Monday, July 8, 2024

Human Evolution 2-22-2222 ::: Bridging the Intellectual Divide


The New Virtual Organization World

It's a New Principled and Civilized World, It's Virtual and It's Organized

Human Evolution 2-22-2222 ::: Bridging the Intellectual Divide
By Pierre Coupet

What is the Intellectual Divide? 

Simply stated, Intellectual Divide is the Gap between Intellectual Maturity and Intellectual Capacity.

However, prior to going any further, you will need to familiarize yourself with the following terms in order to understand how to Compute the Intellectual Divide, How to Bridge It, and Why It Matters with respect to just about every single important decision you will ever be called upon, or have, to make during the rest of your entire career and in your own personal life: 

  • Intellectual Capacity.  The ability and willingness to pause long enough in order to gain access to new information; to understand and analyze such information; to reflect on such information; and to explore new and untapped opportunities in order to Make a Paradigm Shift from Today's Narratives to a New Paradigm - and Move the Needle.   (A very rare gift indeed.)

"Move the Needle" means having the insight to share such information about "Making a Paradigm Shift" with those who are in a position to take immediate action.   

  • Intellectual Maturity.    Possess the gift, ability and willingness to "See the Big Picture"; understand the "Grand Scheme of Things"; and have the foresight, wisdom and power to advocate the need for - and take - Immediate Action. 
  • Intellectual Divide.   The gap between Intellectual Maturity and Intellectual Capacity.  The wider the gap, the least likely that such an individual would ever be willing, or have an opportunity, to Move the Needle and become a Standard Bearer or Leading Advocate for Human Evolution.
  • Intellectual Equilibrium.   A state of balance between Intellectual Capacity and Intellectual Maturity.   A high score for Intellectual Equilibrium is not necessarily indicative of the absence or presence of an Intellectual Divide.  Therefore, it is possible to have a high score for Intellectual Equilibrium and yet have a high score for Intellectual Divide.   
(See Example #5 of the Formula for Computing "Intellectual Divide" and Example #5 of the Formula for Computing "Intellectual Equilibrium" shown below for details.)        
  • Intellectual Convergence.    The ideal state of balance at which an individual is operating at their "Full" Intellectual Capacity and "Full" Intellectual Maturity - a requirement to become a Standard Bearer or Advocate for Human Evolution.   

Formula for Computing "Intellectual Capacity"

The score for Intellectual Capacity falls between:   0 - 10 (the lower the score, the lower the Intellectual Capacity)


  • It is a completely subjective score assigned by a Subject Matter Expert to an Individual with respect to a "specific project, endeavor, conversation, or information provided."
  • Such Individual must belong to a target market that YOU have specifically identified (i.e., a targeted category or group of people who have been identified as potential candidates or beneficiaries of whatever it is that they are being considered for). 
  • Such Individual must be the recipient or intended recipient of information that YOU have provided either directly or indirectly. 
  • YOU must take into account that Individual's understanding of whatever opportunity or message that YOU sought to impart or convey based on what HE HAS SAID verbally or in writing
  • YOU must also take into account what that Individual HAS NOT SAID or responded to about such an opportunity or message.
  • YOU must also take into account specific steps that this Individual HAS TAKEN during their brief interactions with you and/or your organization. 
  • As well, YOU must also take into account specific steps that this Individual HAS NOT TAKEN ::: but should have taken :::  during their brief interaction(s) with you and/or your organization.    

For example, an Individual may be assigned an Intellectual Capacity score of 0 by the Author of this document ("ME") with respect to his ability to absorb and understand the information provided in this article.  

Whereas that same Individual could be assigned an Intellectual Capacity score of 8 by "Another Subject Matter Expert" with respect to his interest in Anthropology or Roman History. 

Formula for Computing "Intellectual Maturity"  

The score for Intellectual Maturity falls between:  0 - 10  (the lower the score, the lower the Intellectual Maturity)


  • It is a much less subjective score assigned by a Subject Matter Expert to an Individual with respect to a "specific project, endeavor, initiative, conversation, or information provided."
  • Such an Individual must belong to a target market that YOU have specifically identified (i.e., a targeted category or group of people who have been identified as potential candidates or beneficiaries of whatever it is that they are being considered for).  
  • Such an Individual must have taken the initiative to become fully aware of all relevant information and concrete steps that are required for the effective implementation of a plan of action regarding the subject matter under consideration.  
  • This person must demonstrate in both Words and Deeds that he "Sees the Big Picture"; understands the "Grand Scheme of Things"; is a strong advocate of the need for Immediate Action; and has taken immediate action toward any such implementation. (In other words, don't go by what people say, go by what people do.) 

Formula for Computing "Intellectual Divide"  

The score for Intellectual Divide falls between: 0  and (-10) on a linear scale

Intellectual Divide (ID) = Intellectual Maturity (IM) - Intellectual Capacity (IC) 
ID = IM - IC


      • Condition #1. If ID is greater than or equal to 0, then there is NO Intellectual Divide.
      • Condition #2.  If ID is less than 0 (represented by a negative number), then there is the presence of an Intellectual Divide.
    Condition #1 Examples of NO Intellectual Divide:

    Example #1
      • Intellectual Capacity =  8 
      • Intellectual Maturity  = 8
      • // Intellectual Divide =  8 - 8 = 0 // None
    Example #2
      • Intellectual Capacity = 8 
      • Intellectual Maturity = 10
      • // Intellectual Divide = 10 - 8 = (+2) // None 
    Example #3 
      • Intellectual Capacity = 3 
      • Intellectual Maturity = 10
      • // Intellectual Divide = 10 - 3 = (+7) // None
    Example #4
      • Intellectual Capacity  = 3 
      • Intellectual Maturity = 7
      • // Intellectual Divide = 7 - 3 = (+4) // None
    Condition #2 Examples of Intellectual Divide:

    Example #1 
      • Intellectual Capacity = 5 
      • Intellectual Maturity = 0
      • // Intellectual Divide = 0 - 5 = (-5) //
    Example #2  
      • Intellectual Capacity = 10 
      • Intellectual Maturity = 0
      • // Intellectual Divide = 0 - 10 = (- 10) //

    Example #3
      • Intellectual Capacity = 10 
      • Intellectual Maturity  = 3
      • // Intellectual Divide = 3 - 10 = (-7) // 
    Example #4
      • Intellectual Capacity = 10 
      • Intellectual Maturity = 8
      • // Intellectual Divide = 8 - 10 =  (-2) //
    Example #5

      • Intellectual Capacity = 7
      • Intellectual Maturity = 4
      • // Intellectual Divide = 4 - 7 = (-3) //

    Formula for Computing "Intellectual Equilibrium"

    Intellectual Equilibrium = Intellectual Capacity divided by ( / ) Intellectual Maturity expressed in percentage (%).

    Example #1
      • Intellectual Capacity = 8 
      • Intellectual Maturity = 8
      • // Intellectual Equilibrium = 8 / 8 = 100% //

    Example #2

      • Intellectual Capacity = 8 
      • Intellectual Maturity = 10 
      • // Intellectual Equilibrium = 8 /10 = 80% // 

    Example #3

      • Intellectual Capacity = 3 
      • Intellectual Maturity = 10
      • // Intellectual Equilibrium = 3 / 10 = 30% //

    Example #4

      • Intellectual Capacity  = 3 
      • Intellectual Maturity  = 7
      • // Intellectual Equilibrium = 3 / 7 = 42.86% //
    Example #5

      • Intellectual Capacity = 7
      • Intellectual Maturity = 4
      • // Intellectual Equilibrium = 7 / 4 = 175% //

    Formula for Computing "Intellectual Convergence"

    Intellectual Convergence = Perfect Score for both Intellectual Capacity and Intellectual Maturity

    For Example
      • Full Intellectual Capacity = 10 
      • Full Intellectual Maturity = 10
      • // In which case, Intellectual Convergence has taken place and such individual meets the requirement for becoming a Standard Bearer or Advocate for Human Evolution. //
    In Conclusion

    Now that you have become acquainted with all these terms, you can readily determine for yourself how you can Bridge the Intellectual Divide in order to embark on the Road to Human Evolution.

    Moreover, you can apply the foregoing formulas toward every single activity, endeavor or engagement that you can think of.   Most importantly, you now know what sort of criteria we are using in order to determine whether YOU are a good fit for us and whether or not YOU Are The Real Deal.  

    Why Bridging the Intellectual Divide Matters

    It matters because, from hereon, every single important decision you will ever be called upon, or have, to make during the rest of your entire career and in your own personal life will involve your being able to accurately gauge the Intellectual Capacity and the Intellectual Maturity of those whom you seek to communicate with in order to either Partner, Collaborate, or enter into discussions with. 

    Such ability will allow you to accurately determine the Intellectual Divide which exists between you and them without having to go through a trial-and-error process or undergo baptism by fire.   The greater the Intellectual Divide, the lesser the chances of success or a favorable outcome.

    What differentiates this process from all other gimmicks and cookie-cutter approaches is that the approach you take will be strictly confined to YOU and the specific individuals you are contemplating to enter into a relationship with.  It is NOT based on hype, smoke and mirrors, somebody's claim to fame, worthless::useless::manipulative::unethical endorsements, generalizations, suppositions, assumptions or a set of prevailing narratives.  The approach you take toward one individual is unique in every respect (i.e., time, place, and circumstance) and will never the same for anyone else.   

    It allows you to See the Big Picture, Understand the Grand Scheme of Things, and make the sort of Shifts to New Paradigms based on New Narratives that will allow you to Move the Needle.     
    Due to its universal applicability and simplicity, think of this document as the most consequential document that you will ever come across during your entire existence. 

    Thus, a perfect opportunity for me to segue way into the reason why I deemed it an existential matter ::: in other words, a matter of utmost importance :::  to write this document.         

    The Grand Scheme of Things

    At the end of the day, after all has been said and done, regardless of what it is that you want to get into :: or are considering :: it's really all about the Cause, being able to See the Big Picture, and to Understand the Grand Scheme of Things.   

    This article is designed to give each and every single Individual who has received a personal invitation from me to read this article ::: or the link to this document from any of our websites and other touchpoints ::: a unique opportunity to Gaze into the Window of our Human Evolution 2-22-2222 Initiative in order to obtain a clear and unobstructed view of Our Cause, to See the Big Picture, and to Understand the Grand Scheme of Things.

    In simple terms, that means the following:
    • We practice what we preach.  We employ the same methods and procedures outlined in this document in order to ensure that we are able to choose our colleagues, partners, and collaborators wisely. 
    • The personal invitation you received is real.   Yes, the email you received from ME is real. It actually came from ME.  It is NOT the result of some sort of a mass email marketing campaign using email marketing campaign tools that operate automatically or cheap labor from India, Pakistan, Philippines, Estonia, Costa Rica, etc.    
    • Each invitation is the result of actually sending one email to one specific individual.  We do NOT use automated email marketing software with templates for filling in the name and company.  Each email is the result of meticulous preparation by ME.   
    • I know who you are and there is a reason why you were selected to receive this invitation.  Your name and email address is NOT part of some email list obtained from some email leads database software provider.  I also know your nickname, alias or other preferred name (if it is publicly available or has been used throughout your professional career).  
    • Each invitation is the result of a painstaking amount of time and efforts.   I have personally reviewed your most recent background information :: or conducted research on your current and prior activities and performance; and thus, have deemed you to be eligible to receive my invitation.  Therefore, do NOT take it for granted and simply ignore this invitation OR overestimate your importance.
    • You are being assessed and I will personally be assigning an overall score to reflect the results of my interaction with you.    Therefore, the content of the invitation you received is designed to assess the following:  YOUR Intellectual Capacity, Intellectual Maturity, Intellectual Divide, Intellectual Equilibrium, and Intellectual Convergence.
    • The overall score assigned to YOU is very important to us.   Due to the painstaking amount of time it takes to select the recipient of one invitation, we can ill afford to waste any additional time and resources on one individual who is NOT a good fit.  We don't care to play the SPAM, hide-and-seek, or email attrition game with anyone because No One is that important.  I am NOT that important.  And YOU are NOT that important.  Moreover, I am NOT that desperate.   
    • Therefore, this Overall Score will only be used to determine the extent of any subsequent or future interactions with YOU and your organization.  
    • The point being, if you are the CEO of Company Y, for as long as you are employed there, it makes absolutely no sense for me to contact your subordinates in order to bypass you.  
    • The reason is simple.  If you have an Intellectual Capacity score of 2 (on a scale of 0-10), then there is absolutely nothing that can be said or done by your subordinates or fellow board members in order to increase your score.  Thus, we will have to wait until you leave the company and then contact the new CEO in order to determine his Intellectual Capacity prior to making a decision to enter into a relationship with your former employer. 
    • When assigning an Intellectual Capacity score to YOU, I take into consideration all of the following: 
      • Your ability to tell the difference between critical and important email, or valuable and priceless information, versus all the junk mail, spam and crap that you receive or are exposed to on a daily basis. 
      • If you have set aside a certain amount of time on a daily basis in order to review and differentiate critical and important email - or valuable and priceless information - from the avalanche of junk mail, spam and crap that land in your inbox, SPAM and Bulk Mail folders on a daily basis.  If not, I will automatically know.
      • If you have a system in place designed to ensure that you receive ALL critical and important emails?  If not, I will automatically know.
      • If yes, is such a system dependent on a secretary, assistant, or other personnel or is it email software-based? 
      • The amount of time it takes for YOU to reply to an important email or upon receipt of valuable and priceless information - if any?  I will automatically know.  
      • Your accessibility, and whether or not you understand how critical it is to remain accessible at all times, and how much effort you have actually put into it.  I will automatically know.
      • If you are pompous, arrogant, delusional, and full of self-importance.  In other words, do you believe all the bullshit, hype, smoke-and-mirrors and illusions which define your image on social media and mainstream media, as well as the fantasy or comic book character role that "you are expected to play on the world stage."
      • If you can tell the difference between a business proposition, an opportunity, a game-changing event, or a paradigm shift.   
      • If you belong in the Monkey See, Monkey Do category; are stuck in today's Paradigm of Human Existence and thus Unable to Move the Needle.  I will automatically know.
      • If you have the Intellectual Capacity to be able to Make the Shift to a New Paradigm that will allow you to Move the Needle.  I will automatically know.        
    • I know the conundrum that you currently face as you browse through our websites or read any of the documents that I have published.   To any casual visitor on any of our websites, I am fully aware that there is an Intellectual Divide that needs to be bridged.  
    • The same goes for the hundreds of articles that I have published over the last couple of decades.
    • The same goes for all private email correspondence I have sent to those who are bottom-crawlers and bottom feeders and thus are unable to understand or imagine what they can't conceive.   
    • I am also fully aware that is due to the fact that I am talking about Making a Shift to a New Paradigm which is focused on Human Evolution instead of today's Paradigm of Human Existence.  
    • Therefore, I know these things do NOT jive with your current understanding of Today's Realities; and thus, are very difficult for YOU to absorb.  
    • However, that being said, these opportunities are REAL once you are able to bridge the Intellectual Divide - that wide gap between Intellectual Maturity and Intellectual Capacity.
    • Thus, the reason why I refuse to abide by today's conventions and the current Rules of the Game that we are all expected to play.  Instead, I expect everyone to Collaborate instead of Cooperate - a very difficult concept to swallow.  
    • We refuse to adhere to the standard PR, Marketing, Sales and Promotional efforts.  
    • We insist on Being Direct, Forthright and Transparent at all times with those who would want to Partner or Collaborate with us.
    • Hence the reason why our Articles, Documents, Processes, Policies and Procedures cause a tremendous amount of consternation and head-scratching on the part of executives from Leading Enterprises, Foundations, Other Institutions, Governments, Think Tanks, Leading Academic Institutions, Investment Banking Firms, Investment Management Firms, Venture Capital Firms, Leading Financial and Banking Institutions, etc.  Proof that The Intellectual Divide is Real. 
    • The Opportunities that the Paradigm Shift to Human Evolution makes possible are also Real.    
    • Therefore, resist the temptation to automatically discount all the opportunities that this Paradigm Shift to Human Evolution makes possible; which is the equivalent of falling into this huge gap:  The Intellectual Divide that exists between Intellectual Maturity and Intellectual Capacity.
    • You can now view all these opportunities through a completely different lens.  What each and every single one of these opportunities has in common is that they are all related in one way or another to the following: 
      • Principled Leadership
      • Virtual Organization Leadership
      • Principled Geopolitical Leadership
      • Political Evolution
      • Making the transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being
      • Embarking on the Road to Human Evolution
      • A Futuristic City-State Enclave Based on a Civilized World Financial System
      • Building a Global Civilization of Intelligent Beings 
      • Human Evolution - (The Cause of Human Evolution)
      • Human Evolution - (The Grand Scheme of Things)
    • Now, that you have been exposed to the deleterious effect of the Intellectual Divide, you can reassess your understanding of the virtual organizations we have exposed you to.
    • You can now view all these Virtual Organizations offering the foregoing opportunities through a completely different lens:
    In summary, I hope that I have been able to accomplish what I originally set out to accomplish:  Giving you a unique opportunity to Gaze into the Window of our Human Evolution 2-22-2222 Initiative in order to obtain a clear and unobstructed view of Our Cause, to See the Big Picture, and to Understand the Grand Scheme of Things.  

    Take as much time as you need in order to understand this document and all that it entails.  There is no other document like it anywhere in the world. 

    A Priceless Parting Gift to All

    Anytime my late dad, Joseph A. Coupet Sr., wanted to share with me a little bit of advice, knowledge or useful information, he would always say, "Pierre, it's now time for us to delve into the secrets of the gods."  

    Of course, who in their right mind, could possibly resist the temptation of being privy to the secrets of the gods; thus, with great anticipation, I waited for him to put me in the know - in that special group of people with access to invaluable information. 

    In that spirit, consider yourself now privy to the secrets of the gods as I share with you this document:    

    Supplemental Information for Advocates of Human Evolution 

    Obtain a Human Evolution Station License in order to submit a support request if you have any questions or issues and would like some ideas or solutions.  Moreover, I invite you to review at your own leisure these additional documents which offer a deep insight into the virtual organization management discipline and virtual organization leadership; as well as the need for mankind to make the transition from Human Being to Intelligent Being in order to further embark on the road to Human Evolution.   No need to rush, just bookmark this page, you have an entire lifetime to read them:   

    Let Us Manifest!

    About Author:  Pierre Coupet, Q of VOM, is the founder of Virtual Organization Management Institute (VOMI), Virtual Organization Management Institute Repository,  VOMI Global Think Tank VOMI Virtual Organization AcademyVirtual Organization LeadershipVirtual Organization AdvisorsVirtual Organization RecruiterDigital Currency Consortium, Digital Currency Ethical Board,  Virtual Organization JobsVirtual Organization  Executives, and Blockchain Executives :: founder of the modern virtual organization management and virtual organization recruitment disciplines pioneered since 1997:: founder of League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives:: and Lead Architect of  Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial SystemContact Online.   

    Copyright 2007-2024. Pierre Coupet. VOMI. Virtual Organization Management Institute. Virtual Organization Leadership. Virtual Organization Advisors.  Virtual Organization Executives. Blockchain Executives. VOMI Virtual Organization Academy. Virtual Organization Recruiter. VOMI Global Think Tank. All rights reserved. Cannot be reproduced without permission.