Saturday, June 25, 2016

Why Recruiters Should Partner With Virtual Organization Recruiters

The New Virtual Organization World
It's a New Principled World, It's Virtual, and It's Organized

Why Recruiters Should Partner with Virtual Organization Recruiters
By Pierre Coupet

Before I begin to give you the reasons why Recruiters (i.e.,  Contract Recruiters, Third-Party Recruiters, Executive Recruiters,  Executive Search Consultants, Independent Recruiters)  should partner with Virtual Organization Recruiters, let's analyze the difference between Virtual Recruiters and Virtual Organization Recruiters.

First and Foremost.   Although Virtual Recruiters and Virtual Organization Recruiters both operate in a virtual environment,  the primary difference is that the "Virtual Organization Recruiter" specializes in recruiting ONLY personnel who will primarily be working in either a "Hybrid Virtual or 100% Virtual Organization" environment.   That means a "Virtual Organization Recruiter" does NOT recruit personnel for "brick-and-mortar" positions.

Whereas Virtual Recruiters try to be a Jack of All Trades and Wear Too Many Hats by attempting to conduct searches for both "brick and mortar" and "virtual or virtual organization" positions.   They automatically (but wrongly) assume that, since they are now working in a virtual environment, this means they are automatically qualified to also assess candidates who will be working for their Client partly or mostly in a virtual environment.     A very dangerous assumption, I might add!    

Second.   The second most important difference is that a "Virtual Organization Recruiter" operates strictly in accordance with the "Virtual Organization Management discipline."  It's basically a formal and universal set of standards, best practices, policies and procedures for operating in a virtual environment.

 a "Virtual Recruiter" uses whatever "homegrown procedures for working from home" suits him/her best (no universal set of standards, best practices, policies or procedures).    Think of the difference between Cowboys (Virtual Recruiters) and Soldiers (Virtual Organization Recruiters).  Although they both use guns and are good at what they do,  the Cowboy makes his own rules, whereas, the Soldier has to undergo formal military training, wear uniforms, abide by a certain code of conduct,  and must observe military rules or else be subject to the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice).

Third.   The third and most significant difference is that the "Virtual Organization Recruiter" operates strictly in accordance with the "Virtual Organization Recruitment discipline."  It's basically a formal and "universal" set of standards, best practices, policies and procedures for recruiting ONLY personnel "who will be working in either a Hybrid Virtual or 100% Virtual Organization environment"  ::  NOT for recruiting personnel who will be working "primarily" in a brick-and-mortar setting.

To continue with the same Cowboys (Virtual Recruiters) versus Soldiers (Virtual Organization Recruiters) analogy, although cowboys know how to fight, they use their own "homegrown, on-the-fly, and on-demand battle strategy."  In other words, whatever suits them best at the time in order to get the job done.

Whereas the military's mission is different and, therefore, Soldiers have to use formal military tactics, maneuvers and strategies learned in basic military training, at the military academy and on the battlefield.  As well, Soldiers also receive formal training in the use of more sophisticated weapons.

Since I am not the only Recruiter or Executive Search Consultant who has ever been in the military, I am sure that my fellow veterans will clearly understand what I mean by that.

Fourth.   The fourth most important difference is the Business Model:  "Virtual Organization Recruiters" do NOT work on either a Contingency :: Retainer  :: or  Bill Me basis.   ADVANCE PAYMENT IN FULL is required from each client at the time the order is placed before any work can begin.   There is one excellent reason for that:

That's because the virtual organization recruitment process is completely different than the standard recruitment process for brick and mortar candidates.  It is primarily 99.9% assessment.  Therefore, that type of work cannot be done on a "contingency," "retainer," or "bill me" basis.

Think of yourself, a Recruiter, ordering a "personality test" from a third-party provider for one of your candidates (if you were conducting a retained search for one of your clients).   You or your client wouldn't ask the provider to do it on a contingency,  retainer or bill me basis.   You or your client would pay for the assessment at the time the order is placed, before the assessment can be made.

Of course, if you are a Third-Party Recruiter working on a contingency basis, this is the sort of activity that is carried out directly by your Client.   Nonetheless, the point being, certain recruitment activities must be paid for in advance.

It's Now Time to Give You the Reasons Why

Now that you have a clear understanding of the difference between a Virtual Recruiter and Virtual Organization Recruiter, it's time to give you the practical reasons why Recruiters should partner with Virtual Organization Recruiters:

No Competition or Conflict of Interest.     Now that you have a clear understanding of the Virtual Organization Recruiter's business model (Advance Payment In Full  for All Services to Be Rendered);  it should be obvious to you that the Virtual Organization Recruiter has absolutely no interest in working under the terms and conditions that both, the Recruiter and the Client Company, are accustomed to.   

Therefore, the Virtual Organization Recruiter has absolutely no interest in undermining a Recruiter's existing relationships with its clients; and thus, does NOT represent a threat to your business or livelihood, or to you personally, if you happen to be an Independent Contract Recruiter or Third-Party Recruitment Firm.

Allows You to Shift the Burden of Expectation and Be Compensated in Advance.    When a current or potential Client Company gives you a job order or a Search Assignment, they automatically (but wrongly) assume that since the Recruiter is a Recruiting Wizard with tons of years of experience, then that firm or Independent Recruiter is automatically qualified to assess candidates who will be working for the Client either partly or mostly in a virtual environment.   

And if you are a Recruiter working on a contingency basis, these Clients naturally expect the Recruiter to conduct such Virtual Organization Candidate Assessment under their existing terms and conditions - in other words, on a contingency basis and FREE OF CHARGE.

At which point, you will be in a position to advise your Client or Potential Client that the Candidate Recruitment and Assessment methodology must take into account the environment wherein a Candidate is expected to perform:  Brick-and-Mortar, Virtual, Hybrid Virtual, or Virtual Organization environment.    

But when you partner with a Virtual Organization Recruiter, instead of trying to be a Jack of All Trades and Wearing a Lot of Hats, all you need to do is just shift the burden of expectation by letting your Clients know in advance that the assessment of Virtual Candidates requires a certain amount of specialization and that you have partnered with a Virtual Organization Recruiter and Virtual Organization Leadership Assessment firm in order to provide such services to them.

Since the Virtual Organization Recruiter and Virtual Organization Leadership Assessment require upfront payment for each individual search assignment and candidate assessment; that means, you, the Virtual Recruiter, will be automatically compensated in advance by your Virtual Organization Recruiter business partner for these virtual candidate assessment services (that you yourself did NOT provide) regardless as to whether or not a placement has been made.

As well, if your client elects to only use the Virtual Organization Leadership Assessment component of the search for a Virtual Organization candidate, then you will also get to receive your contingency placement fee in the event of a successful placement. 

And if you are an Executive Recruiter working on a retainer basis, then the Client will appreciate the fact that you understand the difference between conducting a search for brick-and-mortar personnel vs. virtual or virtual organization personnel; and thus, will be more than pleased to pay directly for the Virtual Organization Leadership Assessment (as they would for any other assessment).    

Allows You to Position Yourself As Resident Virtual Organization Candidate Assessment Guru.    Eventually, every single stakeholder in your Client's organization--from Human Resources Personnel to Hiring Managers--will come to rely on you, their Recruiter, as the Go-To-Source (Resident Guru) for recruiting-assessing personnel who will be working in a virtual or virtual organization environment - regardless of the number of other Recruitment or Executive Search Firms that they are currently dealing with for their recruitment and other talent acquisition needs.
Allows You to Gradually Shift Your Organization to the Advance Payment for Services Business Model.   Moreover, as time goes by and more and more companies begin to hire more Virtual Personnel, the ratio of your revenues from "Virtual Organization Candidate Assessment Services" will gradually begin to shift (by as much as 180 degrees).    For example, if you are a Recruiter working strictly on a Contingency basis, your partnership with the Virtual Organization Recruiter could cause the source of your revenues to shift over a period of time to 80% of revenues from Advance Payment and 20% from Contingency Placement.

It's 100% Effortless.  A No-Brainer.   A Win-Win Proposition.   No Additional Effort Is Required On Your Part :: You don't have to hire or train additional staff to provide the Virtual Organization Candidate Assessment services.  The Virtual Organization Recruiter will handle it all.   All you need to do is let your clients know that you have partnered with a Virtual Organization Recruiter to provide them with this valuable service.

It's a No-Brainer ::  You already have the Clients, and hiring Virtual Personnel is NOT a new concept that you have to shove down their throat.  In fact, they are already using virtual employees in some form or another and are already clearly aware of the issues.  The only thing that you are now doing is "providing them with a Reliable and Effective Solution."

It's Also a Win-Win Proposition :: If your firm works on a Contingency basis, you no longer need to (try to) provide FREE Virtual Candidate Assessment services.   You can now receive Advance Payment for all virtual candidate assessment services (regardless as to whether or not you are able to fill the position) and still have an opportunity to fill the position on a contingency basis (in accordance with your standard employment agency or recruitment terms).    That way, everybody wins:  The Recruiter, The Client,  and The Virtual Organization Recruiter.

In Conclusion

Now that you understand the difference between a Virtual Recruiter and Virtual Organization Recruiter, and have been enlightened about the "Virtual Organization Recruitment" discipline,  there is no need for you to try to pass yourself off as a Jack of All Trades and Expert in the Recruitment of  Virtual and Virtual Organization Personnel.

You can now stay focused on what you do best:  Recruitment of  Brick-and-Mortar Personnel (on a contingency or retainer basis) and let your Virtual Organization Recruiter business partner do the rest (and get paid in advance).  

The bottom line is this:  Virtual Organization Recruiters do NOT compete with Recruiters since they have a different mission.  Instead "Virtual Organization Recruiters" complement "Recruiters" and help them prosper.

I hope that helps a great deal!

About Author:  Pierre Coupet, Q of VOM, is the founder of Virtual Organization Management Institute (VOMI), Virtual Organization Management Institute Repository,  VOMI Global Think Tank VOMI Virtual Organization AcademyVirtual Organization LeadershipVirtual Organization AdvisorsVirtual Organization RecruiterDigital Currency Consortium, Digital Currency Ethical Board,  Virtual Organization JobsVirtual Organization  Executives, and Blockchain Executives :: founder of the modern virtual organization management and virtual organization recruitment disciplines pioneered since 1997:: founder of League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives:: and Lead Architect of  Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial SystemContact Online.   

Stock Photo: courtesy of Pixabay

Copyright 2007-2023. Pierre Coupet. VOMI. Virtual Organization Management Institute. Virtual Organization Leadership. Virtual Organization Advisors.  Virtual Organization Executives. Blockchain Executives. VOMI Virtual Organization Academy. Virtual Organization Recruiter. VOMI Global Think Tank. All rights reserved. Cannot be reproduced without permission.