Sunday, August 21, 2022

Oppressors and Tyrants Seeking Freedom from Their Own Oppression and Tyranny


The New Virtual Organization World

It's a New Principled and Civilized World, It's Virtual and It's Organized

Every single human being on planet Earth, without exception, is taught from cradle to grave all they need to know about the architecture, foundation and infrastructure of the Established World Order on planet Earth (appropriately referred to as "Planet Fear") and their specific Slave-Master-Moron Role within its hierarchy at any given point in time.

To prevent any confusion on your part, let me quickly define the aforementioned terms for you prior to proceeding:  

  • Established World Order.   It is the current global slavery system that all human beings are born into on planet Earth, and which is primarily based on Fear.  
  • Members of Established World Order.   ALL human beings are members of the Established World Order (hereinafter referred to as "Slaves").
  • Categories of Slaves.   Master, Slave, Master-Slave, Leader, Geopolitical Leader
    • Master.   Any individual or entity in a position of authority at some local level
    • Slave.  Any individual or entity in a subordinate position at some local level
    • Master-Slave.  Any individual or entity filling the role of both Master and Slave at some local level.
    • Leader.  A formally appointed or widely recognized individual or entity in a position of authority at a local, regional or national level.
    • Geopolitical Leader.   A formally appointed or widely recognized political individual or entity in a position of authority at an international level.
  • Slave-Master-Moron Role.   The role that each individual or entity plays within all categories of slaves.
  • Planet Fear.    Planet Earth is referred to as "Planet Fear" for the simple reason that the so-called Leaders of this slavery system (Established World Order "EWO") on our planet have granted unto themselves a monopoly on the use of force in order to ensure compliance of all fellow slaves with all edicts and dictates of their leaders.
  • Leaders of Established World Order.   Individuals elected or appointed to represent a constituency of fellow slaves.  They are selected through a very primitive, barbaric and savage method commonly referred to as an "election, confirmation, or democratic process."  Such leaders are referred to as "Geopolitical Leaders."
  • Hierarchy of Established World Order.   An infinite number of horizontal and vertical pyramid-based hierarchies. The identities of many of the most important and dominant players and masters of the established world order remain a mystery. In other words, the most prominent names on the world stage that the global population is familiar with are NOT the bona fide masters of the established world order.

How Can an Oppressor or Tyrant Oppress or Tyrannize Himself? 

Now I can answer the question that most readers are likely to ask:   

"Pierre, how can an oppressor or tyrant oppress or tyrannize himself.  Moreover, even if this were possible, why would he have any difficulty freeing himself from his own actions?" 

Well, the answer is simpler than you think.   So, let me elaborate on how that is possible and how that applies to every single human being on our planet - Planet Fear.

  • Point #1.   First and foremost, when you are born into something, you accept everything that you learn at face value for the simple reason that you have no other point of reference which would cause you to question the validity or value of what you've learned.  
  • Point #2.    Thus, if you are born into slavery, you are bound to accept your lot in life and won't necessarily view it as something evil and manifestly wrong.   In which case, just like your parents, you will voluntarily and dutifully comply with all the mandates and dictates of your Master(s).  
  • Point #3.    And should certain circumstances ever cause to question your "Slave" status, both your parents and your Master(s) will be sure to instill the right amount of Fear into you in order to protect you or "to nip it in the bud," respectively.
  • Point #4.    Once you realize that your voluntary compliance is not required; that Fear is the real "Motivating Factor" to remain in slavery; and that your only options are Compliance or Suffer the Consequences, you then become aware of the realities of life in the Established World Order - what we commonly refer to as "The Real World").             
  • Point #5.   Compliance means, "Accept the Oppression and Tyranny in silence," whereas Suffer the Consequences means, "Be ready to pay a severe price for wanting to Free Yourself from the Oppression and Tyranny."  
This power to Free Yourself from the Oppression and Tyranny is reserved to only one individual on this planet - You Yourself and no other.
  • Point #6.  That's when it finally dawned on you that this slavery system and life that you were born into is the outcome of a conscious decision based on Fear that was made willingly by those who came before you - not only your parents but also some of your ancestors.   
In essence, once they made the decision to Accept the Oppression and Tyranny in silence, they became de facto their Own Oppressors and Tyrants and, by proxy, the Oppressor and Tyrant of their Own Children and, perhaps, many future generations of their own progeny.      
  • Point #7.   And as your parents and ancestors became de facto their Own Oppressors and Tyrants, they were subsequently presented with a new set of options:   Remain their Own Oppressors and Tyrants or Seek Freedom from Their Own Oppression and Tyranny. 
  • Point #8.  Thus, the second you become aware of your Slave status and how you became a Slave, you are now faced with the same critical and life-altering decision that your parents had to deal with.  This means that "The burden of Slavery automatically shifts to you" and you have now become de facto Your Own Oppressor and Tyrant.     
Henceforth, you can either continue to accept the oppression and tyranny in silence and thus "Remain Your Own Oppressor and Tyrant," or "Seek Freedom from Your Own Oppression and Tyranny."  

In essence, this is the same dilemma that every single human being, organization, institution, government, alliance and any other entity on this planet is faced with:
  • Accept Their Own Oppression and Tyranny in the Established World Order (also known as "Rules-Based International Order") in silence.  
  •  Or Seek Freedom from Their Own Oppression and Tyranny  
Seeking Freedom from Your Own Oppression and Tyranny

Before I proceed, let me be the very first person in the world to acknowledge that what you are about to read is nearly impossible for any human being alive to digest and make sense of; and, in effect, will most likely cause you to recoil at this sort of information if you are not mentally prepared to absorb it.  (In other words, if you are not already yearning to be free.)   

For the simple reason that this Search for Freedom requires a tremendous amount of information that you will need to absorb ::::: and a certain level of Intelligence that you have yet to possess and which you will eventually need to tap into ::::: in order to grasp the simplicity of the solution before you. 

Now that you have been forewarned, here is the solution:
  • Knowledge of Self.  It's not enough to tell you that you are a Slave ::::: as outlined throughout the foregoing Points #1-7 ::::: and then casually expect you to accept it at face value.  You need to know who you really are.   Thus, the most important things to know are:  "What makes me a Slave?:::How did I become a Slave?:::Who are my Masters?"
Suggestion:  You will find the answer to these questions in the December 14, 2015 (271-page)  treatise :: A Global Need for Principled Geopolitical Leaders
  • How You Fit into the Grand Scheme of Things.   As outlined in the foregoing December 14, 2015 treatise, just because you are a Slave does NOT necessarily mean that you want to be free.   For the simple reason that the concept of slavery - by extension, a slave's need for recognition of their service - is encoded in the DNA of every single human being.  
Thus, in most cases, simple obedience is all that a Master requires from a Slave. 
With respect to Slaves, for the most part, what they really seek from their Master(s) in return for their obedience and servitude is a reasonable or implicit assurance of the existence of some sort of security, stress release safety valve, and a grievance relief mechanism that they can count on whenever their living conditions become unbearable.   

Since you are a human being here on planet Earth (i.e., a bona fide Slave), there is no need for me to elaborate on the nature of the foregoing "reasonable or implicit assurance."  

At the other end of the spectrum, what Slaves really object to is the extent of their oppression and repression and the severity of the conditions imposed upon them during their servitude.  At which point, wholesale revolt becomes their only remaining option and a strong possibility. 

Hence the reason why the majority of Slaves on planet Earth::::about 98% of them::::are content with living in slavery from cradle to grave - while clamoring for Freedom from Oppression and Tyranny that they themselves are responsible for.     

Therefore, it's now up to you to decide where you stand and how you fit into the grand scheme of things:  
  • In the 98% of Slaves Category.   Do you belong in the 98% of Slaves category who are content with living in slavery while clamoring for freedom from oppression and tyranny?  
  • In the 2% of Slaves Category.   Or do you belong in the 2% of Slaves category who truly seek to obtain Freedom from Their Own Tyranny and Oppression?       
Thus, if you fall into the 98% of Slaves Category, then there is no need for you to proceed any further with the rest of this solution.

Suggestion:  On the other hand, if you fall into the 2% of Slaves Category who truly seek freedom from your own oppression and tyranny, then proceed with the rest of this solution.

  • Understand the Need for Political Evolution.   Throughout this journey, you will gain a deep insight into the "Nuts and Bolts of Slavery" within the Established World Order.    You will learn how human beings have been enslaved since time immemorial, the indispensable role of politics and the need for Political Evolution.   Such political evolution requires a clear understanding of the difference between Politics, Political Leadership, Geopolitics, Geopolitical Leadership and Principled Geopolitical Leadership.              

Suggestion:   You will find these answers in the September 18, 2019 (300+page) treatise :: Treatise On Political Evolution

  • Understand the Critical Role of Intelligence.   Your quest for freedom from your own oppression and tyranny will require that you make the Transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being.  Therefore, you will need to learn how to reawaken and use Your Intelligence which has been in a state of hibernation since birth.  

Suggestion:  To gain a comprehensive overview of this challenge, proceed to the August 12, 2022 article :: Intelligence Is Fuel for Launch of New Global Civilization of Intelligent Beings

  • Prepare to Face Your Biggest Challenge.    The biggest challenge you will ever have to face is "Your Very Own Human Comprehension." 

Suggestion:  Proceed to the August 17, 2022 article :: Rolling Down the Hill Expecting to Reach the Top of the Mountain  

  • Refrain from the Temptation to Liberate Others.    Once you have reawakened Your Intelligence from hibernation and made the full transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being, you will come to realize the futility of trying to Liberate Others for the simple reason that Liberation begins in the mind; and thus, it's impossible to liberate those who are not willing to liberate themselves.

Suggestion:   Forever keep in mind this maxim:  "Given the impetus or opportunity, those whom you seek to liberate will crucify you."     

  • A Bonus Gift:  Virtual Organization Management Institute Repository.   The Road to Freedom from Your Own Oppression and Tyranny is the longest road you could ever imagine - a never ending road.   As you embark on your long journey, there are plenty of materials to keep you company that I am pleased and honored to share with kindred spirits - and the rest of mankind.   

Suggestion:   Proceed to Virtual Organization Management Institute Repository for hundreds of documents and articles on a variety of subjects relating, but not limited, to Principled Geopolitical Leadership, Political Evolution, Human Evolution, A World of Virtual Organizations, Virtual Organization Leadership, Mankind Making the Transition from Human Beings to Intelligent Beings, A New Global Civilization of Intelligent Beings Based On a Civilized World Financial System, etc.

  • A Lifetime Opportunity.   For those who have the means and opportunity, I invite you to join me for live, in person, face-to-face, and all-day outings in a collegial atmosphere on a recurring basis. 

Suggestion:   Proceed to League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives for details.

Next Step for Potential Collaborators

The following entities are ideal for any individual, organization or government who wishes to become a Collaborator:
Supplemental Information for Advocates of Human Evolution
Moreover, I invite you to review, at your own leisure, these documents which offer a deep insight into the virtual organization management discipline, virtual organization leadership, as well as the need for mankind to make the transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being and further embark on the road to Human Evolution.   No need to rush, just bookmark this page, you have an entire lifetime to read them:

Let Us Manifest!

About Author:  Pierre Coupet, Q of VOM is the founder of Virtual Organization Management Institute (VOMI), Virtual Organization Management Institute Repository,  VOMI Global Think Tank VOMI Virtual Organization AcademyVirtual Organization LeadershipVirtual Organization AdvisorsVirtual Organization RecruiterDigital Currency Consortium, Digital Currency Ethical Board,  Virtual Organization  Executives, and Blockchain Executives :: founder of the modern virtual organization management and virtual organization recruitment disciplines pioneered since 1997:: founder of League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives:: and Lead Architect of  Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial SystemContact Online ::    Exclusive Premium Virtual Organization World Domain Names  ::::  Exclusive Premium Virtual Organization NFT Domain Names.

Stock Photo: courtesy of Pixabay

Copyright 2007-2022. Pierre Coupet. VOMI. Virtual Organization Management Institute. Virtual Organization Leadership. Virtual Organization Advisors.  Virtual Organization Executives. Blockchain Executives. VOMI Virtual Organization Academy. Virtual Organization Recruiter. VOMI Global Think Tank. All rights reserved. Cannot be reproduced without permission.


Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Rolling Down the Hill Expecting to Reach the Top of the Mountain


The New Virtual Organization World

It's a New Principled and Civilized World, It's Virtual and It's Organized

Whom the Gods Want to Torment for Eternity, they assign them the task of "Making sense of human comprehension," for the simple reason that they themselves don't have a clue as to how and where to begin.  (This paragraph is inspired from a verse in Sophocles' Antigone play written around 441 B.C., "Whom the gods would destroy".)

It seems that they have unleashed an evil genie out of the bottle - a horde of Primitive and Barbaric Savages ("PABS"), more like a plague upon the universe - and they have no way of putting it back inside the bottle.  Thus, WE are all on a current trajectory which requires us all to either Make the Transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being in order to embark on the road to Human Evolution; or Self-Destruct - something we seem to be very good at doing.  

In other words, "Making sense of human comprehension," has been the most difficult challenge in the history of mankind since time immemorial; and could perhaps be one of the biggest mysteries of the universe.     

In fact, how many times have you found yourself in that same situation - trying to make sense of someone else's comprehension?    Better yet, how many times have you found yourself puzzled and perplexed at your very own comprehension and wondered out loud, "Why did I do something so stupid and what in the world could have been going through my mind at that point in time," or "How could I have done something so crazy, stupid and senseless."   

The Human Mind Defies Explanation

There seems to be something unique about the human mind which defies explanation, common sense or anything that could be remotely attributed to logic or rationality.  Human beings seem to be forever destined to embark on an inexorable course leading to tragedy or apocalyptic end of times.    Even so-called happy endings are illusory and temporary in nature, and thus only indicative of "the calm before the storm."

Rolling Down the Hill Expecting to Reach the Top of the Mountain

In conclusion, it seems that Human Comprehension is such that just about every single thought, idea, and action which we claim, perceive or believe that would elevate us - or which we expect to elevate us :::: in other words, which will allow us to reach the top of the mountain :::: instead accomplishes just the opposite effect:  It diminishes us all and, without fail, always sends us rolling down the hill.  

Hence the reason why, in spite of our technological progress over the past couple of centuries, mankind has not been able to evolve one iota over the last 600+ million years of recorded human history.   

For Example:

  • We always seem to be doing the exact opposite of what we claim to engage in.

Instance #1.   Fighting for Freedom and Democracy   

Every single country, kingdom, empire, dynasty, territory, possession, ethnic group, or caste in the history of mankind which either won its independence or fought to free itself from the yoke of oppression eventually became guilty of the very same offenses, crimes and charges they had previously leveled against their oppressors either during their fight for freedom or immediately thereafter.  Such transgressions include one or more of the following:   the brutal or systematic repression, oppression, annihilation, or genocide of either a segment of their population or their entire citizenry.      

Most Recent Examples 

Since the list practically includes millions of such examples over the last 600+ million years of recorded human history, I will only provide some of the most recent ones:    

Ukraine :::: The brutal and systematic repression, oppression, shelling, murder and genocide::::under color of law::::of ethnic Russians living within the borders of Ukraine after it won its independence from the former Soviet Union in 1991.   Ukraine's split from the Soviet Union to become a so-called Free and Democratic Nation was deemed by Western Europeans to be a good thing; a noble endeavor and cause for celebration.    

However, the split of ethnic Russians from Ukraine in order to become another so-called Free and Democratic Nation was deemed to be an abomination and act of sedition and treason; subject to arrest, detention and interrogation, torture, confinement, capital punishment, destruction of their communities, shelling and bombardment of their cities and infrastructure, protesters being locked into a building and getting burned alive, and even the genocide of over 14,000 ethnic Russians.  Not a peep from NATO, the United Nations (UN) and the European Union (EU). 

Baltic Nations of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania ::::  The systemic and systematic repression of their ethnic Russian population under color of law.

Every Single Member Country of the European Union ::::  The arbitrary, shameful, idiotic, moronic, nonsensical, systematic, totalitarian, fascist and unconstitutional witch hunt and repression of ethnic Russians living within the borders of the EU and wherever else they are located or can be found::::by a bunch of Primitive And Barbaric Savages ("PABS") acting under color of law.    

A classic display of a bunch of Primitive And Barbaric Savages ("PABS") masquerading as Defenders of the Principle of National Border Sovereignty, Freedom Fighters and Lovers of Freedom and Democracy rallying under the banner of The Free World and a Rules-Based International Order in order to inflict Collective Punishment on all Russians en flagrant délit.  History will NOT be kind to the EU.   This will leave a permanent stain on so-called Western civilization and the whole of Europe.    

Collective Punishment, in and of itself, is the most vile and odious crime and legacy that mankind could have ever inherited from our Ape-Troglodyte-Neanderthal-Denisovan ancestors.   There is absolutely no justification for such primitive,  barbaric and savage act - and bout of pure insanity.   

Every Single Asian Country ::::  Repression of minority ethnic groups and all dissidents within their borders and, in many cases, their entire population.  

Every Single African Country ::::  Repression of minority ethnic groups and all dissidents within their borders and, in many cases, their entire population.

Every Single Latin American Country ::::  Repression of minority ethnic groups and all dissidents within their borders and, in many cases, their entire population.

United States of America ::::  While fighting for its independence, its founders were either slaveholders or sympathetic to the cause of slaveholders for the simple reason that they thought that African slaves were somewhat subhuman.  Upon obtaining independence from Britain, its founders maintained the horror and practice of slavery for nearly 100 years after the US became independent.  The scourge of Ignorance, Stupidity, Imbecility, Idiocy and Moronicity (commonly referred to as "Racism") and associated wrongs within the "Last Bastion of Freedom and Leader of the Free World" were either officially condoned or given a free pass in many parts of the United States for nearly 240 years after it gained its independence. 

Canada ::::  A disgrace to so-called Western civilization and an affront to the Western concept of Freedom and Democracy.  An illustration of naked and unchecked power, arrogance and aggression by a small clique of Primitive And Barbaric Savages ("PABS") operating under color of law.   The wholesale repression of its own citizenry during a most recent trucker's protest has left an indelible stain on the history of Canada. The sort of wholesale terror, fear, oppression and repression reminiscent of prehistoric, medieval and other bygone eras.  Canada will never be able to recover from such abomination for the simple reason that the victims of its crimes were its entire population and thus, with the passage of time, its grievous and unforgivable actions can never be swept under the rug by revisionists.  

Haiti  ::::  Haiti, a republic of former slaves and the first so-called black republic in modern history, gained its independence on the battlefield from France in 1803.  It is also the second country in the Western Hemisphere to gain its independence (after the USA in 1776).   Well, since its independence, Haiti has never had a record of so-called freedom and democracy and, frankly, has never pretended to be a free and democratic country.   It learned all too well from France all there was to know about pure evil, satanism, primitiveness, barbarism, savagery, brutality, rape, sadomasochism, tyranny, oppression, repression, ignorance, stupidity, moronicity and mental retardation::::in essence, all the values and attributes of The Enlightened and Civilized World::::and to this day, it has not changed one iota.   In other words, Haiti fits right in with all the other nations on planet Earth. 

The bottom line is this:   No single individual, ethnic group or nation has a monopoly on hypocrisy, oppression, repression, aggression and brutality.  If you are a member of the human race, then you are no different than any other human being.  We all have a tendency to deny to others what we want for ourselves.  Hypocrisy runs in our veins.  We are unable to practice what we preach.  We are ALL a bunch of Primitive and Barbaric Savages ("PABS") whether or not we want or choose to acknowledge it.  

In conclusion, Freedom and Democracy is merely an illusion for taming and maintaining control over a bunch of primitive and barbaric savages (i.e., all human beings) and nothing but a lot of horseshit - and I dare anyone anywhere on this planet to prove otherwise. 

  • We seem to be the exact opposite of what we claim to be.

Choose Your Own Instances Based on Your Own Knowledge and Experience

This time around I have decided to give you an opportunity to use your own mind, knowledge and experience in order to determine what I mean by that.   There is no right or wrong answer or analysis.  That way, you will not be placed in a position to either be incensed, in partial agreement, or in total agreement with my observation of the world.    

Now, you yourself are the only person in the world whom you could possibly have any qualms with.

Moreover, it's an excellent opportunity for you to make an attempt to reawaken your own intelligence. (To understand what I mean by that, see the August 12, 2022 article :: Intelligence Is Fuel for Launch of New Global Civilization of Intelligent Beings :: for details.  Not now, long article, read it later.)   

Choose Your Own Recent Examples

There is an excellent reason for choosing recent examples.  The point being, whatever is happening today is nothing new and is, in fact, no different than what our ancestors have had to deal with or experience over the last 600+ million years of recorded human history.  The Primitive, Barbaric And Savage ("PABS") mindset is the same.  The only things which have changed are the stories, characters, time and place, and circumstances.  Thus, no need to try to go down the rabbit hole in order to prove a point.  

  • We seem to be on the exact opposite side of what we claim to stand for.     

Choose Your Own Instances Based on Your Own Knowledge and Experience

Again, I invite you to use the same process that you used previously.  Be sure to jot them all down so you can thoroughly reflect on them.  Perhaps, the latter may even spur you to write your very own articles so you can share them with others.  There is no need to give me any credit - it's all yours. 

Choose Your Own Recent Examples

My fingers are just itching to type on the computer keyboard a ton of examples; or, at the very least, give you a couple of clues in order to get you started; however, I must resist the temptation to do so.  The only way you can benefit from this article is through the process I have already put in place.  Thus, I invite you to continue this process and not despair.  After a while, it will all come to you naturally like water flowing from a fountain.  One day, you will thank me for it.          

  • We seem to want for ourselves what we ban others from having.  

Choose Your Own Instances Based on Your Own Knowledge and Experience

This is the easiest task that I can think of,  for the simple reason that no human being alive::::who is not comatose::::is exempt from this Primitive, Barbaric and Savage instinct based on Fear. I've said enough.  Now go full speed ahead and choose your own instances.

Choose Your Own Recent Examples

Word of caution:  Avoid the tendency to get lost in a maze of examples.  Just select the ones that you now believe may have the greatest impact on your life and future. 

  • We seem to condemn others for the very acts that we are committing against them. 

Choose Your Own Instances Based on Your Own Knowledge and Experience

This task will eventually cause you to pause and reflect on your entire existence and, hopefully, help you find the real you within you.  That's all that I can say for now, so go ahead and choose your own instances.

Choose Your Own Recent Examples

Word of caution:  As you arrive at a conclusion, refrain from the tendency to do any of the following:  to want to make amends; to engage in self-flagellation; to feel pity for them; or to assign blame to others.  What's done is done and cannot be undone.  What really matters is how we proceed thereon from these revelations and realizations.

  • We seem to practice the exact opposite of what we preach.

Choose Your Own Instances Based on Your Own Knowledge and Experience

This is probably the most difficult task to assign to anyone.  "WE" means you yourself or any other individual, organization, institution or government.  Just do your best and be honest with yourself.  This is not a term paper, thesis, or dissertation and there is no one out there to judge your response or understanding.    

Choose Your Own Recent Examples

Word of caution:  The sky is the limit.  You don't need any affirmation or approval from anyone.  If that's the way you see it, then it is what it is.  On the other hand, should you choose to share your thoughts on social media, such examples may cause you to get banned on certain social networks and other social media - or even be persecuted.           

  • We seem to project onto others our own evil deeds as well as Machiavellian machinations, psychological maneuvers and stratagems.  

Choose Your Own Instances Based on Your Own Knowledge and Experience

"Projecting onto others" means "to accuse others of doing what we are in fact doing (to them)." That's all that I can say for now, so go ahead and choose your own instances.

Choose Your Own Recent Examples

If you have a good understanding of politics, geopolitics and realpolitik, then the sky is the limit.  If you rely on the mainstream media to know what is happening around the globe, then this task may prove to be a nightmare.

  • We seem to do unto others what we would NOT want them to do unto us.  

Choose Your Own Instances Based on Your Own Knowledge and Experience

Mum is the word.  Honesty is needed.  So, go ahead and proceed.

Choose Your Own Recent Examples

All I can say is this: avoid the tendency to rationalize.  Just look at the facts and not the reasons given. 

Choose Your Own Instances Based on Your Own Knowledge and Experience

Here is a small clue:  Although on the surface this seems like a new phenomenon and that a finger is being pointed in a specific direction, just keep in mind that this has been happening since time immemorial and you will need to look a bit deeper in order to find those instances.  In other words, nothing is what it seems.    

Choose Your Own Recent Examples

 There is no right or wrong answer.  The only thing that matters is your own perception. 

  • WE seem to be a bastion of criminal enterprises, cowards, racketeers, liars, thieves, thugs, murderers, corruption, dictatorship, authoritarianism, autocracy and evil while prosecuting others for these very same attributes and offenses. 

Choose Your Own Instances Based on Your Own Knowledge and Experience

Again, here is another small clue:  "WE" means all human beings and institutions which have ever existed in one form or another on our planet since time immemorial.   

Choose Your Own Recent Examples

There is no right or wrong answer.  The only thing that matters is your own perception. 

    • We seem to love to parrot the line of George Santayana in The Life of Reason, 1905, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."   However, besides paying lip service to it, mankind has always failed to remember the past, and we have been condemned to repeat the same mistakes and horrors since time immemorial.   In fact, it is an absolute guarantee that we will never learn anything from our past or history.    For the simple reason that human beings are a bunch of Primitive And Barbaric Savages ("PABS") and thus have not been able to evolve one iota over the last 600+ million years of recorded human history. 

    Choose Your Own Instances Based on Your Own Knowledge and Experience

    I fully understand that you are now in a predicament and not quite sure of where to go from here. Thus, pay close attention to the following:

    We Lack the Intelligence to make the transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being, at which point, we would be able to embark on the Road to Human Evolution.  Until then, we have no choice but to continue to repeat the same mistakes and horrors over and over. 

    Choose Your Own Recent Examples

    There is no right or wrong answer.  The only thing that matters is your own perception. 

    Final Conclusion

    Now that you have made it to the end of this document, it's time for you to collect your reward for making it to this point - a significant achievement.  

    This article was meant to share with you this little bit of wisdom: 

    • In the grand scheme of things, what is happening now or has happened over the last 600+ million years - or billions of years - does not really matter.   The only path that your curiosity will take you is "Right Down the Rabbit Hole" :::: wherefrom you will never be able to find your way out.  
    • Down The Rabbit Hole is where all Human Beings check-in but are unable to check-out.        
    • What really matters is "Where you are going from here, and how you intend to get there."  
    • However, that being said, you will need a map and compass in order to accomplish such feat or task.  That map and compass is strictly Your Intelligence.  Without which, you will always find yourself either going down, being stuck, or eternally wandering in the rabbit hole; forever talking about::::or grieving from::::the horrors and depravities - and deplorable condition - of life in the rabbit hole.
    • If you are a human being reading this document, that means Your Intelligence has been in a state of hibernation since birth.  Thus, "you have never had a chance to use Your Intelligence." 
    • That means you have been programmed from birth to think and act the way that you do.  
    • This means you will need to reawaken Your Intelligence.  
    • In order to begin the process of learning how to reawaken Your Intelligence, the aforementioned August 12, 2022 article :: Intelligence Is Fuel for Launch of New Global Civilization of Intelligent Beings :: will send you in the right direction.
    • Once you are able to reawaken your intelligence, then you will be able to eventually Make the Transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being in order to join the ranks of those who seek to launch a New Global Civilization of Intelligent Beings.   (Although that is easier said than done.) 
    On the other hand, 
    • If you believe that you are now in full control of all your senses and actions; 
    • that you are already using Your Intelligence;  
    • and that you are currently a member of a Global Civilization of Intelligent Beings or an Enlightened Civilization; 
    • or if you are now very comfortable and have absolutely no qualms about living your life down in the rabbit hole; 
    • then I invite you to share this document with any of your colleagues who have previously expressed to you an interest in seeking their way out of the rabbit hole.    
    • They will indeed thank you for it.

    Next Step for Potential Collaborators

    The following entities are ideal for any individual, organization or government who wishes to become a Collaborator:
    Supplemental Information for Advocates of Human Evolution
    Moreover, I invite you to review, at your own leisure, these documents which offer a deep insight into the virtual organization management discipline, virtual organization leadership, as well as the need for mankind to make the transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being and further embark on the road to Human Evolution.   No need to rush, just bookmark this page, you have an entire lifetime to read them:

    Let Us Manifest!

    About Author:  Pierre Coupet, Q of VOM is the founder of Virtual Organization Management Institute (VOMI), Virtual Organization Management Institute Repository,  VOMI Global Think Tank VOMI Virtual Organization AcademyVirtual Organization LeadershipVirtual Organization AdvisorsVirtual Organization RecruiterDigital Currency Consortium, Digital Currency Ethical Board,  Virtual Organization  Executives, and Blockchain Executives :: founder of the modern virtual organization management and virtual organization recruitment disciplines pioneered since 1997:: founder of League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives:: and Lead Architect of  Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial SystemContact Online ::    Exclusive Premium Virtual Organization World Domain Names  ::::  Exclusive Premium Virtual Organization NFT Domain Names.

    Stock Photo: courtesy of Pixabay

    Copyright 2007-2022. Pierre Coupet. VOMI. Virtual Organization Management Institute. Virtual Organization Leadership. Virtual Organization Advisors.  Virtual Organization Executives. Blockchain Executives. VOMI Virtual Organization Academy. Virtual Organization Recruiter. VOMI Global Think Tank. All rights reserved. Cannot be reproduced without permission.


    Friday, August 12, 2022

    Intelligence Is Fuel for Launch of New Global Civilization of Intelligent Beings

    The New Virtual Organization World

    It's a New Principled and Civilized World, It's Virtual and It's Organized

    I have spent nearly an entire year debating on which theme will impart the most appropriate message that I want to convey to those who would be most receptive to the cause of Mankind Making the Transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being and thus set the stage for a long march on the Road to Human Evolution. 

    Therefore, prior to delving into this article, please note I am fully aware that: 

    • For Most of You.   Most of you::::in fact, around 98% of the global population::::will be mystified by the content of this article and deem it somewhat "insulting to your Intelligence."  
    • For An Infinitesimal Number of You.   There is, however, an infinitesimal number of you::::in fact, around 1.99% of the global population::::who will view it as "food for thought" and thus cause you to seriously begin to look at everything around you in a different light, at a different angle, and from a different perspective::::and that, perhaps, such action may eventually result in giving you a new lease on life.  
    • For The Remaining .01% of You.   With respect to the remaining .01% of either you or the entire global population :::: with the exception of a minuscule number of you numbering no more than a dozen people across the entire globe :::: I am absolutely positive that you will welcome this article and (erroneously) view its content as an affirmation that you are Intelligent; you are not alone; and that there are others out there who are just like you and feel the same way that you do.   Kindred spirits that you can band with in order to help Mankind Make the Transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being; and thus begin to embark on the Road to Human Evolution.
    • For The No More Than a Dozen People Across the Entire Globe.   With respect to the no more than a dozen people across the entire globe, I am sure that you will view this article as a Dim Ray of Light shining from somewhere within the abyss as you journey through the labyrinths of the deep caverns of hell inhabited by a horde of Human Beings (Primitive And Barbaric Savages "PABS") - as well as a solid confirmation that you are on the right track.   
    Thus, this article is intended to appeal to that 2% of the global population which may be receptive in one form or another to the cause of human evolution. 

    Now that you have been forewarned, let us proceed.

    What Is Intelligence?

    Before I give you the answer to that question, let me preface it with the following paragraph.

    Intelligence has a thousand fathers and an ad infinitum procession of sponsors.  However, no individual, organization or institution wants to be associated with or take credit for the mediocre, messy, shitshow, terrible, horrible, destructive, disastrous, nightmarish, and apocalyptic results of this so-called Intelligence.  Thus, its offspring are rejected and abandoned like orphans thrown in landfills, garbage dumpsters and on the back roads and highways - left to suffer the cruel fate of nature, inhumanity and road kills. 

    The point being, Intelligence is the most intimidating word in the human vocabulary and there is no shortage of people, organizations, and institutions who want to be associated with it in terms of the legitimacy and prestige it conveys.  (After all, who would want their name, social status and standing, achievements, project or endeavor, organization, institution or government associated with Ignorance, Stupidity and Mediocrity?)   The word, Intelligence, is used in so many instances and within so many contexts that it is virtually impossible to keep track of them all.  

    For Example:   

    • Intelligence as in IQ (Intelligence Quotient) Level :::: Truth is, trying to measure a person's intelligence requires someone who has absolutely no clue of what intelligence really is.  We Lack the Intelligence to do so.
    • Intelligence Agencies ::::  Truth is, there is absolutely nothing intelligent about intelligence agencies. The most appropriate phrase should be "Destabilization Agencies."
    • Defense Intelligence Agency :::: Truth is, there is nothing intelligent about a Defense Agency.  To be kind, the most appropriate phrase should be "Defense Information Agency."  
    • Central Intelligence Agency ::::  Ask anyone who understands the role of the CIA, they will tell you that the most appropriate phrase should be "Central Analysis Agency, Central Interdiction Agency, Central Rendition Agency, Central Human Compromise Agency, Central Manipulation Agency or Central Mayhem Agency."  Thus, there is nothing about it that involves intelligence in the true sense of the word. 
    • Military Intelligence ::::  Once you learn the true definition of the word "Intelligence," you will realize that the words Military and Intelligence should not be mentioned in the same phrase or sentence.  
    • General Intelligence ::::  This is the level of intelligence normally assigned to humans.  However, once you understand the meaning of the word "Intelligence," you will quickly replace it with "Knowledge." 
    • Artificial Intelligence ::::  Again, the correct phrase should be "Artificial Knowledge."
    • Intelligent People ::::  Once you learn the definition of "Intelligence," the history of mankind will cause you to come to the conclusion that the words "People" and "Intelligent" should never be  uttered in the same breath, phrase or sentence.
    • Intelligent Beings ::::  With the exception of perhaps a handful of people that you can count on less than five (5) fingers, no such beings currently exist on planet Earth.   Nonetheless, it is possible for human beings to Make the Transition from Human Beings to Intelligent Beings.  In other words, Human Beings and Intelligent Beings are mutually exclusive.     
    • Intelligent Children :::: Truth is, immediately upon delivery at birth, intelligence in children goes into total  hibernation, waiting to reawaken, if ever.  It will all make sense to you once you learn the definition of intelligence.   
    • Intelligent Students :::: No such thing.  It will all make sense to you once you learn the definition of intelligence.  In fact, it is the opposite.  The more appropriate phrase is, "Programmed Students."
    • Intelligent Professors ::::  No such thing.  It will all make sense to you once you learn the definition of intelligence.  In fact, it is the opposite.  The more appropriate phrase is, "Programmed Professors."    
    • Intelligent Race :::: No such thing.  It will all make sense to you once you learn the definition of intelligence.  In fact, it is the opposite.  The more appropriate phrase is, "Dumbed Down People."
    • Intelligent Leaders :::: No such thing.  It will all make sense to you once you learn the definition of intelligence. In fact, it is the opposite.  The more appropriate phrase is, "Automaton Leaders."  
    • Intelligent Advisors :::: There is nothing about Advisors that is even remotely connected to Intelligence.   The more appropriate phrase is, "Robotic Advisors." 
    • Intelligent Investors ::::  There is absolutely NOTHING intelligent about Investors.  It is literally and figuratively impossible to detect any level of intelligence in them due to their singular focus.  The more appropriate phrase is, "Brilliant Investors, Successful Investors, Cunning Investors, Stupid Investors, Narrow-Minded Investors, Tunnel Vision Investors, or Wearing-Blinders Investors."  Take your pick.
    • Intelligent Workforce :::: The more appropriate phrase is, "Robotic Workforce."
    • Intelligent Culture ::::  That is an oxymoron.  There has never been one in the entire history of mankind.  The more appropriate phrase is, "Moronic Culture."
    • Intelligent Civilization ::::  There has never been one in the entire history of mankind.  The more appropriate phrase is, "Slave Civilization" or "Blind, Deaf and Dumb Civilization."   
    • Intelligent Animals ::::  No human being can make that determination.   
    • Intelligent Machines ::::  The words "Intelligent" and "Machines" cannot be uttered in the same breath. "Complex Machines" is a better description.  
    • Intelligent Space Probe ::::  Intelligence cannot be assigned to an object.  "Complex Space Probe" is a better description. 
    • Intelligent Universe ::::  Humans are not in a position to make such determination for the simple reason that We Lack the Intelligence to do so.  However, based on the definition of intelligence, all signs point to an Infinite Intelligence Universe.  
    • Intelligent Design ::::  Human Beings are not in a position to make such determination for the simple reason that We Lack the Intelligence to do so.  However, based on the definition of intelligence, certain signs could point to some sort of Intelligent Design.
    • Intelligent Sensor ::::  Intelligence cannot be assigned to an object or program.  "Complex Sensor" is a better description.
    • Intelligent Chip ::::  Intelligence cannot be assigned to an object or program.  "High Performance Chip" is a better description.
    • Intelligent Optical Character Recognition ::::  Intelligence cannot be assigned to an object or program.  "High Performance Optical Character Recognition" is a better description.
    • Intelligent Optical System ::::  Intelligence cannot be assigned to an object or program.
    • Intelligent Option ::::  Humans are not in a position to make such determination for the simple reason that We Lack the Intelligence to do so.   However, based on the definition of intelligence, certain signs could point to some sort of Intelligent Option.
    • Intelligent Answer ::::  Humans are not in a position to make such determination for the simple reason that We Lack the Intelligence to do so.  However, based on the definition of intelligence, certain signs could point to some sort of Intelligent Answer.
    • Intelligent Discourse ::::   In all likelihood, you will never have an opportunity to engage in such discourse during your entire existence on this planet.  We Lack the Intelligence to do so.   
    • Intelligent Conversation ::::  In all likelihood, you will never have an opportunity to have such conversation during your entire existence on this planet.  We Lack the Intelligence to do so.
    • Intelligent Briefing ::::  In all likelihood, you will never have an opportunity to give or receive such briefing during your entire existence on this planet. A "Subjective Briefing or Objective Briefing" is more like it.
    • Intelligence Briefing ::::  You will never receive a real Intelligence Briefing from any human being on this planet.  An "Opinion Briefing" is more like it.    
    • Intelligent.....
    What is Intelligence?   So, let me now answer that question: 

    Intelligence is the ability to pierce through massive mountains and boulders of absurdities, ignorance and stupidity in order to reawaken from hibernation and reach a state of consciousness which allows you to eventually discover yourself and make use of all your senses; having thus set the stage for you to begin to observe and make sense of the world around you.   

    In light of this definition of intelligence, I now invite you to review the foregoing instances and ways in which the word "Intelligence" has been used::::or better yet, hijacked and exploited::::by our fellow human beings (Primitive And Barbaric Savages "PABS") since time immemorial in order to get a clear understanding of my corresponding comments.

    As you can see, none of these instances or examples have anything at all to do with "piercing through massive mountains and boulders of absurdities, ignorance and stupidity."   Nor do they have anything to do with "reaching a state of consciousness" in order to "discover yourself and make use of all your senses."   

    In fact, the use of that word by human beings, institutions and governments across the globe is primarily designed to accomplish the exact opposite of the true meaning and use of intelligence which is:  

    To Keep all Human Beings in a Perpetual State of Slavery, Ignorance and Stupidity in order to prevent them from ever realizing that their Intelligence is in a state of hibernation and that they have the potential and ability to Make the Transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being.   At which point, they would then be able to Launch a New Global Civilization of Intelligent Beings and thus embark on the Road to Human Evolution.     

    The bottom line is this:  Since time immemorial, no single human being on this planet has ever had a chance to use the full scope of their Intelligence in order to Make the Transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being.    Stripped of our real Intelligence, WE strive to obtain or worship some bastardized version of intelligence designed to enslave us all; as well, we seem to confuse technological progress with human evolution.  Hence the reason why, in spite of the technological progress humans have made over the past two centuries, Mankind has NOT been able to evolve one iota over the last 600+ million years of recorded human history. 

    In Conclusion

    Whether or not you fall into that 2% (two percent) of the global population which may be receptive in one form or another to the need for a New Global Civilization of Intelligent Beings and the cause of Human Evolution, I am fully cognizant of the fact that the reading of just one article is NOT enough to reawaken your Intelligence and set you on a new path.   

    Intelligence Is Dormant By Design.    Thus, I invite you to take a very close look at the following Next Step for Potential Collaborators.  Within this maze of websites and hundreds of documents on a variety of topics directly and indirectly related to the need for a New Global Civilization of Intelligent  Beings which can chart A Path Toward Human Evolution, you will come to realize that the Intelligence inside each and every single one of us is dormant by design.  For the simple reason that it is The Ultimate Treasure.   By extrapolation, this means that finding this treasure is no simple and easy task and thus you will be participating in The Ultimate Treasure Hunt.    Thus, with respect to those who are content with their current lot in life, there is no need to undertake such challenge.   

    Next Step for Potential Collaborators

    The following entities are ideal for any individual, organization or government who wishes to become a Collaborator:

    Supplemental Information for Advocates of Human Evolution

    Moreover, I invite you to review, at your own leisure, these documents which offer a deep insight into the virtual organization management discipline, virtual organization leadership, as well as the need for mankind to make the transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being and further embark on the road to Human Evolution.   No need to rush, just bookmark this page, you have an entire lifetime to read them:

    Let Us Manifest!

    About Author:  Pierre Coupet, Q of VOM is the founder of Virtual Organization Management Institute (VOMI), Virtual Organization Management Institute Repository,  VOMI Global Think Tank VOMI Virtual Organization AcademyVirtual Organization LeadershipVirtual Organization AdvisorsVirtual Organization RecruiterDigital Currency Consortium, Digital Currency Ethical Board,  Virtual Organization  Executives, and Blockchain Executives :: founder of the modern virtual organization management and virtual organization recruitment disciplines pioneered since 1997:: founder of League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives:: and Lead Architect of  Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial SystemContact Online ::    Exclusive Premium Virtual Organization World Domain Names  ::::  Exclusive Premium Virtual Organization NFT Domain Names.

    Stock Photo: courtesy of Pixabay

    Copyright 2007-2022. Pierre Coupet. VOMI. Virtual Organization Management Institute. Virtual Organization Leadership. Virtual Organization Advisors.  Virtual Organization Executives. Blockchain Executives. VOMI Virtual Organization Academy. Virtual Organization Recruiter. VOMI Global Think Tank. All rights reserved. Cannot be reproduced without permission.