The New Virtual Organization World
There is NO One-Size-Fits-All Strategy which could possibly cover all local small businesses in every single Remote Village in any Least Developed Country in the world - let alone ALL of them.
However, that being said, regardless of where you happen to live on this planet of ours, there is one Universal Constant that we can all rely on: The Human Brain and its awesome, in fact, otherworldly capabilities. In other words, Human Ingenuity.
Therefore, if you are willing to take the time to feed your Brain with Information, the resulting Knowledge will give you the sort of power that you need in order to accomplish your objectives regardless of geography, circumstances and providence.
Hence the need to absorb every single bit of Information provided below about CloudCoin:
- Article #1 :: Adoption Strategy for CloudCoin As a Digital Global Reserve Currency
- Article #2 :: CloudCoin: Exclusive Adoption Strategy for Small Online Businesses
- Article #3 :: CloudCoin: Exclusive Adoption Strategy for the Global General Population
- Article #4 :: CloudCoin Digital Currency: Why A Currency Exchange With Sovereign Wealth Funds Is A Significant Break For Both
- Article #5 :: CloudCoin: Exclusive Adoption Strategy for the General Population in Remote Villages of Least Developed Countries
- Article #6 :: My Answer to A CloudCoin Investor Re Stability and Volatility of CloudCoin
Of course, I am fully aware that it will take you many days, weeks ::: if not months ::: to absorb all this information. However, I am fully confident in your abilities to absorb the volume of information provided and to be able to put it to good use. In other words, I believe in you.