is another reason for that.  That's because becoming a Sentient Being involves a 5-stage metamorphosis process which may, at the very least, take several decades:  

    Stage 1.   The first stage involves Making the Transition from Human Being to Principled Leader.  

    Stage 2.   The second stage involves Making the Transition from Principled Leader to Principled Geopolitical Leader.  
    Stage 3.   The third stage involves Making the Transition from Principled Geopolitical Leader to Evolutionary.  

    Stage 4.   The fourth stage involves Making the Transition from Evolutionary to Intelligent Being.    

    Stage 5.   And the fifth and final stage leads to becoming a Sentient Being. The point being, in order to become a Sentient Being, you first have to be an Intelligent Being.  Once you become an Intelligent Being, then and only then will you be able to begin to use your intelligence in order to find out the person that you truly are, the true nature of your existence, your own individual condition, your actual surroundings, what is it that makes you so special, and the no-limit aspect of your true potential.  Thus, becoming a Sentient Being.  Therefore, a Sentient Being is an Intelligent Being.  

    By extension, this means that an Intelligent Being does NOT automatically become a Sentient Being.  It must first use its Intelligence in order to become a Sentient Being.

    How to Recognize a Sentient Being.   The answer is extremely simple.  Anyone who believes in any of the things that any human being holds dear is NOT a Sentient Being.    

    The May 22, 2020 article :: You Are NOT White, Black, Brown, Minority, Racist, Privileged or Disadvantaged ::  gives you a fairly decent list of many of the things that ALL human beings hold dear.   You can start with the list of all the things that human beings are NOT that are listed at the very beginning of the article and gauge anybody's response to any of these narratives.  

    In the event you need additional material, just provide that person with the link to the April 28, 2023 document :: Genesis of Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On Civilized World Financial System :: and invite him/her to comment. 

    Why the Need to Be Able to Recognize a Sentient Being.   To avoid falling prey to morons pretending to be geniuses, charlatans dressed as Grand Viziers, cowards masquerading as knights in shining armor, predators disguised as saviors, wolves dressed in sheep clothing, and false prophets.

    • Put into Practice the Principle of Co-Existence.  Do not underestimate the power of the Principle of Co-Existence.  It's all about learning how to earn the respect of those who do NOT subscribe to the concept of human evolution; and thus, may be inclined to adopt an Us vs. Them mentality.  Moreover, it emphasizes the need for you to treat them with respect. The September 18, 2019:::Treatise On Political Evolution:::provides an in-depth exploration of this topic. (It's over 300 pages - read it later.)    
    • Recognize and Own Your Terrain.   As stated earlier, Human Beings are Biological Machines; and thus, tend to act and react in accordance with the way they have been programmed.   What this means is that whenever human beings are in new and unfamiliar territory, they have a really tough time recognizing any advantages that the new terrain offers. Thusly, they will abandon such advantageous terrain in favor of familiar territory, at the risk of their own peril.  
    From a Human Evolution standpoint, this new terrain is the Virtual Organization World and the role that Virtual Organization Leadership, Principled Leadership, Principled Geopolitical Leadership, Political Evolution, a Civilized World Financial System, and a Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial System will play with respect to allowing all of mankind to Make the Transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being.   Such transition will allow us to build a Global Civilization of Intelligent Beings able to embark on the Road to Human Evolution.   

    In a nutshell, this means that we need to go our own way and in a new direction instead of trying to cling to the following vestiges of tyranny and slavery that human beings have been subject to since time immemorial: The State and our Current Global Financial System.  

    The following April 28, 2023 document sheds a great deal of light on this new terrain ::: Genesis of Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On Civilized World Financial System ::: and the urgency of now to own it. 

    • Understand the Role of the Virtual Organization World.   The Virtual Organization World is the new terrain on which we are building the foundation of a new global civilization of intelligent beings which will no longer feed the Primordial Beast.    Such new terrain allows us to make effective use of technology in order to build the neural networks and dendritic connections needed for such endeavor. As well, it facilitates the introduction of new Human Evolution concepts and narratives over vast distances at quantum speed.   
    Such concepts and narratives include the following:  Virtual Organization Leadership, Principled Leadership, Principled Geopolitical Leadership, Political Evolution, a Civilized World Financial System, Making the Transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being, Sentient Beings, a Global Civilization of Intelligent Beings, Futuristic City-State Enclaves Based On a Civilized World Financial System, traveling side-by-side with our Creator throughout the Cosmos in order to marvel at the beauty of Creation. 
    By extension, your introduction to these Human Evolution concepts and narratives will put you in a position to sit down at the Virtual Organization World table; marshal all your Human Evolution cards; as well as strategize and position them; in order to play the Game of Human Evolution.  

    In essence, the Virtual Organization World prepares you to recognize a Good (Human Evolution) Hand when you see it whenever you sit down at the table and decide to play the Game of Human Evolution. 

    • Recognize a Good (Human Evolution) Hand When You See It.   Think about this for a few seconds:  You're playing poker for money, you're new at the game, you got an excellent hand, yet you don't know it, and one of the bystanders looking over your shoulders keeps fidgeting around, thinking that you're getting ready to clean up and win the big pot.   Then, one of the players calls, and wins the game.  
    At which point, that bystander breaks out loud over your shoulders and says, "Oh no, I can't believe what just happened.  Man, that money was yours.  You had a winning hand.  You have a royal flush. This hand beats his.  Show them your cards."   And everybody gets a good laugh at your expense! 
    Well, guess what, folks!  This happened in real life to a young soldier out on temporary duty assignment in the North Pacific Ocean.  It happened to me.  

    Well, fast forward to nearly a half-century later, I am now in the enviable position of being a bystander looking at all the opportunities that human beings have to evolve; to break free from the sla-mas-moron virus which keeps them trapped in a perpetual cycle of ignorance, slavery, tyranny, and butchery; and to begin to use their intelligence in order to embark on the Road to Human Evolution.    An opportunity to travel side by side with the Creator throughout the Cosmos in order to marvel at the beauty of Creation. 

    Now that I am this bystander looking over the shoulders of mankind playing the game of life, I can see it as clear as daylight that You've Got a Good (Human EvolutionHand - A Winning Handand yet you keep folding each and every time.    

    The point being, You Are Unable to Recognize a Good Hand When You See It because you're either new at the game or you know nothing about the game.

    In essence, that's what the foregoing Virtual Organization World is all about.   It prepares you to play the game of human evolution.  

    • Refuse the Temptation to Fit In.   Straddling the fence between the State and the need for Human Evolution is a disaster in the making and a serious character flaw.  Therefore, refuse the temptation to join the good old boys' network and try to fit in.  You must choose.
    How often do you hear of politicians asking for your vote in order to get into office and either drain or clean up the swamp?   How the hell do you drain or clean up a swamp?   
    Just think of a dog stepping into a den of jackals and talking about putting them out of business or will start calling the shots.  What do you think the outcome will be?  It's just common sense, thus no need to answer that question.  
    As well, think of the millions of other promises made by individuals, organizations, institutions, and governments all over the globe about making the world a better place :::: if only you would help them become a member of these very devilish organizations and institutions which are themselves responsible for turning the world into a real hellhole and shithole. 

    The bottom line is this:  NONE of the institutions which exist today on our planet have an inkling on how to chart a course toward human evolution.  It doesn't matter which road they take; eventually, all roads lead to Damascus (the "State and the current global financial system").  

    The Virtual Organization World allows you to discover why they are clueless and how all these roads eventually lead to Damascus.

    • Cancel Your C5 Association Membership Immediately.     The C5 Association is a group of Cretins, Cowards, Corrupt-to-the-Core, Clowns, and Criminals who are actively engaged in keeping us all distracted through an infinite series of spectacles, masquerades and events designed to prevent their fellow human beings from ever realizing who they are, what they are, and their true and unlimited power potential. 
    About Cretins.    Initially I intended to describe them and provide you with examples of their deeds and how to readily identify them.   However, the list grew so long that I had to abort that mission and come up with a more appropriate solution; since, deep down inside, you already know the answer.  
    Therefore, here is the appropriate solution:   

    1. Do your own research on the definition of "cretin." 
    2. If you don't like the definition provided on the internet, then come up with your very own definition. 
    3. Now that you have settled on a definition that you are satisfied with, I invite you to answer this question for me:  Is there any human being on this planet, past or present, that you are aware of whom you feel is NOT a cretin?   If so, then tell me why you feel that way!  (It's a rhetorical question that is strictly intended to give you some food for thought.  No need to share your answer with me.)  

    Now let me share a painful revelation with you.  In the absence of being able to Make the Transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being, if you are a human being anywhere on planet Earth, alive and breathing on your own, then you are a Biological Machine programmed to be a Slave, period.  Being a biological machine automatically means that You Are NOT a Sentient Being. 

    By extension, with the exception of perhaps 3-5 people worldwide, that makes nearly every single human being on this planet a Cretin.   A cretin does not really know who he is, what he is, his true worth, and his real and unlimited power potential.  

    About Cowards.   Just use the same solution provided for "Cretins" in order to come up with your own crystal-clear definition of "Coward."  

    Thankfully, Principled Geopolitical Leadership has an autophagic effect on Cowardice, bullying, the coercive powers of bullies, murderous psychopaths, and dictatorial regimes.  It plays a significant role in helping us make the Transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being.

    However, in the absence of being able to Make the Transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being, every single human being on planet Earth, alive and breathing on their own, is programmed to Making a Living from Cradle to Grave. It's obvious that if you are NOT alive, then being able to make a living becomes a moot point.  

    Thusly, just the thought or notion of being unable to make a living hangs like the Sword of Damocles over the head of every single human being from cradle to grave.  The sort of nightmare which strikes Fear into our hearts and causes ALL human beings to Shit in their Pants and Turn into Cowards. 

    (The recent Covid-19 Scamdemic is a perfect example of the manifestation of this Supreme Cowardice on a global scale.)   

    By extension, from a Coward's standpoint, this means that the Sanctity and Preservation of Life and Making a Living from Cradle to Grave take precedence over all aspects of human existence :::: NOT the Sanctity of Human Dignity and Quality of life - and Principled Leadership.     

    About Corrupt-to-the-Core.    Ask any human being anywhere in the world for their understanding of "corruption."   Well, that is something that every single human being on this planet is familiar with, for the simple reason that this is something that we all either personally experience or hear about on a daily basis.   None of us needs to go to a search engine or consult with an expert in order to know what that means.  We instinctively know it when we see it.  

    For example, ask any person who has been living in the US for any significant length of time::: and who is not living under a rock:::about the state and level of corruption in this country.  Well, you're bound to get an earful of how bad corruption is in the US.  How about at the company they work for, the answer will be the same.  How about at any institution within the country, again you will hear a familiar refrain.  

    However, when it comes to asking that same person how corrupt he/she is, you will immediately notice on their face a sense of indignation, and a feeling of being unduly maligned.   

    You can now repeat the same process with every single individual from every single country and institution in the world, you are bound to obtain the same results.

    The point being, we can all see corruption in others; however, it is really difficult to see it in ourselves. A classic example of cognitive dissonance.

    The plain and simple truth is that every single human being on this planet, past and present, is programmed since birth to be Corrupt-to-the-Core.   There is absolutely no exception to that rule.   For the simple reason that Slavery can only survive and thrive in a Sea of Corruption which is based on Cretinism, Cowardice, Secrecy, Deceit, Lies, Bullshit, Bedtime Stories, Phantasmagorical Tales, Tyranny, Blood, Death, Destruction, and Butchery.   Corruption which depends on the full cooperation of every single institution and member of society.  

    By extension, in the absence of the aforementioned Principled Geopolitical Leadership, Political Evolution, and Mankind Making the Transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being, this means that being Corrupt-to-the-Core is not a choice for human beings but rather a requirement for acceptance, surviving and thriving in a World of Slaves.  

    About Clowns.   When it comes to distracting all Slaves from the realities of life on this planet, you will find no shortage of fellow slaves who are ready, willing and able to step up to the plate and play the Clown role in order to assume whatever mass distraction assignment that is available.  
    What makes them so effective and lethal is that both, the Distractors and the Distracted, are, for the most part, not even aware of their role as clowns, vassals, lapdogs, unwilling dupes and useful idiots. Therefore, stay away from them as far as you can and as much as possible.  As the old saying goes, you lie with dogs, and you'll get fleas. 
    I am sure that, for many of you who have made it to this point in this document, you may be wondering, "How can I tell that I am being distracted?"   Well, the answer is extremely simple:    

    You are being distracted anytime you are participating in any endeavor or activity which does NOT require Collaboration on your part and the use of your Intelligence.  

    Please note that there is a huge difference between the following:  Cooperation and Collaboration; Knowledge and Intelligence.

    For Example, 

    Cooperation vs. Collaboration.  You can be compelled to Cooperate, however, you cannot be compelled to Collaborate.  

    Knowledge vs. Intelligence.   As well, you can acquire Knowledge from whatever sources that you are exposed to, however, Intelligence is required in order to do a critical analysis and validation of either the information provided or any knowledge you have acquired.

    A Perfect Example of Both Collaboration and Intelligence,

    This document itself is a shining example of Collaboration and Intelligence.  In the sense that it offers you an opportunity to Collaborate, however you deem fit.   As well, it requires that you use your Intelligence in order to assess the information herein provided and to act upon it.

    However, that being said, with respect to using YOUR Intelligence, I am not going to hold my breath.

    About Criminals.   In the World of Slaves that all human beings live in, Criminals operating under Color of Law form the backbone of every single civilization, government, organization, and institution.   Their Laws are designed to give you the Illusion of a Civilized World; and to instill in all human beings A Sufficient Amount of Fear needed for them to Cooperate with ALL institutions operating under the banner or approval of the State; and to Comply with their edicts - all for the sake of the Greater Good.  Therefore, shun them to the extent that it is possible to do so without any major blowbacks.

    In Conclusion.   We are all influenced and judged by the company we keep.   Therefore, you cannot have it both ways.  Refrain from the lure and temptation to be a Team Player; and above all, Practice What You Preach.  You cannot do both: Lead Yourself and be a Team Player.    That is a recipe for Slavery.    Hence the reason why, after billions of years on this planet, we still live in a World of Slaves.  

    Now that you have cancelled your C5 Association membership, let us proceed to the next step. 

    • Refuse to Play the Game and Learn How to Collaborate.    From birth to present day, the only thing that you have ever learned throughout your entire existence has been How to Play the Game.  Nothing in this world of slaves has anything at all to do with Reality.   In essence, your entire existence has been that of a Biological Machine programmed to operate in::::and confined to::::a Virtual Reality World.   And just about everything in this Virtual Reality World is merely a figment of your imagination.    
    By extension, this means that you know absolutely nothing about The Real World.  A World of Intelligent Beings that you cannot even begin to imagine or comprehend.  Therefore, Refuse to Play the Game if you want to evolve.

    Once you refuse to play the game, you will have no choice but to Learn How to Collaborate with others as equals.  In the process, this will eventually lead you to Learn How to Lead Yourself - a prerequisite for Political Evolution.  In turn, this will give you an opportunity to Make the Transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being - a necessary condition for Building a Global Civilization of Intelligent Beings which will put you on the Road to Human Evolution. 

    • Recognize a Real Slave When You See One.   It's easier than you think.  Pretend you are an Intelligent Being from another galaxy and this is your very first time landing on Planet Earth.  With respect to human beings, just tell me what you see.   It's obvious that you will see the following:
      • One Race of Beings.   They all have some unique and defining characteristics:  A head with hair, ears, a couple of eyeballs, eyebrows, eyelashes, a nose, hair in their nostrils, a neck, shoulders, chest, arms, hands, stomach, thighs, legs, toes, reproductive organs, erect posture, etc. 
      • Diversity.   They come in different shapes, sizes, and complexion.  Some are taller than others.  Other than that, there is really no difference between them. 
      • Language.  They communicate with each other via some sort of language that sounds like a lot of gibberish.  They may be using different languages.
      • Clothing.   Depending on the time of day, many of the males seem to wear a similar outfit: some sort of vest, a piece of cloth (they call a tie) that they wrap around their neck, however, you can't figure out the meaning of it and its utility.
      • Shelter.   They all seem to live in enclosed spaces that seem designed to protect them from the elements.  Some of these spaces are death traps when the forces of nature unleash their fury. 
      • Primitive, Barbaric and Savage.  In certain parts of the world, they are actively butchering each other on some sort of terrain.   One way to tell who is fighting whom is by the color and distinctive feature of their uniform.  However, you can't figure out why all the carnage because none of it makes any sense to you.  A lot of humans seem to be captives that are confined to certain buildings or institutions enclosed within certain perimeters of tall walls and barbed wires.  Many of the captives are placed in cages.  
      • Crude and Primitive Technology.   They travel by land, air, and sea in different types of machines that pollute the air that they breathe.  They also use other species on the planet for travel and transportation. 
      • Biological Machines.   With respect to their behavior and pattern, everything points to them being Biological Machines.  They seem to be in Automatic Mode; and thus, are not really aware of what they are doing and any related consequences.
      • Slavery Culture.   You are not really sure what to make of things, however, their entire culture has all the earmarks of Slavery. 
      • Not Using their Intelligence.   Although they all have a powerful brain encased within their thick skull, practically, it seems that none of them are using their Intelligence and you can't figure out why.   It's as if they are NOT even aware that their brain is a powerful intelligence tool.  They seem to have everything they need in order to turn the planet into a beautiful paradise in the universe; and you are at a loss as to why they are not taking advantage of this opportunity. 
      • Turned a Garden of Eden into a Filthy Prison.   Somehow or another, they have managed to turn a Garden of Eden into a Filthy Prison for most of the population.

    In a nutshell, that's all you need to know about human beings.   Nothing else is Real.  Everything else that has been spoon-fed to us from cradle to grave is nothing but a lot of horseshit.  And is strictly a figment of the imagination of a bunch of Biological Machines perpetuating a Slavery Culture which transforms Human Beings into a bunch of Primitive and Barbaric Savages. 

    • Recognize an Intelligent Being When You Meet One.   In the foregoing "Recognize a Real Slave When You See One" activity, I asked you to: 
    "Pretend you are an Intelligent Being from another galaxy and this is your very first time landing on Planet Earth.  With respect to human beings, just tell me what you see."  
    If you ever engage in a conversation with someone whose observation of human beings matches in many respects the hypothetical observation of this Intelligent Being from another galaxy in the foregoing "Recognize a Real Slave When You See One" activity, then you have just come across either an Intelligent Being or someone who is in the process of making the transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being. 

    It's a very simple process.  Refrain from asking leading questions; just ask the same question that I asked you and wait for that person's answer.    

    The point being, when you first meet someone ::: other than through the manifestation of their own behavior, utterances and actions ::: you have absolutely no idea whom you are talking to. For the simple reason that some people prefer to first observe others in their element prior to making any sort of introduction. 

    Just in case you were wondering, "How should I proceed if that person clams up, is being evasive, or just wants to know why I asked that question?"   Well, that is a telltale sign of "fear and insecurity" on the part of any ordinary human being; and thus, a clear indication that you are NOT dealing with an Intelligent Being.   

    By extension, this means that you have just saved yourself hundreds to thousands of hours of wasted time and effort.  Hence, the need for you to move on. 

    There is also another important question I need to answer for you:  What are the chances that I will ever come across an Intelligent Being?   The answer is nil to none.  Notwithstanding the odds, it's always worth knowing whom you've met and who you are dealing with.   

    • The State Is a Primitive, Barbaric and Savage Concept - Think Outside the State.    A Concept is based on narratives, and Narratives are based on Thoughts and Ideas.  As my late father Joseph A. Coupet used to be fond of saying, "A man's Idea is his God."  Therefore, I will not attempt to pry anyone away from their God.  

    As well, I am also aware of the fact that the State is a Concept that you are born into.  Hence the reason why I know it's almost impossible for you to Think Outside the State.   No different than trying to tell a fish born into a small fishbowl that there is a whole wide world out there that it cannot even begin to imagine, and that it needs to think outside the fishbowl.  A world of aquariums, streams, rivers, lakes, and oceans.  To the fish in the small fishbowl, I can imagine how unsettling, mind-bending and scary this information could be.  

    However, that being said, I ask that you at least consider the possibility of other Concepts out there whereby mankind could survive, thrive, and evolve.   In other words, I am not asking or telling you to jump out of the small State fishbowl.  

    And once you start thinking outside the State, you will begin to explore a number of possibilities that hitherto were unimaginable:  A Virtual Organization World, Futuristic Underground Facility Architecture, A Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial System, A Global Need for Principled Geopolitical Leaders, Political Evolution, Making the Transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being, A Global Civilization of Intelligent Beings, League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives, Virtual Campus Dormitories, Virtual Residential Communities, and Human Evolution. 

    That's when you can begin to stop feeding the primordial beast.

    • Strive to Become a Sentient Being.   Rather than through our senses, it is our actions which indicate whether or not we are Sentient Beings.   However, before I proceed, let me give you a very simple and new definition of what it means to be a Sentient Being.    
    A Sentient Being is a being that is aware of its existence, the nature of its existence, its individual condition, its surroundings, its capabilities and its potential.

    Ponder at length on this new definition of Sentient Being.   That is the only way for you to realize the true nature of your existence, your own individual condition, your actual surroundings, your real capabilities, and your true potential.

    The point being, it's not enough for you to be aware of your existence and being able to feel pain, etc.  You need to be able to go beyond the superficial aspect of your existence and dig deep within you in order to find out the person that you truly are, the true nature of your existence, your own individual condition, and your actual surroundings.  What is it that makes you so special?  Are there any limits to your true potential? 

    Otherwise, it's a useless exercise and complete waste of time for me to tell you that you are much more than just a Biological Machine; that you are, in fact, an Intelligent-Being-In-Progress; and thus, you are able to Make the Transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being.  And upon such transition, you will have an opportunity to become a Sentient Being.  

    By extension, this means that, 

    • Telling you that you are a Slave in captivity is useless if you already believe that you are now a Free Man or Woman living in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.  
    • Telling you that you are a Biological Machine is useless if, throughout your entire life, you have been deluded into thinking that a Human Being is a Sentient Being.    
    • Telling you that you are a Primitive And Barbaric Savage ("PABS") is a complete waste of time if, throughout your entire life, you have been deluded into thinking that obtaining a college or vocational education will make you::::or has turned you into::::an Intelligent Being.   
    • Telling you that you are now living in a very Primitive, Barbaric and Savage World populated by a bunch of Primitive and Barbaric Savages ("PABS") is an exercise in futility if, throughout your entire life, you have been bamboozled into thinking that all human beings live in a Highly Advanced Civilization based on the Rule of Law which is governed by Intelligent Beings. 
    • Talking to you about living in a Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial System becomes an exercise in futility if you already believe that you are now living in nirvana - The Land of Opportunity.    
    • The list goes on... 

    • Shed Your Inferiority Complex.    We are all programmed from cradle to grave to feel inferior in one way or another.  
    For Example, 
    • The Colonized tend to feel inferior to their Colonizers and, for the most part, will adopt or retain most of the tools and symbols of their oppression, the system of jurisprudence, the educational and financial system, the national defense and military training system, and the customs and traditions of their Colonizers way after they have obtained their so-called independence.  (Think of European, African, Asian, North American, Latin American and Carribean judges sporting a white wig on their head, long black robes, etc.    
    • The less fortunate among us tend to feel inferior to those who are perceived to enjoy a level of fleeting power, prosperity and fame.  A perfect breeding ground for future members of the C5 Association:  Cretins, Cowards, Corrupt-to-the-Core, Clowns, and Criminals.  
    Why is that you might ask?  That's because they too (i.e., the less fortunate) want their fair share of power, prosperity and fame so they can no longer feel inferior.  
    • The oppressed tend to feel inferior to their oppressors.  They tend to blame themselves for their lot and point the finger at each other.   An exercise which typically results in a circular firing squad.  Hence the reason they are their own worst enemy.  At the flick of a switch, they can be so easily manipulated to hate, turn against and destroy each other; to the point where they lose sight of their own intelligence as well as their potential to evolve and rise like a Phoenix from the ashes. 
    • Victims tend to feel inferior in more ways than anyone could possibly imagine. Instinctively, they believe that they lack the capacity :::: mental, intellectual, financial, technological, cohesive, or otherwise :::: to come up with their own solutions to the intractable issues, problems, challenges and calamities that they not only face today, but also are bound to come across or encounter in the near or distant future.    
    Thence, their natural tendency is to ignore all the tools and resources that they have on hand and at their disposal ::: including the use of their own Intelligence and power of Collaboration ::: and then run into the arms of an external, so-called Savior.  
    In 99.9999999% of cases, this so-called Savior always turns out to be one of the following:  
    ::::  A Trojan Horse intent on destabilizing them whenever the time is opportune. 
    :::: A Tick on a Dog burrowed deep under the skin, laying thousands of eggs, and sucking the blood out of the dog until it eventually dies.  
    ::::  A Flea on a Cat that will immediately begin to lay thousands to millions of eggs and infest the entire body of the cat, including every single body cavity.  In which case, in the absence of ridding your entire house of all the fleas and their eggs laying around, no number of visits to the veterinarian will ever rid the cat of these fleas and cure the infestation.  
    :::: A Charlatan  
    :::: A Wolf in Sheep Clothing  
    :::: A Thug who sees a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that he just can't afford to pass on.  
    :::: A Shape-Shifting Predator.  Someone, something, some government, institution or entity that you invite into your house or within your midst.  However, as time goes by, you get to see and experience so many facets and aspects of that person or entity's behavior and actions, that it becomes nearly impossible for you to really tell whom, who or what you are dealing with.  Is that someone or something really a savior, a friend or a foe? And an endless list of questions goes on.

    The bottom line is this:  This universal principle applies across the board with respect to  every single country, government, business, organization, institution, and human being anywhere in the world.    

    Of course, there are many more reasons why, and methods how, we are programmed to feel inferior.  Therefore, instead of trying to psychoanalyze you in order to find out the source of this inferiority complex, I will leave it up to you to ponder on that for as long as it takes.  You will be surprised at the results of this search.  

    By extension, the primordial beast feeds on your feeling of inferiority.  Such condition leads to a sense of impotence and orgy of fears which are used to enslave you.

    • Shed Your Superiority Complex.   People who feel inferior tend to make up for their mental illness by projecting an air of superiority in order to make others feel that they are inferior to them.  No different than people who are weaklings and mental midgets have a tendency to project a false sense of strength and intellect.  Thus, they will go to any lengths to conceal their weaknesses and feeling of inferiority in order to prevent others from finding out that "the emperor has no clothes." For the most part, these individuals tend to gravitate toward any level of positions of authority within any single field and industry throughout the globe.  

    A representative sample includes many of the following: middle management-to-executive level professionals in every single field and industry; senior to executive level functionaries of public policymaking bodies; law enforcement and judicial figures; think tank members; secret society members; religious figures; intelligence community members, etc.    

    By extension, their projection of superiority to make up for a feeling of inferiority leads to corruption-to-the-core and tyranny.     

    • Tap into Your Intelligence: The Antivirus for the Sla-Mas-Moron Virus.   The sla-mas-moron virus and the intelligence antivirus are both embedded in your DNA and co-exist with each other.  The sla-mas-moron virus gets activated at birth and controls all your actions from cradle to grave. Whereas the intelligence antivirus sits there like a trojan horse, waiting to be activated whenever you discover its existence and decide to summon it - alas, all to no avail.  Instinctively, such intelligence antivirus is based on a priori knowledge.  
    By extension, this means that every single human being on our planet, living and breathing on their own, is an Intelligent Being In-Progress, ready to be activated at a moment's notice.  The saddest part is that no one on our planet knows how many times this intelligence antivirus has been activated.   One thing for sure, judging by the state of mankind across the entire globe since time immemorial, it couldn't possibly be more than half a dozen (6) times.   
    The sla-mas-moron virus relies and thrives on followers.  Whereas the intelligence antivirus automatically and subliminally supports all noble deeds and efforts which advance the cause of human evolution.

    Hence, a perfect opportunity for me to segue way into the next topic. 

    • Refrain From Having or Seeking Followers.  Followers are imbued with fears and insecurities which need to be constantly assuaged and nurtured; have a constant need for leaders to control and manipulate them; and thus, represent an albatross around their leader's neck.   Moreover, the Primordial Beast feeds on these fears.   Hence the reason to refrain from having or seeking followers.   However, that being said, please note that there is a huge difference between followers and supporters.   You want supporters, not followers.  
    •  You Have More Supporters Than Anyone Can Even Imagine.   As stated earlier, "the intelligence antivirus automatically and subliminally supports all noble deeds and efforts which advance the cause of human evolution." 
    Since the intelligence antivirus sits there like a trojan horse in every single human being, that means any noble activity which advances the cause of human evolution that you sponsor or participate in has an unrivaled number of supporters: the entire global population.   
    By extension, this means that even those who have never heard of you; those who feel threatened by you or your actions; any enemies that you have made along the way; your persecutors, oppressors, torturers and crucifiers; have no choice but to become a subliminal supporter of your noble deeds and efforts.  
    Why is that, you might ask?   That is due to the simple fact that no one has any control over the intelligence antivirus. It cannot be manipulated in any way, shape or form.
    In essence, this means that the cause of Human Evolution has over 8 billion subliminal supporters around the globe.   And that You are NOT alone.  At a subliminal level, the entire human race is on your side.  That is indeed a very impressive number.   

    • Strategic Human Evolution Posture Review.    It's time for you to examine where you really stand on the subject of Human Evolution.   There is only one person in the world who knows the answer.  As you go through that process :::: Since you are a Biological Machine and Artificial Intelligence programmed to think, act and react based on certain stimuli in accordance with the mandates of the Sla-Mas-Moron virus :::: Attempt to Summon the Intelligence Antivirus within you in order to avoid coming up with the same old Ossified, Calcified and Fossilized Concepts and Narratives which eventually lead us right back to Damascus (the "State and the current global financial system"). 
    • Strategic Positioning of Human Evolution Assets.   To continue with the previous poker game analogy, it is important that you put all your "human evolution cards" in the correct order so that you can make the right moves when the opportunity presents itself.   
    Here Is a Real Life Illustration that you can draw some inspiration from.   As you browse through these human evolution cards, you will eventually discover how they all fit into the Human Evolution Grand Scheme of Things: 
    Human Evolution Card #1 ::: Become a Member-In-Principle: The Ultimate Membership Level.    Every single human being on the entire planet is caught within the spidery web and dictates of "The State" and "the global financial system."  This human evolution card allows every single human being to support the human evolution initiative, however they deem fit, without any fear of repercussions. 
    Human Evolution Card #2 ::: League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives.   This human evolution card addresses the needs of Deep Thinkers, Principled Leaders, Geopolitical Leaders, Philosophers, Human Evolution Scientists,  Astrophysicists,  Cosmonauts and Astronauts,  Spacefarers, Space Explorers, Evolutionaries, Political Evolutionaries,  Human Evolution Philanthropists,  Academics, Leading Anthropologists, and other Accomplished and Extraordinary Individuals from all walks of life who are "The Real Deal."  
    They already understand the need for Human Evolution and thus refuse to be sold on the concept.   They welcome the opportunity to Reimagine and Reengineer Human Existence on this planet; and thus, want to be in the company of kindred spirits.   The global membership limit is:  6 members.

    But why would a potential member of the League refuse to be sold on the concept of human evolution?  The short answer is: It would be a grievous insult to the intelligence of those who are The Real Deal

    The point being, only a slavemoron, imbecile or chickenshit needs to be sold on the concept of human evolution.  Moreover, I myself would also have to be a slave and moron if I were to take just a couple of seconds of my time in order to try to sell anyone on the value of joining a league of extraordinary Reimagineers::::whose task is to Reimagine and Reengineer human existence on this planet in order to chart a course toward human evolution.  

    Human Evolution is not something that you can sell to anyone or that you would even consider selling.   I certainly hope that you feel the same way too.   

    Human Evolution Card #3 ::: Virtual Organization Advisors.    This human evolution card addresses the needs of 99% of all businesses, organizations, institutions, and governments worldwide who are NOT really concerned about Human Evolution In fact, they could care less.

    They are, however, curious about: 

    :::: The Virtual Organization World

    :::: Virtual Organizations; 

    :::: The difference between virtual organization leadership and virtual leadership

    :::: The difference between virtual organization management and virtual management

    :::: The difference between virtual organizations and virtual teams

    :::: The difference between a remote workforce and remote global teams;  

    :::: The difference between virtual collaboration and virtual organization collaboration

    :::: The difference between virtual reality technology and virtual organization platform technology;  

    :::: The difference between augmented reality and virtual organization infrastructure technology

    :::: The difference between the Virtual Organization World  and all this talk and hype about Immersive Technologies, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality Worlds (e.g., Metaverse), Artificial Intelligence, Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), Artificial Intelligence Chat Bots (e.g., ChatGPT) and a host of other technologies.

    And, most importantly, why the Virtual Organization World is something that, at the very least, they should be aware of; or further explore, if need be; and the potential benefits to their organization.    

    The point being, whether or not an organization has any interest in learning about Human Evolution, their exposure to the Virtual Organization World will eventually introduce them, in one way or another, to the concept of human evolution.  

    Human Evolution Card #4 ::: Virtual Organization Management Institute.   This human evolution card addresses the needs of highly sophisticated and visionary organizations, institutions and governments worldwide which have been introduced to the Virtual Organization World by Virtual Organization Advisors (Card #3).    
    However, that being said, they are more interested in the business, financial, economic, principled leadership, principled geopolitical leadership, and political evolution aspects of the virtual organization management discipline; and thus, have absolutely no interest in Human Evolution In fact, they could care less. 
    Nonetheless, although no emphasis will be placed on it during their training, they will still be exposed in one way or another to the basic concept of human evolution.   
    Restrictions:  These services and solutions are limited to One New Enterprise or Government Client per month.  
    Why is that, you might ask?  The simplest answer is:  Lack of Human Capital

    By extension, this means that we have many other Human Evolution cards to play which require the prioritization of human capital and a strong focus on organizations that do have a strong interest in Human Evolution.  Thus, the early bird gets the worms.    

    Human Evolution Card #5 :::  Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial System.    This human evolution card addresses the needs of Truly Brave, Visionary and Pioneering World Leaders and Executives from every single field and industry who are fully aware of today's geopolitical realities; and thus, seek to advance the concept of Building a New Global Civilization of Intelligent Beings based on a Civilized World Financial System.    A new global civilization which can Co-Exist with our current civilization and global financial system. 

    This endeavor requires World Leaders worldwide who definitely want to allow some of their people an opportunity to learn how to Make the Transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being; in order to begin the process of Building a New Global Civilization of Intelligent Beings which can eventually embark on the Road to Human Evolution.

    As it stands this very second, at the time of writing this document, there are probably no more than 1-3 Heads of State worldwide who fall into this category of "Truly Brave, Visionary and Pioneering World Leaders" who have the intellectual maturity and capacity to understand the need for this Futuristic City-State Enclave based on a Civilized World Financial System within the borders of their country.    

    This human evolution card is the equivalent of a Universal Pass for every single nation which wants to Stop Feeding the Primordial Beast standing guard at the gates which lead to the Road of Human Evolution; whose task is to maintain the current Slave-Master-Moron World Order.  

    The following treatise::::Genesis of Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On Civilized World Financial System::::outlines the contours of such enclave. 

    From a human evolution standpoint, without exaggeration, Human Evolution Card #5 represents the most significant endeavor in the entire history of mankind.

    Restrictions:  Until further notice, there is a limit of one (1) such futuristic city-state enclave per country and the launch of one new enclave project per year.  Thus, the early bird gets the worms.

    Why is that, you might ask?  The simplest answer is:  Lack of Human Capital

    By extension, this means that we have many other Human Evolution cards to play which require the prioritization of human capital and a strong focus on governments who have a strong interest in Human Evolution. 

    Human Evolution Card #6 :::  The New Virtual Organization World ConsortiumThis human evolution card addresses the needs of all organizations and entities participating in Human Evolution Card #5 activities within the borders of their own country.   

    In other words, if your government is participating in the launch of a Futuristic City-State Enclave Based on a Civilized World Financial System within its own borders, then any organization and entity within the borders of your country will be eligible to join the Consortium.    

    Otherwise, you will need to petition your government to launch such an enclave in order to join the Consortium.   

    Why is that, you might ask?  The simplest answer is:  Lack of Human Capital.  

    As previously stated and illustrated, we have many other Human Evolution cards to play which require the prioritization of human capital and a strong focus on organizations and governments which have a strong interest in Human Evolution.  Thus, the early bird gets the worms.

    Human Evolution Card #7 :::  Virtual Campus Dormitory Consortium.  This human evolution card addresses the needs of all organizations and entities participating in Human Evolution Card #5 activities within the borders of their own country.   

    In other words, if your government is participating in the launch of a Futuristic City-State Enclave Based on a Civilized World Financial System within its own borders, then any organization and entity within the borders of your country will be eligible to join the Consortium.    

    Otherwise, you will need to petition your government to launch such an enclave in order to join the Consortium.   

    Why is that, you might ask?  The simplest answer is:  Lack of Human Capital.  

    As previously stated and illustrated, we have many other Human Evolution cards to play which require the prioritization of human capital and a strong focus on organizations and governments which have a strong interest in Human Evolution.  Thus, the early bird gets the worms.

    Human Evolution Card #8 :::  Virtual Residential Community Consortium.  This human evolution card addresses the needs of all organizations and entities participating in Human Evolution Card #5 activities within the borders of their own country.   

    In other words, if your government is participating in the launch of a Futuristic City-State Enclave Based on a Civilized World Financial System within its own borders, then any organization and entity within the borders of your country will be eligible to join the Consortium.    

    Otherwise, you will need to petition your government to launch such an enclave in order to join the Consortium.   

    Why is that, you might ask?  The simplest answer is:  Lack of Human Capital.  

    As previously stated and illustrated, we have many other Human Evolution cards to play which require the prioritization of human capital and a strong focus on organizations and governments which have a strong interest in Human Evolution.  Thus, the early bird gets the worms.  

    Human Evolution Card #9 ::: Virtual Organization Recruiter.   This human evolution card addresses the Virtual Organization Leadership Executive Search needs of highly sophisticated and visionary organizations, institutions and governments worldwide who have been introduced to the Virtual Organization World by Virtual Organization Advisors (Card #3).   

    However, that being said, these entities are more interested in identifying Executives who have a strong interest in learning about the Virtual Organization World; so that they can serve their organization in either a C-Level Advisory or Board of Directors Level position; and thus, have absolutely no interest in Human Evolution In fact, they could care less.

    Nonetheless, although no emphasis will be placed on it during their training as part of the onboarding process, they will still be exposed in one way or another to the basic concept of human evolution. 

    Once identified and selected, these Executives will undergo a 90-Day Virtual Organization Leadership Executive Certification program at Virtual Organization Leadership which will cover the business, financial, economic, principled leadership, principled geopolitical leadership, and political evolution aspects of the virtual organization management discipline. 

    Restrictions:   None at this time.  Subject to change without notice.

    Human Evolution Card #10 ::: Virtual Organization Leadership.  This human evolution card addresses the Virtual Organization Leadership Executive Certification needs of highly sophisticated and visionary organizations, institutions and governments worldwide who have been introduced to the Virtual Organization World by Virtual Organization Advisors (Card #3).  

    However, that being said, these entities are more interested in exposing their own Executives to the Virtual Organization World so that they can eventually LEAD in various capacities in a Virtual Organization environment; and thus, have absolutely no interest in Human Evolution In fact, they could care less.

    Nonetheless, although no emphasis will be placed on it during their participation in the certification program, they will still be exposed in one way or another to the basic concept of human evolution. 

    These Executives will undergo a 90-Day Virtual Organization Leadership Executive Certification program which will cover the business, financial, economic, principled leadership, principled geopolitical leadership, and political evolution aspects of the virtual organization management discipline. 

    Restrictions:   None at this time.  Subject to change without notice. 

    Human Evolution Card #11 ::: VOMI Virtual Organization Academy.   This human evolution card addresses the Virtual Organization Leadership Training needs of highly sophisticated and visionary organizations, institutions and governments worldwide which have been introduced to the Virtual Organization World by Virtual Organization Advisors (Card #3).  

    However, that being said, these entities are more interested in exposing their own Staff-to-Senior Management Level personnel to the Virtual Organization World; as well as provide them with the proper training so that they can eventually function, thrive, manage or lead in any capacity in any sort of Virtual Organization environment; and thus, have absolutely no interest in Human Evolution In fact, they could care less.

    Nonetheless, although no emphasis will be placed on it during their training, all program participants will still be exposed in one way or another to the basic concept of human evolution. 

    These individuals will undergo a 90-Day Virtual Organization Leadership program which will cover the business, financial, economic, principled leadership, principled geopolitical leadership, and political evolution aspects of the virtual organization management discipline. 

    Restrictions:   None at this time.  Subject to change without notice.

    Human Evolution Card #12 ::: Digital Currency Consortium  This human evolution card addresses the Digital Currency Literacy needs of highly sophisticated and visionary organizations, institutions and governments worldwide who have been introduced to the Virtual Organization World by Virtual Organization Advisors (Card #3).  

    However, that being said, these entities are more interested in exposing their own Senior  Management  and C-Level Executives to both the Virtual Organization World and the Digital Currency World and the crucial role that both can play within their own organization; and thus, have absolutely no interest in Human Evolution In fact, they could care less.

    Nonetheless, although no emphasis will be placed on it, members will still be exposed in one way or another to the basic concept of human evolution and the role that digital currencies can play. 

    Restrictions:   None at this time.  Subject to change without notice.

    Human Evolution Card #13 ::: Official Global Ambassador at VOMI Global Think Tank. This human evolution card addresses the needs of all individuals anywhere in the world who share the cause of human evolution and would like to introduce their Circle of Influence to the Virtual Organization World.   I don't care to question their motives.  Rather, I let their actions speak for themselves.  

    Restrictions:   A maximum of five (5) official global ambassadors per country. 

    Human Evolution Card #14 ::: Social Media Watercooler.  This human evolution card addresses the needs of the Social Media Diaspora on a weekly basis ::: those individuals who have grown sick and tired of the old worn-out narratives as well as the cacophony of voices, noise, distraction, “infantile, childish, nonsensical, primitive, barbaric and savage discourse,” and cancel culture on social media that are being constantly propagated and regurgitated to each and every single one of us, in one form or another, on a daily basis. 

    They are the visionaries, pioneers and futurists from across the globe coming together to share their thoughts and ideas about Digital Currencies, Cryptocurrencies, Alternative Financial Systems, Blockchain Technology, Digital Asset Ecosystems, Technological Innovation, Futuristic Technology, Futuristic Architecture, Future Trends, Exopolitics, Virtual Organizations, The Virtual Organization World, Principled Geopolitical Leadership, Political Evolution and HUMAN EVOLUTION. 

    These Private RSVP and Invitation Only weekly events are held in a Virtual Organization World environment.   In other words, they are NOT held on social media platforms or social networks that we are all aware of and exposed to.  These weekly events are strictly for Members Only.  There is NO charge for membership.  No advertising, sponsors, or donations are allowed.  

    Restrictions:  Saturday only.  You can login at any time between 5-9 AM PST USA.  

    By extension, this means that All Events are Cancel Culture-Proof.  

    Human Evolution Card #15 :::  Virtual Organization Jobs.   It is the world's only repository of bona fide virtual organization career and collaboration opportunities.  This human evolution card addresses the needs of every single business, organization, institution, and government  worldwide which seeks to specifically target bona fide Virtual Organization Leadership Executives for bona fide Virtual Organization Career and Collaboration opportunities.     

    Restrictions:  Subject to Virtual Organization Jobs certifying that these are indeed bona fide virtual organization career or collaboration opportunities.   NO Remote Work, Virtual Team, Virtual Leadership, Virtual Management, or Flexible Work opportunities are allowed on this platform.  NO ADVERTISING OR SPONSORSHIP is allowed on this platform.

    Human Evolution Card #16 :::  Exclusive Premium Domains for Virtual Organization World Partners.   Last but not least, this human evolution card addresses the needs of organizations, institutions, and governments worldwide which seek to directly launch Virtual Organization World and Human Evolution projects which fall outside the confines of a Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial System IN COLLABORATION with either The New Virtual Organization World Consortium, Virtual Campus Dormitory Consortium, or Virtual Residential Community Consortium

    There is a simple reason for that.  In accordance with our new and current policy, ALL consortium projects must be conducted under the tutelage of a specific Consortium and MUST be developed within the confines of a Futuristic City-State Enclave.   That means if an organization, institution or government would like to develop a Virtual Organization World project under their own aegis AND outside the confines of a Futuristic City-State Enclave, then they would automatically be on their own.  

    Thus, the respective consortium would NOT be able to certify that such project has been developed in accordance with the highest consortium standards established for a Virtual Organization World, New Global Civilization of Intelligent Beings or Human Evolution project.   

    However, that being said, such government is allowed to COLLABORATE with the appropriate Consortium strictly from a CONSULTING standpoint.  Such collaboration begins with the selection of the proper Virtual Organization World or Human Evolution-related domain name.  A domain name which reflects the nature and scope of such Virtual Organization World, New Global Civilization of Intelligent Beings or Human Evolution project.  

    Thence, the foregoing lists of premium domain names and priceless NFT domain names only reflect the ones that were previously selected for anticipated Virtual Organization World-related projects prior to instituting our new and current policy

    Now that you have strategically positioned all your Human Evolution cards, it's a perfect time for me to segue way into the next topic.

    • Chart Your Own Path Toward Human Evolution.   As you begin to chart your own path on the Road to Human Evolution, there are a number of pitfalls that you need to avoid:
    Pitfall #1 ::: Old habits are hard to die.   That means you are going to be your own worst enemy.   For the simple reason that you are going to have to monitor your every move, thought, utterance, action, and feelings on a 24/7 basis with respect to how We all Feed the Primordial Beast under:::How You Are Feeding the Primordial BeastIn other words, you are going to have to stop thinking and acting like a Slave.

    Pitfall #2 ::: Speaking out of both sides of your mouth.  That means saying one thing and doing something else.  Whether or not people are willing to call you out on that, does not really matter.  That is the quickest way for you to lose credibility.  Once people figure out that you are full of shit, at best, they will just humor you and go in their own direction. 

    Pitfall #3 ::: Not giving yourself a fighting chance.  It's so easy to give up before you even start something when you look at this laundry list of all the things that you need to do under:::Prime Examples of How to Stop Feeding the Primordial Beast:::in order to stop feeding the Primordial Beast .    
    No one expects you to do all these things at once. Start with the simplest one and remain consistent.   Once you have conquered one task, then proceed to the next one.  And before you know it, you'll be well on your way. 

    Pitfall #4 ::: Feeling lonely. Like a lone voice in the wilderness.   Well, the Road to Human Evolution is NOT a parade route with spectators lining both sides of the street and cheering you on. Loneliness means that you have plenty of time to think and do.  And that's a big plus.  A lone voice in the wilderness is exactly where you want to be, for the simple fact that, if you were in a crowded area dealing with a cacophony of voices, you would never have any time to think. 

    Pitfall #5 ::: Yearning for Recognition.   That is the deadliest of all sins and pitfalls.   Instead, you should yearn for the exact opposite.   Do not seek any kind of recognition.  That is the final and most important lesson that I had to learn in order to finally embark on the Road to Human Evolution.   As heartbreaking and heart wrenching it was for me to make that decision, it turned out that it was really a no-brainer.    

    Think about this for just a few seconds:  You are living in a jungle full of primitive and barbaric savages and slaves who are just going around slaughtering, butchering and cannibalizing each other for no sane reason at all.  It's something that they have been doing for billions of years.  In other words, it's in their nature to do these things and it's not something that they can help. 

    In your solitude, over a 50-year period, you decide to prescribe or offer a solution to the absurdities, insanities, and carnage you are witnessing.    

    Now, my question to you is this:  Why in the world would you want to receive any awards or recognition from these very same primitive and barbaric savages for the solution you offered?   Especially when you know for a fact that it will take at least a million years for your solution to have any meaningful impact on these savages and slaves. Does that make any sense to you?  

    The point being, I wouldn't mind receiving such award or recognition a million years from now after these savages have truly learned something and changed their ways.  Until then, I would consider such award a real farcical comedy.   Otherwise, accepting such award and recognition now would only place me one comprehension level beneath these very savages and slaves.     

    Therefore, as it now stands, I prefer to keep working the long and hard hours, to keep doing the best I can, to be and stay true to the cause of human evolution, and to pass the baton when it's time for me to cross over into the next world.  That is the greatest recognition and best award that I could ever receive.   

    Pitfall #6 ::: Underestimating the Power of One.   Here is why you should care.  That's because there is NO power on earth that can coopt, manipulate, subvert, control, enslave or destroy any organization, individual, institution, government, country or people on the face of the earth that believes in the Power of One.    

    That is just common sense for anyone who is in the process of trying to Make the Transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being or is already an Intelligent Being. 
    However, that being said, for the benefit of those who are just now getting exposed to the concept of Human Evolution, I need you to think about this for just one quick second
    Why is it that practically NOBODY on earth wants you to be exposed to the Power of One concept?  Here is some food for thought.

    The Power of One World.  In such a Power of One world :::: this Global Civilization of Intelligent Beings that I speak of :::: imagine yourself living in a country with a population of 1 billion people.    How would any power on earth be able to control or affect in any way, shape or form the destiny of your entire people  It's a rhetorical question, thus no need to answer.   

    It's obvious that this could never happen due to the simple fact that such power on earth would have to target each single individual on a one-on-one basis since No One Leads Anyone and No One Is Able to Control and Influence | OR | Influence and Control Anyone Else.   

    In such a world, A Priori Intelligence (not the fake and bullshit concept of intelligence spoon-fed to you since birth) dictates each person's actions and behavior. As such, it Cannot Be Manipulated by anyone in any way, shape or form. 

    That means Your Intelligence is 100% Immune to bullshit, lies, fairy tales, psyops, propaganda and fear.   The Slave-Master-Moron mentality is practically non-existent.  People are taught at birth how to Lead themselves as well as how to freely Collaborate with each other.  The word Cooperate is shunned. 

    Your entire life and existence do NOT depend on the actions of any single individual, organization, institution, or government.  Thus, the minute one single individual gets compromised or victimized in any way, shape or form, the other 999, 999, 999 people in your country would go on about their business as usual.    

    In a worst-case scenario for the offending party, their behavior and activities would automatically gain the scrutiny of the remaining 999, 999, 999 people in your country.  Moreover, such offending party would stick out like a sore thumb and instantly gain the attention of the rest of the population.

    Otherwise, the offending party would have to launch a Mass and Overt Attack on certain segments of the population or the entire population.   In which case, the offending Primitive And Barbaric Savages ("PABS") would receive a fierce, swift and unpredictable response from the rest of the entire population of 1 billion people.  

    A response that does NOT depend on consensus or the whims, judgment or decision of any Single Leader or group of people; but which rather depends on whatever form of Collaboration individuals or groups of people within your country deem appropriate. 

    In which case, you, your people, your institutions, and your entire country become IMMUNE to the actions of any power on earth.   Hence, your country can NEVER be held hostage or compromised by the actions of any of the following:  

    • some do-gooder who meant well but eventually got compromised and corrupted;  

    • some savior who meant well but eventually had no choice but to be "pragmatic";  

    • some false prophet;  

    • the insecure, a clown with a Napoleon complex, a charlatan, some rotten apple, a lowlife, a thief; 

    • some psychopath or sociopath; 

    • the unprincipled, a moron, an imbecile, a selfish son-of-a-bitch;   

    • some thug, gangster or wolf in sheep clothing; 

    • an emperor with no clothes

    • a degenerate and corrupt-to-the-core scumbag;  

    • merely a misguided person who got led astray;  

    • a single individual, group of people, or any segment of your population who got presented with "an offer that they couldn't refuse" - it was either you or them.  

    Do you now understand why, with the exception of perhaps 5-8 human beings on the entire planet, NOBODY on earth wants you to discover your A Priori Intelligence?  

    However, that being said, so you won't be shocked, I need to prepare you for what I am about to disclose on that list of people who don't want you to discover Your A Priori Intelligence.   

    That list includes:  

    :::: Your parents, grandparents, siblings, spouse, children, and all other members of your immediate family. 

    :::: Your friends, best friends, colleagues, associates, business associates, partners, business partners. 

    :::: Your Leaders, Followers and Supporters. 

    :::: Every single business, organization and institution in the world. 

    :::: Every single academic institution and other so-called institution of higher learning in the world. 

    :::: Every single scientific institution in the world. 

    :::: Every single charitable and philanthropic organization, and every single Do-Gooder in the world who wants to make the world a better place.  

    :::: Every single religion and religious practitioner in the world.  

    :::: Every Single Government in the world. 

    :::: Every Single VICTIM of Coercion, Sanctions, Hegemony, Colonialism, a Rules-Based International Order, Exceptionalism, Might Is RightBullying, Exploitation, Country Exploitation, Natural Resources Exploitation, Sexual Exploitation, Human Trafficking, Slavery, Sexual Slavery, Tyranny, Persecution, Oppression and Repression in the world. 

    (Yes, you read this correctly and this is NOT a typo error.  I know you are baffled and confused, to say the least. However, as you attempt to make the transition from human being to intelligent being, it will all become crystal clear and make perfect sense to you.)

    :::: Every single Cultural Organization in the world. 

    :::: Every single Politician, Political Institution and Ideology in the world. 

    :::: Every single so-called Civilization in the world. 

    :::: You can now use your imagination in order to add whatever else you want on this list.   

    The Power of Many World.  Whereas in the Power of Many World that we have been living in since time immemorial, over the past billions of years, any individual or entity or evil force can coopt, manipulate, subvert, control, enslave or destroy any organization, individual, institution, government, country or people on the face of the earth.  As the old saying goes, just cut off the head of the snake, and your problems are solved.      

    For the sake of today's younger generation and posterity, let me expand on that a bit.  To control or destroy other human beings or organizations, our fellow human beings will go directly to the people who have power and control over the many.  That is as simple as it gets.  

    To wit, the beauty of the illusion of representative democracy and human rights. 

    Which brings us to the following question:  Who are the people or institutions that have power and control over the many?   The simple answer is:  The State and the Global Financial System. 

    The point being, our fellow Primitive And Barbaric Savages ("PABS") understand and realize the beauty of the following concepts: The State and the Global Financial System.  

    As previously stated, it doesn't matter which flavor of The State they are dealing with (e.g., Democracy, Dictatorship, Republic, Communist, Socialist, etc.).   It's all smoke and mirrors.   They are all the same.  These flavors all consist of a small group of people who have power and control over the many - at all levels of government and society.   

    Therefore, to control or subvert any of the organs, apparatuses, and functionaries of The State and the Global Financial System, the time-tested and time-honored practice of our fellow Primitive And Barbaric Savages ("PABS") has been any of the following:   

    Cut Off the Head, Threaten to Cut Off the Head, Compromise the Head, Make an Example of the Head, or Expose the Head of anyone of them.    

    Without fail, such machinations always result in Corruption, Oppression, Repression, Proxy Wars, Wars, World Wars, as well as Death and Destruction on an epic or apocalyptic scale.  

    Now, let me share an important revelation with you.  Here is how you can tell whether or not someone believes in the Power of One or the Power of Many.

    ::::  People Who Believe in the Power of One.   They are Principled Individuals with a mind of steel and nerves of steel who subscribe to the concept of the unlimited power potential of every single human being and the power of Collaboration.     

    ::::  People Who Believe in the Power of Many.   They are Unprincipled Individuals who are tethered or anchored to the concepts of::::strength through unity, pragmatism, realism, the greater good, the end justifies the means, healthy amount of fear, fear of extinction, fear of survival, fear of repercussions, fear of the unknown, live to fight another day, realpolitik, 4-D chess, conflict escalation management, deconfliction mechanisms, comparative losses, frozen conflicts :::: and who demand Cooperation.

    Such concepts are a manifestation of naivete and cowardice that can only serve to embolden others and invite greater provocation which will ultimately lead to a conflagration.  

    Now that you have been properly introduced to the foregoing attributes, I need you to think about this for just a few seconds:    You are about to engage in a hypothetical epic project.  Which of the following types of people would you prefer to surround yourself with?  

    • Principled Individuals with a mind of steel and nerves of steel who relish Collaboration and truly believe in the Power of One.  OR
    • Individuals who demand Cooperation and truly believe in the Power of Many.

    If you are invited to participate in a project and you are one of these individuals who believes in the Power of One, which team would you prefer to join?

    • The team whose Leader is a Principled Individual with a mind of steel and nerves of steel who relishes Collaboration and truly believes in the Power of One. OR
    • The team whose Leader demands Cooperation and believes in the Power of Many.  

    If you are invited to participate in a project and you are one of these individuals who believes in the Power of Many, which team would you prefer to join?

    • The team whose Leader is a Principled Individual with a mind of steel and nerves of steel who relishes Collaboration and truly believes in the Power of One. OR
    • The team whose Leader demands Cooperation and believes in the Power of Many.  

    Enough has been said about this pitfall. 

    Pitfall #7 ::: Seeking Approval.  That is a significant character flaw which typifies those who lack any integrity and have the Slave mentality.  Whatever that you are engaged in or are offering to others should be able to stand on its own merits instead of your having to concern yourself with answering the questions, "who else is in with you on this, who else has done business with you, who is willing to vouch for you, etc." 
    The point being, Slaves are always trying to get approval from their Masters.

    In 99% of endorsement cases, none of the so-called endorsers have any real connection or material relationship with the organization or any of its offerings.  The names listed on a site or document are included strictly for the "monkey-see, monkey do" and "potted plant" effect.  Such methods are deceptive in nature and should be shunned or avoided altogether.

    Moreover, you shouldn't want to be involved in any way, shape, or form with some airhead, numbskull, or moron who is either unable to analyze and evaluate whatever it is that you are offering or engaged in; or is just too damn lazy to take the time to do so.  For the simple reason that it will eventually come back to haunt you.  The chickens will eventually come home to roost. 

    Hence the reason why "Pierre Coupet" is the only name that you will find on the website of any organization I have founded.  With respect to any Collaborator information, they are authorized to share the corresponding link about their affiliation to us on our organization's website. 

    The point being, if my name is not good enough for you, then your name is not good enough for me either.  Thence, we have absolutely nothing to talk about. Good-bye.  End of story. 

    Pitfall #8 ::: Trying to Engage in the Slave-Master-Moron practice of Selling.  Stay focused on the cause of Human Evolution.    Human Evolution is a Concept.  Virtual Organization Leadership is a Concept.  Principled Leadership is a Concept.  Principled Geopolitical Leadership is a Concept.   Political Evolution is a Concept.   Making the Transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being is a Concept.  Intelligent Being is a Concept.  A Global Civilization of Intelligent Beings is a Concept.  A Civilized World Financial System is a Concept. A Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial System is a Concept.  Embarking on the Road to Human Evolution is a Concept.  The State is a Concept.  The Global Financial System is a Concept.  Religion is a Concept.
    In fact, Intelligence is, in and of itself, an A Priori Truth.  That means, it's not something that we get to measure and assign.  It is independent of our own senses.  However, that being said, it is our very actions which get to indicate our level of intelligence. 
    The point being, we can tell stupid shit when we see it.  We can tell a bunch of Primitive And Barbaric Savages ("PABS") when we see them.  And the world is full of them.  As a matter of fact, it is extremely difficult, if not a nearly impossible task, to find signs of Intelligent Life on our planet.       

    Therefore, Concepts and A Priori Truths are NOT FOR SALE.    Hence, refuse to participate in the buffoonery of trying to sell a Concept or A Priori Truth to a bunch of Primitive and Barbaric Savages (PABS).   Intelligent Beings have no need to be sold and don't want to be sold.  

    For the simple reason that: 

    :::: Those who are truly interested in the cause of Human Evolution don't want to be sold. 

    :::: Those who want to Make the Transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being don't want to be sold. 

    :::: Those who are truly interested in Virtual Organization Leadership don't want to be sold.  

    :::: Those who are truly interested in Principled Leadership don't want to be sold. 

    :::: Those who have a deep interest in Principled Geopolitical Leadership refuse to be sold.  

    :::: Those who are totally disgusted with the current, antiquated, primitive, barbaric, savage, moronic, imbecilic, autistic, clownish, infantile, and corrupt-to-the-core practice of politics ::: and its deleterious effects ::: all over the globe; and thus, are truly interested in, and feel the urgency of now, for Political Evolution; don't want to be sold. 

    :::: Those who want to Make the Transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being don't want to be sold.  

    :::: Those who believe that there is indeed such a thing as an Intelligent Being don't want to be sold.  

    :::: Those who believe that they can indeed be part of A Global Civilization of Intelligent Beings don't want to be sold.  

    :::: Those who do indeed believe that the current global financial system is the relic of an antiquated, primitive, barbaric and savage civilization, and that it's now time for A Civilized World Financial System, don't want to be sold.  

    :::: Those who would want to live in A Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial System don't want to be sold and would be incensed if you tried to sell them in on it.  

    :::: Those who are NOT selfish and fervently hope that their sacrifices today will make it possible for mankind to eventually Embark on the Road to Human Evolution would be incensed if you tried to sell them on such a concept.  

    You will notice that the foregoing list of concepts is NOT a grab bag of things, toys and goodies that some politician, company, government, institution,  or religion can promise to distribute or deliver to others.   These are all the things that our fellow human beings will have to realize, earn and deliver to themselves.   These are all concepts that will require the involvement, participation, collaboration, INGENUITY, and contribution of ALL stakeholders. 

    These stakeholders are a special breed of people with certain unique attributes.      

    In other words, we are NOT looking for a bunch of morons and gullible people who think that "money can buy anything, and that everybody has a price."

    For Example, 

    • No amount of money in the world can turn a bunch of Primitive and Barbaric Savages (i.e., human beings) into Intelligent Beings.  

    • No amount of persuasion in the world can inspire someone to adopt the Cause of Human Evolution - that makes no sense.    

    • No amount of money in the world can help someone Make the Transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being - you certainly wouldn't want to have that person within your midst.  

    • No amount of persuasion in the world, or money, can help turn a Certified Moron, Warmonger, Bloodthirsty and Evil Son-of-a-Bitch into an Intelligent Being.  You yourself would have to be a Certified Moron and a Fraud to even attempt to engage with such person in that sort of conversation.   

    • How do you sell anybody on being part of A Global Civilization of Intelligent Beings if they don't even know what the hell an Intelligent Being is in the first place, let alone being part of a Global Civilization of Intelligent Beings?  Is that something that you can sell to anyone? Is that something that you can promise to anyone?  Is that something that anybody can buy, regardless of how much money they want to throw at it?  I hope not.
    • How do you sell Bravery to Cowards; Principles to the Unprincipled and Corrupt-to-the-Core; Sacrifice to Sunshine Patriots and Weekend Warriors; Strategic Patience to Airheads suffering from Attention Deficit Disorder; and Perseverance to Instant Gratification Addicts?  Are these the sort of things, concepts and values that anybody can buy, regardless of how much money they want to throw at it?  I hope not.   

    • How do you sell someone on the concept of A Civilized World Financial System when they don't have any problem with the current global financial system; don't really have any issues playing by the rules of the current global financial system; or don't really see the urgency of now to come up with a new global financial system?  Even if that person, company, organization, institution or government were willing to dish out any amount of money to join your team, would you want that person within your midst?   Would you even bother trying to sell this concept to that person if the price was right?  I hope not. 

    • How do you sell anybody, especially a government, on the concept of A Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial System?    
    Given the fact that they themselves are so damn entrenched in the current concepts of The State and the Current Global Financial System ::::: are only concerned about getting a real seat at the table of the Rules-Based International Order instead of being merely a bunch of vassals, lapdogs, and potted-plants ::::: only want to be part of a Multipolar world instead of the current Unipolar world ::::: only want to be treated as equals ::::: and, last but not least, only want to play the same old game, however,  on a level playing field. 
    As the old saying goes, the more things change, the more they remain the same.    

    In other words, they just want to continue to be part of the Same Old Primitive, Barbaric and Savage System of Governance, the Same Rules-Based International Order, the Same Financial System, and want to continue to do the Same Old Shit and get the Same Results, albeit on a level playing field.    

    Obviously, it is THEM who need to convince us beyond a shadow of doubt that they are indeed sincere about the concept of a Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial System as illustrated in the January 7, 2023 document ::   In Your Country: A Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial System   

    Otherwise, devoting any amount of time and effort to engage with them would be an exercise in futility.    The ensuing nightmare from such attempt on our part would be unimaginable, to say the least.   

    Pitfall #9 ::: Procrastination.    Procrastination is the silent killer of all hopes, dreams, and aspirations.   Why is that, you might ask?    

    That's because the Slave-Master-Moron World Order (i.e., Rules-Based International Order) relies on the Sla-Mas-Moron Virus to continually gain our attention and keep us distracted on a 24/7 basis; by utilizing every single imaginable and unimaginable Weapon of Mass Distraction it possesses in its arsenal.    

    The reason is crystal clear.  To prevent every single human being from pausing long enough to realize that we are all Slaves.    

    Thus, the sheer volume of distraction on a daily basis causes us to want to prioritize things since there are only so many hours and minutes in a day.  Thence, anything which does not immediately rise to the level of something :::: that is some dire emergency or catastrophic event; that is either sensational, entertaining, salacious, gossipy, infantile or childish; or that impacts our ability to make a living ::::: gets immediately pushed back further and further into the background;  until it eventually disappears from our line of sight and slides into the deepest recesses of our memory.   

    By extension, this means that Human Evolution is exactly the sort of topic or concept that the Slave-Master-Moron World Order wants you to set aside for now until you eventually forget all about it.   Especially if you happen to be a World Leader.     

    Therefore, if you are a World Leader, the urgency of now exists for Human Evolution if you have a genuine interest in this topic and would like to further explore this concept within the context of a Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial System within the borders of your country.   

    Keep in mind the following:  Whenever you have a positive gut feeling about something, that is a manifestation of the Intelligence embedded in your DNA.   Whenever this gut feeling is immediately followed by something inside of you that says, "But...," that is a manifestation of the Sla-Mas-Moron Virus that is also embedded in your DNA that wants to prevent you from moving forward.  The "But" train will always lead you right back to the slave plantation.  

    Pitfall #10 ::: Ignoring an A Priori Truth:  The Impermanence of Permanence.   I saved the best for last.  For those of you who have ever really thought about Human Evolution, have you ever wondered why, after billions of years on this planet, mankind has failed to evolve from our primitive, barbaric and savage condition?   
    In plain and simple terms, why is it that human beings have failed to discover their a priori intelligence?

    The answer lies in this a priori truth:  The Impermanence of Permanence.

    First, let me address the Permanence part of this truth:  We keep doing the same things over and over.   We are like machines set in automatic mode who can't think or reason or depart from our programming.  We segregate ourselves, assign labels to everything that we can think of, terrorize each other, lie to and cheat on each other, betray each other, go to war and destroy each other, enslave each other, invade our neighbors for expansionist and exploitative reasons, instigate wars and sue for peace, and sign treaties that will never be honored.  

    We turn every peace process into a piss process (i.e., an opportunity to add insult to injury and piss on the unprincipled, cowards, weak, and gullible) ::: just think of the never-ending Palestinian peace process.  We build new civilizations that are all destined to fall and always fallWe destroy everything that we build and start all over again.  We revolt against tyrants and then become no different than the tyrants we revolted against.  We all think the same things and behave the same way even though we delude ourselves into thinking that we are all different and that we think differently.  

    In short, we are all unable to see ourselves for who and what we really are.  It seems that we are permanently destined to be the horrific creatures that we are and that there is nothing that we can do about it.

    Now, let me address the Impermanence part of this truth:     We are NOT able to learn anything at all from our history.  We are NOT able to build upon any progress or achievements made in the past. We are NOT able to stand on the shoulders of giants.  For example, after any cataclysmic or apocalyptic event, we have a tendency to rally around and proclaim, "Never again," alas, all to no avail.  Instead, we turn around and do the same old shit to others; that which, not long ago, we claimed we would never allow to happen again to us.  

    No More Wars soon turn into More Wars ::::  Pacifists turn into Hawks :::: Liberators turn into Enslavers ::::  Free Speech Advocates turn into Fact Checkers and Fighters Against Misinformation :::: Fighters for Control Over their Body turn into Get Vaccinated or Lose Your Job. 

    Let us build a Rules-Based International Order so that conflicts can be arbitrated in a fair and impartial manner and be peacefully resolved quickly turns into a Warmongering Organization and Most Filthy Group of Diabolical Scums ever assembled under one roof in the entire history of mankind.  

    At the blink of an eye, that very same Rules-Based International Order is engaged, or is complicit, in assassinations; instigating wars; and raining violence, famine, death, and destruction on weaker nations.  In many cases, 98% or more of the members of such Rules-Based International Order are themselves a bunch of Cowards and Unprincipled Leaders Who Don't Have Any Balls to Stand Up to their Colleagues; and would rather turn a blind eye at the injustices and carnage being committed against weaker nations.  

    In short, from an Impermanence standpoint, whatever that we learned in the past from our Primitive, Barbaric and Savage conduct and actions are soon forgotten; and thus, we are all left with no choice but to keep starting all over again.

    By extension, this means that all countries in existence today will have no choice but to keep starting all over again in some form or another.  

    Now, let me share an important revelation with you.   This a priori truth only applies to Primitive, Barbaric and Savage Civilizations (i.e., civilization of human beings living in Slavery).    
    It does NOT apply to a Civilization of Intelligent Beings.   Why is that, you might ask?  The answer is simple:  This civilization is not based on The State and the Current Global Financial System.  Once we remove the corrosive and deleterious effects of the State and the Global Financial System from the foundation of a New Global Civilization of Intelligent Beings, we will all be able to learn from our history.  As well, we will be able to build upon any progress or achievements made in the past. We will be able to stand on the shoulders of giants.  And we will eventually be able to embark on the Road to Human Evolution.

    Hence the urgent need for all of us to embark on the Road to Human Evolution NOW.   If you are a world leader, it all starts  In Your Country: A Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial System.          

    • Practice the Principle of Strategic Patience and Perseverance.  Do not underestimate the power of Strategic Patience and Perseverance.   We live in a world of instant gratification, smoke and mirrors, bread and circuses; as well as asinine benchmarks, timetables, deliverables, and key performance indicators.  Therefore, ignore all that crap and remain focused on Collaboration and the cause of Human Evolution.  
    For the simple fact that Nothing that We Sow Today will reap any fruit that we can harvest NOW.  We will leave the harvesting to successive generations of Intelligent Beings :::Our Progeny::: for hundreds to thousands and millions of years from now.    
    The only thing that I can assure you is that the builders of this Global Civilization of Intelligent Beings will be untethered from the umbilical cord of the State and the Global Financial System. YOU will NOT have to deal with or endure the intrigues, horrors and machinations of your PABS colleagues. 

    • Recognize a Real Favor When You Receive One.  Once upon a time ::::in fact, not that long ago:::: I used to be amazed, stupefied and incensed at the stupidity, ignorance, willful ignorance, blindness, and hypocrisy  of current and former world leaders, prominent business leaders ::::the so-called super rich, nouveau rich, leading influencers, and most influential leaders of our time ::::as well as all average and ordinary folks out there:::: that I once reached out to in order to extend a helping hand or to enroll their assistance in getting out a message that I surely thought would resonate with them;  since it was consistent with their publicly stated aims, goals, cause, mission and daily cries for help, respectively. 

    However, time and again, without fail, the Wisdom of Time has consistently taught me one subliminal lesson that I want to express in these words: 

    Pierre, now that you are able to see with your very own eyes, and witness and understand with all your other senses, what has transpired with Character X, the real path that he was on, and the inexorable course of destiny which led to his downfall, fall from grace, and all other unfortunate developments now occurring in his life at this very point in time, do you now understand why your indignation was misplaced?    

    Do you now understand that his lack of embrace or realization of your offer was a blessing to you?   He saved you from being caught up in his nightmare and this spidery and tangled web he was weaving.   He did you a huge favor.    He Did You a Real Favor!   

    Do you now understand that the stupidity, ignorance, willful ignorance and blindness that you saw in Character X equally applied to you?   For the simple reason that you were so immersed in your righteousness and the justness of your cause that you not only failed but also refused to observe all the vivid signs and subtle clues that Character X was leaving behind.

    The moral of the story is this:  Do not concern yourself with how many people you are able to reach with your message on the road to Human Evolution.  As well, do not concern yourself with the effectiveness of your message.  If your message fails to resonate with any recipient, then do not attempt to dissect your message or understand the reasons why.  You cannot and must not attempt to change the course of destiny.  When your heart is pure and you have no ulterior motives, this can only mean that this person has done you a huge favor.  

    Therefore, Recognize a Real Favor When You Receive One. 

    End Stages of a Satanic, Tetanic, and Titanic End of Our Civilization     

    At the risk of sounding alarmist, now more than ever, I strongly believe that the timing of this document is very relevant for the whole of mankind.  The entire world is now standing on the edge of a precipice, watching an alliance of Primitive and Barbaric Savages provoke a nuclear superpower, and trying to goad it into giving the alliance an excuse to launch a nuclear war; on the pretext that this nuclear superpower was in the process of launching a nuclear weapon or had attacked a member of the alliance.    
    These Slaves are playing a very dangerous game that is bound to result in a full-blown nuclear war, sooner or later.   It's not a matter of if, but when.  

    All parties to this brewing conflict are acting like a bunch of fucking children.  The nuclear superpower is trying to manage the escalation of the conflict in order to prevent this Alliance of Primitive and Barbaric Savages from formally declaring war on this superpower.  What kind of stupid and idiotic thinking is this?   

    If the leaders of this nuclear superpower were exposed to the concepts of Principled Geopolitical Leadership and Political Evolution, they would know that this is exactly the sort of well-intentioned but misguided, stupid and idiotic thinking which has been responsible for ALL prior proxy wars, formal wars, and world wars since time immemorial; and which now guarantees the eventual launch of a nuclear war.   

    Why is that, you might say?   That's because when somebody is looking for an excuse to commit a perfidious, dastardly and evil act, they will stop at nothing until they accomplish their mission.   And the longer this game continues, the greater the escalation and the perfidy.  No amount of realpolitik, stupid and idiotic games, and 4-D chess by YOU will deter such alliance of primitive and barbaric savages.  Instead, the offending parties (i.e., the alliance) view such escalation management and deconfliction mechanisms as a sign of weakness; and a manifestation of the superpower's fear of the strength of the alliance.  The way a shark gets attracted to the smell of blood in the water.  

    Consequently, the alliance will push this superpower to the fucking limits until it either backs down or crawls on its knees and begs for the alliance's forgiveness.  

    Since this superpower will definitely NOT back down and get on its knees to beg for forgiveness due to the fact that its people would lynch their leaders a la Gaddafi or Saddam Hussein, then the only option it is left with is a full-scale nuclear war.        
    By extension, this means that the very actions of this superpower which were intended to prevent a nuclear war are, in fact, putting the fate of all of mankind at risk.  The fate of my spouse, children, grandchildren, and everyone else who is dear to me - as well as YOURS.        
    In fact, we've gone beyond the point of "at risk."  We are now in the End Stages of a Satanic, Tetanic, and Titanic End of Our Civilization.   A tsunami of epic proportions is now brewing offshore and it's time for every single human being to start making preparations for The Day After.   

    Thus, the urgency of now exists for all of mankind to start taking a serious look at the sort of world that we will want to live in once this war is over.  If you are a world leader, it all starts  In Your Country: A Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial System.
    In Conclusion

    One day, historians will wonder what took human beings so long to evolve.  Why billions of human beings stood on the sidelines watching helplessly as their leaders ran amok and destroyed the very planet they were entrusted with and the people they swore to protect and defend. Why we allowed a small group of people to make life and death decisions on behalf of billions.  Why we ignored the entire history of mankind and kept doing the same old shit.    

    For those of us who are lucky enough to get to see The Day After, or unlucky to be around The Day After, what kind of excuses will we give to all future generations with respect to why we stood there silently like a bunch of Biological Machines and Artificial Intelligence and did nothing while all the signs of an impending doom were staring directly at us. 

    Will we say, never again, and then go right back to doing the same old shit?  Will we rebuild new institutions that are designed to prevent future apocalyptic events?  Don't make me laugh!       

    Or will YOU say that you saw the handwriting on the wall; understood what the stakes were; and became one of the architects and builders of a new Global Civilization of Intelligent Beings?  

    In which case, if I manage to survive this coming conflagration, I will be proud to be in the company of kindred spirits.     

    Next Step          

    • If you take offense at the content of this paper, there is nothing wrong with you. In fact, it's a normal reaction.   That only means the following:  you are not yet mentally prepared and intellectually equipped to absorb this sort of information; and thus, you are not yet ready to make any serious effort to venture outside your comfort zone. All the best to you! 
    However, that being said, not all is lost.  We are not willing to leave anyone behind.  Therefore, if you find any particular aspect of the cause of Human Evolution worthy of consideration and support, then you can still play a very important role in its eventual outcome, however you deem fit.  In which case, I invite you to become a Member-In-Principle: The Ultimate Membership Level
    In the interim, I invite you to Obtain a Human Evolution Station License in order to submit a support request if you have any questions or issues and would like some ideas or solutions on how you can contribute to the cause of human evolution. 
    Please note we will NOT be engaged in any formal discussions outside of established protocols for the eventual launch of a Futuristic City-State Enclave.

    In the interim, I invite you to issue an Executive Order to ALL Heads of Departments of the Executive Branch of Government to Obtain a Human Evolution Station License in order to submit a support request if they have any questions about the cause of human evolution and would like some ideas or solutions on how they can contribute.

    Please note we will NOT be engaged in any formal discussions outside of established protocols for the eventual launch of a Futuristic City-State Enclave.

    In the interim, I invite you to contact your former colleagues in government and members of the business community and other institutions you have or had a close relationship with and recommend that they Obtain a Human Evolution Station License in order to submit a support request if they have any questions about the cause of human evolution and would like some ideas or solutions on how they can contribute.   

    Please note that only consortium members are eligible for consideration to Host a Futuristic City-State Enclave.  Thus, your application will NOT be for hosting such enclave within the borders of your country, but rather for meeting one of the eligibility requirements for such consideration.

    In the interim, I invite you to have a discussion with your subordinates and recommend that the government agency you are responsible for Obtain a Human Evolution Station License in order to submit a support request if they have any questions about the cause of human evolution and would like some ideas or solutions on how they can contribute. 

    • If you are merely a humble government official and would like to introduce your colleagues to such a concept, then share the link to this treatise with them:::::in the hope it may have a viral effect and eventually reach the desk of your country's leader.
    In the interim, I invite you to Obtain a Human Evolution Station License in order to submit a support request if YOU have any questions about the cause of human evolution and would like some ideas or solutions on how YOU can contribute.  
    • If you are a C-Level Executive with extensive high-level connections in the business world, government, public policy circles and academia, then share this document with them and invite them to comment on:::::and further refer it to whomever they deem appropriate.
    In the interim, I invite you to issue a mandate for your own department to Obtain a Human Evolution Station License in order to submit a support request if they have any questions about the cause of human evolution and would like some ideas or solutions on how they can contribute.
    • If you are merely an ordinary citizen who would like to share this document with family, friends, colleagues and associates, then I welcome your initiative.  In the interim, I invite you to Obtain a Human Evolution Station License in order to submit a support request if you have any questions about the cause of human evolution and would like some ideas or solutions on how you can contribute.
    • If you are a so-called oligarch and would like to invest some of your fortune in such a  Futuristic  City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial System, then pause and take a deep breath for one simple reason:   

    We have no need for your money.  What we are in short supply of are  Collaborators who share the Cause of Human Evolution - and Intelligent Beings :::: attributes that no amount of money, power, fame, formal education, social status or privilege can buy. 

    Moreover, please note that each country which seeks to submit an official request to launch a Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial System within their own country MUST be an existing member of The New Virtual Organization World Consortium

    Notwithstanding, you are, however, welcome to request an invitation to join League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives IF AND ONLY IF you share the Cause of Human Evolution.  (Something that is highly unlikely, however, I could be wrong.)

    In the interim, I invite you to require that ALL organizations under your control Obtain a Human Evolution Station License in order to submit a support request if they have any questions about the cause of human evolution and would like some ideas or solutions on how they can contribute. 

    A Priceless Parting Gift to All

    Anytime my late dad, Joseph A. Coupet Sr., wanted to share with me a little bit of advice, knowledge or useful information, he would always say, "Pierre, it's now time for us to delve into the secrets of the gods."  

    Of course, who in their right mind, could possibly resist the temptation of being privy to the secrets of the gods; thus, with great anticipation, I waited for him to put me in the know - in that special group of people with access to valuable information. 

    In that spirit, consider yourself now privy to the secrets of the gods as I share with you this document:    


     Supplemental Information For Advocates of Human Evolution 

    Obtain a Human Evolution Station License in order to submit a support request if you have any questions about human evolution and would like some ideas or solutions.  Moreover, I invite you to review at your own leisure these additional documents which offer a deep insight into the virtual organization management discipline and virtual organization leadership; as well as the need for mankind to make the transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being in order to further embark on the road to Human Evolution.   No need to rush, just bookmark this page, you have an entire lifetime to read them:   

    Let Us Manifest!

    About Author:  Pierre Coupet, Q of VOM is the founder of Virtual Organization Management Institute (VOMI), Virtual Organization Management Institute Repository,  VOMI Global Think Tank VOMI Virtual Organization AcademyVirtual Organization LeadershipVirtual Organization AdvisorsVirtual Organization RecruiterDigital Currency Consortium, Digital Currency Ethical Board,  Virtual Organization JobsVirtual Organization  Executives, and Blockchain Executives :: founder of the modern virtual organization management and virtual organization recruitment disciplines pioneered since 1997:: founder of League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives:: and Lead Architect of  Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial SystemContact Online.    

    Stock Photo: courtesy of Pixabay

    Copyright 2007-2023. Pierre Coupet. VOMI. Virtual Organization Management Institute. Virtual Organization Leadership. Virtual Organization Advisors.  Virtual Organization Executives. Blockchain Executives. VOMI Virtual Organization Academy. Virtual Organization Recruiter. VOMI Global Think Tank. All rights reserved. Cannot be reproduced without permission.