Monday, June 22, 2009

Universal Virtual Organization Code of Ethics: A Priori Ethics

The New Virtual Organization World
It's a New Principled and Civilized World, It's Virtual, and It's Organized

You're probably wondering why we're spending valuable time on ethics; to be more specific, this universal code of ethics we call "A Priori Ethics," and what in the world it has to do with virtual organization management and the functioning of a virtual organization.

The short answer to that question is "everything." That being said, we know you are not going to allow us to get off the hook with such a simple answer and, therefore, here is the long version that provides a brief examination of the ethical issues involved:

Ethical Issues

  1. Leadership Skills and Ethical Skills Are 2 Sides of the Same Coin. Leadership without any moral compass--in other words, without ethics--is leadership gone astray, a ship captain without a compass, a ship that goes wherever the wind blows. Therefore, ethical skills and leadership skills are 2 sides of the same coin.

  2. Ethical Issues Transcend Boundaries. Virtual Organization Management is all about learning how to lead in a virtual environment. Therefore, whether we are talking about leadership in a brick and mortar setting or in a virtual environment, we're still talking about leadership and the myriad number of ethical issues that come with it. Therefore, this is not an issue that can just be ignored or relegated to the dust bin of history because we're now operating in a virtual environment.

  3. Ethical Issues Are Magnified in a Virtual Environment. Ethics, for the most part, is relative to culture. Even the word "culture" is too broad a classification since you can have so many sub-cultures within a primary culture--the American culture being a prime example.

    Therefore, ethical issues within just one culture can run so many levels deep and reach such levels of complexity that it would be almost impossible to develop one uniform set of ethical standards that everyone could follow, as is the case in the United States and various parts of the world.

    Now add to this formula the global nature of the internet which, all of a sudden, not only allows you the capability to engage live and in real-time with one culture and all its sub-cultures, but also with all other cultures that exist on this planet.

    That is mind-boggling, to say the least, and which brings us to this compound question: How in the world do we come up with a uniform set of ethical standards that everyone could follow and is that the sort of monumental task that we should even attempt to undertake? The answer is clearly “No.”

  4. Clash of Ethics. In addition to the impossibility of trying to manage this tangled web of ethical issues in a virtual environment, there exists instances of outright hostility and clashes between different sets of ethics. Co-existence is just not possible due to fundamental differences between purveyors of ethical values.

  5. Deterrent Capabilities Minimized or Non-Existent in a Virtual Environment. Furthermore, we live in a world whereby we're accustomed to being governed by rules that are pretty well laid out for us. We also understand what will happen to us when we break those rules AND get caught. We are also aware of the enforcement mechanisms in place that can serve as a deterrent to breaking the rules (e.g., visual presence, visibility, a gate, a locked door, a camera, other physical barriers, a judicial system, law enforcement, etc.).  Therefore, barriers and a high degree of likelihood of getting caught become a significant deterrent to breaking the rules.

  6. However, that being said, the internet transcends these enforcement mechanisms that previously served as a deterrent in a brick and mortar environment. For the most part, it leaves it up to each individual or group of individuals to decide which rules to follow and which rules to make up on the fly in the absence of any. "Out of sight, out of mind" and "Anything goes as long as I can get away with it" as well as "What they don't know, won't hurt them" tend to replace the so-called "ethical values" which previously existed; and what we're left with is some sort of Wild Wild West or Law of the Jungle ethics.

In light of the above postulates, trying to come up with one set of ethical values that would accommodate everyone on the internet is tantamount to a dog chasing his tail, hence an exercise in futility.

Need for Reliance on A Priori Ethics

Therefore, we need to rely on a different set of ethical values that are built into each and everyone of us regardless-and in spite-of race, nationality, ethnicity, culture, gender, religion, geography, and demographics; ethical values which are independent of rules and dictates from any particular social order: that set of ethics we call "a priori ethics."

A priori ethics is based on the premise that, deep down inside each and every single one of us, we have this inner understanding of right and wrong regardless of origin or culture. A priori ethics subscribes to only one principle, which is "Do no harm and do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Therefore, if any single action taken by you cannot pass this test, then you do not belong,  nor can you be successful, in a virtual environment or virtual organization.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, we ask each and every single one of you to appeal to your inner sense of right and wrong--instead of your acquired notions of right and wrong--as you engage in your dealings with each other and throughout the virtual organization.

That means: leave your rationalizations, prejudices, biases, your acquired notions of right and wrong, your acquired concepts of good and evil, your religion, your politics, your sexual preferences, and your customs behind before you step into the virtual environment or else it will quickly disintegrate into a chaotic and ineffective mess.

And only then will you be able to focus on accomplishing your virtual organization mission, keeping in mind the five most important pillars of a virtual organization: (i) Structure, (ii) Discipline, (iii) Communication, (iv) Security, and (v) Performance.

Related Reading Suggestions:   A Global Need for Principled Geopolitical Leaders 


About Author:  Pierre Coupet, Q of VOM, is the founder of Virtual Organization Management Institute (VOMI), Virtual Organization Management Institute Repository,  VOMI Global Think Tank VOMI Virtual Organization AcademyVirtual Organization LeadershipVirtual Organization AdvisorsVirtual Organization RecruiterDigital Currency Consortium, Digital Currency Ethical Board,  Virtual Organization JobsVirtual Organization  Executives, and Blockchain Executives :: founder of the modern virtual organization management and virtual organization recruitment disciplines pioneered since 1997:: founder of League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives:: and Lead Architect of  Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial SystemContact Online.   

Stock Photo: courtesy of Pixabay

Copyright 2007-2023. Pierre Coupet. VOMI. Virtual Organization Management Institute. Virtual Organization Leadership. Virtual Organization Advisors.  Virtual Organization Executives. Blockchain Executives. VOMI Virtual Organization Academy. Virtual Organization Recruiter. VOMI Global Think Tank. All rights reserved. Cannot be reproduced without permission.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Social Network Monetization Strategy: What's Missing?

The New Virtual Organization World
It's a New Principled World, It's Virtual, and It's Organized

Social Network Monetization Strategy: What's Missing?
by Pierre Coupet

I believe that partnering with a content provider that informs-educates users on how to leverage the power of the social network is a much overlooked aspect of a social network's monetization strategy.

The primary reasons for that are:

1.   The social network provider does not believe that its users will ever purchase content regardless of the nature of the content.

Therefore, from a psychological standpoint, you cannot advance an agenda that you don't believe in and which you feel has no chance of success.

2.   The internet graveyard is littered with information providers, including prestigious market research firms, who sought to distribute and sell "once valued" "brick and mortar content" on the web and failed miserably.

As a result, this false logic has developed in the minds of all current and aspiring information providers:
"Internet users will not buy content on the web."

This logic assumes that people are rejecting the distribution medium instead of the content. What it fails to take into consideration is that people are not rejecting the distribution medium, they are rejecting the "value" assigned to the content. Their reason is simple AND correct: This information is no longer as valued as it once used to be since most--if not all--of it can now be obtained via the internet free of charge.

The Challenge

Therefore, instead of lumping all content into one bag and assume that no one will ever pay for it, the challenge for a social network sitting on top of "tens to hundreds of millions of eyeballs" is to either find and develop the sort of not yet available content that their user would be willing to pay for on an "a la carte" basis or partner with such information provider.

In the case of social networks, the most logical piece of "information"--not tools--that all social network members are crying out for is: How do I leverage the power of this social network to my individual or collective benefit?

For the most part, 98% of these social networkers do not have the answer and, for the two reasons previously stated, no major social network is willing to step up to the plate to provide them with what they truly need. Instead they [social networkers] are being provided with more of the same: free tools, advertising, and a variety of fee-based subscription models. It's a real shame and a huge missed opportunity for all.

The Solution

Therefore, the solution for all of us, as follows, since we are all on the same boat, is to begin to step up to the plate in order to fulfill the promise of this amazing collection of tools and individuals we call "the social network":

1.   Information Providers. They need to step out of their bunker mentality and begin to develop that ultra premium content that social networkers are crying out for in order to leverage the power of the social network to their individual or collective benefit. As well, they have an obligation to let everyone know that that information is available and not succumb to the false notion that it's a waste of time because nobody will pay for it.

2.   Social Networks. They need to take a chance, come out of their shell, reject the false logic that has guided them for so long, and begin offering their members a different menu on their plate. One way to do that is to start asking their members what kind of "information"--not tools--they need and whether or not they are willing to pay for it. What do they have to lose by asking? They can always partner with an information provider if it's too costly for them to develop the content on their own. is a good example of such social network that constantly seeks to develop and provide "information" in addition to the tools that it provides to its members. Bambi Francisco, CEO and Meliza Solan, Internet Anchor of VatorNews, make a great deal of effort at going out interviewing startups, etc. in order to provide members with relevant information on the pulse of startups, fundings, the VC community, etc. If you are a current or aspiring startup and need "relevant information", in addition to introducing yourself to your peers and the VC and angel community, is the undisputed place to go to or be in. For disclosure reasons, I need to mention that, although I am a member of Vator, I have neither contacted or briefed them regarding their mention in this article prior to its publication, and nor have I been paid or will be paid a fee to promote them in our publications.

3.   Social Network Members. They also need to openly come out and reject the false notion that they are only interested in things that are free regardless of the value to them. They need to demand more from their social networks in the form of information instead of only--or mostly--them being asked to provide the information. The idea that social networkers will "step over a dime to pick up a penny" and are either too blind or oblivious to anything that has a dollar value attached to it, regardless of its intrinsic and explicit value, implies that they are morons and lack the intelligence and sophistication to make a well-reasoned decision. I, for one, openly and loudly reject that notion and have indeed purchased "information" deemed highly beneficial to my organization "when such information was not readily available for free" on the internet.

Let's Seize the Moment

In conclusion, "When we miss a big change, when we don't get great people on it, that is the most dangerous thing for us," Gates said. "It has happened many times. It's OK, but the less the better."

As one of my esteemed colleagues on XING, (Frederic) Andre Fortune of nTangible Media, aptly stated, "Let's seize the moment!"


About Author:  Pierre Coupet, Q of VOM, is the founder of Virtual Organization Management Institute (VOMI), Virtual Organization Management Institute Repository,  VOMI Global Think Tank VOMI Virtual Organization AcademyVirtual Organization LeadershipVirtual Organization AdvisorsVirtual Organization RecruiterDigital Currency Consortium, Digital Currency Ethical Board,  Virtual Organization JobsVirtual Organization  Executives, and Blockchain Executives :: founder of the modern virtual organization management and virtual organization recruitment disciplines pioneered since 1997:: founder of League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives:: and Lead Architect of  Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial SystemContact Online.   

Stock Photo: courtesy of Pixabay

Copyright 2007-2023. Pierre Coupet. VOMI. Virtual Organization Management Institute. Virtual Organization Leadership. Virtual Organization Advisors.  Virtual Organization Executives. Blockchain Executives. VOMI Virtual Organization Academy. Virtual Organization Recruiter. VOMI Global Think Tank. All rights reserved. Cannot be reproduced without permission.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Content Monetization Strategy for Social Networks

The New Virtual Organization World
It's a New Principled World, It's Virtual, and It's Organized

Content Monetization Strategy for Social Networks

by Pierre Coupet

Overview of Our Content Monetization Strategy for Social Networks

Our content monetization strategy is geared toward both Social Networks AND Social Network Members. But before we start talking about the strategy, it's extremely important that we're all very clear on the definition of the terms: "Social Networks" and "Social Network Members."

Definition of Social Networks and Social Network Members

A social network includes not only a primary commercial social network, e.g. XING, MySpace, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc., but also social network platform providers that enable individuals, groups and businesses to form their own "private social networks" on-the-fly--organizations such as NING, Wikidot, Wetpaint, etc.--and also each individual group and subgroup within the primary commercial social network or social network platform provider. Why do we categorize a group as a social network? Well, the membership of some of these groups can number in the thousands to hundreds of thousand members.

With respect to the definition of a social network member, a social network member is an individual who is either a member of a primary commercial social network or one of the individual groups and subgroups within the primary social network; or a member of any private social network, group and subgroup within a social network platform provider. However, that being said, technically speaking, a case could be made that anyone who is a member of a primary commercial social network or social network platform provider can be classified as a social network member. Which is the reason why I've gone through the painstaking process of making the distinction between the two.

Current Monetization Strategy for Social Networks

So what is the current state of affairs for social networks with respect to a monetization strategy? The following scenario pretty much sums it all up:

  1. Borrow or Acquire Funding from Investors

  2. Spend 100's of thousand or millions of dollars to build a platform and develop a strong membership base - better known as "generating a lot of eyeballs"

  3. Social Network Members, for the most part, generate the content for the social network

  4. The social network is then used as an advertising platform in order to generate revenues

  5. Revenues Do Not At Least Equal Expenses and, therefore, they either go back to Investors for more money or look for an exit strategy

  6. The exit strategy is either going public OR go through an acquisition

  7. In most cases, even after going public or having gone through an acquisition, Revenues Still Do Not At Least Equal Expenses and they're back to step 1, which is Borrow, Acquire More Funding from New or Existing Investors, or Recapitalize

It's obvious that something is definitely missing from this process, but what exactly is it?

Innovation Is Only One Side of the Coin

The primary reason that social networks are facing this dilemma is that they keep trying to purchase goodwill from their members with a One-Sided Coin. What would any of you do if someone tried to purchase something from you with a one-sided coin or one-sided dollar bill? If you wanted to be kind to that person, you would politely reject the coin or dollar bill and just walk away; or take the one-sided coin or dollar bill and not give back anything of value; and if you didn't suffer fools gladly, you'd probably be furious and/or call the police.

In a sense, this is exactly what is happening today with most social networks. Innovation in and of itself is not enough; it is only ONE SIDE OF THE COIN.

Why is that? It's because your competition is fierce and Mister or Miss Innovation is coming at you Fast and Furious without taking a breather. The minute you come out with the latest fancy tool, gadget and widget---right when you are beginning to get some traction---10 other competitors pop up out of nowhere and start to bite and nip at your heels, trying to develop a better tool, gadget and widget in order to grab some of your market share.

The latest tools--although we all love them dearly and want more and more of them--should only be seen as the means to an end, whatever that end is, instead of being the end in and of itself for your social network members.

The Other Side of the Coin: Ultra Premium Content

So what is the other side of that coin? Hold on to your horses! I am getting there. I am sure you have all heard of the old expression, "Content is King". Well, when it comes to social networks, we need to make a slight modification to that expression and, that is, "Ultra Premium Content is King."

Why is that? That's because "Content" or "Premium Content" is widely available for FREE over the internet and no one in their right mind want to pay for it, however, "Ultra Premium Content" is rare and not widely available. There are plenty of reasons why that is so, however, they do fall outside the scope of this discussion.

In any case, let us proceed with this relevant question: With respect to social networks, what exactly is that Ultra Premium Content?

Ultra Premium Content is the information and knowledge that your social network members truly and desperately need in order to leverage the tremendous power and potential of this amazing collection of tools and contacts that are available at their disposal--the social network--to their individual or collective benefit. Which explains the reason why I've been approached by thousands of social networking groups, requesting that I contribute my expertise in order to leverage the tremendous power and potential of their social network.

Sorry for the long wait--I hope it was worth waiting for. As you can now see, we can all answer the question about the other side of the coin: The OTHER SIDE OF THE COIN is that Ultra Premium Content your social network members need in order to leverage the tremendous power of the social network to their individual or collective benefit. That's what we call Real Empowerment.

Source of Ultra Premium Content: Virtual Organization Management (VOM)

So where do you get that Ultra Premium Content from? I thought you'd never ask! It's from the modern Virtual Organization Management (VOM) discipline. However, before we proceed, let us quickly tell you what Virtual Organization Management (VOM) is all about.

What is Virtual Organization Management (VOM)? The modern VOM discipline specializes in the development of best-next practices, policies and procedures for operating in a virtual environment and for managing a virtual organization and social network.

Please keep in mind that Virtual Organization Management (VOM) is technology-agnostic and platform independent, therefore, its application is not restricted to any specific tool, gizmo, gadget or widget or, for that matter of fact, any specific social network. In a real sense, this is exactly what happens once your social network members learn how to virtual organize and manage their social network. They are no longer bound by, and nor do they care about, any specific operating system, tool, technology, or social network. They only care about freedom, flexibility, and substance in the form of Ultra Premium Content that leads to Real Empowerment.

Here is a perfect analogy: Generally speaking, once you've learned 1) how to drive, 2) the rules of the road, and 3) how to read maps and use a navigation system, you can travel to any location and distance without regard to the make and model of your car. Any car will do. The make and model of your car then becomes a matter of personal preference subject to your economic status and overall taste. I hope that made sense to you.

Composition of Ultra Premium Content AKA Other Side of the Coin

So let us now resume our discussion regarding this Ultra Premium Content derived from VOM. This Ultra Premium VOM Content comes in the form of a series of Ultra Premium White Papers on how to virtual organize and manage social networks.

But there is more! Each Ultra Premium White Paper comes bundled with the Video Presentation version.

But we're not done yet, each Ultra Premium White Paper also comes with a registration to a 3-Hour Live Interactive Audio-Web Presentation on that exact topic--which includes a Q&A session with the author who currently also happens to be yours truly, the founder of the modern virtual organization management discipline.

And for the ultimate in convenience, these live interactive sessions with the author are conducted twice a week on an almost indefinite basis. That way, each Ultra Premium VOM Content purchaser can select the most convenient time to attend the live interactive session.

And, last but not least, this entire package is sold at a price that everyone can afford---from the small fry to the big fish.

In essence, what we've done here is pile up value on top of value so that [everyone]--instead of just a few--can afford to reap the benefits of the social networks, especially during periods of severe economic crises.

Now, please indulge me a bit as I digress a little, however, there is a great deal of similarity between what VOMI is now doing and what Bill Gates-Microsoft did in the 80's. Bill Gates-Microsoft's mission and vision was extremely simple: Make the PC affordable to the masses so that there would be a PC in every home and business. The first question was: How do you do that? And his answer--although brilliant, revolutionary and a stroke of genius--was equally simple: License the operating system. What is the end result of that simple mission, vision and strategy? Well, since my 7-year old granddaughter has her own laptop computer and is constantly on the internet, I am sure you all know the answer.

However, let's stop and think for one second. What was the logic behind Bill Gates' idea of making the PC affordable to ALL? Again the logic was very simple: the value of owning a PC--in terms of both its current and future potential for all of mankind--was and still is something that transcends all demographics. As you can see, brilliant ideas don't have to be complicated. In fact, what makes them brilliant is their simplicity.

Well, in essence, we -- meaning YOU, once you partner with VOMI, and I -- are doing the exact same thing: We are making VOM knowledge affordable to the masses so that VOM can be practiced by everyone in every home and business anywhere in the world. And our logic is the same: The value of virtual organization management--from learning how to virtual organize and manage your social network all the way to learning how to virtual organize and manage a team, group, department, division, region or entire company---in terms of both its current and future potential for all of mankind is indeed something that transcends all demographics.

Each day that passes by, our world gets virtualized more and more and, eventually--there is no doubt or question about it--everyone will need to know how to virtual organize and manage in a virtual environment. Make no mistake about it, within the next 15-20 years, my "future" 7-year old great-grandson or great-granddaughter will be able to virtual organize and manage (VOM) in a virtual environment. God willing, it would be exciting for all of us to be around then.

Benefits of 2-SIDED COIN to Social Networks and Social Network Members

So what are the benefits of the 2-SIDED COIN to both the Social Network and the Social Network Member?

First, let's talk about the people that really matter since you can't have a social network without people: your social network members.

To a Social Network Member. A 2-SIDED COIN represents "real currency" that a social network member can gladly accept in exchange for the goodwill and economic benefit the social network seeks in return. The social network now really has something "exclusive" and "highly beneficial" to offer that differentiates it from all the other social networks out there using the typical One-Sided Coin.

As stated earlier, the social network member is now Really Empowered to leverage the tremendous power of the social network to his/her individual or collective benefit. The 2-SIDED COIN now becomes the means to an end for them instead of the standard 1-SIDED COIN message that says "here are my latest and most exciting tools, now go ahead and use them and tell all your friends about it."

The social network member now finds purpose and stability, can now focus on one or more key objective(s), no longer has the urge--and nor can he/she afford the time--to hop around all over the place joining 1000's of social networks [just a figure of speech, folks] and making a bunch of so-called friends and contacts that they will never even have a conversation with, let alone the time to get to know each other long enough to engage in something that could be remotely called constructive or mutually beneficial.

Now let's talk about the social network.

To a Social Network. Once you empower your social network members with a 2-SIDED COIN, guess what happens next: they will give you what you paid for. In other words, they become a loyal, active, captive, and satisfied audience and, most importantly, revenue-producing members. After all, isn't that what almost every social network wants?

The icing on the cake for your social network is that the cost of developing and providing this Ultra Premium VOM Content to your social network members is ZERO. Your Ultra Premium VOM Content Provider does it all.

The second layer of icing on the cake for your social network is that your partnership with VOMI, the Ultra Premium VOM Content provider, does NOT, and will not, cause any kind of interference in your current business activities; and nor will it cause any sort of disruption to your existing revenue-generating activities. This means you can continue to use your social network as an advertising platform for BOTH your social network and your clients without any sort of conflict of interest. This will drive your competition nuts. But the best is yet to come.

The third layer of icing on the cake for your social network is that since the SECOND SIDE OF YOUR COIN---this Ultra Premium VOM Content--is "technology-agnostic", that means you don't have to worry about your social network members getting bored and jumping ship each time your competition comes out with the latest and fanciest tool, gadget, or widget. Even when your social network members go to your competitors once they release a better mouse trap, they will always come back to you in order to learn how to make effective use of this new mouse trap for their "individual or collective benefit."

Once your members gain an understanding of VOM, it will NOT be necessary to hop around like a bunny rabbit on 10,000 other social networks. In fact, it would be totally counterproductive for them to do so since that would create a virtual organization management (VOM) nightmare for them. With VOM, the trend is toward consolidation of activities at a central location instead of "hopping around all over the place" and getting to be everybody's friend. After all, you can only have so many friends.

The fourth and final layer of icing on the cake for your social network is that the SECOND SIDE OF THE COIN comes with the highest possible level of credibility in the industry. VOMI is the world's leading and ONLY global educational institute, think tank, professional association, certification and accreditation provider, and conference producer solely focused on virtual organization management. The founder of VOMI is the founder and pioneer of the modern virtual organization management discipline.

Currently, every single Ultra Premium White Paper is authored by the founder of the virtual organization management discipline to insure authenticity and value. In the foreseeable future, once VOMI has trained a sufficient number of VOMI academics, each single Ultra Premium White Paper will either be co-authored or reviewed and approved by the founder of the discipline in order to insure continuity and consistency in authenticity and value.

According to Google, VOMI and its founder's profile were viewed by over 100 million internet visitors in 2008. Therefore, your association with the most prestigious and only virtual organization management institute in the world--headed by the founder of the discipline--means that you don't have to worry about the long-term viability of our standing in the industry and the value of your offerings. The quality and value of your offerings will always remain in the foreseeable future the very best that the industry has to offer.

How Do We Deliver This "Ultra Premium VOM Content?"

These Ultra Premium White Papers bundled with the Video Presentation version and the 3-Hour Live Interactive Audio-Web Presentation with Q&A session with the author, collectively referred to as this "Ultra Premium VOM Content", are strategically released and delivered to your social network members in such a relevant and timely fashion so that each new Ultra Premium Content release not only builds upon, but also adds tremendous value to, the previous one.

Here is how it works: .......................>>>>>

To purchase this entire white paper as well as participate in a 3-Hour Live Interactive Audio-Web Presentation with Q&A session with Prof. Pierre Coupet, the author of this document, as well as to receive the Video Presentation version, please sign up at the following location:    (No longer on sale)


About Author:  Pierre Coupet, Q of VOM, is the founder of Virtual Organization Management Institute (VOMI), Virtual Organization Management Institute Repository,  VOMI Global Think Tank VOMI Virtual Organization AcademyVirtual Organization LeadershipVirtual Organization AdvisorsVirtual Organization RecruiterDigital Currency Consortium, Digital Currency Ethical Board,  Virtual Organization JobsVirtual Organization  Executives, and Blockchain Executives :: founder of the modern virtual organization management and virtual organization recruitment disciplines pioneered since 1997:: founder of League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives:: and Lead Architect of  Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial SystemContact Online.   

Stock Photo: courtesy of Pixabay

Copyright 2007-2023. Pierre Coupet. VOMI. Virtual Organization Management Institute. Virtual Organization Leadership. Virtual Organization Advisors.  Virtual Organization Executives. Blockchain Executives. VOMI Virtual Organization Academy. Virtual Organization Recruiter. VOMI Global Think Tank. All rights reserved. Cannot be reproduced without permission.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Global Economic Meltdown: Time for Startups to Explore New Monetization Strategy

The New Virtual Organization World
It's a New Principled World, It's Virtual, and It's Organized

Global Economic Meltdown: Time for Startups to Explore New Monetization Strategy
by Pierre Coupet

In the midst of this global economic meltdown, the two most popular questions that are being asked respectively by both startups and investors are: "Where have all the investors gone?" and "Where have all the dollars gone?" If you are a startup in need of cash, the first question particularly applies to you; and if you are an investor nervous about your portfolio of investments, the latter is a matter of serious concern. Well, unless you've been living in a bubble for the past few months, the answer is quite obvious. Scarcity of cash and the resulting need for both cash conservation and a new monetization strategy have now become the central point of focus for both startups and investors as they begin to reevaluate their going-forward strategy. What this means, in turn, for a lot of startups is that Darwin's theory of evolution--survival of the fittest--will ultimately determine which startups will fail and which ones will be able to adapt and thrive in this new and perilous environment.

Virtual Organization Management and Web 2.0 to the Rescue

Fortunately, for a small number of startups who are bold, daring and forward-looking enough, the right combination of Web 2.0 and Virtual Organization Management can help usher in a new monetization strategy era for them so they won't have to needlessly suffer the fate of dinosaurs. Virtual Organization Management (VOM)--a modern discipline which establishes best-next practices, policies and procedures for operating in a virtual environment and for managing a virtual organization and social network--can help reduce your start-up costs by as much as 95% as well as exponentially increase your revenues; and is THE KEY that unlocks most--if not all--previous constraints and limits you faced with respect to the development of a monetization strategy in either a brick and mortar or virtual environment. Your imagination becomes the only limit you will ever face. Whereas, Web 2.0 provides you with all the tools you will ever need in order to implement your new monetization strategy. The statement that best captures the essence of VOM and Web 2.0 is the following: "VOM gives you the freedom to chart your own destiny and Web 2.0 gives you the tools to implement." For purposes of this discussion, more about VOM can be viewed on the Virtual Organization Management Institute blog at

Burn the Midnight Oil for Revenues First, Investors Last

Once you have put in place the right combination of VOM and Web 2.0, the REAL solution is for entrepreneurs to really start thinking-out-of-the-box when it comes to a monetization strategy instead of the standard "got an idea, go to an investor, burn some cash, go back for more cash, burn more cash, get plenty of eyeballs, and hope that, eventually, over God knows how much time, revenue can be generated from product sales or advertising." How about Burning the Midnight Oil trying to figure out the "killer value" of your offering and who your first "paying customers" are going to be? For those of you in the western world who are too young to be familiar with the [old] expression, "burn the midnight oil", it's primarily used to indicate commitment, hard work, and dedication to one's task by working during the wee hours of the night under an oil lamp when there is no electricity.

Some Practical Pre-launch Ideas: ASK, ASK, ASK, ASK, ASK

1. ASK some of your "future paying customers", before you even launch your business, if your product or service is something they have an urgent need for because it would solve an existing problem or issue for them NOW (assuming your product or service really worked the way you say it would.)

2. ASK them to GIVE YOU--instead of you giving them--specific examples of how your product or service would make life much better for them and how it would positively affect their bottom line...good reverse psychology....after all, if they really understood the value of what you are offering, then who would be in a better position to have this sort of information?...certainly NOT YOU, an outsider who doesn't know a darned thing about the inner workings of their company and the day-to-day issues they have to deal with.

3. ASK them if it is something they would pay for, and at which price point--besides FREE--your product or service would be attractive enough to get them to at least try it upon release.

4. ASK them what kind of guarantee do they expect and then you can figure out what kind of guarantee you are willing to provide to these paying customers who are willing to try your products just in case they are not satisfied.

5. ASK them if they are willing to make an "informal-no guarantees" purchase commitment to you before you roll out the product...that's your way of distinguishing from those who are just blowing smoke up yours and those who are genuine.

6. Once you have obtained all this information gathered from step 1-5, you will now get a chance to find out: (i) YOUR REAL VALUE PROPOSITION, (ii) how much money you will REALLY need to get your business off the ground, (iii) whether you can build it slowly and profitably in an organic fashion or whether you really need an investor to help you get it off the ground OR whether you should even go ahead with the idea.

Long Hard Road but a Golden Opportunity for Success

I know it's tedious, may take a long time, can be very discouraging because you're bound to get a lot of negative feedback from people who may not clearly understand what the hell it is you are offering as well as from those who could care less about what you have to offer. Keep in mind that when people have difficulty understanding what it is that you are offering, the problem lies with you, the messenger--and not with them. That means you will need to go back to the drawing board in order to refine your message. The simpler the message, the better. The more complicated it gets, the greater the level of difficulty at getting your message through.

A lot of well-meaning, as well as mean-spirited, people may try to pierce some holes into your armor in order to point out some weaknesses in your arguments or value proposition. Some people will just outright ignore you because they are just not interested in helping you do your homework either because they don't have the time or they figure you can contact them once you've got everything figured out, have a product or service in place in roll out condition, and then they might give you the time of day. But when you really take the time to look at the bright side of things, just to have known or come across all these individuals is a GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY--a gift and blessing in disguise--that will help make you a much better business person-entrepreneur and which will help guarantee your success. Whether they are The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, in some strange fashion, you will owe your success to ALL of them.


The point being, target paying customers FIRST before you even launch. This is standard research which can be accomplished over the web at absolutely very little to no cost to you the entrepreneur, outside of your own sweat and tears. And with the right combination of VOM and Web 2.0, The Sky is the Limit!


About Author:  Pierre Coupet, Q of VOM, is the founder of Virtual Organization Management Institute (VOMI), Virtual Organization Management Institute Repository,  VOMI Global Think Tank VOMI Virtual Organization AcademyVirtual Organization LeadershipVirtual Organization AdvisorsVirtual Organization RecruiterDigital Currency Consortium, Digital Currency Ethical Board,  Virtual Organization JobsVirtual Organization  Executives, and Blockchain Executives :: founder of the modern virtual organization management and virtual organization recruitment disciplines pioneered since 1997:: founder of League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives:: and Lead Architect of  Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial SystemContact Online.   

Stock Photo: courtesy of Pixabay

Copyright 2007-2023. Pierre Coupet. VOMI. Virtual Organization Management Institute. Virtual Organization Leadership. Virtual Organization Advisors.  Virtual Organization Executives. Blockchain Executives. VOMI Virtual Organization Academy. Virtual Organization Recruiter. VOMI Global Think Tank. All rights reserved. Cannot be reproduced without permission.

A Brief Interlude for the Virtual Soul

The New Virtual Organization World
It's a New Principled World, It's Virtual, and It's Organized

Dear Colleagues,

I want to take a brief interlude so I can share with you some beautiful poetry-melody that I received from my poet and artist friend, Alasdair, which has absolutely nothing to do with Virtual Organization Management. It's food for the Virtual Soul ..... helps us to put things back into perspective .... reminds us that we are all not only virtually connected but also an expression of "The Wholeness." I hope you enjoy it as much as I have... you can even listen to it while reading my ....long....articles. It helps time fly.

Take good care.

At One With,

Pierre Coupet

(Youtube video no longer available)


About Author:  Pierre Coupet, Q of VOM, is the founder of Virtual Organization Management Institute (VOMI), Virtual Organization Management Institute Repository,  VOMI Global Think Tank VOMI Virtual Organization AcademyVirtual Organization LeadershipVirtual Organization AdvisorsVirtual Organization RecruiterDigital Currency Consortium, Digital Currency Ethical Board,  Virtual Organization JobsVirtual Organization  Executives, and Blockchain Executives :: founder of the modern virtual organization management and virtual organization recruitment disciplines pioneered since 1997:: founder of League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives:: and Lead Architect of  Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial SystemContact Online.   

Stock Photo: courtesy of Pixabay

Copyright 2007-2023. Pierre Coupet. VOMI. Virtual Organization Management Institute. Virtual Organization Leadership. Virtual Organization Advisors.  Virtual Organization Executives. Blockchain Executives. VOMI Virtual Organization Academy. Virtual Organization Recruiter. VOMI Global Think Tank. All rights reserved. Cannot be reproduced without permission.