Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Road to the White House Converges with Road to Human Evolution


The New Virtual Organization World

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Road to the White House Converges with Road to Human Evolution

By Pierre Coupet

To any human being who's not living under a rock, in a coma, or hooked up to some sort of life support system, the claim that "the road to the White House converges with the road to human evolution" seems to be preposterous, counterintuitive, and something that borders on incredulity ::: if not an outright and bold-faced lie. 

After all, judging by today's evidence, during this very minute and second of our existence, it is clear to any thinking human being with half a brain that the opposite is true - and that, in the absence of some sort of divine intervention, mankind is heading toward Human Extinction regardless of which road we embark on - and that the Road to Human Evolution is nothing but pure fantasy. 

Moreover, to play the devil's advocate, one could ask, "Why is TODAY's mere act of embarking on the Road to the White House ::: running for President of the United States :::  versus all other times in the annals of the history of the United States ::: is something that is bound to converge with the Road to Human Evolution, if such a road exists?"

In other words, what is so special or unusual about the times we currently live in, which would cause the Road to the White House to converge with the Road to Human Evolution?           

Alright, now that I have assuaged any concerns that you may have about my sanity, let me proceed to make a very simple case for such an assertion.

  • Reality #1.    We are all witnessing the end of an era.  The United States of America, in all of its splendor and glory over the last 70 years of its existence, has finally reached its apogee, a point of diminishing returns.  A situation which puts it in the position of having to struggle to maintain its hegemony at all costsNo different than all other former empires, dynasties and advanced civilizations.
  • Reality #2.    The use of nuclear weapons is no longer a scary thought.  The pervasive use of Tactical Nuclear Weapons over the last couple of decades, an open secret, has now given a license to ALL nuclear powers to use such weapons in the event their nation faces an existential crisis.  After all, it has been demonstrated over and over again that the use of tactical nuclear weapons does NOT necessarily translate into the sort of Armageddon or Nuclear Apocalypse event depicted in the movies.  
  • Reality #3.  It's now fashionable to have a doctrine on the use of nuclear weapons.  The intent to use Tactical Nuclear Weapons on the battlefield in the face of an existential crisis is now a declared policy of ALL nuclear powers, as a matter of deterrence.  Therefore, "it's not a matter of if, but when" this will take place.   After all, as the old saying goes, "somebody's got to win, and somebody's got to lose."
  • Reality #4.   Therefore, if deterrence fails, it's now a given that strategic nuclear weapons will be used.  That is to say, in the event that "the use of Tactical Nuclear Weapons" or the declared policy of "intent to use Tactical Nuclear Weapons" fails to achieve its objectives, then such a nuclear power will have no choice but to unleash their Strategic Nuclear Weapons.  
  • Reality #5.   Right now, we are in the middle of World War 3.   Whether or not you care to believe this, The Entire World is now witnessing the NATO-Russian Federation War, a clinical term for what is, in essence, the beginning of World War 3 ::: the precursor to an unrestricted and full-blown Nuclear War.   This war threatens the existence and survival of Russia as a Nuclear Superpower.  This war also threatens the existence and survival of the United States as a Hegemon and the World's Leading and Most Influential Superpower.  
  • Reality #6.   Therefore, the use of strategic nuclear weapons is now guaranteed.  In other words, Reality #1 through 5 guarantee the use of Strategic Nuclear Weapons by both NATO and the Russian Federation.
  • Reality #7.   All countries are now faced with the "you are either with me or against me" conundrum.  All Other Countries will have NO CHOICE but to side with either NATO or the Russian Federation.   A choice that 80% of countries around the globe will be more than happy to make the minute they no longer fear the hegemon.         
  • Reality #8.   Mankind will survive. This Guaranteed Nuclear War will NOT result in the Annihilation of all of Mankind.  It will NOT result in the End of the World. It will NOT result in the End of Civilization, as we now know it.  
  • Reality #9.   Most of mankind will be annihilated.  This Guaranteed Nuclear War will certainly result in the Annihilation of Most of Mankind, which will primarily result from the aftereffects of the war for centuries to come.  
  • Reality #10Plans in motion for what comes The Day After.   Therefore, Mankind Will Survive.  And the Architects and Planners of this Nuclear War have already gamed out this scenario :::: based on the foregoing Reality #1 - 9 :::: and made very copious and detailed plans for what comes The Day After
  • Reality #11.  Willful ignorance rules the day.  The Architects and Planners of this Nuclear War are fully aware that YOU lack the Intellectual Capacity and the Intellectual Maturity to accept and understand Reality #1-10.  Therefore, they are NOT at all concerned about you reading this document; in fact, they could care less.
  • Reality #12.  First Convergence Factor - Rise of the Globalists.   It's been a long time coming for those who were labeled "conspiracy theory nuts" and told that they just had too much time on their hands. The globalist agenda is distinct and completely devoid of local, city, state or province, national, and international considerations.  The globalists sincerely believe that "they know what's best for you and the rest of mankind; and thus, expect you to comply with their mandates and dictates, or else suffer the consequences."
  • Reality #13.  Second Convergence Factor.  The Death of Political Parties and Political Opposition.  Rise of the UniParty.  The natural outgrowth and consequence of Reality #12 is the death of all bona fide political ideologies, political parties, and political opposition; an outcome which gave rise to the UniParty all across the globe and literally made it virtually impossible for a member of one political party to differentiate himself from the opposition.   
  • Reality #14.  Third Convergence Factor.  Rise of the INO's.  ALL political parties, members and their supporters across the globe have morphed into a veritable army of INOs ("In Name Only").  Republicans have become RINOs; Democrats have become DINO's, Socialists have become SINO's, Libertarians have become LINO's, etc. 
  • Reality #15.   Fourth Convergence Factor.  A Paradigm Shift from "All Politics is Local" to "All Politics is Global."  The old concept of "All Politics is Local" is now strictly used to get votes.  Upon winning an election, a politician is now instructed to follow, abide by, and help implement the globalist agenda or else suffer the consequences.        
  • Reality #16.  Fifth Convergence Factor.  A Global, Silent and Petrified Majority of Disaffected.   Reality #12 - 15 has spawned the rise of a global, silent and petrified majority of disaffected people living in obscurity.  A smorgasbord of individuals who are devoid of nationality, race, gender, age, culture, religion, ideology, political persuasion, political affiliation,  social status, economic status, or paralysis due to fear of going against, or drawing the ire, of the powers-that-be.   People who are just standing on the sidelines; and waiting for an opportunity to emerge from the shadows, spring into action, and let their presence be felt.
  • Reality #17.  Sixth Convergence Factor.  Any "Genuine" Effort to Go in a Different Direction Which May Lead to a Brighter Future for All of Mankind Will Do.  Embarking on the Road to Human Evolution is the only such genuine effort that can galvanize this global, silent and petrified majority of disaffected people living in obscurity:  this smorgasbord of individuals throughout the globe. 
  • Reality #18.  Seventh Convergence Factor. Embarking on the Road to the White House Gets Everybody's Attention Across the Globe.  Whatever happens in the United States of America from the standpoint of a change in leadership, especially that of the President of the United States, is bound to attract the attention of nearly every single human being throughout the world.
  • Reality #19.  Eighth Convergence Factor.  Any Presidential Candidate Embarking on the Road to Human Evolution Will Also Get the Attention of Every Single World Leader Across the Globe.  Make no mistake about it, the mystique of the United States of America is not something which can be easily dismissed, ignored or discarded at home or abroad.  It took hundreds of years to build that mystique, therefore, no amount of waiving the magic wand can make it disappear overnight or in an instant.  Thus, any Presidential Candidate who also embarks on the Road to Human Evolution will also gain the attention and scrutiny of not only every single world leader but also every single candidate for political office, including every single member of this Global, Silent and Petrified Majority of Disaffected.
  • Reality #20.  Ninth Convergence Factor.  The Road to the White House is Highly Contested Terrain.  In which case, there can be no room for any margin of error.  That means the Clarion Call for Human Evolution must be issued to ALL Downstream Candidates for Political Office in every single nook and cranny throughout the United States.  The Call for Human Evolution must be made part of the political platform for all party members and functionaries.   It must saturate the airwaves, social media and discussions in every single living room, dining room, and at every single kitchen table.  

In other words, Candidates for Political Office who underestimate the power of the Call for Human Evolution will pay a dear price at the ballot box for such willful ignorance.         

  • Reality #21.   Tenth Convergence Factor.  The Wind of Human Evolution is at the Back of this Global, Silent and Petrified Majority of Disaffected People Living in Obscurity as well as All Who Embark on the Road to Human Evolution.  Therefore, any Presidential Candidate who Recognizes the Existence of These Two Camps and Embarks on the Road to Human Evolution will reap the ultimate reward at the ballot box. 
  • Reality #22.   The Eleventh and Final Convergence Factor.   The Mystique and Soft Power of Both the United States of America and the Office of President of the United States of America.   
  • For better or worse :::: and as it stands today, this very hour, minute, and second of the writing of this document :::: besides the United States of America, No Other Country in the World has the power to set in motion a series of irreversible and everlasting trends and events that will shape the global landscape and destiny of mankind for centuries to come.
  • Whereas The Road to Human Evolution itself, irrespective of whom occupies the Office of President of the United States, also has the power to set in motion a series of irreversible and everlasting trends that will shape the global landscape and destiny of mankind, not only for centuries to come but also for millennia to come.
  • Moreover, the Wind of Human Evolution is at the Back of every single individual or entity who embarks on the Road to Human Evolution in order to allow all travelers to gain traction, to propel them forward on their journey, and to allow them to sail beyond the horizon.
  • Therefore, the decision to Embark on the Road to Human Evolution that a Candidate for the Office of President of the United States makes today will reverberate across the globe for millennia to come and in ways that no current or future candidate, or incumbent president vying for reelection, could ever imagine.
Therefore, in light of the foregoing realities ("Reality #1 through 22"), it can be said that the Road to the White House Converges with the Road to Human Evolution for any candidate who has the Intellectual Capacity and Intellectual Maturity to see the big picture and understand the Grand Scheme of Things.  

Summary Analysis of Realities 

Whoever occupies the Office of President of the United States practically stands in front, and is in control, of the biggest bully pulpit in the world.  In other words, news that comes out of the White House from any President or incumbent President running for re-election ::: regardless as to whether not it is true, false, an act of omission, misinformation, disinformation, political rhetoric, posturing, propaganda, a false flag operation, or an outright and bold-faced lie ::: will instantly reverberate  across the entire globe. 

Moreover, the use of such bully pulpit to advance and promote the universal and revolutionary concept of the Need for Mankind to EVOLVE is, what I call, a one-two punch combination which is designed to generate a Wind of Human Evolution at their Back as such person embarks on the Road to Human Evolution.   

A Wind of Human Evolution which will allow such concept to gain traction, have the desired effect, and sail beyond the horizon.

The Real Questions

To many readers of this document here in the United States and, specifically, from other leading countries around the globe, I am sure they are bound to ask any of the following questions:  

  • Why the Road to the Office of President of the United States versus that of all other countries. 
  • Why can't the Road to the Kremlin (in Russia) or Zhongnanhai (in China) converge with the Road to Human Evolution. 
  • Why can't the Road to the Office of President in my country converge with the Road to Human Evolution. 
  • Pierre, I guess you yourself have drunk the Kool-Aid and bought into this crap about "American Exceptionalism."  I thought you were more enlightened than that, however, it seems that you're no different than all these other morons out there.  Is that a fair assessment of what you have written?  
Well, let me answer these questions with one simple paragraph:   
I have thought long and hard about these questions for decades.  These are fair and reasonable questions. In fact, I have always wondered why every single country in the world is reluctant - in fact, downright afraid - to make or introduce any significant, groundbreaking or revolutionary move, action or concept that has not already been sanctioned, approved by, adopted or gained widespread acceptance in, the United States.    (Although I have since learned the reasons why. However, that is outside the scope of this document.)
My Personal Human Evolution Experience Over Several Decades

However, that being said, from an empirical evidence standpoint, here is my personal experience over several decades when it comes to the introduction of any groundbreaking or revolutionary concept :::: including this Global Human Evolution 2-22-2222 Initiative - the Road to Human Evolution :::: to Every Single World Leader across the globe, including the ones from China, Russia, India, Israel, Palestine, Malaysia, Brunei, France, Germany, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Australia, Brazil, South Africa, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Haiti, etc.: 

The silence from these leaders has been deafening, to say the least. Not even Russia or China has bothered to respond or inquire in any way, shape or form.  The primitive and pathetic mentality of their business and political leaders is downright astounding.   They all seem to lack the Intellectual Capacity and Intellectual Maturity to understand or appreciate anything which does not bear the imprimatur of the United States of America.     
The point being, in the absence of an imprimatur from the United States of America, these countries are literally unable to evolve.  Hence the reason why their citizens go abroad in order to innovate.   A real shame and disgrace!

Yet, many of these concepts have since being adopted in the United States and are now either being introduced to, in vogue or full rigor in, many of these countries.    

That is the sort of empirical evidence which is really hard to refute. 
The point being, there is really no such thing as a Digital Divide, Wealth Gap, Education Divide, Literacy Divide, or Economic Divide.  There is, however, an Intellectual Divide.  The Intellectual Divide is Real and is the primary obstacle to Embarking on the Road to Human Evolution.  
Hence the reason why the Road to the White House is the only road that Converges with the Road to Human Evolution.  

As is customary, I am always willing to admit that I was wrong.  All it takes is for one World Leader running for Office of the President in any other country to respond to this document and submit a request for information on How to Embark on the Road to Human Evolution.  

However, that being said, I am fully aware that there isn't a snowball chance in hell that this will ever happen prior to the adoption of such concept in the United States.  

Next Steps for All US Presidential Candidates
    • What is the role of Pierre Coupet in Human Evolution 2-22-2222
    • What is a Human Evolution Station 2-22-2222 
    • What is the Human Evolution 2-22-2222 Initiative                  
  • Read the article :: An Eye-Opening Conversation with a Human Evolution Station... :: and proceed to become a Human Evolution Station 2-22-2222 in order to begin a discussion on How Your Presidential Campaign Team can obtain support and assistance on How to Embark on the Road to Human Evolution. 
  • Becoming a Human Evolution Station is a sign of Good Faith, Intellectual Capacity, and Intellectual Maturity.   As a Human Evolution Station, you will be provided with Unlimited Support and Assistance on a 24-hour basis.      

Next Steps for All Presidential Candidates in Other Countries

Requirements.  Your Campaign Team must assign a Team Member who is 100% fluent in English to be our Focal Point of Contact with your organization. 

    • What is the role of Pierre Coupet in Human Evolution 2-22-2222
    • What is a Human Evolution Station 2-22-2222 
    • What is the Human Evolution 2-22-2222 Initiative                  
  • Read the article :: An Eye-Opening Conversation with a Human Evolution Station... :: and proceed to become a Human Evolution Station 2-22-2222 in order to begin a discussion on How Your Presidential Campaign Team can obtain support and assistance on How to Embark on the Road to Human Evolution. 
  • Becoming a Human Evolution Station is a sign of Good Faith, Intellectual Capacity, and Intellectual Maturity.   As a Human Evolution Station, you will be provided with Unlimited Support and Assistance on a 24-hour basis.  
Next Steps for All Downstream Political Candidates for Office in the US
If you are running for any political office at either the village, city, county, state or province, or federal level, then proceed as follows:
    • What is the role of Pierre Coupet in Human Evolution 2-22-2222
    • What is a Human Evolution Station 2-22-2222 
    • What is the Human Evolution 2-22-2222 Initiative                  
  • Read the article :: An Eye-Opening Conversation with a Human Evolution Station... :: and proceed to become a Human Evolution Station 2-22-2222 in order to begin a discussion on How Your Election Campaign Team can obtain support and assistance on How to Embark on the Road to Human Evolution. 
  • Becoming a Human Evolution Station is a sign of Good Faith, Intellectual Capacity, and Intellectual Maturity.   As a Human Evolution Station, you will be provided with Unlimited Support and Assistance on a 24-hour basis.  
Next Steps for All Downstream Political Candidates for Office Outside of the US
Only For English-Speaking Countries.  If you are running for any political office at either the village, city, county, state or province, or federal level, then proceed as follows:
    • What is the role of Pierre Coupet in Human Evolution 2-22-2222
    • What is a Human Evolution Station 2-22-2222 
    • What is the Human Evolution 2-22-2222 Initiative                  
  • Read the article :: An Eye-Opening Conversation with a Human Evolution Station... :: and proceed to become a Human Evolution Station 2-22-2222 in order to begin a discussion on How Your Election Campaign Team can obtain support and assistance on How to Embark on the Road to Human Evolution. 
  • Becoming a Human Evolution Station is a sign of Good Faith, Intellectual Capacity, and Intellectual Maturity.   As a Human Evolution Station, you will be provided with Unlimited Support and Assistance on a 24-hour basis.  

A Priceless Parting Gift to All

Anytime my late dad, Joseph A. Coupet Sr., wanted to share with me a little bit of advice, knowledge or useful information, he would always say, "Pierre, it's now time for us to delve into the secrets of the gods."  

Of course, who in their right mind, could possibly resist the temptation of being privy to the secrets of the gods; thus, with great anticipation, I waited for him to put me in the know - in that special group of people with access to invaluable information. 

In that spirit, consider yourself now privy to the secrets of the gods as I share with you this document:    

Supplemental Information for Advocates of Human Evolution 

Obtain a Human Evolution Station License in order to submit a support request if you have any questions or issues and would like some ideas or solutions.  Moreover, I invite you to review at your own leisure these additional documents which offer a deep insight into the virtual organization management discipline and virtual organization leadership; as well as the need for mankind to make the transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being in order to further embark on the road to Human Evolution.   No need to rush, just bookmark this page, you have an entire lifetime to read them:   

Let Us Manifest!

About Author:  Pierre Coupet, Q of VOM, is the founder of Virtual Organization Management Institute (VOMI), Virtual Organization Management Institute Repository,  VOMI Global Think Tank VOMI Virtual Organization AcademyVirtual Organization LeadershipVirtual Organization AdvisorsVirtual Organization RecruiterDigital Currency Consortium, Digital Currency Ethical Board,  Virtual Organization JobsVirtual Organization  Executives, and Blockchain Executives :: founder of the modern virtual organization management and virtual organization recruitment disciplines pioneered since 1997:: founder of League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives:: and Lead Architect of  Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial SystemContact Online.   

Copyright 2007-2024. Pierre Coupet. VOMI. Virtual Organization Management Institute. Virtual Organization Leadership. Virtual Organization Advisors.  Virtual Organization Executives. Blockchain Executives. VOMI Virtual Organization Academy. Virtual Organization Recruiter. VOMI Global Think Tank. All rights reserved. Cannot be reproduced without permission.