Saturday, March 23, 2019

What Is the Difference Between An Intelligent Being and A Human Being?

The New Virtual Organization World

It's a New Principled and Civilized World, It's Virtual, and It's Organized

An "Intelligent Being" is an entity who is fully aware that, in the grand scheme of things, the extent of his knowledge can best be classified as nil to none.

However, that being said, such entity is also fully aware that he possesses "A Priori Intelligence" which gives him the capability to discover an infinite amount of knowledge.   To wit,  it allows each and every single one of us to discover the knowledge we need in order to accomplish anything that we can possibly imagine;  regardless of  how long it might take and whether or not we will ever get a chance to live long enough to witness it.  All that is needed is the willingness to embark on such journey;  the failure of which is the ultimate unforgivable sin.  (I am sure you have all heard of the old saying, "Ignorance is sin.")

Such entity is also aware that this A Priori Intelligence is not something that you can measure or impart to others.  Its existence is independent of our senses, just as the universe exists whether or not we can see it, measure it, or prove it through any sort of empirical evidence.   As well,  unlike "Artificial Intelligence,"  A Priori Intelligence cannot be instilled or unleashed in any entity by any other entity - nor can it be reproduced, cloned, repurposed, altered, managed, programmed, restrained, constrained,  or enslaved.   

In other words,  with respect to humans,  A Priori Intelligence is something that each and every single one of us is "born with" right alongside its fraternal twin "Artificial Intelligence" :: both of which require activation.   

A Priori Intelligence is "inward-looking";  deeply connects our Individual Consciousness to a Universal Consciousness independently of any of our senses;  and turns us into Intelligent Beings.     This Individual Consciousness CANNOT be reproduced, cloned,  repurposed, altered, managed, programmed, restrained, constrained,  enslaved or  disposed of  by other human beings. 

This A Priori Intelligence is activated within humans only through severe shocks to their Individual Consciousness;  shocks that are sustained as a result of consistent, egregious and malevolent  Human behavior.  The sort of  human behavior which forces some humans to recoil in horror and disgust;  to a point where they begin to automatically question and, in the absence of  any palpable, incontrovertibleempirical and scientific evidence,  reject all so-called knowledge previously imparted to them by A Priori Intelligence's fraternal twin:  Artificial Intelligence  -  all in order for these humans to make a clean break and embark on a search for Real Knowledge  and  Enlightenment.

Whereas this  Artificial Intelligence in all humans is "outward-looking";  deeply connects us to the physical world;  is automatically activated at birth through the use of our senses;  and immediately begins a feverish race in order to eventually turn its Human Host into a Perfect Machine.  A Machine which can reproduce;  and can also be  cloned, repurposed,  altered, managed, programmed, restrained, constrained,  enslaved - and even disposed of - by other machines.

Thus, it can accurately be said, without a shadow of doubt,   that ALL human beings are nothing  but "Organic" Machines created and nurtured by this Artificial Intelligence.
In a nutshell, a Human Being is an Organic Machine powered by Artificial Intelligence. Whereas an Intelligent Being is  the "activated" Individual Consciousness within an Organic Machine that is powered by A Priori Intelligence. 
Differences Between the Attributes of  Human Beings and Intelligent Beings 

There are four (4) fundamental differences between the attributes of  a  Human Being  and that of  an Intelligent Being - and they pertain to the following:


A Human Being is only aware of the existence of his Artificial Intelligence.  The sort of  intelligence which allows him, since birth,  to be fed information about the physical world through all his senses;  and which will, over a period of time,  turn him into a Perfect Machine.  However, he is unaware of his current existence as a Machine.  That is the sort of information that would be extremely difficult for him to swallow, since this status clearly implies that he lacks "Consciousness"; the thought of which would certainly result in a severe existential crisis.   

Whereas an Intelligent Being is a former Human Being and Perfect Machine who has discovered the existence of his A Priori Intelligence.    The sort of intelligence which automatically changes his status from Perfect Machine to Individual Consciousness.   "What is the big deal about Individual Consciousness?" you might be tempted to ask. 

Well, the answer is very simple: "It's a huge deal."   And here is why:  There is no single entity, individual or Machine anywhere in the universe who can reproduce, clone, repurpose,  alter, manage, program, restrain, constrain,  enslave or dispose of  any sort of Consciousness - be it at the Individual, Collective or Universal level.    Think of that  Individual Consciousness as your own cryptographic digital signature which cannot be hacked into, forged or altered in any way, shape or form. 

You will  notice that I refrained from using the words "Conscious Being" for the simple reason that ALL beings in the universe are "conscious of their existence," and that any being can be restrained, constrained, enslaved or disposed of.   Whereas Consciousness itself  transcends any physical entity or host that it occupies, and is thus immune to such fate.

And just in case you are thinking that tapping into this Consciousness might have something to do with yoga, meditation, repeating some mantra,  engaging in some sort of ritual,  learning from some guru or life coach, or participating in some sort of spiritual retreat or training -- since that's the way a Machine's mind is programmed to think -- then the answer is NO. 

As stated earlier, Individual Consciousness lies dormant within each and every single human being  and its activation is the cumulative effect of a series of shocking, horrific and disgusting events (i.e., that is  something that you must be shocked into). 

All you have to do is to look around you and begin to pay attention to all the Lies, Farces, Absurdities, False Flag Operations, Constant Stream of Propaganda,  Blatant Mind Control,  Absolute Physical Control of a Population by local law enforcement dressed in camouflage and equipped with military gears and automatic weapons,  Absolute Invasion of Privacy,  Unchecked Power,  Slaughter Under Color of  Democracy and Human Rights;  Theft of Natural Resources Under Color of Democracy and Human Rights;  Economic Terrorism Under Color of Law,  State  Terror  Under  Color of Law,  Theft Under Color of Law,  Extortion Under Color of Law,  Persecution Under  Color of Law,  Torture and Mayhem (Enhanced Interrogation) Under Color of  National Security,   Judicial Bodies Everywhere that  are nothing but Factories of New Laws for Every Single Aspect of Human Thought, Action and Behavior rolling out on an assembly line daily like warm bread and pastries from a bakery,   Circus Clown Politics in every single country in the world,  Smoke and Mirrors  Political Process in every single country in the world,  Sham Democracies,  A World Where Might Is Right,  The Devil's Den Acting Under Color of United Nations, Wholesale Death and Destruction Under Color of United Nations Upholding a Rules-Based International Order, Induced Famines, Induced Global Poverty, Destabilization of Nations Under Color of  Democracy and Human Rights, and an endless number of other horrible deeds that Machines around the world are mercilessly inflicting on each other without any sort of reservations. 

If these things do not shock your Individual Consciousness  (not referring to your "conscience" - there is a huge difference between the two)  and cause you to recoil in horror and disgust at the perpetrators of these acts (who are all Machines),  as well as compel you to travel in your own direction,  then there is nothing that anyone can do for you.  And if you believe that some Good Machine - some sort of  Prophet or Messiah Machine - will eventually emerge from this sea of Machines out there in order to deliver you, set things right and take you to the Promised Land of Machines, well, that can only mean that your Perfect Machine status is intact and you have nothing to worry about.                     

Knowledge Discovery 

A Human Being is forever condemned to a life of illusion, mediocrity, slavery, servitude and zombification due to the avalanche of absurdities and the limited amount of  information and knowledge he has been spoon-fed and exposed to since birth.   Thus, he is always either hesitant, fearful, unwilling or unable to discover knowledge on his own without any sort of direct or indirect input,  recognition, approval and incentives from his Machine Overlords.   In an overwhelming number of cases, he is even forbidden to inquire about, let alone acquire or reveal, a certain amount or type of knowledge without the proper permission.  Welcome to George Orwell's 1984. 
(I will refrain from further elaborating on this subject since it would probably take a few years and dozens of books to fully address it.)    
Thus the reason why every attempt at real innovation or knowledge discovery always results in the regurgitation, in one form or another, of the same old ideas and concepts which have been in place since time immemorial.  Business, Financial System, Economic System, Education, Politics, Governance, Superstition (i.e., religions, cults, etc.), Oppression, Repression, Wars, Famines, Sanctions, Slavery, etc., as they were practiced millions of years ago,  are still in vogue with humans today. 

The only difference is that they are dosed with a little bit of perfume and then presented to humans with various labels on a large assortment of  colorful, eye-catching wrapping paper and packages. And that is why, at the end of the day, after so many years, centuries, millennia, millions and billions of years ::  regardless of how much so-called "education," information and technology human beings become privy or have access to ::  they are still stuck repeating the same mistakes and horrors of the past (i.e., doing the same old shit) as if  they are mentally incapacitated and devoid of any sort of logical reasoning or memory.

Whereas an Intelligent Being  has an insatiable appetite for knowledge discovery (there is a huge difference between "knowledge" and "knowledge discovery") since he knows that there are no limits as to what his mind can conceive and achieve.    Having reached a state of individual consciousness,  he is now completely and irreversibly immune to the vagaries, stupidities, absurdities, cruelties and machinations of  a horde of primitive, barbaric and savage human beings (Machines) who are accustomed to dealing with fellow Machines which can reproduce and can also be  cloned, repurposed, altered, managed, programmed, restrained, constrained,  enslaved - and even disposed of - by other machines. 

Principled Geopolitical Leadership     

A Human Being is unable to even conceive of a world without a local, municipal, provincial, regional or central government.   A world where every single individual is responsible for their own governance. 

I can just imagine the standard refrain:
Oh, my, my, my!  What are we going to do without a Government and Leaders to Guide Us, Motivate Us, Inspire Us, Care for Us, Protect Us, and Punish Us whenever we misbehave?  Pierre is not only delusional but his thinking is beyond the pale  and borders on heresy and blasphemy.  This is insanity to the nth degree!    What kind of world does he think we live in?  Better yet, what kind of world does he live in and what kind of hallucinogenic drugs is he taking?  
Frankly, I will even venture to say, as you are reading this document this very second,  that there isn't one single human being on planet Earth who can even comprehend this notion of a world without a Government and Leaders; and that ALL Intelligent Beings (former Human Beings) are able to Lead themselves.

I already know the nightmare scenario that the  mind of a Machine is automatically programmed to envision and the sort of emotional reaction it is designed to evoke from within: 
Pure Anarchy - the  sight of millions of people running around robbing, pillaging,  looting, beating, raping, torturing and murdering their fellow human beings as well as  a bunch of vigilantes roaming around exacting vengeance on their tormentors, causing a lot of collateral damage in the process.   Education has come to a standstill.   Fires burning unchecked throughout the cities;  streets left dirty, desolated and very dangerous to travel;  buildings and edifices reclaimed by Mother Nature since there is no government to provide basic services.  No more large-scale providers of food, products and services.   Stores with empty shelves.  Cannibalism running rampant in certain sectors.   Diseases flaring rapidly.  Huge exodus of people fleeing for their lives with their belongings on their back, trekking through treacherous mountains and navigating through dangerous oceans in flimsy boats trying to reach a safe destination.
Does that scenario remind you, in part,  of the whole of Europe during World War I and World War II; the Rape of Nanjing; the carpet bombing of Dresden; the battle of Stalingrad resulting in the death of over 2 million human beings; the nuclear destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; the persecution, internment, expulsion and massacre of Jews and others;  the Korean War, Vietnam War, Iran-Iraq War, Gulf War, Iraq War;  the wholesale bombing and destruction of Cambodia and Laos;  the rape and theft of Palestine,  the fracturing and complete destruction of Lebanon; the wholesale destruction of Gaza - regarded by many (and rightly so, I might add) as the world's largest open air prison;   the total dismemberment of Yugoslavia,  the bloody coup in the Ukraine;  the death of nearly a million people in Yemen due to war, famine and diseases;  the complete disintegration of Somalia,  famine and insurrection in the Sudan,  the bloody civil war in Angola orchestrated by foreign powers;   Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Biafra, the former Rhodesia, Liberia, Rwanda, Nicaragua, Haiti, Guatemala,   Afghanistan,  Iraq, Libya, Syria, Venezuela, etc?    There is no other way to describe these events, conditions and places as nothing but "Hell On Earth!"  

Yet, these are all places where Governments have always been the norm!   So, what gives? How do you reconcile these atrocities either engineered, orchestrated, directly conducted, or supported by Leaders of Governments on behalf of their peoples against Other Governments and their peoples? 

These Leaders who are responsible for Hell On Earth happen to be the same ones that you just can't afford to do without!   Do you understand the insanity of it all? 

Humans have come to accept the fact that the earth  is a place where not one single life is sacred; where the belief in the sanctity of life is nothing but a running joke.   

Moreover,  did it ever dawn on you what this sort of thinking and mentality says about each and every single human being on this planet?    It says that Human Beings are nothing but a bunch of animals - nothing but a bunch of ignorant, Primitive And Barbaric Savages (PABS) who need to be kept in check at all times (something that I scream about loudly all the time, but within a different context).

And though you may be tempted to believe that you are an exception to the rule, I regret to inform you that YOU ARE NOT!   Why is that, you might say?   That's because just about every single human being believes that he is an exception to that rule; and that it's "them" out there who are the problem and need to be kept in check; hence the need for Leaders and Governments.

And has it also ever dawned on you that these Leaders;  and the Bureaucrats who comprise these Governments that the general population desperately needs to Guide Them, Care for Them, Protect Them, and Punish Them when they are being naughty - are also "Human Beings"?    The same bunch of  Ignorant, Primitive and Barbaric Savages (PABS) that I referred to earlier.  (Then again, Machines are not allowed to think for themselves.)   

Whereas an Intelligent Being is the Ultimate Principled Geopolitical Leader.  His actions are governed by one simple golden rule:  Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  That is all!   He is supremely confident in his ability to govern himself and has absolutely no need for Leaders to Guide Him, Care for Him, Protect Him, Inspire Him, Reward Him, and Punish Him should he ever go astray.

He values Collaboration above all else instead of Cooperation and Conformity.   He rejects the notion that people are nothing but a bunch of animals - a bunch of ignorant, Primitive And Barbaric Savages (PABS) who need to be taken care of  and kept in check at all times;  thus unable to lead themselves.

Instead, he knows without a doubt (and the evidence is so overwhelming and incontrovertible) that people are simply programmed to become Machines who believe that they are nothing but animals and worthless beings whose lives must be managed and or disposed of by their Leaders at will.       
Human Evolution 

A Human Being  doesn't give a damn about Human Evolution.   He believes that human evolution is too abstract a proposition, thus  a luxury he can ill afford.   He's more concerned about meeting his family's as well as his own basic needs:  food, shelter, and security.   With respect to all other "practical" needs, these also take precedence over human evolution.   And "Making Money" is the common denominator of all these needs -  not Human Evolution.

And being that we live in a world of  Machines that are programmed To Serve as well as Meet the Needs of Other Machines,   he automatically follows the prescribed formula  of Cooperation and Conformity (i.e., a life of modern day slavery and servitude) in order to meet his entire family's needs.  Without going into details, the point being, if you are a Machine, YOU ARE living a life of slavery and servitude. 

It doesn't matter if you are President of the most powerful country in the world (by the way, there is no such thing - that's nothing but an illusion)  or the lowest ranking soldier in some small country,  You Are a Slave in this world of Machines.

It doesn't matter if you are the real power behind the throne of  all these figurehead Kings,
Queens, Presidents and Prime Ministers  of the most powerful countries in the world (by the way, there is also no such thing - that's nothing but an illusion),  You Are Still a Slave in this world of Machines.
It doesn't matter if you are the Richest Man (by the way, there is no such thing - that's also nothing but an illusion)  on planet Earth, You Are Still a Slave in this world of Machines.

Why is that, you might say?    That's because this World of Machines  that ALL Machines live in requires Cooperation and Conformity - not Collaboration -  in order to function.   And the day you stop Cooperating and Conforming,  you will quickly be reminded of how inconsequential you are in the grand scheme of things, how small a pebble or grain of sand you are on a beach, how fast a falling star can drop from the sky,  and how quickly fortunes can vanish in the blink of an eye.

These are the kinds of warning  that are almost guaranteed to stifle or eliminate any sort of dissent or revolt in this world of Machines.   Thus the reason why, the more a Machine has to lose, the less likely it is for him to consider becoming an Intelligent Being

By extension and extrapolation, thus the reason why Our Ancestors and Today's Humans Have Failed to Evolve One Iota since they first stood up on their hind legs and started to walk millions to billions of years ago.         

Whereas an Intelligent Being  is the biggest  proponent and most ardent advocate for Human Evolution for reasons that are just too simple for Machines to grasp and understand.    

The simplest way to explain it is to just ask you, the reader, the following questions based on the foregoing information:
  • Given a choice between Artificial Intelligence and A Priori Intelligence, which one would you rather be gifted with?  (You are welcome to refresh your memory on the previous definitions given).    
  • Given a choice between Cooperation and Conformity (a prerequisite in any sort of hierarchical,   master-slave relationship) versus  Collaboration (a prerequisite in a relationship of equals based on mutual respect and benefits), which one would you rather choose?  
  • If the use of A Priori Intelligence could make it possible for mankind to completely discard into the trash bin of history all these Primitive, Antiquated, Barbaric, Savage and Arcane Systems and Notions  that only benefit an infinitesimal number of people at the expense of billions of other humans in this World of Machines,  would you be willing to immediately switch over to this World of Intelligent Beings who are gifted with such A Priori Intelligence?
  • If  you  were perceived to be the Most Powerful Man (although no such animal really exists) in this World of Machines, and moving to the World of Intelligent Beings means that you would no longer be surrounded by a bunch of psychopaths, stone-cold killers, sociopaths, sycophants, hypocrites, ass-kissers, liars, traitors, and backstabbers praising your name, bending to your will as well as bending over backwards to all your wishes -  although you would still maintain your prestige and influence if you have always been a decent human being - would you still cross that bridge without hesitation?  
  • If you were perceived to be the Richest Man (although no such animal really exists) in this World of Machines, and moving to the World of Intelligent Beings means that you would no longer be able to generate a fortune the way that you are currently accustomed to -  although you would still be able to bring with you as well as keep your entire fortune without any risk of confiscation, taxation, redistribution or sanctions from any government anywhere in the world  -  would you still cross that bridge without hesitation?  
As well, what if  moving to this World of Intelligent Beings also means that your opportunities to generate wealth will be beyond measure and that they would DWARF all your existing financial opportunities in the World of Machines - and that not a single penny of your entire fortune generated in the World of Intelligent Beings  would ever be at risk of confiscation, taxation, redistribution or sanctions from any government anywhere in the world -  would you cross that bridge faster than a toad licking a fly?
  • If you are a brilliant Research Scientist and you want complete freedom to conduct your research (without harming any other beings or creatures)  as well as every single resource you will need at your disposal,  where would you rather be?   The World of Intelligent Beings is the only safe place to be.  You  will never need anybody's approval for bringing your idea to life.  If you can imagine it and are willing to put forth the effort, then that's all that matters.  No need for loans, investors, etc.  
  • If you aspire  "to become" or are currently a Brilliant Scientist or Inventor and you don't want anyone to have any say with respect to whether or not you'll get to proceed with your invention ::  be it Investors, Lenders, Government Agencies, Some Regulatory Agency, Special Interest Groups  or A Lethal Combination of Politicians, Judges, Intelligence Agencies, Private Attorneys, Prosecuting Attorneys, Grand Juries,  Law Enforcement Personnel,  Sabotage Experts, and Hired Assassins  working on behalf of Special Interests or some Government in order to prevent your invention from ever seeing the light of day, etc. ::  where would you rather be?  The World of Intelligent Beings is the only safe place to be.    
NO NEED to worry about Financing, Patents, National Security Letters, Gag Orders, Persecution,  Blackmail, Extortion, Intimidation, Human Compromise Operations, Assassinations in the name of National Security, Technology Export Restrictions, or Sanctions.    NO NEED  to worry about being tied up in litigation, going bankrupt trying to defend yourself, and losing your family.    NO NEED  to worry about any cease and desist letters from any attorneys;  any Regulatory Agency, etc.  NO NEED to worry about any private entity or government  Freezing Your Assets (i.e., Gangsters and Thieves Stealing Everything That You Own  Under Color of Law)NO NEED to worry about any Congressional  subpoenas or any government to approve anything that you want to invent. 
  • If you want to invent or build a Futuristic Flying Car, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal in the World of Intelligent Beings.
  • If you want to invent or build any Futuristic Land, Air and Sea Transportation vehicle, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal in the World of Intelligent Beings.
  • If you want to invent or build any Futuristic Private Suborbital Spaceflight Transportation Technology,  every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal in the World of Intelligent Beings.
  • If you want to invent or build any Futuristic Quantum Computer and Communication devices, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal in the World of Intelligent Beings. 
  • If your focus is on Quantum Internet Technologyevery single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ... 
  • If you want to pursue Research on Artificial General Intelligence, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ... 
  • If your focus is on Smart-City and IoT Technology, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...   
  • If your focus is on Futuristic Residential Architecture, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If your focus is on  building Futuristic Residential Communities, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If your focus is on Futuristic Primary and Secondary Public School Campus Dormitory  Architecture,  then every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If your focus is on building Futuristic Primary and Secondary Public School Campus  Dormitories, then every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If your focus is on Groundbreaking Alternative Energy Technology Innovation,  then every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...         
  • If you want to conduct research on and build FREE ENERGY devices,  every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal in the World of Intelligent Beings. 
  • If you want to conduct research on Futuristic Distributed Ledger Technology, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ... 
  • If you want to conduct research on building a Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial System, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...   
  • If you want to conduct teaching research on Principled Geopolitical Leadership, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to conduct training research on The New Virtual Organization World, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to conduct research on Beyond Blockchain Technology, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to conduct research on RAIDA Technology - Redundant Array of Independent Detection Agents, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to conduct research on Futuristic Cryptocurrencies, Digital Currencies, and Cloud Currencies, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to conduct research on Plasma GANS Technology, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to build Plasma GANS Technology Devices, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to conduct research on Futuristic Plasma Shield Technology, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to conduct teaching research on Futuristic Technology based on THE ELECTRIC UNIVERSE concepts, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to conduct training research on Futuristic Technology based on THE ELECTRIC UNIVERSE concepts, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to conduct research on and develop Futuristic Technology based on THE ELECTRIC UNIVERSE  concepts, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to conduct research on Futuristic Technology for A Civilized World Financial System, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to conduct teaching research on Collaboration for  HUMAN EVOLUTION, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to conduct training research on Collaboration for HUMAN EVOLUTION, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to design and build Futuristic Collaboration Technology for HUMAN EVOLUTION, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to conduct teaching research on Futuristic Health Care, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to conduct training research on Futuristic Health Care, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to conduct medicinal research on Futuristic Health Care, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to conduct research on Futuristic Health Care Technology, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to invent and build Futuristic Health Care Technology,  then every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to conduct research on Futuristic Health Care Facility Architecture design, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to build Futuristic Health Care Facilities, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to conduct teaching research on Futuristic Agriculture, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to conduct training research on Futuristic Agriculture, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to conduct crop research on Futuristic Agriculture, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to conduct research and build Futuristic Agriculture Technology, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to engage in  Futuristic Agriculture, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ... 
  • If you want to conduct research on Futuristic Virtual Corporate Campus Architecture, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to design and build Futuristic Virtual Corporate Campuses, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to conduct research on Futuristic Virtual University Campus Architecture, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to design and build  Futuristic Virtual University Campuses, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to conduct research on and build Smart Cities, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to conduct research on and build Futuristic Cities, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to conduct research on and build Futuristic Ocean Cities, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to conduct research on and build Futuristic Space Cities, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to conduct research on and build Futuristic City-State Enclaves, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to conduct design research on Futuristic Underground Facility (UGF) Architecture,  every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ... 
  • If you want to conduct research on Futuristic Underground Facility (UGF) technology, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to build Futuristic Underground Facilities (UGF), every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to conduct research on a Biological Internet - Bi-Fievery single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to conduct research on a Neural Internetevery single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to conduct research on an Organic Internetevery single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to conduct research on and build a Personal Quantum Computer - PQC, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to conduct research on and build  a Personal Bi-Fi Computer - PBC, every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to conduct research on and build a Personal Neural Computer - PNC every single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to conduct research on and build a Personal Organic Computer - POCevery single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to conduct research on and build a Futuristic Peer-to-Peer Private Banking Systemevery single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ... 
  • If you want to conduct research on and build a Futuristic Peer-to-Peer International Settlements Banking Systemevery single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to conduct research on and build a Futuristic Private Suborbital Space Vehicleevery single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • If you want to  conduct research on and build a Futuristic Private Interstellar Space Travel Vehicleevery single resource that you need will be available at your disposal ...
  • Where would you rather make your permanent home?   A World of Intelligent Beings where every single nook and cranny will be (or has been) turned into Paradise Here On Earth - an oasis of prosperity and technological marvels inhabited by the only Principled Geopolitical Leaders in the entire history of mankind  and where the focus is on Human Evolution  - OR - this very filthy Earth inhabited by a horde of Primitive And Barbaric Savages (PABS); and which contains pockets of mansions  and oases of prosperity scattered throughout the landscape amidst a sea of poverty, chaos, diseases, wholesale death and destruction? 
  • What if moving to this World of Intelligent Beings means that  both you, individually, and any business(es) or organizations that you own  will  never have to file a tax return or pay any kind of taxes (not even a single penny) to any government anywhere in the world? (i.e.,  No  Personal Income Tax or Business Taxes ever;  No  Sales Taxes ever;  No Real Estate Property Taxes ever).   In fact, you will be forbidden from aiding and abetting this sort of primitive,  gangster, racketeering, and extortionist practice.      
No need to ever have to take out a loan for any sort of business project or endeavor;  No need to ever have to make payroll for employees - they don't  need your money and, by the way, they will be offended if you call them employees; Collaborator  is more like it -  that's the best way to say that they are your equals and that you have respect for your equals.  
No business license is necessary ever;  No SEC filing requirements;  No FATCA requirements - in fact, you will be forbidden to ever engage in such primitive, barbaric and savage Slave-Master relationships and practices since doing so would be "unprincipled and unbecoming of a member of a civilized society";  No  primitive Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) filing requirements - you are forbidden to do so in a civilized society.    
No Gift reporting requirements or Gift Taxes ever (it's nobody's business who you give your money too);   No Inheritance Filing Requirements and no Inheritance Taxes ever (you should be able to pass to your children and descendants whatever it is that you worked very hard for during your lifetime - as long as you didn't rob, swindle or kill anyone to get it). 
No need for Police Departments ever.   No need for SWAT teams.  No jails, detention centers, or penitentiaries for Intelligent Beings - such primitive and barbaric practice is forbidden in a civilized world and is better suited for animals in the World of Machines;  No need for any kind of Investigation Bureau - that's forbidden in a civilized societyNo need for any primitive National Security Agency which is really just a way to keep track of everybody's activities and to blackmail people under the guise of national security - that's forbidden in a civilized society.    
NO NEED FOR ANY LAWS, PERIOD.   No need for Lawyers, Courtrooms and Judges -  such primitive, barbaric and savage Slave-Master relationships and practices are forbidden in a civilized society.   Other than the golden rule, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,"   there is no reason for having a bunch of Machines who have nothing useful to do but  think of how many new Laws and Legislative Acts that they can come up with and get passed in both houses of Congress;  Legislative Acts which come with a bunch of stupid and childish acronyms that reflect the exact opposite of what their laws are really about. 
No Congress or Senate at either the provincial or federal level - there are much more intelligent and productive jobs to do than spending a lifetime conducting a bunch of stupid hearings and going on witch hunts against your adversaries or enemies;  NO POLITICIANS AT ALL.   No farcical elections at all;   No Supreme Court ever - every single Intelligent Being is his own Supreme Court.   
No Asset Forfeiture ever - it's just another way to get robbed by a thug with a badge;  No Drug Enforcement Agency ever -  Intelligent Beings have no need to be treated like children and morons nor do they care to have a Mommy, Daddy or Nanny to tell them what they can put inside their own body. 
No individual, organization or entity can ever claim to have a monopoly on the use of force in a civilized world - anyone who is ever attacked or whose life is in imminent danger should always have the right to defend himself by whatever means are necessary.  
No gun control laws; No gun registrations; No permission needed to buy or carry a weapon; No restriction on the type of weapons that you can purchase as long as it is for your family's and own protection -  because no one has the right to tell you when and how you can protect yourself and your family since you are solely responsible for that.  
No need to ever worry about people coming to your door at any time during the day or night wearing masks, along with a search warrant and battering ram in hand, with guns blazing, killing you or any other member of your family along with your pets, for any reason whatsoever - this sort of primitive, barbaric, savage, thuggish and gangster  practice can never be tolerated or allowed to happen in a civilized society.    
No need to ever worry about anyone coming to your house or residence with a search warrant for any reason whatsoever -  unless there is incontrovertible evidence, or a bona fide reason, to believe that your residence is being used as a butcher shop to dismember people a la Saudi Embassy style or as some sort of dungeon where children are being held captive, raped and abused. 
  • NO  United Nations (UN) membership ever - Intelligent Beings have no need to maintain company with a bunch of Primitive And Barbaric Savages (PABS), unprincipled cowards and lapdogs without an ounce of conscience and backbone;   NO memberships in any international organizations ever;   NO TREATIES or FOREIGN ALLIANCES ever - that is a very stupid, primitive and barbaric practice;  No direct or indirect negotiations ever  with any foreign or domestic organizations and governments - all decisions and actions of Intelligent Beings must always be based on the golden rule (Do unto others etc.), therefore, once a decision has been made and all ensuing actions are based on that principle, then such decision and actions become non-negotiable and irreversible.   
  • No official visit to other countries and meetings with heads of state and other government officials, regardless of the reasons - it's a primitive and idiotic practice and just a complete waste of time.   No invitations to heads of state for any sort of meetings, including the ones which also involve red carpet greetings, honor guard, gun salute etc., since a recorded  videoconference will do just fine - Intelligent Beings have no need to participate in these useless, primitive and very childish dog-and-pony shows.
  • No Ambassador or embassy in any country ever;  No Ambassador or Embassy of any foreign country in a World of Intelligent Beings ever;  No military forces or intelligence agents from any government on planet Earth are allowed to step foot on the soil of a civilized nation ever. 
  • NO COOPERATION  with any external governments and agencies for any reason  whatsoever, ever -  Intelligent Beings must not aid and abet gangsters and thugs acting under color of law since 99% of countries are easily intimidated by, and will do the bidding of, Bully Countries who make it a practice to use the law as a weapon in order to intimidate, harass, coerce and even destroy the lives of people who refuse to submit to their hegemony for whatever reasons.   As of this very second that you are reading this document, there isn't One Country in the world that follows the rule of law (based on principles, justice and fairness).  If you can find one, then you must be a Time Traveler.     
  • No need to either Give or Accept  Awards from any organizations, institutions and governments in the World of Machines -  the best award that an Intelligent Being could ever receive would be to see others actually put into practice the golden rule "Do unto others ..." - anything short of that is nothing but bullshit and, frankly, Intelligent Beings don't really care to play such silly games.    
  • No membership in any sort of  International Trade Organizations ever - too primitive;   NO STOCK MARKET ever - too primitive;  No Mutual Funds ever;  No exotic financial instruments of any kind ever;   No Hedge Funds ever - too primitive;   No commodity futures market ever - too primitive.    No foreign businesses in the World of Intelligent Beings ever - must relocate your headquarters or else stay in your own country.   
  • No participation in any sort of International Sport Organizations and Events (including all Olympic Games) ever - too primitive.  
  • No Charitable Organizations from any foreign countries ever;  No Foreign Organizations on the soil of  the World of Intelligent Beings ever - oil and water do not mix well;   NO NGO's of  any kind ever - there will never be a need for that; that's too primitive and a huge security risk.  NO NEED FOR  FOREIGN AID ever - the World of Intelligent Beings has no need to degrade itself or be insulted by a bunch of Primitive And Barbaric Savages (PABS).  NO NEED FOR LOANS from any organization, institution or government located anywhere in the world ever  -  that is such a primitive practice and Intelligent Beings have no need for it.       
  • NO FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT ever - will never have a need for it;   No Central Bank ever - have no need for it;  No  Foreign Banks in a World of Intelligent Beings ever;   No trading of our currency on any foreign currency exchange ever - today's currencies are too primitive and worthless. 
  • Complete Disconnection from the Current Global Financial System.    NO integration of the World of Intelligent Beings Financial System with the Current Global Financial System ever - it is just too archaic, primitive and barbaric.   
  • ABSOLUTE FREEDOM OF TRAVEL.   No need for any sort of entry visas ever; and no need for any passports to enter ever; all one has to do is to just show any regular photo ID card in order to enter the World of Intelligent Beings -  the right to travel anywhere on planet Earth does not belong in the hands of a bunch of Primitive And Barbaric Savages (PABS) - all visitors of good will are welcome.
  • No need for any sort of Citizenship or Residency status.  No need to apply for anything.  The second you set foot in the World of Intelligent Beings, you are accorded the same rights as everyone else.
  • No Need to Ever Worry About Extradition to any country once you step foot in the World of Intelligent Beings.  As well, the World of Intelligent Beings would never request for anyone to be extradited to our world for the simple reason that no Intelligent Being is interested in wasting their time to go out and pick up someone who doesn't want to be in our world.  Moreover, there are no primitive and barbaric jails to keep anybody locked up behind bars or chained.  In fact, Intelligent Beings would gladly beg authorities in the World of Machines to house any Primitive And Barbaric Savages (PABS) who are not fit to live in the World of Intelligent Beings. 
  • No need to ever worry about the financial and economic well-being of your people in a World of Intelligent Beings - the World of Intelligent Beings is insulated from the World of Machines and guarantees that each and every single Intelligent Being in the World of Intelligent Beings  will be the most industrious, technologically-advanced, intellectual, principled, and prosperous people in the entire history of mankind.
  • No such thing as welfare,  government-sponsored medical aid, unemployment, retirement pension, or Universal Basic Income - that's an insult and affront to the dignity of an Intelligent Being.   
  • Last but not least,  NO NEED to Ever Have to Worry About Some Primitive, Barbaric, Savage and Odious SANCTIONSBlockades,  Invasions, Threats of Invasion, Fear of Giving Other Countries an Excuse to Invade;  Being Bombed and having to worry about whether or not you should respond and how;  Mobster-Style Intimidation,  Military Exercises right across your borders,  Odorous Traitors and Puppets of Foreign Countries within your country sabotaging your country's infrastructure;  Loss of  Support from Neighboring Countries ruled by a bunch of spineless, gutless cowards and  so-called friends ready to betray you when it is politically expedient to do so or when they believe it to be in their best interests; as well as  Internal Destabilization efforts from neighboring countries ruled by a bunch of spineless, gutless, and unprincipled gangsters, thieves and cowards - that's because a World of Intelligent Beings is 100% immune to all these children's games.
The Bottom Line:  HUMAN EVOLUTION is all about Knowledge Discovery!    Breaking down the barriers to Human Knowledge and pushing the limits of Human Imagination on a Principled, Civilized and Consciousness Superhighway.

In Conclusion

Now that I have managed to offend just about every single human being on planet Earth as well as cause an infinitesimal number of you to at least Take a Deep Breath, Pause and Think for a few minutes about the state of the world that we've been living in since time immemorial, regardless of which category you fall into, I am keenly and consciously aware that you have a number of questions or comments for me.   Thus, let me proceed to ask them for you:
Question #1.    Pierre,  this World of Intelligent Beings that you envision, is that something that my children and I, or even my grandchildren and great-grandchildren will ever get a chance to live in?
Answer:    I wish I had a crystal ball or could read the tea leaves so I could give you a definite answer.    However, even if I were privy to such details due to a visit from a Time Traveler from the year 2090, I would not share it with you for the following reasons:      
1)   For the simple reason that if you knew in advance it is going to happen, then there is no need for you to bother and make any sort of sacrifices.   You can just pretend to be devoted to the effort and just let others bust their balls.   
2)   I am very leery of going into battle with people who hope, need or seek assurances that their efforts will be successful.   Why is that?   That's because when the going gets rough, no amount of assurances will be sufficient to stop them from bailing out on others, leaving their flank exposed.  
3)   Even if I were to offer them proof of being visited by a Time Traveler who disclosed to me the exact date and time we'd be victorious, they would still believe that I was engaged in some sort of elaborate hoax or perhaps I was being deceived by the Time Traveler.
4)   Instead, I believe you should ask yourself the following question:   Is this  World of Intelligent Beings a cause worth fighting for no matter how long it takes, even if it means making the ultimate sacrifice?    As far as I am concerned, no cause is worth fighting for if you're not willing to make the ultimate sacrifice.  
5)   This World of Intelligent Beings has already been conceived, therefore, it exists (no different than having a baby in the womb).   You cannot achieve what you can't conceive (no different than saying you are not able to give birth without a baby in the womb).    
Now it's entirely up to each and every single human being on this planet to decide for himself whether or not - and when - he wants to Manifest in this World of Intelligent Beings (no different than saying whether or not you will allow the baby to be born) for the simple reason that there is no one in this world who can make that decision for you. 
 (As you are already aware of, this world consists strictly of Leaders who only Lead Themselves.  No Messiah.  No Savior.  No Prophet.  No One to Deliver You From Evil and Take You to the Promised Land.)     
By the way, you have all the time in the world to make that decision.     The sooner you make that decision, the sooner you will get a chance to begin to Manifest in this new  world.
However, that being said, as you well know,  giving birth to a baby is just the beginning of a long Manifest process.  You now have to feed, shelter, protect, guide,  and shepherd  your newborn for the next 18 years as well as give them Unconditional Love during their entire existence until it's time for you to cross over into the next world.
However, for too many parents, once they come face to face with the realization that,  having to care for a newborn is only the beginning of a very long-term Manifest process, the newborn child will either be murdered, dumped in the trash, left on other people's doorsteps, neglected, abused, abandoned, given to the government to be placed in foster care (in most cases, hell on earth) or put up for adoption (in many cases, a nightmare on Elm Street).           
 As well, the same can be said about the Manifest process and the length of time it will take for you to Manifest in this World of Intelligent Beings.   It's not just a matter of you raising your hand and saying, "Amen, I have seen the light, I now want to enter the World of Intelligent Beings," and then start running around with a microphone or bullhorn in hand telling everybody who will listen that you are now living in a World of Intelligent Beings.        
Question #2.   Pierre, correct me if I am wrong or may be I am just missing something here.  Based on what I've just read about this world that you envision, even if  such a  world were possible,  it seems to me that such undertaking would represent an existential threat to the powers-that-be.   With such a huge and powerful array of forces from every single corner of the globe aligned against you, as well as anyone else who dares to join you in this effort, I just cannot imagine them allowing your activities to go unfettered.  In fact, I believe they would not only suppress it anytime they want to but would also crush it completely in order to nip it in the bud. What sayeth you? 
Answer:   This is the sort of question that puts me in 7th Heaven while I am answering it.   On the contrary,  it is the exact opposite of your assumption.  The fact of the matter is that this huge and powerful array of forces all across the globe are secretly (not publicly) rooting for us to succeed.  They desperately want this World of Intelligent Beings to Take Root, Manifest and Flourish In All Its Splendor.    
I know your head is spinning, but let me tell you why by making a few observations and asking you a couple of questions that just about everyone around the world can relate to: 
Think of today's World of Intelligent Beings as The New World that Christopher Columbus set out to discover in 1492 for the monarchs of Spain.  As news spread of a vast amount of gold and spices in the New World,  other European countries set out on their own to carve a piece of this New World for themselves.   
The point being, these European countries were more than pleased to sit back and take a "wait and see" approach for the simple reason that they had nothing to lose.  Spain was not encroaching on their territory.   Instead Spain made a gambit that, if successful, would be of tremendous benefit to all of them who were just standing out there on the sidelines.   Which is exactly what happened.
Well, the same can be said with the World of Intelligent Beings.   We have not declared  war, nor would we ever do so,  against today's powers-that-be for the simple reason that an Intelligent Being is always "For" something positive instead of being "Against" anything - be it positive or negative.  (To do otherwise, would be a primitive, barbaric and savage act and tantamount to a pot calling the kettle black.)  Nor are we trying to encroach on their territory or subvert their existing world order.  Instead, we've set ourselves on a path to Human Evolution - a path which requires that we follow a different course which leads to a World of Intelligent Beings where we can all Manifest. 
We are making a gambit that our efforts and investments in this World of Intelligent Beings,  not if but once they begin to generate a great deal of awareness, will be of tremendous benefit to ALL the powers-that-be as well as every single human being.    
And today's powers-that-be are more than delighted to adopt a "wait and see" approach for the simple reason that they have nothing to lose.  Why?  There is absolutely no investment on their part.     They are not threatened in any way, shape or form.  
As far as they are concerned,  here is what they view as the worst possible outcome:  They wasted a little bit time sitting in the stands of the global arena; munching on their bags of popcorn and drinking their favorite beverages; while waiting to see us perform what they already know would be a Sisyphean task;  and witness, live and in color, this World of Intelligent Beings self-destruct and vanish like a puff of smoke (just like the millions of so-called Utopias and Promised Lands from time immemorial to the present which always wind up turning into Dystopias, Failed Experiments, and Cruel Jokes  - just another Devil's Den);  enjoy having a good laugh at our expense; and then go back to doing business as usual. 
(Quick Hint About Another Devil's Den:   The New World,  The New World Order, The Land of  Milk and Honey and the Land of the Free, The Holy Land, The Holy Roman Empire, The Third Reich,  Jonestown,  League of Nations, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)NATOEuropean Union, United Nations, Liberia,  The First Successful Black Republic,  Zionism,  Brook Farm, Jesus Freaks, etc.)
Question #3.    Pierre,  thank you for clarifying the distinction between an Intelligent Being and a Human Being; and that "the sum total of actual human knowledge" that a human being currently possesses has absolutely nothing to do with being an Intelligent Being.     That said, I got a confession to make, something that I am sure you are already aware of, nonetheless, I'll say it.   My individual consciousness, if I have one, is not at all shocked by what I see happening in this world.   I take everything at face value and assume that's the way of the world since I really have nothing else to compare these things against.  Thus, I am not, as you would say, an Intelligent Being.   Is there a way for me to at least walk through the Gates of this World of Intelligent Beings in order to see what it's about and, assuming that all things are equal, I could at least contribute to that world in some fashion or another without being a full-fledged member?    
Answer:    Excellent question and thank you for asking.  (Don't laugh!)  We do indeed offer a tremendous amount of such opportunities to those individuals who support our efforts while remaining cognizant of the fact that the world that we all live in is not something that anyone can just snap their fingers and awake from.  The answer that you seek is much simpler than you think.  It is provided at the very end of this document under the "Next Step" section.
My Turn to Ask You Some Questions

It's now my turn to ask you some questions.  However, prior to doing so, it is critical for me to provide you with some background information so that you will understand the context of these questions.
Background Information: Life in a Paradoxical World
There isn't One Single Head of State (be it President, King, Queen, Prime Minister, etc.) in the entire history of mankind, from time immemorial to our present day, who could ever say in all honesty, with a straight face and a clear conscience,  upon leaving office,  that during their tenure, their administration had never directly committed serious abuses, injustices, crimes, atrocities :: or contributed, aided, abetted and even turned a blind eye to such actions by their allies and others, including, without limitation,  genocides :: regardless of their rationale for doing so (e.g., coercion, extortion, bribery, sanctions, death threats, etc.)  or their own convenient interpretation of what constitutes genocide.   
Moreover, there isn't One Single Administration in the entire history of mankind, from time immemorial to our present day, which could ever lay claim to the narrative that their government was not filled to the rim with corrupt, unprincipled, and downright evil men.
As well, there isn't One Single War or Major Conflict  in the entire history of mankind, from time immemorial to our present day, wherein the Victor could not make a credible case in front of a military tribunal that the Vanquished  ::  from the  Emperor (or President, Prime Minister, etc.)  all the way down to the very last foot soldier :: was guilty of committing acts of aggression, atrocities and crimes against humanity.     Why is that?   That's because the Vanquished is automatically  guilty for "losing." 
For example, had Germany and Japan won the war during World War II,  Allied Forces would have been on trial for crimes against humanity and would have wound up either dangling at the end of a rope, standing in front of a firing squad, or getting their heads chopped off by a Samurai sword.  Had Saddam Hussein won the Gulf War and Iraq War, it would have been G. H.W. Bush, G.W. Bush,  General Schwarzkopf, and General Tommy Franks who would have been dangling at the end of a rope or put in cages.  
The point being, we all live in a world where Good and Evil, Right and Wrong, Angels and Devils, Heaven and Hell, Legal and Illegal, Justice and Injustice,  Oppression and Providing For Your Security, Humiliation and Public Safety, Repression and Law & Order, Slavery and Economic Necessity,  Winners and Losers, Success and Failure, Tyranny and Majority Rule, Unprincipled and Pragmatic,  Treason and Opposition,  Traitor and Rights Activist, Cowardice and Realpolitik,  Betrayal and Supporting Our Allies, Tyrants and Benevolent Leaders,  Autonomous Region and Open Air Prison,  Wars of Aggression and Wars of Liberation, War Crimes and Right of Self-Defense By Any Means Available, Terrorism and Fight for  Freedom,  Nuclear Annihilation and Saving a Countless Number of Lives,  Money Laundering and  Safeguarding Assets,  Asset Forfeiture and Theft, Taxes and Extortion,  Know Your Customer and Invasion of Privacy,  Assassination and Terror Prevention,  Support of Terrorism and Helping a Good Cause,  Genocide and Threat Elimination,  etc. are always in the eye of the beholder.      
Therefore, History tells us that there is only one constant in this world:  The Roles and Actors are always changing and that the side of the pendulum that you happen to be on at any given point in time will always be determined by Those Who Control the Narratives;   and Mankind's eternal struggle has always been about learning how to deal with an Infinite Group of  People who are always seeking an  opportunity to Control the Narratives.   Control the Narratives, Control the World.    That's the way things are today and  that's the way they have always been since the beginning of time. 
Moreover, I want to share with you Emma Lazarus' poem which sits in the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty since it is so often taken out of context by some in order to promote their own agenda:
The New Colossus
By Emma Lazarus 
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
My List of Questions

Now that you have read the foregoing background information, here are my questions:
Question #1.   What is the number #1 reason why people from all over the world want(ed) to come to America? 
Question #2.   Were all these immigrants "your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of teeming shores, the homeless tempest-tossed"?  
Question #3.    Did this Chance to Start Anew and the Promise of a Bright Future in America also extend to former kings and queens and other members of the nobility; tyrants and oppressors of every stripe and persuasion; the henchmen and enforcers of the Old World Order; the bad, the ugly, and the insane; and all the other aforementioned Actors in this Paradoxical World, regardless of which side of the pendulum they happened to be on?
Fast forwarding to today, let us proceed with the following rhetorical questions:  
Question #4.    If you were a retired General from Israel, Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Cameroon, Mozambique, Niger, Chad, Sudan, South Sudan, Libya, Egypt, Mali, Central African Republic, Myanmar, Turkey,  Syria, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Taiwan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Philippines, Republic of Congo, Ghana, Zimbabwe, South Africa, United States, Russia, China, etc.;  and the only requirement for entry into the  World of Intelligent Beings is that thenceforth your conduct will be based on the golden rule "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," would you still want a chance to start anew in the World of Intelligent Beings,  no questions asked?
Question #5.    If you were the former  Head of State of any country in the world;  and the only requirement for entry into the  World of Intelligent Beings is that thenceforth your conduct will be based on the golden rule "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," would you still want a chance to start anew in the World of Intelligent Beings,  no questions asked? 
Question #6.    If you were a former  Leading Government Official of any country in the world;  and the only requirement for entry into the  World of Intelligent Beings is that thenceforth your conduct will be based on the golden rule "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," would you still want a chance to start anew in the World of Intelligent Beings,  no questions asked?
Question #7.    If you were the former Leader of any Insurrection Group in any country in the world;  and the only requirement for entry into the  World of Intelligent Beings is that thenceforth your conduct will be based on the golden rule "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," would you still want a chance to start anew in the World of Intelligent Beings,  no questions asked?  
Question #8.    If you were currently the Head of a Leading Business Conglomerate in any country in the world;  and the only requirement for entry into the  World of Intelligent Beings is that thenceforth your conduct will be based on the golden rule "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," would you still want a chance to start anew in the World of Intelligent Beings,  no questions asked? 
Question #9.    If you were a retired  Executive of  a Leading Business Conglomerate in any country in the world;  and the only requirement for entry into the  World of Intelligent Beings is that thenceforth your conduct will be based on the golden rule "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," would you still want a chance to start anew in the World of Intelligent Beings,  no questions asked? 
Question #10.    If you were a retired  Head of a Leading Organization which operated outside the confines of the traditional legal framework in any country in the world;  and the only requirement for entry into the  World of Intelligent Beings is that thenceforth your conduct will be based on the golden rule "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," would you still want a chance to start anew in the World of Intelligent Beings,  no questions asked?
Question #11.    If you were just another  Ordinary Person;  and the only requirement for entry into the  World of Intelligent Beings is that thenceforth your conduct will be based on the golden rule "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," would you still want a chance to start anew in the World of Intelligent Beings,  no questions asked? 
Question #12.    If you were a former Felon (not escaped felon) in any country in the world;  and the only requirement for entry into the  World of Intelligent Beings is that thenceforth your conduct will be based on the golden rule "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," would you still want a chance to start anew in the World of Intelligent Beings,  no questions asked?
Question #13.    How long do you think it would take you, if ever,  to begin to Manifest in the World of Intelligent Beings? 

Well, the historical evidence suggests that the main allure of America was really the promise of a place where everyone had A Chance to Start Anew and forge a Bright(er)  Future.  Not a Guarantee.  Despite the fact that a lot of fairy tales played a great part in people's motivation to uproot themselves and, in many cases, along with their entire families,  in order to come to America,  nonetheless,  once they got here, they chose to remain here and help build a great nation.

Even the slaves who were forcibly removed from their land;  brought here in chains; and  endured an untold amount of  human degradation, oppression, repression, torture, and unspeakable cruelties (at the hands of those very same immigrants):   your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of teeming shores, the homeless tempest-tossed); nonetheless chose to remain in America.

Thus the reason why the Gateway to The World of Intelligent Beings remains open to every single human being who currently lives in this Paradoxical World, subject, of course, to its golden rule.

Next Step

Now that you've reached the end of the road, what comes next is much easier than you think.   If you only want to support this World of Intelligent Beings without actually becoming a full-fledged citizen,  there is plenty of room for you.  There is a smorgasbord of opportunities available to each and every single human being who is interested in contributing in whatever way possible.    Ideas and suggestions are also welcome.   Contact Me via the Circle of Intelligent Beings  regarding any ideas, suggestions, comments and questions that you may have and we can proceed thereon.  That's all there is to it! 

About Author:  Pierre Coupet, Q of VOM and Founder of VOMI (Virtual Organization Management Institute), VOMI Virtual Organization Academy, Virtual Organization Leadership,  VOMI Global Think TankVirtual Organization Recruiter and Virtual Organization Jobs :: Founder of the modern Virtual Organization Management and Virtual Organization Recruitment disciplines pioneered since 1997 :: Founder of League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives :: Architect of The New Virtual Organization World and the "Futuristic City-State Enclave Based on a Civilized World Financial System" :: Curator of the following Collections:   The New Virtual Organization World | Memorable Quotes of Pierre Coupet  |   Official Global Ambassador  |  Official Global Ambassador AGENT

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Stock Photo: Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Copyright 2007-2019.  Pierre Coupet.  VOMI. Virtual Organization Management Institute. VOMI Virtual Organization Academy.  Virtual Organization Leadership. Virtual Organization Recruiter. VOMI Global Think Tank.  All rights reserved.  Cannot be  reproduced without permission.