Friday, October 13, 2023

Boarding Pass for Human Evolution Train 2-22-2222

The New Virtual Organization World

It's a New Principled and Civilized World, It's Virtual and It's Organized

Boarding Pass for Human Evolution Train 2-22-2222
By Pierre Coupet

First and foremost, I am sure you want to know what this Human Evolution Train is all about and where can you board it.   For the very first time, I am about to give you a quick answer without your having to go through 30-100 pages of a document - a practice that I am famous for.  

To learn all there is to know about  ::: Human Evolution Train 2-22-2222 :::  proceed directly to my September 7, 2023 article ::: Next Station on the Road to Human Evolution:  2 22 2222  

You can board Human Evolution Train 2-22-2222 at Human Evolution Station 2-22-2222.   

Now that you know all there is to know about Human Evolution Train 2-22-2222 and Human Evolution Station 2-22-2222, where you can board the train, it's now time to give you some more information about a Human Evolution Station.  

What Is a Human Evolution Station?

A Human Evolution Station is any individual, entity, medium, stakeholder or location that is authorized by VOMI Global Think Tank to issueBoarding Pass for a Human Evolution Train.  It is also the location or source where one can obtain such Boarding Pass for a Human Evolution Train. You may Obtain a Human Evolution Station License in order to submit a support request if you have any questions or issues and would like some ideas or solutions. 

Human Evolution Station License.   All businesses, organizations and institutions are required to obtain a Human Evolution Station License from VOMI Global Think Tank in order to receive official recognition as a Human Evolution Station and be included on our Official List of Human Evolution Stations.   

Individual members of the general public are exempt from the license and registration.  

A comprehensive list of Potential Human Evolution Stations includes, however, is not limited to, the following:

ANY ----  

Individual ::: Social Media Guru :::: Social Media Influencer :::: Leading Geopolitical News and Analysis Media Firm and Commentator :::: Human Evolution Advocate ::::  Political Evolution  Advocate ::::  Independent Presidential Candidate for Political Office  ::::  Congressional  Candidate for Political Office :::: Issue-Oriented Business :::: Leading Issue-Oriented Fundraising  Organization, High-End Luxury Fashion Designer :::: Leading Apparel and Accessories Retailer :::: Leading Apparel and Accessories Wholesaler :::: Big Box Retailer :::: Leading Embroidery  Association :::: Leading Embroidery Training and Education Provider :::: Leading Global Event Producer ::::  Entertainment Publishing Company ::::  Leading and Up and Coming Film Studios :::: Leading Social Network :::: Leading Social Media Platform :::: Up and Coming Rap and Hip Hop Lyricists :::  Songwriters of Every Single Music Genre :::  Leading and Up and Coming Singers :::  Leading and Up and Coming Actors and Actresses ::::  Leading and Up and Coming Rappers and Hip Hop Singers:::: Leading Creative Talent Agencies and Talent Agents :::: Leading or Up and  Coming  Comedian :::: Leading Freedom of Speech-Related Organization :::: Leading  Libertarian  Institution :::: Leading PAC  :::: Quasi-Governmental Agency :::: Leading Environmental Organization ::::  Leading Social Justice Organization :::: Human Evolution-Related Organization, Institution or Entity :::: etc.    

What Is a Human Evolution Boarding Pass?

A Human Evolution Boarding Pass refers to Intellectual Property (Logo, Symbol, or Trademark)  which falls under one of the following three (3) Boarding Passes.  

  • Boarding Pass for the following Human Evolution Trains
    • Boarding Pass for Human Evolution Train 2-22-2222 ::: 2 22 2222
    • Boarding Pass for Human Evolution Train 2-22-22222 ::: 2 22 22222
    • Boarding Pass for Human Evolution Train 2-22-222222 ::: 2 22 222222
About the Boarding Pass for Human Evolution Trains

The Boarding Pass for each Human Evolution Train is any physical structure, medium, tangible item and intangible idea or concept which either contains, bears or is referenced by the following logo/symbol/trademark:  2 22 2222  ::  2 22 22222 ::  2 22 222222 (spacing is observed). 

Boarding Pass Specifications.  The specifications for a bona fide, legitimate and VOMI Global Think Tank-approved Boarding Pass for Human Evolution Train are as follows:  

  • Three (3) Sets of Three (3) Numbers.   A set of either of the following numbers separated by a space:   2 22 2222 :: 2 22 22222 :: 2 22 222222  expressed as either a Logo, Symbol, or Trademark.
  • Display of Numbers as a Logo/Symbol/Trademark.  When expressed as either a Logo, Symbol or Trademark, the display of each set of three numbers MUST be separated by a space; and must NOT be used in conjunction with any word(s), letter(s), or image(s) on any surface. 
(For example, 2 22 2222) 
The Logo/Symbol/Trademark Expression can only be affixed to; embedded in or within; or superimposed on; any apparel and accessories, product, item, artifact, or any other tangible item described as a "Boarding Pass for Human Evolution Train 2-22-2222 :: 2-22-22222 ::or 2-22-222222.

  • Font Styles, Sizes, and Designs.   This set of numbers can be represented by any font style, size, or design which visually displays these sets of numbers in an easy-to-read and understand fashion on any medium or venue it is affixed or applied to. 

(In other words, fonts which represent the number 2, but do not actually display the number 2, are prohibited from being used on a human evolution boarding pass.)

Moreover, whenever a set of numbers is used as either a Logo, Symbol or Trademark, it MUST NOT be used in a repetitive fashion anywhere on the same surface of a boarding pass.  In other words, a discernible Front and Back of any object, item or medium are deemed to be two separate surfaces.      

(For example, the repetitive use of this set of numbers :: 2 22 2222 :: is prohibited on either the Front or Back of any Document, T-Shirt, Hoodie, Cap, Building Mural, Corporate Wall Mural, Canvas, or any other medium classified as a Human Evolution Boarding Pass.) 

With respect to Design, these fonts can be displayed on a boarding pass in a horizontal, vertical, rectangular, diagonal, curve, oval, or circle format; and any other design which visually displays these sets of numbers in an easy-to-read and understand fashion.

  • Boarding Pass Numbers Must Be Freestanding.  These numbers must stand on their own and can only be affixed to a blank space or surface, solid space, solid surface or material, or body part which does NOT contain any letter(s), words, graphics, images, works of art, labels, slogans, brand name, company name, business name, trademark, or service mark.  
(In other words, these numbers must NOT be affixed to, mixed with, or embedded within any material, item or structure which contains an overt visual display of letters, words, graphics, images, works of art, labels, slogans, brand name, company name, business name, trademark, or service mark.)  

For Example,  

Example #1.   2 22 2222 must NOT be affixed to either the front or back of a T-Shirt or Hoodie which contains any words on either the front or back.  

In other words, if a T-Shirt or Hoodie contains the word "Freedom" on the front, and nothing on the back, then the numbers 2 22 2222 cannot be embroidered or inscribed on either the front or back of the T-Shirt or Hoodie. 

Example #2.   The actual slogan or phrase ::::: Human Evolution Train 2 22 2222  :: Human Evolution 2 22 2222 :: Boarding Pass 2 22 2222 :::::   cannot be embroidered or inscribed on  either the front or back of a T-Shirt or Hoodie.   (Only a set of 3 numbers is allowed.)

Example #3.  2-22-2222 cannot be embroidered or inscribed on anything pertaining to Human Evolution, including any official messaging, which has to do with a boarding pass.  (No dashes or any other characters are allowed with these numbers when used on a boarding pass.)   

Example #4.  2 22 2222 can be embroidered or inscribed on either the front, back :: or both front and back :: of a T-Shirt or Hoodie.

Example #5.  2 22 2222 can be embroidered in any color or color combination on any lapel or front pocket of business suits, jackets, custom-made business suits, luxury designer suits, high-end fashion designer suits, and tuxedos for men or women.  However, no other instance of 2 22 2222 can be applied to that same item.  (Threpetitive use of 2 22 2222 is prohibited on any T-Shirt, Hoodie, Cap, Mural, Document, Corporate Wall Mural, Canvas, surface, or any other medium classified as a Human Evolution Boarding Pass.)

Example #6.  2 22 2222 can be inscribed or engraved in any color or color combination on any lapel pin placed on business suits, jackets, custom-made business suitsluxury designer suits, high-end fashion designer suits, and tuxedos for men or women. 

Example #7.  2 22 2222 can be designed or configured in any possible format in order to visually display 2 22 2222 ::: as embroidery ::: in any color or color combination anywhere on any dress, custom dress, elegant-stylish-versatile-comfortable-price conscious-trendy-women's curve clothing for teens and adults  ::::: such as Temu  ::  CurvySense :: Fashion Nova :: and Venus :::::    fashion designer dress, high-end fashion designer dress, evening dress, prom dress, wedding dress, blouse, luxury blouse,  jeans, fashion designer jeans, high-end fashion designer jeans, lingerie, sexy lingerie and intimate apparel,  luxury lingerie, bikini, swimwear, bodysuits,  silk robes, bustier, seductive maxi dresses, active wear, and all other female apparel.  

Example #8.  2 22 2222 can be designed or configured in any possible format in order to visually display 2 22 2222 ::: as embroidery ::: on all infant and kid's clothing and accessories ::::: such as  Janie and Jack :: Lenny Lemons ::  and ZARA 
Example #9.   2 22 2222 can be designed or configured in any possible format in order to visually display ::: 2 22 2222 ::: as a Building Mural. 
Example #10.   2 22 2222 can be designed or configured in any possible format in order to visually display ::: 2 22 2222 ::: as a Custom Wall Mural.
Example #11.   2 22 2222 can be embossed, engraved, etched into, or configured into any custom jewelry, furniture, valuable item, collectible, artifact, fashion walking canes and walking sticks, high-end luxury walking canes and sticks for men and women.     

Example #12.  Custom Jewelry in the form of either bracelets, chains, pendants, necklaces, custom design watches, custom design luxury watches etc. :::: using gold, silver, diamond, gemstones - from the least expensive to the most expensive stones ::::  can be designed or configured in any possible format in order to visually display 2 22 2222 in an easy-to-read and understand format.    

  • All Other Specifications for the Boarding Pass for Human Evolution Train 2-22-2222 are private and confidential and are restricted to those who have obtained a license; and thus, have a need to know.
Marketing Communications and Reference Materials about the following Human Evolution Stations  
    • Human Evolution Station 2-22-2222
    • Human Evolution Station 2-22-22222
    • Human Evolution Station 2-22-222222
Please observe the following guidelines with respect to the production of marketing communications and reference materials for Human Evolution Stations.  

About Marketing Communications and Reference Materials for Human Evolution Stations.  Any Expression, Wording or Other Means which is used to impart information about the value, need and necessity for Mankind to embark on the Road to Human Evolution; including information about the foregoing list of Human Evolution Stations whereby mankind can get on board a Human Evolution Train whose final destination is Human Evolution.  
Think of various locations whereby anyone can walk in and gain access to a Large Map which contains detailed information about the various locations of these Human Evolution Stations.   
These marketing communications and reference materials include; however, are not limited to; the following:  Marketing, advertising, promotion, and public relations materials used on websites, social media, and any other medium referring to Human Evolution and the various Human Evolution Stations.

Marketing Communications Specifications for Human Evolution Stations.  The marketing communications specifications for a bona fide Human Evolution Station are as follows:  

  • Specific Mention of the phrase "Human Evolution Station."  This phrase must be articulated in every communication regarding a specific Human Evolution Station.   
  • (3) Sets of Three (3) Numbers.   A set of either of the following sets of numbers separated by a dash:   2-22-2222 :: 2-22-22222 :: 2-22-222222.  
  • Display of Numbers as a Noun Expression.   A Noun Expression is strictly reserved for marketing communications, marketing, advertising, promotion, and public relations materials used on websites, social media, and any other media; and MUST NOT be affixed to any apparel and accessories, product, item, artifact, or other tangible item described as a "Boarding Pass for Human Evolution Train 2-22-2222
The display of each set of three numbers MUST be separated by a dash; and MUST be used in conjunction with any word(s), letter(s), or image(s) in any medium or reference material.   
(For example, Human Evolution Station 2-22-2222)
As such, the Noun Expression MUST NOT be affixed to; embedded in or within; or superimposed on; any apparel and accessories, product, item, artifact, or any other tangible item referenced as a "Boarding Pass" for either Human Evolution Train 2-22-2222 :: 2-22-22222 :: or  2-22-222222 

Font Styles, Sizes, and Designs.   The Noun Expression can be represented by any font style, size, or design which visually displays these sets of numbers in an easy-to-read and understand fashion.  

(In other words, fonts which represent the number 2, but do not actually display the number 2, are prohibited from being used.)

With respect to Design, these fonts can be displayed in a horizontal, vertical, rectangular, diagonal, curve, oval, or circle format; or any other design which visually displays a Noun Expression in an easy-to-read and understand fashion.  

As well, the repetitive use of a Noun Expression is prohibited on any T-Shirt, Hoodie, Cap, Mural, Document, Corporate Wall Mural, Canvas, Billboard, or any other medium classified as a Marketing Communications Material for Human Evolution Stations.

(For example, Human Evolution Station 2-22-2222 :: Human Evolution Station 2-22-2222) 

Marketing Communications and Reference Materials about the following Human Evolution Trains  

    • Human Evolution Train 2-22-2222
    • Human Evolution Train 2-22-22222
    • Human Evolution Train 2-22-222222
Please observe the following guidelines with respect to the production of marketing communications and reference materials for Human Evolution Trains.  

About Marketing Communications and Reference Materials for Human Evolution Trains.   Any  Expression, Wording or Other Means which is used to impart information about the value, need and necessity for Mankind to embark on the Road to Human Evolution; including information about the foregoing list of Human Evolution Trains whereby mankind can get on board a Human Evolution Train whose final destination is Human Evolution.  

Think of various locations whereby anyone can walk in and gain access to a Big Map which contains detailed information about the various locations of these Human Evolution Trains.   

These marketing communications and reference materials include; however, are not limited to; the following:  Marketing, advertising, promotion, and public relations materials used on websites, social media, and any other medium referring to Human Evolution and the various Human Evolution Trains.

Marketing Communications Specifications for Human Evolution Trains.  The marketing communications specifications for a bona fide Human Evolution Train are as follows:  

  • Specific Mention of the phrase "Human Evolution Train."  This phrase must be articulated in every communication regarding a specific Human Evolution Train.   
  • (3) Sets of Three (3) Numbers.   A set of either of the following sets of numbers separated by a dash:   2-22-2222 :: 2-22-22222 :: 2-22-222222.  
  • Display of Numbers as a Noun Expression.   A Noun Expression is strictly reserved for marketing communications, marketing, advertising, promotion, and public relations materials used on websites, social media, and any other media; and MUST NOT be affixed to any apparel and accessories, product, item, artifact, or other tangible item described as a "Boarding Pass for Human Evolution Train 2-22-2222
The display of a set of three numbers MUST be separated by a dash; and MUST be used in conjunction with any word(s), letter(s), or image(s) in any medium or reference material.  
(For example, Human Evolution Train 2-22-2222)
As such, the Noun Expression MUST NOT be affixed to; embedded in or within; or superimposed on; any apparel and accessories, product, item, artifact, or any other tangible item referenced as a "Boarding Pass" for either Human Evolution Train 2-22-2222 :: 2-22-22222 :: or  2-22-222222 

Font Styles, Sizes, and Designs.   The Noun Expression can be represented by any font style, size, or design which visually displays these sets of numbers in an easy-to-read and understand fashion.  

(In other words, fonts which represent the number 2, but do not actually display the number 2, are prohibited from being used.)

With respect to Design, these fonts can be displayed in a horizontal, vertical, rectangular, diagonal, curve, oval, or circle format; or any other design which visually displays a Noun Expression in an easy-to-read and understand fashion.  

As well, the repetitive use of a Noun Expression is prohibited on any T-Shirt, Hoodie, Cap, Mural, Document, Corporate Wall Mural, Canvas, Billboard, or any other medium classified as a Marketing Communications Material for Human Evolution Trains. 

 (For example, Human Evolution Train 2-22-2222 :: Human Evolution Train 2-22-2222)   

In Summary 

Now that you are clear on the following definitions:  Boarding Pass for a Human Evolution Train, Human Evolution Train, and Human Evolution Station -  let me quickly summarize for you the definition of a Human Evolution Station.   

A Human Evolution Station is:

  • An Authorized Issuer of a Boarding Pass for either Human Evolution Train 2-22-2222 :: Human Evolution Train 2-22-22222 :: or Human Evolution Train 2-22-222222
  • Who is either an Individual Member of the general public 
  • Or a Legal Entity (business, organization or institution) which has obtained a Human Evolution Station License from VOMI Global Think Tank.  
  • Obtain a Human Evolution Station License in order to submit a support request if you have any questions or issues and would like some ideas or solutions.
Thence, let's take a little bit of time to explore a more concrete example of a List of Authorized Issuers.  

Sample of a Concrete List of Authorized Issuers of a Boarding Pass for Human Evolution

  • YOU.   For What Purpose:    To Embroider - or have a third-party embroider -  2 22 2222 on any piece of clothing or other apparel and accessories that YOU (or others) currently own and have in your own closet; or that you decide to purchase from any retailer in the future; in order to express your support for the Cause of Human Evolution.  Others include any other member of your family ::: or any friend, colleague and associate in your Circle of Influence.
A local social networking website is an ideal place to begin to reach out to residents of your local community in order to either seek Local Embroiderers for your own clothing and accessories or to let them know about the Embroidering services you are offering on behalf of the Cause of Human Evolution.    

Fee for Embroidery Services:   If you are a Local Embroiderer with decent embroidery skills, then it's entirely up to you to decide how much you want to charge to others within your safe space, Circle of Influence and local community.  The choice is yours!  (Just don't appear to be greedy. It's not a get-rich-quick scheme.)  

Benefits of being an Authorized Issuer of this Boarding Pass for Human Evolution Train 2-22-2222:   It's an ideal opportunity for you to either introduce, reintroduce, or re-invent yourself in your local community and Circle of Influence as an Advocate for Human Evolution.  

Moreover, considering the fact that the practice of embroidery has been around for over 30,000 years, for all intents and purposes, this makes just about every single human being in every single corner of the globe who knows how to embroider, an authorized issuer who can actually attempt to make a living or generate some extra income doing this :: without having to quit their current  job; purchase any expensive and modern equipment; or incur any other kind or amount of upfront expenses in order to become an Authorized Issuer of this boarding pass.         

Recommended Best Practices:   Click here for some ideas.     

Registration and Human Evolution Station License Requirement:  Individual registration is optional.  NO registration or license fee is required by VOMI Global Think Tank for Individuals that are NOT operating under a business name.  No royalty is required for such Individuals100% of what you receive is yours. 

  • A Leading High-End Fashion Retailer.   For What Purpose:  To Obtain a Human Evolution Station License from VOMI Global Think Tank in order to offer under your own private label, premium T-Shirts, Hoodies and other apparel and accessories "Embroidered" with only the Boarding Pass Number for Human Evolution Train 2-22-2222  ::  2 22 2222 

    Fee for Embroidery Services:  Your organization would have a list of local embroiderers on file and standby so that the embroidery can be done On Demand based on the agreed upon price per unit.       

    Benefits of Being an Authorized Issuer of this Boarding Pass for Human Evolution Train 2-22-2222:   There are no words that can really describe in full the benefits.
Human Evolution is a universal concept which transcends all demographics and appeals to every single human being on our planet. It is in the DNA of every single human being whether we want to or not - and whether or not we care to admit it. 

The reason that 99.99% of the global population does NOT care to talk about Human Evolution is strictly because, as my loving spouse is fond of reminding me, "Why talk about something that you can't do anything about or have absolutely no control over?"

The point being, we all feel helpless when it comes to being able to have any sort of effect on the course of human evolution. Moreover, we tend to believe that this topic is way above our pay grade and too monumental for human beings to tackle.  Hence, we believe this is a lost cause and that we're better off dealing with the things that we have control over and where we can make a real difference - now and in the near future.
Therein lies the human dilemma and paradox.  Instead, it is just the opposite.   Human Evolution is just about the only thing that every single human being on our planet truly has control over - and the simplest task for human beings to tackle.   How is that possible, you might ask?  
The answer is extremely simple:   By just bringing attention to the fact that "Mankind Needs to Evolve."  That's All!   The rest will take care of itself.  

And that's exactly what the Boarding Pass for Human Evolution Train 2-22-2222 is all about.  Just one simple set of three (3) numbers separated by a space:   2 22 2222.     

Therefore, no matter what country you live in, what language you speak, rich or poor, powerful or weak, famous or unknown and unseen, this set of three (3) numbers :: 2 22 2222 :: is Your Boarding Pass for Human Evolution Train 2-22-2222 that we are all headed toward on the Road to Human Evolution.    

No matter where you go, whenever you see 2 22 2222, you will automatically know that this person or entity is bringing attention to the fact that Mankind Needs to Evolve. 

Moreover, can you think of any human being anywhere in the world ::: no matter how insane, demented, cruel, evil, monstrous, primitive, barbaric and savage that person may be ::: who would openly admit to you that he has absolutely no interest in evolving, and does NOT want to evolve?   I believe the point has been made, so let me proceed.
    As an Authorized Issuer of this boarding pass, you will begin to gain recognition as a Thought Leader on the subject of Human Evolution.   Moreover, your organization will be able to charge those who embrace the Cause of Human Evolution :: and are not price-sensitive :: a premium charge for the embroidery.   
    As well, Audience Expansion and Diversification will be a logical outcome of your efforts. There is a strong potential to eventually develop and accommodate a loyal following of additional members who are focused on Human Evolution. 
Especially during periods of  

::::  tremendous social transformation, 
::::  political upheaval, 
::::  oppression, repression, 
::::  turmoil, instability, corruption,
::::  incredible suffering, famine, diseases, pandemics, 
::::  wars, world wars, nuclear wars, tit for tat bombings and assassinations (called "escalation management"), 
::::  no response to death and destruction from pogroms, genocides, and episodic or sporadic shelling and air strikes (called "deconfliction mechanism") - this is not a joke
such practice is indeed very common by many unprincipled individuals or cowards,   
::::  raw mayhem, unchecked violence, wanton violence,
::::  horrific mass slaughter, genocides, apocalypses, and wholesale death and destruction 
(Most of which are everyday occurrences worldwide that are NOT bound to end anytime soon or within the next 20,000 years.) 

As well as during a shrinking economy or prolonged periods of financial austerity and economic or market volatility. 

    Recommended Best Practices:  Obtain a Human Evolution Station License in order to submit a support request if you have any questions or issues and would like some ideas or solutions. 
    Registration and Human Evolution Station License Requirement:  Company registration and a Human Evolution Station License is required for all Authorized Issuers of a Boarding Pass for Human Evolution Train 2-22-2222.  No royalty is required .  (It doesn't matter if the retailer falls within the category of the Top 50 Luxury Fashion Houses or Retailers.) 100% of what you receive is yours. Click here for detailed information about a Human Evolution Station License. 

  • A Leading Geopolitical News and Analysis Platform on Social Media.    For What Purpose:  To Obtain a Human Evolution Station License from VOMI Global Think Tank in order to offer under your own private label, premium T-Shirts, Hoodies and other apparel and accessories "Embroidered" with only the Boarding Pass Number for Human Evolution Train 2-22-2222  ::  2 22 2222 
Fee for Embroidery Services:  Your organization would have a list of Local Embroiderers on file and standby so that the embroidery can be done On Demand based on the agreed upon price per unit.       

Benefits of Being an Authorized Issuer of this Boarding Pass for Human Evolution Train 2-22-2222:   Human Evolution is a universal concept which transcends all demographics and appeals to every single human being on our planet.  So is Political Evolution, a subset of Human Evolution.    
As an Authorized Issuer of this boarding pass, you will begin to gain recognition as a Thought Leader on the subject of Human Evolution and Political Evolution.   Moreover, your organization will be able to charge those who embrace the Cause of Human Evolution and Political Evolution, and are not price-sensitive, a premium charge for the embroidery.   
As well, Audience Expansion and Diversification will be a logical outcome of your efforts. There is a strong potential to eventually develop and accommodate a loyal following of additional members who are focused on Human Evolution and Political Evolution.  
Recommended Best Practices:  Obtain a Human Evolution Station License in order to submit a support request if you have any questions or issues and would like some ideas or solutions. 
Registration and Human Evolution Station License Requirement:  Company registration and a Human Evolution Station License is required for all Authorized Issuers of a Boarding Pass for Human Evolution Train 2-22-2222.  No royalty is required. 100% of what you receive is yours. Click here for detailed information about a Human Evolution Station License. 
  • World Renowned Professional Tattoo Artists and Studios.     For What Purpose:  To Obtain a Human Evolution Station License from VOMI Global Think Tank in order to offer an impressive, innovativeingenious and stunning variety of Tattoos using strictly the Boarding Pass Number 2 22 2222.

As well, you will be able to offer under your own private label, Luxury High-End Premium T-Shirts, Hoodies and Other Apparel and accessories embroidered with your very own impressive, innovative, ingenious and stunning variety of Tattoos using strictly the Boarding Pass Number 2 22 2222.        

Benefits of Being an Authorized Issuer of this Boarding Pass for Human Evolution Train 2-22-2222:   Human Evolution is a universal concept which transcends all demographics and appeals to every single human being on our planet.  

As an Authorized Issuer of this Boarding Pass, you will begin to gain recognition as a Thought Leader or Valuable Contributor to the Cause of Human Evolution.   Moreover, both You and your Tattoo Studio will be able to charge those who embrace the cause of Human Evolution, and are NOT price-sensitive, premium charge for both the Tattoo and the High-End Luxury Apparel sold under your very own private label.    
As well, Audience Expansion and Diversification will be a logical outcome of your efforts. There is a strong potential to eventually develop and accommodate a loyal following of additional members who are focused on Human Evolution.  
Recommended Best Practices:   Obtain a Human Evolution Station License in order to submit a support request if you have any questions or issues and would like some ideas or solutions. 
Registration and Human Evolution Station License Requirement:  Company registration and a Human Evolution Station License is required for all Authorized Issuers of a Boarding Pass for Human Evolution Train 2-22-2222.  No royalty is required. 100% of what you receive is yours. Click here for detailed information about a Human Evolution Station License. 
  • Mural Artists:  Building Murals and Corporate Wall Murals.    For What Purpose:  To Obtain a Human Evolution Station License from VOMI Global Think Tank in order to offer an  impressiveingenious and stunning variety of Murals using strictly the boarding pass number 2 22 2222.
As well, you will be able to offer under your own private labelLuxurious High-End Fashion Premium T-Shirts, Hoodies and Other Apparel and accessories embroidered with your impressive, ingenious and stunning variety of Murals using strictly the boarding pass number 2 22 2222.        

Benefits of Being an Authorized Issuer of this Boarding Pass for Human Evolution Train 2-22-2222:   Human Evolution is a universal concept which transcends all demographics and appeals to every single human being on our planet.  

As an Authorized Issuer of this boarding pass, you will begin to gain recognition as either a Building Wall Mural or Corporate Wall Mural Artist Thought Leader on the subject of Human Evolution.   Moreover, both You and your Mural Company will be able to charge those who embrace the cause of Human Evolution, and are NOT price-sensitive, premium price for both the Building Mural or Corporate Wall Mural and the High-End Luxury Fashion Apparel and the embroidery on your very own private label.   
As well, Audience Expansion and Diversification will be a logical outcome of your efforts. There is a strong potential to eventually develop and accommodate a loyal following of additional members who are focused on Human Evolution.  
Recommended Best Practices:  Obtain a Human Evolution Station License in order to submit a support request if you have any questions or issues and would like some ideas or solutions. 
Registration and Human Evolution Station License Requirement:  Company registration and a Human Evolution Station License is required for all Authorized Issuers of a Boarding Pass for Human Evolution Train 2-22-2222.  No royalty is required.  100% of what you receive is yours. Click here for detailed information about a Human Evolution Station License. 

  • And a Long List of Other Authorized Issuers that are just too many to mention or count. The list of potential benefits is also endless. Therefore, examine your own situation and use your imagination.    

A Cursory Analysis of this Global Human Evolution Endeavor

Upon closer examination, you will notice that this Global Human Evolution Endeavor is the Most  Simple, All-Encompassing, Enduring, Practical, Inclusive, Diverse, Effortless, Rewarding, Transcending, Economical, Beneficial :: as well as the Least Disruptive :: Campaign for Human Evolution ever conceived and devised in the annals of the entire history of mankind.   

A pretty bold claim, you might say!  Well, hold on to your horses as I quickly and briefly buttress the foregoing statement.   

Let us begin with The Most

  • Simple.   Revolutionary ideas and concepts lie in their simplicity.   The more complicated an idea, concept or solution; the lesser the intelligence of the purveyors and architects, and the more tangled the woven web.   

In which case, the entire campaign for human evolution boils down to just a set of 3 numbers separated by a space:  2 22 2222.   The minute that anyone sees this set of 3 numbers, it will spark their curiosity.   They will want to know the meaning of these numbers.  

At which point, the simple answer should be:  "It has to do with Human Evolution.  To learn more about it, just do a search on either Bing, Google, or any other search engine for the keywords :: Human Evolution 2-22-2222." 

Thence, they will automatically know that the bearer ::: this person, entity, organization or institution ::: is an advocate for the Cause of Human Evolution.   No need for any written or spoken words.    

The viral nature of this inquiry will soon result in every single individual in every single corner of the globe associating this set of numbers with the Boarding Pass for Human Evolution.     

  • All-Encompassing.  Every single human being on this planet can participate in this campaign for the simple reason that "there is no litmus test to pass."  The Boarding Pass for Human Evolution Train 2-22-2222 :: 2 22 2222 :: makes it possible for even newborn infants straight out of their mother's womb to participate in this human evolution endeavor.  (Just think of a beanie or baby blanket with the numbers 2 22 2222.) 
  • Enduring.    Unlike any of the following:   holidays, special occasions ::: fashion trends of certain time periods, epochs and eras :::  rise and fall of civilizations ::: rise and fall of dynasties  ::: flavor of the day pogroms, political movements and independence movements ::: wars of conquest, wars of liberation and independence ::: customs, traditions, ideologies and religions :::  momentous periods in time, extinction events, force majeure events, and all other events :::: which, by their very nature, are all temporary :::: the same cannot be said when it comes to Human Evolution.   

Due to the simple fact that Human Evolution marches to its own beat for as long as time and space and humans exist.
Therefore, the inexorable course of Human Evolution cannot be linked or attached to things or events that are temporary in nature.   Hence, the Boarding Pass for Human Evolution Train numbers 2-22-2222 :: 2-22-22222 :: and 2-22-222222 (2 22 2222, 2 22 22222, and 2 22 222222, respectively) will endure throughout the ages for as long as time and space and humans exist. 

  • Practical.   To borrow my grandmother's favorite saying, "it's the little things in life that really count." Thus, it can be said that all this artificial and superficial stuff that we encounter on a daily basis - minute by minute and second by second - is nothing but a lot of crap or horseshit:  just take your pick.   

In other words, there is absolutely no need to either have or spend hundreds, thousands, millions and billions of dollars once a year; nor is there a need to engage in a lot of rituals or platitudes and sprout a lot of nonsense and hot air about Human Evolution; in order to celebrate or advance the cause of human evolution.    

In fact, any occasion or event which requires a celebration day or period means that it does NOT have much importance and relevance in our daily life.   For the simple fact that if it did have much importance and relevance in your daily life, you would live by it every single day, hour, minute and second of your existence. 

Thus, the Boarding Pass for Human  Evolution :: 2 22 2222 :: is designed to address both the practical and financial aspect of advancing the cause of human evolution on a 24/7 basis, regardless of your social standing as well as financial and economic status.  

You get to live the Cause of Human Evolution every single day that you are alive and breathing.    

  • Inclusive.    You don't have to join or belong to any club, group, association; or pass any litmus test. If you are made of flesh and bones, then you can obtain the Boarding Pass 2 22 2222 or even create one yourself.  I've already discussed that at length on how to do this for Individual members of the general public.       
  • Diverse.    The Boarding Pass comes in so many different forms and can be configured in so many different ways.  All you need is motivation, the use of your own imagination, and the financial means.
  • Effortless.   Right now, this very second, you can walk into your bedroom closet; select a suit or jacket that you want to embroider the Boarding Pass for Human Evolution on; and then go to your local dry cleaners to have 2 22 2222 embroidered on the lapel.   That is as simple as it can be!    

OR you can go to the local social networking website; request a quote from any of your neighbors who are able to embroider 2 22 2222 on your suit or jacket lapel; and request a suit or jacket pick-up and delivery when the job is done.  OR you may prefer to drop off and pickup your suit or jacket.

OR a close friend or family member who knows how to embroider may want to do the embroidery for you FREE OF CHARGE.  (For example, as is the case in most families with a healthy relationship, as a matter of policy, they do NOT engage in financial transactions with family members.) 

OR if you would like to have your very own private label so you can sell T-Shirts, Hoodies, Shirts, Jackets, etc. that are already embroidered by your apparel company with 2 22 2222, then all you need to do is Click here for detailed information about a Human Evolution Station License.    

If you have NO prior negative history with VOMI Global Think Tank and NO Scammer  reputation on the internet ::: we don't care about your credit rating, credit history or FICO score ::: then your license will be approved upon receipt of completed application and execution of License Agreement.   

  • Rewarding.   There is no greater reward than a life devoted to advocating for the Cause of Human Evolution.  The financial reward from such activities then becomes "nothing but icing on the cake." 
  • Transcending.   Human Evolution is a universal concept which transcends all demographics and appeals to every single human being on our planet.  It also transcends time and space.  Nothing that happens today, or may happen in the future, has any bearing on the relevance of the need for Human Evolution. 
  • Economical.   Human Evolution does NOT require loans, maxing out your personal and business credit cards, raiding your saving accounts, raiding your retirement accounts, raiding your children's college tuition savings account, huge startup expenses, business partners, employees, seed money, angel investors, and venture capital.  NOR does it have a need for Big Budgets.  In fact, the bigger the budget, the less we get to rely on Simplicity and Human Ingenuity: The Twin Pillars of Human Evolution. 
  • Beneficial.   Human Evolution is centered on its benefits for all of mankind; instead of astronomical benefits for a few, at the expense of the rest of mankind.  
And, last but not least, The      
  • Least Disruptive.   The Boarding Pass for Human Evolution Train approach is designed to insulate every single human being in the world from today's realities; and NOT inject us directly into the current whirlwind of absurdities, mayhem, battles, meatgrinders, genocides, struggles and negative discourse that are happening, or that we are witnessing live and in color for all to see, all over the world.   
Its purpose is to remind each and every single one of us that we need to remain vigilant in order to ensure that today's profound and proposed changes in the world will NOT have a disruptive and destabilizing effect on the future; due to the corrupting effect of Power, Secrecy, the law of unintended consequences, willful ignorance, human frailties, and Murphy's Law.  
It does that by shining the Light of Human Evolution on all our activities so that all our imperfections, warts and all, can be seen by everyone, without a place to hide.   This approach gives us an opportunity to correct our deficiencies prior to taking the next step on the road to human evolution.  As to the nature of these deficiencies, the list is endless.  

Next Steps

  • Potential Human Evolution Station Stakeholders.   If you are the CEO or Other Key Decision-Maker at an organization who has never really given much thought to Human Evolution, and how that fits into the Grand Scheme of Things at your organization ::: particularly with respect to becoming a Human Evolution Station ::: then I strongly recommend that you convene a Human Evolution Station Brainstorm Session with the members of your  Executive Leadership Team in order to review this document and explore the immense number of immediate and long-term benefits of the Human Evolution Station to your organization.  
As the old saying goes, two heads are better than one. I trust your insights, foresight, wisdom and judgment.
Obtain a Human Evolution Station License in order to submit a support request if you have any questions or issues and would like some ideas or solutions.

Or Click here for detailed information about a Human Evolution Station License.   

Other Steps 
  • The Ultimate Role in Human Evolution.   If you seek The Ultimate Role in Human Evolutionhave all the time in the world and the financial independence to engage in such pursuit; then I invite you to review ::: An Official Human Evolution Ambassador ::: for more information and details on how to proceed.
  • More Prominent and Influential Role in Human Evolution.   If you seek a more prominent and influential role in Human Evolution; have all the time in the world and the financial means to engage in such pursuit; then I invite you to request an invitation to join League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executivessubject to a great deal of thoughtful consideration and approval. (In other words, receipt of the invitation is not automatic.)    
  • Hardcore Advocates for Human Evolution.  Obtain a Human Evolution Station License in order to submit a support request if you have any questions or issues and would like some ideas or solutions.  If you believe that you fit the profile of a Hardcore  Advocate for Human Evolution and deem it an honor, privilege and opportunity to count yourself among kindred spirits on the current Human Evolution Train 2-22-222 :::: and would like to either support or contribute to the cause however you deem fit :::: then proceed to Next Station on the Road to Human Evolution:  2 22 2222.   Be sure to take the time to follow through on the links listed in the main body of this document and proceed accordingly. 
  • Member-In-Principle: The Ultimate Membership Level.   If you are NOT really an Advocate for Human Evolution, and yet believe that you could contribute in whatever way you deem fit, then I invite you to peruse the article ::: Member-In-Principle: The Ultimate Membership Level ::: for details on how to proceed. 
  • Subliminal Supporter of Human Evolution.   If you are merely a Subliminal Supporter of Human Evolution, then you are welcome to share the link to this document with family, friends, colleagues and associates in your Circle of Influence who share the cause of Human Evolution. One of them will surely thank you for it.
  • Want More Info on the Profile of Passengers on Human Evolution Train 2-22-2222.  If this is your initial exposure to the concept of Human Evolution; and you would like to know more about the profile of the passengers on the Human Evolution Train for whatever reasons that you may have; then the following article ::: From King of the Jungle to Living in a Valley of Kings ::: will provide you with the details.
A Priceless Parting Gift to All

Anytime my late dad, Joseph Coupet, wanted to share with me a little bit of advice, knowledge or useful information, he would always say, "Pierre, it's now time for us to delve into the secrets of the gods."  

Of course, who in their right mind could possibly resist the lure and temptation of being privy to the secrets of the gods; thence, with great anticipation, I waited for him to put me in the know - in that special group of people with access to invaluable information. 

In that spirit, consider yourself now privy to the secrets of the gods as I share with you this document:    

Supplemental Information for Advocates of Human Evolution 

Obtain a Human Evolution Station License in order to submit a support request if you have any questions or issues and would like some ideas or solutions.  Moreover, I invite you to review at your own leisure these additional documents which offer a deep insight into human evolution, principled leadership, principled geopolitical leadership, political evolution, The Virtual Organization World, the virtual organization management discipline and virtual organization leadership.  Such knowledge being the critical components of a foundation which will allow mankind to make the transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being; and upon which will rest the pillars of a New Global Civilization of Intelligent Beings that will allow us all to further embark on the Long Road to Human Evolution.    No need to rush, just bookmark this page, you have an entire lifetime to read them:   

Let Us Manifest!

About Author:  Pierre Coupet, Q of VOM, is the founder of Virtual Organization Management Institute (VOMI), Virtual Organization Management Institute Repository,  VOMI Global Think Tank VOMI Virtual Organization AcademyVirtual Organization LeadershipVirtual Organization AdvisorsVirtual Organization RecruiterDigital Currency Consortium, Digital Currency Ethical Board,  Virtual Organization JobsVirtual Organization  Executives, and Blockchain Executives :: founder of the modern virtual organization management and virtual organization recruitment disciplines pioneered since 1997:: founder of League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives:: and Lead Architect of  Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial SystemContact Online.   

Stock Photo: courtesy of Pixabay

Copyright 2007-2024. Pierre Coupet. VOMI. Virtual Organization Management Institute. Virtual Organization Leadership. Virtual Organization Advisors.  Virtual Organization Executives. Blockchain Executives. VOMI Virtual Organization Academy. Virtual Organization Recruiter. VOMI Global Think Tank. All rights reserved. Cannot be reproduced without permission.