Thursday, September 7, 2023

Next Station on the Road to Human Evolution: 2 22 2222

The New Virtual Organization World

It's a New Principled and Civilized World, It's Virtual and It's Organized

Next Station on the Road to Human Evolution:  2 22 2222
By Pierre Coupet

It's been quite a long time ::::in fact, over 1801 years of a 2000-year journey:::: since mankind first boarded Human Evolution Train 2-22-222 at Station 2-22-222 on the Road to Human Evolution.    

A 2000-year journey which we expect to complete within the next 199 years.

As it now stands on the date of this document, we are now fast approaching Station 2-22-2222 in order to board the next train on the Road to Human Evolution:  Human Evolution Train 2-22-2222.      

However, there is a catch:   In order to board Human Evolution Train 2-22-2222 at Station 2-22-2222 to begin the next leg of our journey ::::  there are some tasks that mankind is required to complete within the next 199 years prior to reaching that station.  Otherwise, we will not be able to embark on the next train. 

This next leg of our journey will take us 20,000 years to complete.

The reason for the condition attached to boarding Human Evolution Train 2-22-2222 is simple.  At the very least, mankind needs to show some early signs that the Status Quo is untenable and that some of us are sincere about willing to Make the Transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being in order to embark on the Road to Human Evolution.   Otherwise, there is no need to board this train just for the sake of joyriding.  

The Status Quo

What is the Status Quo?  The status quo is the way we have always lived since time immemorial.  A life of Primitive And Barbaric Savages ("PABS").  For the sake of today's younger generation :::: who are  now in the process of being thoroughly dumbed down by our fellow PABS and are totally clueless about the meaning of the foregoing statement :::: I invite you to read the following treatise for details:  Road to Human Evolution: Stop Feeding the Primordial Beast

Required Human Evolution Tasks

Task #1.   Refrain from Annihilating Each Other by the Next Human Evolution Train Departure Date of 2/22/2222.   

For those of you now reading this document, you are probably thinking that this task certainly does NOT apply to you since we are talking about the next 199 years - a time when none of us or any of our children will be alive.   

On the contrary, this task applies much more to you NOW than it does to future generations.  Why is that, you might ask?   

Well, that's because the willingness to Make the Transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being in order to embark on the Road to Human Evolution can only be evidenced by FACTS ON THE GROUND.   

That means much more will be required of us than the typical human instinct and habit of Making Implicit or Express Promises, Preparing MOUs (Memorandum of Understanding), Forging and Signing Treaties that will never be observed and honored by a bunch of evil, villainous and treacherous snakes and scums :::: and Authoring Memorable, Impressive, Embellished, and Historical Constitutions and Other Documents On the Rights of Human Beings which consist of beautiful, flowery rhetoric and prose worthy of a Great Civilization of Wise and Intelligent Beings.  Documents that are not worth the paper they are written on.     

All of which are designed to hide our nefarious intents and evil activities; and to further obscure the fact that we are nothing but a horde of Primitive And Barbaric Savages ("PABS") intent on enslaving and annihilating each other whenever the opportunity presents itself - for no sane reason at all.   

These Facts On the Ground are NOT something that can be established by simply waving a magic wand. That is NOT something that we can bullshit our way through by using the standard avalanche of secrets, deceit, lies, propaganda, public relations makeovers, misinformation, disinformation, mainstream and alternative media complicity, bedtime stories, and all the fairy tales that mankind specializes in.    

It takes plenty of time to demonstrate these facts.   We need to show concrete evidence that we have indeed turned the corner; and thus, we are willing to do whatever it takes in order to Make the Transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being.  Moreover, come to think of it, in the grand scheme of things, 199 years is merely a walk in the park.  Therefore, the sooner we begin, the better. 

Task #2.   Institute and Implement the Very First Fact On the Ground.  A Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial System. 

Just in case you are wondering, "Pierre, why not something else.  How about a Lunar Space Station.  What about Floating Cities, Futuristic Underground Cities, Cloud Cities, Orbital Space Settlements in Low Earth Orbit.   What about a human settlement on planet Mars or some other habitable planet in our galaxy.  Is the Futuristic City-State Enclave the only demonstrable fact on the ground that you can think of?"  

Well, let me answer that with a very simple challenge:   

You should now be able to answer your own questions, or address any concerns you may have,  regarding the best route to follow in order to implement the very first fact on the ground.   The point being, at this stage of the game, there is no viable alternative. 

Task #3.  Strictly Optional.  Institute and Implement the Second Fact On the Ground.

Upon completion of the First Fact On the Ground, there can be no doubt about our sincerity and resolve to Make the Transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being.  That means we can now board the next train on the Road to Human Evolution at Station 2-22-2222:  Human Evolution Train 2-22-2222 - in order to proceed on the next leg of our journey.     A 20,000-year journey on the Road to Human Evolution that will take us to places that we can now imagine as well as other places throughout the multiverse that the human mind has yet to conceive.   A journey that will eventually culminate in the beginning of Human Evolution. 

In the interim, during any part of the remaining 199-Year period that we have left after we have managed to complete Task #1, we can then proceed to establish settlements on Lunar Space Stations, Floating Cities, Futuristic Underground Cities, Cloud Cities, and Orbital Space Settlements in Low Earth Orbit.      

The Human Evolution Grand Scheme of Things

So, what does it all mean when I say, the beginning of Human Evolution?  That means some of us will no longer think in Human terms and will begin to think in Intelligent Being terms.  Huge difference.  It's the difference between night and day.   That's because all creatures in the universe think in terms of their biology. 

For Example, human beings can only think in human terms; dogs can only think in dog terms; lions can only think in lion terms; elephants can only think in elephant terms; whales can only think in whale terms; and our extraterrestrial cousins throughout the multiverse also can only think in terms of their biology, etc.

Therefore, once we have made the transition to Intelligent Beings, we will have no choice but to begin to think in Intelligent Being terms.  The things that make sense to you today and that you willingly accept without question or pause will one day be very perplexing and mind-boggling to members of our progeny who have managed to make the transition to Intelligent Being.   They will certainly wonder if we were ever aware of how primitive, barbaric and savage we are now.  They will certainly wonder if we ever thought of ourselves as Civilized and Intelligent Beings.

Moreover, as part of the process of thinking in Intelligent Being terms, we will want to begin to travel side-by-side with the Creator (nothing to do with religion or some deity) throughout the Cosmos in order to marvel at the beauty of Creation.   

What Happens at the End of Our 20,000-Year Journey

I am fully aware that some of you would be pleased to know that it only took another 22,000 years for some members of our progeny to make the transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being.  

However, making the transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being is only the beginning of a very long Human Evolution journey.  That doesn't mean that mankind has fully evolved.   We still have another train to board on the Road to Human Evolution at Station 2-22-22222:  Human Evolution Train 2-22-22222 - in order to embark on the next leg of our journey.     A 200,000-year journey on the Road to Human Evolution that will take us to places throughout the multiverse that the human mind will never be able to conceive.   A journey that will eventually culminate in Human Evolution.  

A Perpetual Human Evolution Journey

Once we have reached the end of our 200,000-year journey, we will board another train at Station 2-22-222222:  Human Evolution Train 2-22-222222 - in order to proceed on the next leg of our Human Evolution journey.   A 2 million-year Human Evolution journey that is designed to alter our biology in ways that we have yet to even imagine and which will make us totally distinguishable from our current form.       

And our perpetual human evolution journey continues for as long as the multiverse exists.


In conclusion, it goes without saying that those who seek to embark on the Road to Human Evolution are a special breed of selfless people who stand absolutely nothing to gain from this journey.   If the following questions are of concern to you, "Will we ever receive any recognition for our efforts.  Will we ever be remembered.  Will that interfere in my current Making a Living activities.  What's in it for me and my family now," then don't bother with Human Evolution.  

That can only mean that human evolution is not for you and, as far as you are concerned, the hell with not only your progeny but also all future generations of mankind. Let them cross that bridge when they get there.  There is nothing wrong with that. We all have our own priorities; and thus, need to respect that in others.  

In which case, thank you for taking the time to read this document.  We wish you the best in all your current and future endeavors.

Next Steps

  • If you believe that you fit the profile of an Advocate for Human Evolution and deem it an honor, privilege and opportunity to count yourself among kindred spirits on the current Human Evolution Train 2-22-222 :::: and would like to either support, contribute however you deem fit; architect, build or eventually get to live (which is highly unlikely) in a Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial System :::: then take the time to follow through on the foregoing links listed in the main body of this document and proceed accordingly. You may also Obtain a Human Evolution Station License in order to submit a support request if you have any questions or issues and would like some ideas or solutions.
  • If you are NOT a hardcore Advocate for Human Evolution; and are concerned about the profile of the passengers on the Human Evolution Train for whatever reasons that you may have; then the following article ::: From King of the Jungle to Living in a Valley of Kings ::: will provide you with the details.
  • If you are NOT really an Advocate for Human Evolution, and yet believe that you could contribute in whatever way you deem fit, then I invite you to peruse the article ::: Member-In-Principle: The Ultimate Membership Level ::: for details on how to proceed. 
  • If you would like to strictly introduce yourself ::::: no sales pitches ::::: in order to express potential and broad avenues of Human Evolution Collaboration in the Virtual Organization World, then I also invite you to request an On Demand Videoconference subject to thoughtful consideration and approval. (In other words, approval is not automatic.)
  • If you are merely a Subliminal Supporter of Human Evolution, then you are welcome to share the link to this document with family, friends, colleagues and associates in your Circle of Influence who share the cause of Human Evolution. One of them will surely thank you for it. You may also Obtain a Human Evolution Station License in order to submit a support request if you have any questions or issues and would like some ideas or solutions.
  • If you seek a more prominent and influential role in Human Evolution; have all the time in the world to engage in such pursuit; then I invite you to request an invitation to join League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives, subject to a great deal of consideration and approval. (In other words, receipt of the invitation is not automatic.)
A Priceless Parting Gift to All

Anytime my late dad, Joseph A. Coupet Sr., wanted to share with me a little bit of advice, knowledge or useful information, he would always say, "Pierre, it's now time for us to delve into the secrets of the gods."  

Of course, who in their right mind, could possibly resist the temptation of being privy to the secrets of the gods; thus, with great anticipation, I waited for him to put me in the know - in that special group of people with access to valuable information. 

In that spirit, consider yourself now privy to the secrets of the gods as I share with you this document:    

Supplemental Information for Advocates of Human Evolution 

You may also Obtain a Human Evolution Station License in order to submit a support request if you have any questions or issues and would like some ideas or solutions.  Moreover, I invite you to review at your own leisure these additional documents which offer a deep insight into the virtual organization management discipline and virtual organization leadership; as well as the need for mankind to make the transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being in order to further embark on the road to Human Evolution.   No need to rush, just bookmark this page, you have an entire lifetime to read them:   

Let Us Manifest!

About Author:  Pierre Coupet, Q of VOM, is the founder of Virtual Organization Management Institute (VOMI), Virtual Organization Management Institute Repository,  VOMI Global Think Tank VOMI Virtual Organization AcademyVirtual Organization LeadershipVirtual Organization AdvisorsVirtual Organization RecruiterDigital Currency Consortium, Digital Currency Ethical Board,  Virtual Organization JobsVirtual Organization  Executives, and Blockchain Executives :: founder of the modern virtual organization management and virtual organization recruitment disciplines pioneered since 1997:: founder of League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives:: and Lead Architect of  Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial SystemContact Online.   

Stock Photo: courtesy of Pixabay

Copyright 2007-2024. Pierre Coupet. VOMI. Virtual Organization Management Institute. Virtual Organization Leadership. Virtual Organization Advisors.  Virtual Organization Executives. Blockchain Executives. VOMI Virtual Organization Academy. Virtual Organization Recruiter. VOMI Global Think Tank. All rights reserved. Cannot be reproduced without permission.

Friday, September 1, 2023

From King of the Jungle to Living in a Valley of Kings


The New Virtual Organization World

It's a New Principled and Civilized World, It's Virtual and It's Organized

What is a King of the Jungle?  It's a mentality that pervades among a certain segment of the global population.  It begins to form, develop or manifest at a very early age; sometimes it can even be as early as the time of birth.  It is borne out of necessity and a tremendous need to prevail or survive.  A mentality that can be characterized by those who share one or more of the following sentiments:

  • This is my house.  As long as you are living under my roof, you do as you're told or get the hell out. 
  • I am the man of the house.  As long as I live here, it's either my way or the highway. 
  • Man, it's a jungle out there.  Got to do what I got to do in order to survive.
  • Man, what can I tell you. You're on your own. Got to take care of my own.
  • It's a doggy-dog world out there. Got to do what is in my best interests.
  • I know you don't understand, but everything that I am doing is for your own good. So do what you are told. 
  • Do what you're told because life is not all about you.  It's for the greater good. 
  • We are doing this to save your life, whether you want to or not. So, get with the program or go to jail.
  • This thing is bigger than one person.  You need to be a team player, or else.
  • We are doing this to make the world a better place.  So, play by the rules or pay the consequences.
  • I am the boss, so do as you're told or else.  
  • I am the boss.  Here, it's either lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way.    
  • In a world of predators and prey, given no other option, I would rather be a predator.
  • They can hate me, as long as they fear me.
  • You got me mistaken for somebody else.  I suggest you walk away now while you have the chance. 
  • Back the fuck down, you're barking up the wrong tree.
  • Whoever or whatever gave you the idea that I was an easy mark?
  • FYI, I don't suffer fools gladly. So, don't try my patience. 
  • If you are expecting me to run, you're right, but it will be in your direction. 
  • Don't tread on me.  
The real-life characters that emerge from the well of those who share any of these sentiments are either Bullies or Tough People.  

Unfortunately, and as much as I hate to admit, it is this very segment of the global population that Wants to be Your Leaders and that You Choose to be Your Leaders.  

Hence the reason why I refer to each one of them as King of the Jungle; and collectively, Kings of the Jungle. 

The Jungle

So, does that mean that the Jungle is just a figure of speech instead of a real location?   Absolutely NOT.   We have an infinite number of jungles all over the world.  These are real jungles at actual physical locations.   Here is where you can find them:   

  • In Our Own Mind.   As a result of stories, fairy tales and fables we've heard as children; entertainment; lies, revisionist history lessons, brainwashing, etc.   It doesn't necessarily have to be anything that we have actually experienced at the hands of another in any locale, location or environment.
  • In Our Family Home.   Growing up in a dysfunctional family is all I have to say.  No need for me to preach to the choir. 
  • In School: from Kindergarten to PhD Level.   It starts with dealing with classroom and playground bullies in kindergarten. (As we all know, those little, cute, charming, and innocent kids can be very mean to other children their age.)  A playground that will prepare them for survival in many other jungles in the Real World.  Of course, by the time they get to graduate from college, they have gotten to experience life in a more vicious and dangerous jungle.    For those who have never graduated from high school or college, their experience is no different than the others. 
  • Your Neighborhood Block.    That's where you first get to experience life in an uncontrolled environment.  Getting to know and playing with other kids on the block.  When you quickly find out the need to be tough, to stand up for yourself, and be recognized.   Where the weak kids get bullied by other nasty kids on the block; and the weak are forced to become a bully's lapdog.  Where the tough kids are feared by the bullies and gain the respect of both bullies and weak kids. And where the weak kids want to side with ::: and follow ::: either the bullies or the tough kids for protection.  Welcome to the Real World! 
  • Your Entire Neighborhood.  That's when things get a bit complicated.  It's no different than the local neighborhood block.  It's just that this time around, you got to deal with a lot of neighborhood blocks.  You will be tested by a bunch of bullies and they will get to find out for themselves whether or not you are the real deal
  • Your Local Church or Place of Worship.   All the characters you have already experienced in life will be the same. 
  • On the Job.   All the characters you have already experienced in life will be the same.  
  • In the Military.  All the characters you have already experienced in life will be the same. 
  • In Every Single Social Setting.   All the characters you have already experienced in life will be the same. 
  • In Politics.   All the characters you have already experienced in life will be the same.
  • In Government.    At every single level of government throughout every single country in the world, all the characters you have already experienced in life will be the same.
  • Social Clubs.  All the characters you have already experienced in life will be the same. 
  • Criminal Organizations.   All the characters you have already experienced in life will be the same.
  • Every Single Institution in the World.    All the characters you have already experienced in life will be the same.

A Valley of Kings

What is a Valley of Kings?   It is a Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial System situated within the borders of a country that is mainly populated by the aforementioned Kings of the Jungle:  The Bullies and Tough People of this world of ours.  

Why the Need for Kings of the Jungle in Such Futuristic City-State Enclave.    Well, Bullies themselves don't like to be bullied around.  They just enjoy bullying people who are either weak or project weakness.   Therefore, in such Futuristic City-State Enclave, there will certainly be a strong buildup of pent-up aggression that will need to be channeled in the right direction.   Such aggression certainly cannot:::and will not:::be channeled toward their Tough People colleagues.   In which case, it will have to be channeled toward aggressors from the external world ("Antiquity").

Whereas Tough People are immune from being bullied around; have no need to bully anyone; and have Zero Tolerance for anyone who would dare try to bully them.

I know you're wondering what any of this has to do with life in a Futuristic City-State Enclave.  Well, the answer lies in the following document:  Genesis of Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On Civilized World Financial System

Now that you had a chance to read that document, the bottom line is this:

Peaceful Co-Existence.  First and foremost, from an internal standpoint, this means that the Bullies and Tough People throughout the Futuristic City-State Enclave will be able to peacefully co-exist with each other.  

By extension, this means that Bullies can't intimidate and bully Tough People.  On the same token, Tough People don't care to bully anyone.  

Futuristic City-State Enclave Subject to External Challenges from Antiquity.   Second, without a doubt, it stands to reason that a Futuristic City-State Enclave will be the subject of an avalanche of challenges coming its way from fellow Primitive And Barbaric Savages ("PABS") from Antiquity (the current "Slave-Master-Moron World Order").   Therefore, it cannot afford to have a weak and compliant population that can easily be intimidated and manipulated.   As well, it cannot afford to have Leaders without Balls and Principles who are full of fear; will shit in their pants at the first sign of danger; and can easily be compromised, bullied, and turned into lapdogs and vassals.  

Kings of the Jungle Are Ideal Emissaries to Antiquity.   Last but not least, from an external standpoint, it stands to reason that the Kings of the Jungle who inhabit the Futuristic City-State Enclave are the only ones who are equipped to deal with all current and future challenges coming from Antiquity.   

From the standpoint that the Bullies already know how the game is played;  thus, they are adequately equipped and prepared to deal with their counterparts (i.e., one of their own) in Antiquity. Therefore, they will be in a position to checkmate their fellow PABS in Antiquity.   

As well, their Tough People colleagues in the Futuristic City-State Enclave will be in a position to ward off any adventurous PABS from Antiquity who may want to test the waters in order to see how much shit they can dish out to the Kings of the Jungle in the Valley of Kings - and how much they can get away with.  

By extension, this means that the Kings of the Jungle will be needed in order to clearly articulate to ALL adventurous PABS in Antiquity that ALL LINES that are set by the Futuristic City-State Enclave must be treated as Red Lines that cannot be crossed; and that the Futuristic City-State Enclave has Zero Tolerance when it comes to compliance by all  PABS from Antiquity. 

In other words, there will be No Second Chances and No Negotiation.

A Sample List of Kings of the Jungle

  • Former Heads of State
  • Former or Retired Cabinet Level Government Officials 
  • Former or Retired Highest Level Government Officials
  • Former or Retired UN Ambassadors
  • Former or Retired Heads of UN Agencies
  • Former and Retired Heads of UN Departments
  • Former or Retired Ambassadors
  • Former Heads of Intelligence Agencies
  • Former or Retired CEOs of Leading Global Enterprises
  • Former or Retired Highest Level Military Officers (Colonel Level Equivalent and up) 
  • Former or Retired Insurgency, Battle-Tested Military Officers 
  • Former or Retired Non-Insurgency, Battle-Tested Military Officers
  • Former or Retired Insurgency, Battle-Tested Military Strategists
  • Former or Retired Non-Insurgency, Battle-Tested Military Strategists
  • All Recipients of Military Awards for Valor (regardless of rank or country) 
  • All Former or Retired Supreme Court Justices (regardless of country)
  • All Current, Former and Retired Civilian and Military Judges 
  • All Current, Former and Retired Civilian and Military Attorneys 
  • All Current, Former and Retired Members of Parliament (regardless of country).     
  • All Prominent Victims of Government Persecution, Oppression, and Repression for political reasons (e.g., Julian Assange, etc.)
  • All Current and Former Political Prisoners or Fugitives (regardless of country).  If you can manage to escape from your jailers or pursuers in order to walk or drive across the border of a Futuristic City-State Enclave, you are automatically granted citizenship and are guaranteed the full protection of the enclave.  Your case will automatically be closed.  Your freedom is NOT subject to any legal inquiries or entreaties.  There will be No Negotiation and No Possibility of extradition under any circumstances whatsoever.
  • ALL Former Members of a Deposed Regime or Previous Administration Now Living in Fear (regardless of country or the reasons).  If you can manage to walk or drive across the border of a Futuristic City-State Enclave, you are automatically granted citizenship and are guaranteed the full protection of the enclave.  Your case will automatically be closed.  Your freedom is NOT subject to any legal inquiries or entreaties.  There will be No Negotiation and No Possibility of extradition under any circumstances whatsoever.   
  • All Dissenters Against the Powers-That-Be (regardless of country or the reasons).  If you can manage to escape from your jailers or pursuers in order to walk or drive across the border of a Futuristic City-State Enclave, you are automatically granted citizenship and are guaranteed the full protection of the enclave.  Your case will automatically be closed.  Your freedom is NOT subject to any legal inquiries or entreaties.  There will be No Negotiation and No Possibility of extradition under any circumstances whatsoever.
  • ALL PEOPLE WHO ARE BEING PERSECUTED OR PROSECUTED FOR FINANCIAL CRIMES UNDER COLOR OF LAW (regardless of country).  If you can manage to escape from your jailers or persecutors in order to walk or drive across the border of a Futuristic City-State Enclave, you are automatically granted citizenship and are guaranteed the full protection of the enclave.  Your case will automatically be closed.  Your freedom is NOT subject to any legal inquiries or entreaties.  There will be No Negotiation and No Possibility of extradition under any circumstances whatsoever.
  • ALL PEOPLE WHO ARE BEING PERSECUTED OR PROSECUTED FOR SO-CALLED FINANCIAL CRIMES (regardless of country).  If you can manage to escape from your jailers or persecutors in order to walk or drive across the border of a Futuristic City-State Enclave, you are automatically granted citizenship and are guaranteed the full protection of the enclave.  Your case will automatically be closed.  Your freedom is NOT subject to any legal inquiries or entreaties.  There will be No Negotiation and No Possibility of extradition under any circumstances whatsoever.
  • ALL PEOPLE WHO ARE BEING PERSECUTED OR PROSECUTED FOR SO-CALLED SANCTIONS VIOLATIONS (regardless of country).  If you can manage to escape from your jailers or persecutors in order to walk or drive across the border of a Futuristic City-State Enclave, you are automatically granted citizenship and are guaranteed the full protection of the enclave.  Your case will automatically be closed.  Your freedom is NOT subject to any legal inquiries or entreaties.  There will be No Negotiation and No Possibility of extradition under any circumstances whatsoever.
  • ALL Current and Former PRISONERS OF WAR.  
  • ALL Former Combat Veterans (regardless of country or military campaign)
  • ALL Former Revolutionaries (including guerrillas, insurgents, jihadists, freedom fighters, independence movement members, so-called terrorists, so-called criminals, coup leaders, passive and active resistance members, anti-colonialists, anti-corruption fighters, etc.)  
  • ALL Prominent so-called CONSPIRACY THEORISTS
  • All Antiwar Advocates who had been incarcerated or are now languishing in prison under color of law.  If you can manage to escape from your jailers or persecutors in order to walk or drive across the border of a Futuristic City-State Enclave, you are automatically granted citizenship and are guaranteed the full protection of the enclave.  Your case will automatically be closed.  Your freedom is NOT subject to any legal inquiries or entreaties.  There will be No Negotiation and No Possibility of extradition under any circumstances whatsoever. 
  • ALL Objectors to ANY particular or specific war, regardless of their reasons, are welcome to enter the gates of a Futuristic City-State Enclave. 
  • All Antiwar Activists and Protesters who had been incarcerated.  
  • All Antiwar Activists and Protesters languishing in prison who manage to escape from their jailers or persecutors in order to walk or drive across the border of a Futuristic City-State; will automatically be granted citizenship and are guaranteed the full protection of the enclave.  Their case will automatically be closed.  Their freedom is NOT subject to any legal inquiries or entreaties.  There will be No Negotiation and No Possibility of extradition under any circumstances whatsoever.
  • All Advocates for Human Evolution (See Road to Human Evolution: Stop Feeding the Primordial Beast for details.  Long document. Read it later.)     
  • All Advocates for Political Evolution (See Treatise On Political Evolution for details.  Long document. Read it later.) 
  • All Advocates for Principled Geopolitical Leadership (See A Global Need for Principled Geopolitical Leaders for details.    Long document. Read it later.)
  • ALL Elementary-to-High School and College Dropouts.
  • SCIENTISTS of all stripes and persuasions.   
  • All self-proclaimed Libertarians
  • All Current and Former Competitive Sports Finalists. (No Medals and Awards are required.)
  • ALL MEMBERS OF THE ANTI-VACCINE RESISTANCE MOVEMENT (regardless of their reasons).  
  • ALL PRACTITIONERS OF HOLISTIC MEDICINE. (No license or approval is required.)

In Conclusion

You will notice a common strand running through the veins of the foregoing Kings of the Jungle:  In one way or another, they are all fighters from all walks of life.  People who are accustomed to fighting against someone or something.   People with a fighting spirit.  That is exactly what is needed in order to build a New Global Civilization of Intelligent Beings.  

The point being, in order to build a new global civilization of intelligent beings that will be able to stand the test of time, we need People with a fighting spirit who are willing to make a slight adjustment in their thinking.   We need them to learn how to fight FOR someone or something instead of AGAINST someone or something.  There is a world of difference between these two approaches.  

You can learn more about that in the treatise A Global Need for Principled Geopolitical Leaders.   (A very long document. Read it later.)

Next Steps
  • If you believe that you fit the profile of one of the Kings of the Jungle and deem it an honor, privilege and opportunity to be able to either support, contribute however you deem fit, architect, build or eventually get to live the rest of your life (which is highly unlikely) in a Valley of Kings, then take the time to follow through on the foregoing links listed in the main body of this document and proceed accordingly.
  • Obtain a Human Evolution Station License in order to submit a support request if you have any questions or issues and would like some ideas or solutions. 
  • If you would like to strictly introduce yourself ::::: no sales pitches ::::: in order to express potential and broad avenues of Virtual Organization World Collaboration, then I also invite you to request an On Demand Videoconference subject to consideration and approval.
  • If you are merely a Subliminal Supporter of Human Evolution, then you are welcome to share the link to this document with family, friends, colleagues and associates in your Circle of Influence who share the cause of Human Evolution. One of them will surely thank you for it. 
A Priceless Parting Gift to All

Anytime my late dad, Joseph A. Coupet Sr., wanted to share with me a little bit of advice, knowledge or useful information, he would always say, "Pierre, it's now time for us to delve into the secrets of the gods."  

Of course, who in their right mind, could possibly resist the temptation of being privy to the secrets of the gods; thus, with great anticipation, I waited for him to put me in the know - in that special group of people with access to valuable information. 

In that spirit, consider yourself now privy to the secrets of the gods as I share with you this document:    

Supplemental Information For Advocates of Human Evolution 

You may also Obtain a Human Evolution Station License in order to submit a support request if you have any questions or issues and would like some ideas or solutions.   Moreover, I invite you to review at your own leisure these additional documents which offer a deep insight into the virtual organization management discipline and virtual organization leadership; as well as the need for mankind to make the transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being in order to further embark on the road to Human Evolution.   No need to rush, just bookmark this page, you have an entire lifetime to read them:   

Let Us Manifest!

About Author:  Pierre Coupet, Q of VOM is the founder of Virtual Organization Management Institute (VOMI), Virtual Organization Management Institute Repository,  VOMI Global Think Tank VOMI Virtual Organization AcademyVirtual Organization LeadershipVirtual Organization AdvisorsVirtual Organization RecruiterDigital Currency Consortium, Digital Currency Ethical Board,  Virtual Organization JobsVirtual Organization  Executives, and Blockchain Executives :: founder of the modern virtual organization management and virtual organization recruitment disciplines pioneered since 1997:: founder of League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives:: and Lead Architect of  Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial System  

Stock Photo: courtesy of Pixabay

Copyright 2007-2024. Pierre Coupet. VOMI. Virtual Organization Management Institute. Virtual Organization Leadership. Virtual Organization Advisors.  Virtual Organization Executives. Blockchain Executives. VOMI Virtual Organization Academy. Virtual Organization Recruiter. VOMI Global Think Tank. All rights reserved. Cannot be reproduced without permission.