Friday, June 21, 2024

Macy's Can Regain Its Prestige by Becoming a Mecca for Human Evolution 2-22-2222


The New Virtual Organization World

It's a New Principled and Civilized World, It's Virtual and It's Organized

Macy's Can Regain Its Prestige by Becoming a Mecca for Human Evolution 2-22-2222
By Pierre Coupet

Can you think of any baby boomer who has never heard of the annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade? 

It's obvious that this question is not addressed to subsequent generations throughout the globe who have never heard of Macy's or their annual Thanksgiving Day Parade. 

The point being, it used to be a big event which, at one time, was also broadcasted in several countries around the globe.   As well, Macy's, which was originally founded in 1858, used to be a very famous, upscale, and trendy retail store.   

Of course, the advent of Amazon brought about the Great Retail Apocalypse which made all these retail stores fighting for their survival in a brutal and very unforgiving landscape.  An endless and perennial struggle which generates a perpetual string of annual layoffs and store closures.  

However, that being said, this did NOT have to be the case.  I spent the last twenty (20) years warning the CEO's of just about every single major retail establishment across the globe that a retail tsunami of global proportions was brewing offshore and that it was only a matter of time before it lands ashore and makes its presence felt.  Such list includes the CEOs of Macy's; and they were offered practical and simple solutions to such impending disaster - all to no avail.  

Notwithstanding, this article is NOT about "I told you so" or "crying over spilt milk."  Instead, I see a new wave of opportunities that are about to sweep across the entire globe for ALL retail establishments who fell victim to "normalcy bias" and refused to heed my advice.  

We're now on the cusp of a "Global Awareness of the Need for Mankind to EVOLVE" and every single major retail establishment ::: including MACY'S ::: stands to play an important role in such a historical endeavor since they already have A Vast Number of Retail Stores, Connections, Tools, Resources and Expertise to do so on behalf of the Cause of Human Evolution.

A Global Human Evolution 2-22-2222 Initiative pioneered by the founder of VOMI Global Think Tank. 

How Macy's Can Regain Its Prestige

Thus, I am very pleased to invite Macy's to become a Mecca for Human Evolution 2-22-2222.  That means it now has an opportunity to begin to reverse the trend of layoffs and store closures by turning their Vast Number of Retail Stores into Human Evolution Stations. 

The sort of accomplishment which is bound to attract that "younger and more diverse" customer base that Genette's Polaris Strategy sought to achieve. 

In other words, I recommend that Macy's begin a Strategic, Methodical, Systematic and Orderly process of converting Each Retail Store, if at all possible, into a Human Evolution Station 2-22-2222. 

My recent article :: An Eye-Opening Conversation with a Human Evolution Station... :: answers every question that you may have about a Human Evolution Station...and includes details on how to proceed.

Display of Good Faith and Intellectual Capacity

However, that being said, this is just the tip of the iceberg.  That part of the equation :: the selection of one or more stores to become a Human Evolution Station 2-22-2222 :: is only designed to show "Good Faith" and "Intellectual Capacity" on the part of Macy's Executive Leadership Team.  In other words, I need them to display good faith and the ability to absorb a tremendous amount of Crucial Information that I will provide with respect to the implementation of "Macy's Strategy to Regain Its Prestige and Former Glory."  

Intellectual Capacity means:  "The ability to read and understand the strategy put forward."   The point being, don't go by what people say, go by what people do.   Lip service is absolutely useless.  In the absence of the foregoing, there is absolutely no need to go any further.   

In which case, I would be better off having a conversation with a rock or a lamp post.

Display of Intellectual Maturity

Assuming such display of Intellectual Capacity, I will then need to confirm that the Macy's Executive Leadership Team has the Intellectual Maturity to make the decision to implement "Macy's Strategy to Regain Its Prestige and Former Glory."  In other words, I need them to display the Urgency of Now with respect to what needs to be done and to Take the Initiative.   In the absence of the foregoing, disaster, acrimony, and a Circular Firing Squad are sure to follow, and the results will be a complete Shit Show.  

After all, the Executive Leadership Team of Macy's has a horrible track record when it comes to Intellectual Maturity.  Don't take my word for it.  The numbers don't lie.  Macy's has gone from a market cap of $23.46 billion on September 28, 2006 to $5.01 billion on June 21, 2024.       

Intellectual Maturity means:  "The ability to shift from one paradigm to the next in order to Take the Initiative and Act Upon Information Received so that one can move forward in a positive direction."

Here is a shorter definition for Intellectual Maturity:  The ability to shift from one paradigm to the next in order to move the needle.

In the absence of the foregoing, the best that one can expect is worthless meetings, a lot of posturing, smoke and mirrors, procrastination, constantly moving the goal posts, finger pointing, placing the blame on others, everybody covering their own ass, paralysis, and inaction.   

No one will ever stand up and confess that "this guy named Pierre Coupet who is the founder of the virtual organization management discipline had contacted me years ago in order to forewarn us of impending disasters if we ignored what was happening right there in front of our eyes."  They will just say that Macy's situation or predicament is due strictly to market conditions. End of story.     

Minimum Requirements for Moving the Macy's Needle

  • Formation of a Human Evolution 2-22-2222 Committee on Macy's Board of Directors.    At present, I have already identified One Current Member of Macy's Corporate Human Resources in New York and One Former Member of Macy's Retail Management who are ideal candidates for such a committee - none of whom are even aware that such a position exists, let alone that I am even considering their nomination for such a position.   
  • In other words, prior to anyone reading this document, I am the only person on this planet who is aware of such a position as well as the vision and mission: Implementation of "Macy's Strategy to Regain Its Prestige and Former Glory."
  • I will insist on these two individuals for the following reasons:  
    • Need for a Macy's Insider.  The Current Member of Macy's Corporate Human Resources has all the attributes that I seek in order to put this plan in motion, chief among them being a Macy's Corporate Insider who knows, understands, and gets along well with the establishment as well as the rank and file.
    • Need for a Former Macy's Insider.  The Former Member is beloved or respected by everyone at Macy's that this individual has ever encountered; is kind, humble, unpretentious, a team player, a mother hen but also a stern figure when it comes to the mission; has all the energy to put into this mission; and is equally at ease when communicating with either a 5-year-old child or a Board Member.  I know of no other individual on this planet who possesses such a gift (although I am positive that there are many who would claim to have such a gift)
    • Understanding the Culture Is Important. So Is Being Able to See the Big Picture.  A symbiotic relationship is required between the members of the Human Evolution 2-22-2222 Committee as well as between the Committee and the Founder of the Global Human Evolution 2-22-2222 Initiative.  In other words, one cannot afford to allow Company Politics, Selfish Interests, and Ulterior Motives to rear their ugly heads, cause turmoil among the parties, and sabotage the mission.   
    • I am reasonably assured that there isn't a snowball chance in hell that this could happen.   Why is that, you might ask?  That's because I have personal knowledge of both parties and both parties have been very fond of each other for over a couple of decades.  And to put the icing on the cake, I am also fond of both parties and the feeling is mutual.   Thus, we are talking about a marriage made in heaven.  
    • In other words, when it comes to seeing the big picture, my organization CAN COLLABORATE with the members of Macy's Human Evolution 2-22-2222 Committee in a transparent, seamless and flawless fashion.  
    • Limited Time Span.  The Former Macy's Insider will only be required to commit a maximum of 5 years toward the implementation of "Macy's Strategy to Regain Its Prestige and former Glory."  At which point, a replacement can fill in.
  • Official Status of Human Evolution Committee Members. The Former Member of Macy's Retail Management will operate as a Non-Executive Member of Macy's Board of Directors. Whereas the Current Member of Macy's Corporate Human Resources must be promoted to, and will function as, an Executive Member of the Board of Directors.  
  • Restrictions to Board Member Activities.  The Members of the Human Evolution Committee of Macy's Board of Directors must NOT be involved in any operational matters and activities and can only function in an Advisory, Investigatory and Monitoring Role.
  • The Human Evolution 2-22-2222 Committee of Macy's Board of Directors Will Collaborate Directly with the Founder of the VOMI Global Think Tank Human Evolution Initiative.   Although all final decisions made by the Human Evolution Committee are subject to approval of the entire Board of Directors, all original decisions to proceed in a specific direction MUST gain the approval of the Founder of the VOMI Global Think Tank Human Evolution Initiative during the 5-year period following the launch of the Human Evolution 2-22-2222 Initiative.  Why is that necessary?  The answer is simple: to stand on the shoulders of giants.  

Why These Preconditions 

I am fully aware that there will be many issues to address as well as many challenges and obstacles to overcome - all of which are bound to come up in one form or another - during the implementation of this Human Evolution Station Initiative.  We can deal with these things as well as adapt to all changing circumstances.  However, that being said, the foregoing preconditions are the foundation upon which the pillars of Macy's Strategy will rest; and, therefore, are NOT negotiable.  

What This Mecca of Over 500 Human Evolution Stations Will Look Like and Be Like 

What this Mecca of over 500 Macy's Retail Stores functioning as Human Evolution Stations will look like can only be limited by your imagination and mankind's ingenuity.    The only guarantee I can give you is that you will never think of a Macy's Retail Store the same way again. 

A Human Evolution Station License Is Required for Each Retail Store 

Please note that a Human Evolution Station License is required for each Retail Store that Macy's wants to transform into a Human Evolution Station.   Therefore, a number of licenses can be prepaid in anticipation of having a minimum number of Human Evolution Stations over a specific period of time.  The reason being to take advantage of the much lower Human Evolution Station License fee during the initial stages of the VOMI Global Think Tank Human Evolution Initiative.  

We Are Not Macy's, So How Can We Participate in this Human Evolution Station Initiative? 

The article :: An Eye-Opening Conversation with a Human Evolution Station... :: answers every question that you may have about a Human Evolution Station...and includes details on how to get things started with One Human Evolution Station 2-22-2222 as a sign of Good Faith, Intellectual Capacity, and Intellectual Maturity.   At which point, we can then go over our requirements for other Retail Stores.  Otherwise, it would be a waste of time and efforts talking about hypotheticals.  

In Conclusion

I have barely begun to scratch the surface in terms of what needs to be done with respect to the implementation of "Macy's Strategy to Regain Its Prestige and Former Glory."  Therefore, let us focus on First Things First and not get ahead of ourselves.  

Next Steps for Macy's

  • First Things First.  Read the article :: An Eye-Opening Conversation with a Human Evolution Station... :: and proceed to obtain, at the very least, one Human Evolution Station 2-22-2222 License as a sign of Good Faith, Intellectual Capacity, and Intellectual Maturity.
  • Decision on Selection of First Retail Store Is NOT Necessary.  
  • Do NOT contact us in order to find out the identity of the Current Macy's Insider or the Former Macy's Insider.  That would be the equivalent of putting the cart before the horse. None of them are aware that they are under consideration for such a historic and groundbreaking moment in the history of Macy's, and there is absolutely NO GUARANTEE that either of them will consider or accept such a Human Evolution 2-22-2222 Committee Board Member position if it were offered to any of them. 
  • Once our terms of engagement have been accepted and Macy's would like to proceed, then and only then the names of these individuals will be released.  At which point, Macy's would have to launch a full court press in order to entice them to participate in such global human evolution endeavor.  I am willing to help in that regard.   
Next Steps for Other Leading Retail Establishments 

  • First Things First.  Read the article :: An Eye-Opening Conversation with a Human Evolution Station... :: and proceed to obtain just one Human Evolution Station 2-22-2222 License as a sign of Good Faith, Intellectual Capacity, and Intellectual Maturity.
  • Decision on Selection of First Retail Store Is NOT Necessary.  
  • Executive Search for Human Evolution Committee Members.  Once our terms of engagement have been accepted and your organization would like to proceed, we will then begin the Search for a Current Company Insider and Former Company Insider who meet the requirements for placement on the Human Evolution 2-22-2222 Committee.  At which point, your organization would have to launch a full court press in order to entice prospective candidates to participate in such global human evolution endeavor.  I am willing to help in that regard.
  • Looking for a Needle in a Haystack.  Please note that this search is bound to take a tremendous amount of time and efforts. The point being you cannot rush into things.  The wrong candidate will be a nightmare for all.  Changing course, or horses, in the middle of a stream will be a nightmare of apocalyptic proportions. There is no second chance. You don't get to screw up and start all over again.  That is NOT an option. 
  • Upon the completion of a Successful Search, then the real work begins.           

Other Steps

  • Proceed directly to and ask the following questions:  

      • Who is the architect of the Human Evolution 2-22-2222 Initiative
      • Who is the founder of the virtual organization management discipline.
    • Then proceed to Virtual Organization Advisors in order to obtain a deep insight into virtual organizations.   Such insight is a requirement in order to understand the role that the virtual organization management discipline and virtual organization leadership will play in the implementation of "Macy's Strategy to Regain Its Prestige and Former Glory" or the transformation of these Retail Stores into Human Evolution Stations.  

    A Priceless Parting Gift to All

    Anytime my late dad, Joseph A. Coupet Sr., wanted to share with me a little bit of advice, knowledge or useful information, he would always say, "Pierre, it's now time for us to delve into the secrets of the gods."  

    Of course, who in their right mind, could possibly resist the temptation of being privy to the secrets of the gods; thus, with great anticipation, I waited for him to put me in the know - in that special group of people with access to invaluable information. 

    In that spirit, consider yourself now privy to the secrets of the gods as I share with you this document:    
    Supplemental Information for Advocates of Human Evolution 

    Obtain a Human Evolution Station License in order to submit a support request if you have any questions or issues and would like some ideas or solutions.  Moreover, I invite you to review at your own leisure these additional documents which offer a deep insight into the virtual organization management discipline and virtual organization leadership; as well as the need for mankind to make the transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being in order to further embark on the road to Human Evolution.   No need to rush, just bookmark this page, you have an entire lifetime to read them:   

    Let Us Manifest!

    About Author:  Pierre Coupet, Q of VOM, is the founder of Virtual Organization Management Institute (VOMI), Virtual Organization Management Institute Repository,  VOMI Global Think Tank VOMI Virtual Organization AcademyVirtual Organization LeadershipVirtual Organization AdvisorsVirtual Organization RecruiterDigital Currency Consortium, Digital Currency Ethical Board,  Virtual Organization JobsVirtual Organization  Executives, and Blockchain Executives :: founder of the modern virtual organization management and virtual organization recruitment disciplines pioneered since 1997:: founder of League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives:: and Lead Architect of  Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial SystemContact Online.   

    Copyright 2007-2024. Pierre Coupet. VOMI. Virtual Organization Management Institute. Virtual Organization Leadership. Virtual Organization Advisors.  Virtual Organization Executives. Blockchain Executives. VOMI Virtual Organization Academy. Virtual Organization Recruiter. VOMI Global Think Tank. All rights reserved. Cannot be reproduced without permission.