The New Virtual Organization World
It's a New Principled and Civilized World, It's Virtual and It's Organized
After reviewing such a huge number of disparate comments about CloudCoin from a number of CloudCoin groups on Telegram, I recently decided to launch three (3) separate CloudCoin groups on Telegram and LinkedIn in order to offer some perspective and clarity to the various members of the original Telegram groups.
In essence, they seem to be having an extremely hard time communicating with each other for the simple reason they are so ideologically apart from each other ::: from the standpoint of the mission and vision of CloudCoin versus their own individual reasons for wanting to become a CloudCoin Stakeholder and supporting the work of the members of CloudCoin Consortium.
Hence, this article is designed to address this critical issue as well as address the needs and concerns of all CloudCoin Stakeholders and supporters.
Not All CloudCoin Stakeholders Are Equal
This failure to communicate has to do with the fact that we are dealing with three (3) camps of CloudCoin Stakeholders broken down into the following nine (9) categories:
- Camp #1. CloudCoin Purists. CloudCoin Purists fall into the following five (5) categories:
- 1. General - All Members,
- 2. The Intellectual Class,
- 3. The Vast and Quickly Vanishing Middle Class,
- 4. Residents of Poor Cities, Rural Communities and Remote Villages, and
- 5. The Battered and Downtrodden Worldwide
- Camp #2. CloudCoin Investors. CloudCoin Investors fall into the following three (3) categories:
- 1. The Professional Class,
- 2. The Crypto Warriors, and
- 3. The Ghost Investors
- Camp #3. RaidaTech Investors. RaidaTech Investors are mostly original CloudCoin Purists and CloudCoin Investors who have invested in the launch of RaidaTech, an offshoot of CloudCoin Consortium, in order to launch applications and other technologies based on CloudCoin's underlying technology.
What Is The Difference Between CloudCoin Purists and CloudCoin Investors?
I know you're wondering how in the world I was able to guess this question which just came to your mind (don't laugh!) ::: well, I am not going to tell you I have ESP (extrasensory perception) ::: that's because the comments emanating from all these CloudCoin group discussions on Telegram are somehow pointing to that same question.
Thus, I recently set about and wrote a lengthy article which outlined in great detail the attributes of CloudCoin Purists and CloudCoin Investors :: CloudCoin: Exclusive Adoption Strategy for the Global General Population
Launch of Corresponding Groups on Telegram and LinkedIn
In connection with the foregoing Camps of CloudCoin Stakeholders, I just recently launched the following Telegram and LinkedIn groups in order to properly align CloudCoin group discussions with their respective stakeholders:
- New Telegram Groups
- New LinkedIn Groups
So join the group which best suits your profile.
As well, you are welcome to join this CloudCoin Consortium group on LinkedIn ::: which has been in existence for quite some time ::: if your organization falls within the following Universe of Potential CloudCoin Stakeholders:
- Sovereign Wealth Funds
- Private Pension Funds
- Top 100 Emerging Market Enterprises (Corporate Treasury)
- Top 100 Emerging Countries (Government Treasury)
- Forbes Global 2000 Companies (Corporate Treasury)
- Ultra-High-Net-Worth Individuals (UHNWI)
- Family Offices Worldwide
In Conclusion
In summary, everything you have ever wanted to know or could possibly want to know about CloudCoin ::: as well as which role you would like to play in the development and global adoption of this revolutionary digital global reserve currency ::: and evolution of this alternative financial system ::: is now at your fingertips.
Let Us Manifest!
Personal Disclaimer: The entire content of this article represents my own personal views, analyses and recommendations based on a tremendous body of knowledge acquired over a lifetime and is not being sponsored by any individual, organization, institution or any other entity. Nor have I sought to obtain or obtained any sort of approval or clearance to divulge any of the information contained herein. Although I am a CloudCoin Stakeholder, I am NOT an official of CloudCoin Consortium.
About Author: Pierre Coupet, Q of Virtual Organization Management is the founder of Virtual Organization Management Institute (VOMI), VOMI Virtual Organization Academy, Virtual Organization Leadership, VOMI Global Think Tank, and Virtual Organization Recruiter :: founder of the modern virtual organization management and virtual organization recruitment disciplines pioneered since 1997:: founder of League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives:: and Lead Architect of Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial System. Contact Online
Stock Photo: courtesy of Pixabay
Copyright 2007-2020. Pierre Coupet. VOMI. Virtual Organization Management Institute. VOMI Virtual Organization Academy. Virtual Organization Recruiter. VOMI Global Think Tank. All rights reserved. Cannot be reproduced without permission.