Sunday, January 1, 2017

VOMI Global Think Tank and Advisory Board:: Official Farewell and Thank You Announcement

The New Virtual Organization World

It's a New Principled World, It's Virtual, and It's Organized

VOMI Global Think Tank and Advisory Board
Official Farewell and Thank You Announcement
December 30, 2016  

Pierre Coupet
Founder of VOMI

Greetings fellow VOMI Global Think Tank and Advisory Board members, Friends, Colleagues and Associates!

Today’s announcement is filled with sadness and joy. I am saddened to announce the dissolution of VOMI Global Think Tank and Advisory Board effective December 31, 2016. As such, that entire Board section, along with the names of all board members, will be removed from our VOMI website effective January 1st, 2017.

 Therefore, for those of you who have your membership on the Board listed on your Executive Summary or social media profile, I highly recommend, for purposes of maintaining your own credibility, that you take the appropriate measures to reflect the end of your tenure on the board since that information will no longer be listed on our website.

But, most importantly, I am saddened to say goodbye to all of you who quickly answered my call for either Global Ambassadors or other board member positions, many of whom have become either strong supporters, colleagues and associates:: and, in a number of cases, very good or close friends. But regardless of which category you fall into, I want to thank all of you for lending your name and support to VOMI over the years. 

Collectively, you made the mission of the Board a phenomenal success and helped pave the way for the tremendous amount of progress we’ve made over the years. 

Specifically, some of our members have represented VOMI at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland:: introduced us to various world leaders and industry executives throughout Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America:: and in many instances, I even had to try to restrain or tone down the enthusiasm level of some of you in order to avoid giving the appearance to others that you might be a full-time employee of VOMI. 

But today is also a day of joy. Effective January 1, 2017 the old board has been replaced with a separate and distinct entity called VOMI Global Think Tank:: at (You will notice that the phrase “and advisory board” is no longer included in the name.) 

This new entity has a completely different mission, is structured differently, and is no longer a part of VOMI. (However, that being said, to give credit where credit is due, I am very proud and humbled to acknowledge that the launch of this new entity is the result of everything that we learned from the old advisory board. In other words, VOMI Global Think Tank stands on the shoulders of giants.)

As well, it has a different set of membership levels and requirements. You are welcome to visit the VOMI Global Think Tank website in order to learn more and decide for yourself if you or your organization meets the new membership requirements. 

As well, I invite you to read the following articles: 1) Official Announcement of Launch of (the new) VOMI Global Think Tank, and 2) The Idea Behind VOMI Global Think Tank : These 2 articles will fill you in completely on the direction we’re headed. As well, here is the video version of this announcement for your keepsake. 

In closing, I am very pleased to say that we’ve been very lucky to have the opportunity to gain your trust and passive or active endorsement, or to work with you in whatever capacity, over the years. I am very pleased and honored to say “Thank You for your contribution to VOMI.” 

I wish you the very best in the future and I am certain that, whatever the future holds for you, you will succeed in your efforts. 

Have a Happy New Year 2017! (and I look forward to staying in touch).

Pierre (Q)

Pierre Coupet (Q)
VOMI Global Think Tank & Advisory Board

About Author:   Pierre Coupet, CEO & Q of Virtual Organization Management is the founder of Virtual Organization Management Institute (VOMI), VOMI Virtual Organization AcademyVOMI Global Think Tankand Virtual Organization Recruiter:: founder of the modern virtual organization management and virtual organization recruitment disciplines pioneered since 1997:: founder of League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives:: and Architect of THE NEW VIRTUAL ORGANIZATION WORLD Collection. Contact directly at; or via CHAT.

Stock Photo: courtesy of Pixabay

Copyright 2007-2017.  Pierre Coupet.  VOMI. Virtual Organization Management Institute. VOMI Virtual Organization Academy.  Virtual Organization Recruiter. VOMI Global Think Tank.  All rights reserved.  Cannot be reproduced without permission.