Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Official Global Ambassador: Clarification of Your Mission

The New Virtual Organization World

It's a New Principled and Civilized World, It's Virtual, and It's Organized

Official Global Ambassador of VOMI Global Think Tank

is the most challenging concept to grasp in a Complex World.   
In other words, the simpler an idea or concept, the more difficult it is to grasp or understand.
There is a very good reason for that.  That's because we all live in a Complex World where people naturally assume that you (or any organization and institution) don't necessarily mean what you say and that parts of it - if not all of it - can be revised, repealed, annulled or completely discarded; and that everything in life is subject to interpretation  - and negotiation.   
Being the founder of the virtual organization management discipline pioneered since 1997, I can tell you from experience that "simplicity is an art and a sign of intelligence."   

Thus the reason why the virtual organization management discipline places such a strong emphasis on communication based on the following diktat:   "Say what you mean and nothing else - as long as it is the truth.

Hence the reason for this Clarification of the "Mission of an Official Global Ambassador" outlined in the Exclusive Strategy For Official Global Ambassadors of VOMI Global Think Tank document.  It seems that 99.5% of all candidates tend to have a really difficult time understanding that their mission could really be that simple:

Simply contact your EXISTING Circle of Influence in your country strictly via the internet  in order to advise them of your current Official Global Ambassador status at VOMI Global Think Tank and expose them to VOMI's Internal Providers License solution however you deem fit.   THAT IS ALL!  
Therefore, to emphasize the simplicity of your mission, here is an extremely simple email example of such notification:
Hello Robert,
How have you been?  Long time no hear. 
How is the world treating you at Company XYZ. 
For a quick update on my end, I am excited to let you know that I have just accepted an Official Global Ambassador, Denmark opportunity at VOMI Global Think Tank
In such capacity,  I will have an opportunity to advocate for an  explosion of virtual organizations across Denmark in order to help bring about the dawn of a new era:  The New Virtual Organization World.
In furtherance of my Official Global Ambassador, Denmark  mandate, I invite you to review the following solution offered by Virtual Organization Management Institute ("VOMI"), an affiliate of VOMI Global Think Tank.
Should your organization have a need for such a solution, please be sure to contact VOMI directly from their website since I am NOT an employee or agent or independent contractor of VOMI.  
As well, my mandate strictly forbids me from fielding any inquiries or providing any additional information (i.e., no emails, phone calls, videoconferences, lunches, meetings, etc.) beyond the link just provided.
Nevertheless, whether or not your organization has a need for this solution, here is a quick link to an article which describes in stunning detail what the Official Global Ambassador position entails.  Perhaps, you may be inclined to join me at VOMI Global Think Tank if you find it as interesting and fascinating as I do.
On a more personal note,  how is Judy Nostra?  Is she still with the company?  If so, let her know I said hello and to keep up the good work.
I look forward to keeping open our channels of communication and to staying in touch a bit more often.
Warmest regards,

Jack Bilderbert
-----End of Example
Yes, it is that simple.  There is nothing else to it.
I hope that the latter example has answered every single question you may have had as well as resolved any ambiguities regarding the mission of the Official Global Ambassador. 

Let Us Manifest!

About Author:   Pierre Coupet, Q of Virtual Organization Management is the founder of Virtual Organization Management Institute (VOMI), VOMI Virtual Organization Academy,  Virtual Organization Leadership,  VOMI Global Think Tankand Virtual Organization Recruiter :: founder of the modern virtual organization management and virtual organization recruitment disciplines pioneered since 1997:: founder of League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives:: and Lead Architect of Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial SystemContact Online; or via CHAT.

Stock Photo: courtesy of Pixabay

Copyright 2007-2020.  Pierre Coupet.  VOMI. Virtual Organization Management Institute. VOMI Virtual Organization Academy.  Virtual Organization Recruiter. VOMI Global Think Tank.  All rights reserved.  Cannot be reproduced without permission.