The New Virtual Organization World
In the grand scheme of things, does Intelligence really matter?
The preponderance of evidence suggests that it does, but only once you realize and have come to accept the fact that you are indeed an Intelligent Being.
For example, let's say that you were born a prince of some royal house of a very powerful kingdom in some foreign land: The House of Derenoncourt. However, you were kidnapped at a very early age by some marauders from a distant land who raised you and taught you their craft. A place and time that you have no knowledge or recollection of.
My question to you is this: Are you a very powerful prince of the House of Derenoncourt and does it really matter? Or are you just a regular bandit and marauder?
Well, it matters that you are a powerful prince ONLY once you've come to realize, by chance or otherwise, and have come to accept, the fact that you are indeed a prince of the House of Derenoncourt. Otherwise, you're just another thief and bandit.
Hence the dilemma that I face in getting the message across to every single human being that We Are All Intelligent Beings and that we don't have to live like Slaves and Servants whose fate is always at the mercy of Our Masters.
They refuse to believe that they are slaves and servants for the simple reason that this is the only life that they have ever known. No different than telling that kidnapped prince that he doesn't have to live the life of a bandit; the only life he has ever known and that he is quite content with.
If you understand the foregoing introduction, that means you are now ready to receive the following message.
About Author: Pierre Coupet, Q of VOM and Founder of VOMI (Virtual Organization Management Institute), VOMI Virtual Organization Academy, VOMI Global Think Tank, Virtual Organization Recruiter and Virtual Organization Jobs :: Founder of the modern Virtual Organization Management and Virtual Organization Recruitment disciplines pioneered since 1997 :: Founder of League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives :: Architect of The New Virtual Organization World and the "Futuristic City-State Enclave Based on a Civilized World Financial System" :: Curator of the following Collections: The New Virtual Organization World | Memorable Quotes of Pierre Coupet | Official Global Ambassador | Official Global Ambassador AGENT