Monday, July 22, 2013

A Paradigm Shift: From Public School to Virtual Campus Dormitory

The New Virtual Organization World
It's a New Principled World, It's Virtual, and It's Organized

By Pierre Coupet

Imagine this:

A Virtual Campus Dormitory

One large campus on beautiful, well-manicured, spacious grounds as far as the eye can see.  

All students and faculty members live in modern, state-of-the-art residential buildings, homes and townhomes with spacious rooms on campus.   The entire campus is based on futuristic residential architecture design.    Each room is fully furnished with the latest flashable audio and videoconferencing gadgets and entertainment center, and wired to the internet at minimum speeds of 1Gb-10GB per second.    The entire campus has access to free wi-fi.    The entire campus is within a gated community with heavy security.  This is what I call a Virtual Campus Dormitory.

Stand by for a Quick Intermission
But before I continue, please indulge me as I digress a bit.   I can just imagine three things running through everybody's mind right now, this very second, as we speak  (well, more like, as you are reading this) and they are: 

1.    This is beginning to sound like some fancy university, prep school, or college prep boarding school for highly privileged students from wealthy families.    Well, guess what!   You are dead wrong!  This is just a regular school campus for regular public school students (Grade 1-12) from very poor to average and upper middle-class families.   By the way, I can see you from my crystal ball - so stop scratching your head and bear with me a while.  

2.    This sounds like a very, very  expensive project, and where in hell is the money going to come from?  Well, guess what!    Once again, you are dead wrong!  In fact, it is much cheaper than what it is now costing taxpayers, state and local governments, the overall economy, and the global economy in both the short- and long-run.   

3.    The teachers' unions, educational associations, and all the other special interest groups out there with their powerful lobbying groups in place - and politicians - would shoot down this crazy idea faster than you could blink an eye.    And again, you are triple dead wrong!  And why is that, you might say?  Well, it depends on how you approach them and what's in it for them and everybody else.  But most importantly, it's because once they hear the details and find out what's in it for them, we - meaning you and I and everyone else out there who hop on board to get this train moving - are going to be overwhelmed by the amount of enthusiasm and support for this project,  to a point where we may have to ask our friends, supporters and collaborators alike to calm down a bit and give us a little bit of room to breathe.  

Alright, so now that I've really gotten your attention, let us continue where I left off. 

Back to Life on a Virtual Campus Dormitory
On this Virtual Campus Dormitory, there is no need for classrooms, libraries, study halls, and lecture halls that are only used part of the day and sit empty for two thirds (2/3) of a day.  In other words, no more wasted and unproductive real estate.   Teachers teach online directly from their on-campus residence.   Students attend classes online directly from their private dormitory rooms.   Each teacher and student's living area contains a sound-proof room for complete peace and quiet when teaching and learning or studying, respectively.  

The only common areas are the dining hall, a health center, a 24-hour lounging area with a state-of-the-art security monitoring system
that is open to all, a 24-hour martial arts temple when outdoor training and meditation is not possible;   and a large innovation and research lab center for developing and conducting prototypes and physical experiments, respectively, that can only be conducted in a physical setting -  which also has a dual function as an entertainment center for large social events.    Otherwise, all innovation and research lab activities are conducted in a 100% virtual organization environment.

About Faculty, Students and Curriculum

All teachers are certified to practice and teach the basics of virtual organization management.   After 5 years of teaching, all teachers are given a 2-year sabbatical in order to obtain a Master Virtual Organization Management Trainer (MVOMT) designation so they can teach the advanced level of the virtual organization management discipline.     

All students are issued a tablet and laptop; and are taught to practice the basics of the virtual organization management discipline from day one to graduation.   As well, all students are taught the martial arts from grade 1-12.

The curriculum is based on intense specialization in one field at a time for a full-year period during the first 5 years.  Students are first shown how to accomplish certain tasks.    Once they have become proficient at accomplishing a particular task, they are then given the principles and theory behind the method used; and then these students are required to teach other students how to do such tasks and to then provide these other students with the theories or principles behind such tasks.   In other words, they learn how to mimic their teachers.  For each succeeding year, each new field of specialization must employ all or most of the knowledge gained from the previous year. 

To Illustrate:  

Overview of Curriculum:   Elementary School || Grade 1-5
Grade 1.   During the very first year, each student is only taught how to Read and Write in their own language using a variety of experiential tools and methods.  Outside of  applying the basics of virtual organization management; and learning martial arts, which is taught after class;   no other subject is taught during that first year.   

Grade 2.   During the second year, each student is taught Oral Communication skills and nothing else.   During that time, each student will be required to draw upon all that  they learned during their very first year so that the knowledge is reinforced. 
Outside of  applying the basics of virtual organization management; and learning martial arts, which is taught after class;  no other subject is taught during that year.
Grade 3.   During the third year, each student is taught Basic Math (including Vortex Math) and
the principles behind the math, using a variety of experiential tools and methods;  and nothing else.   During that year,  each student will be required to teach others basic math along with the related principles.   This will allow each student to put into practice their reading and writing skills, their oral communications skills acquired during the second grade, and their newly found basic math knowledge.    Outside of  applying the basics of virtual organization management; and learning martial arts, which is taught after class;  no other subject is taught during that  year.   

Grade 4.   During the fourth year, each student is taught intense Basic Computer Programming and nothing else.  During that year,  each student will be required to teach others basic programming  along with the related principles. This will allow the student to put into application their reading and writing skills acquired during the first grade; their oral communication skills acquired during the second grade;  and the intense basic math knowledge acquired during the third grade. 
Outside of  applying the basics of virtual organization management; and learning martial arts, which is taught after class;  no other subject is taught during that  year.   

Grade 5.   During the fifth year, each student is taught an intense course in Biology,  specifically, the Human Anatomy
and nothing else.  It's that time of life when their body begins to develop in ways that demand an answer.   During that year,  each student will be required to teach others the basic human anatomy.   This will allow the student to put into application their reading and writing skills acquired during their first year; their oral communication skills acquired during their second year; their basic math knowledge acquired during their third year; and their intense basic programming knowledge acquired during their fourth year. 

Life for Students and Parents During Grade 1-5

Grade 1.
    Parents are encouraged,  however, are not required,  to pick up their children in the evening on a daily basis or as much as possible during school week;  and on Friday for the weekends and to return the children back to school on either Sunday evening or Monday morning for school; although we realize
there is a multitude number of reasons why, for some parents,  this may not be possible.  Nonetheless, each child will have their permanent private room available for them just in case a parent is unable to pick up their child for one reason or another.   Very caring, sensitive and nurturing staff will be assigned to act as surrogate guardians or parents for the children staying overnight.  Extreme security monitoring systems will be in place on a 24/7 basis in order to make sure that all children are well-cared for, protected and not mistreated while living on campus.      

Grade 2.    Ditto.

Grade 3.

Grade 4.
    Students are not allowed to leave campus during the school week.   Parents are encouraged to come by and visit their children on a daily basis after school for dinner, if possible and feasible.   As well,  they are encouraged, however, are not required,  to pick up their children on Friday for the weekends and to return the children back to school on either Sunday evening or Monday morning for school.

Grade 5.    Ditto.

Overview of Curriculum:   Junior High School  || Grade 6-8

Grade 6.

  • First Semester.  During the sixth year, each student is taught intense English (or their official language)  during their first semester.   Outside of applying the basics of virtual organization management; and learning martial arts, which is taught after class; no other subject is taught during that semester.     
  • Second Semester.   During the second semester, intense Computer Programming training is provided.   Outside of  applying the basics of virtual organization management; and learning martial arts, which is taught after class;  no other subject is taught during that semester.   
Grade 7.
  • First Semester.  During the seventh year, each student is taught intense Math during their first semester.   Outside of  applying the basics of virtual organization management; and learning martial arts, which is taught after class;  no other subject is taught during that semester.    
  • Second Semester.   During the second semester, intense Computer Programming training is provided.   Outside of  applying the basics of virtual organization management; and learning martial arts, which is taught after class;  no other subject is taught during that semester.
Grade 8.
  • First Semester.  During the eighth year, each student is taught intense Science during their first semester.   Outside of  applying the basics of virtual organization management; and learning martial arts, which is taught after class;  no other subject is taught during that semester.    
  • Second Semester.   During the second semester, intense Computer Programming training is provided.   Outside of  applying the basics of virtual organization management; and learning martial arts, which is taught after class;  no other subject is taught during that semester.
Life for Students and Parents During Grade 6-8

Grade 6.    Students are not allowed to leave campus during the school week.   Parents are encouraged to come by and visit their children on a daily basis after school for dinner, if possible and feasible.  They are also encouraged to contact their children daily via videoconference if a visit is not possible.   As well, they are encouraged, however, are not required, to pick up their children on Friday for the weekends and to return the children back to school on either Sunday evening or Monday morning for school.

Grade 7.    Students are not allowed to leave campus during the school week.   Parents are encouraged to contact their children daily via videoconference.   Parents are also encouraged, however, are not required, to pick up their children on Friday for the weekends and to return the children back to school on either Sunday evening or Monday morning for school.

Grade 8.    Ditto.

Overview of Curriculum:  High School || Grade 9-12

 Grade 9.   
  • First Semester.  During the ninth year, each student is taught  Entrepreneurship during their first semester.   Outside of  applying the basics of virtual organization management; and learning martial arts, which is taught after class;  no other subject is taught during that semester.     
  • Second Semester.   During the second semester,  advanced Virtual Organization Management training is provided.   Outside of  learning martial arts, which is taught after class,  no other subject is taught during that semester.   
Grade 10.
  • First Semester.  During the tenth year, each student is taught Entrepreneurship during their first semester.   Outside of  applying the basics of virtual organization management; and learning martial arts, which is taught after class;  no other subject is taught during that semester.    
  • Second Semester.   During the second semester, advanced Virtual Organization Management training is provided.   Outside of learning martial arts, which is taught after class,  no other subject is taught during that semester.
Grade 11.
  • First Semester.  During the eleventh year, each student is allowed to select an Elective during their first semester.   Outside of  applying the basics of virtual organization management; and learning martial arts, which is taught after class;  no other subject is taught during that semester.    
  • Second Semester.   During the second semester, advanced Virtual Organization Management training is provided.   Outside of learning martial arts, which is taught after class,  no other subject is taught during that semester.
Grade 12.
  • First Semester.  During the twelfth and final year, each student is allowed to select another Elective during their first semester.   Outside of  applying the basics of virtual organization management; and learning martial arts, which is taught after class;  no other subject is taught during that semester.    
  • Second Semester.   During the second semester, advanced Virtual Organization Management training is provided.   Outside of  learning martial arts, which is taught after class,  no other subject is taught during that semester.
Life for Students and Parents During Grade 9-12

Grade 9.    Students are not allowed to leave campus during the school week.   Parents are encouraged to come by and visit their children on a daily basis after school for dinner, if possible and feasible.   They are also encouraged to contact their children daily via videoconference if a visit is not possible.  As well,  they are encouraged, however, are not required,  to pick up their children on Friday for the weekends and to return the children back to school on either Sunday evening or Monday morning for school.

Grade 10.  
Students are not allowed to leave campus during the entire week.  Parents should pretend that their children are away in college, out of town and living on campus.   Parents are encouraged to contact their children daily via videoconference;  and to  pick up their children during holidays, Christmas vacation, spring break, and during the summer.  

Grade 11.   Ditto.

Grade 12.   Ditto.

High School Graduation Awards

Upon graduation, each student is awarded a High School Diploma and either a Master Virtual Organization Management Trainer ("MVOMT"), Master Virtual Organization Recruitment Trainer ("MVORT") or Chief Virtual Organization Architect ("CVOA") designation.

Life and Education Options for Students After Graduation

  • Go to a 4-Year College for an undergraduate degree. 
  • Join the Military or Department of Defense working in a Cyber Command division.
  • Take a minimum 6-figure consulting position as a Virtual Organization Consultant at any major corporation anywhere in the world.
  • Take a minimum 6-figure training position as Virtual Organization Management Trainer with any leading corporation anywhere in the world. 
  • Take a minimum 6-figure virtual organization leadership position as Chief Virtual Organization Architect with any leading corporation anywhere in the world. 
  • Take a minimum 6-figure Faculty Member position at Virtual Organization Management Institute.
  • Take a minimum 6-figure Mentor-Partner position at VOMI Virtual Organization Academy.
  • Take a minimum 6-figure Virtual Organization Leadership Trainer position at Virtual Organization Leadership.
  • Take a minimum 6-figure Virtual Organization Executive Search Consultant position at Virtual Organization Recruiter
  • Become a Fellow or Official Global Ambassador at VOMI Global Think Tank.
  • Take a minimum 6-figure Virtual Organization Recruiter position at any other major company in the world.
  • Take a minimum 6-figure Virtual Organization Executive Consultant position at any executive search firm anywhere in the world.
  • Become an Entrepreneur and start their own business.

Basic Blueprint Summary

In summary, this is just a basic blueprint of what we seek to, can and will, accomplish in some form and to some degree or another.  

However, that being said, we all know that the devil is in the details and that nothing happens in a vacuum or overnight, which is where all of you come into play.   

A very diverse and inclusive list of:
  • World Leaders; State Governors;
  • Military-Intelligence-Defense Executives;
  • Public Education Officials at the federal, state, city and local levels;  
  • Educational Association Executives, Teachers' Union Executives; 
  • Rank and File Teachers, College Administrators,  Career Education Counselors;
  • Educational Researchers from all leading educational institutions as well as from the not so prominent ones;
  • Accreditation Association Executives; 
  • College Dormitory Architects, School Building Contractors,  Futuristic Residential Architects;
  • Green Technology Executives, Solar Technology Executives, Renewable Energy Technology Executives;
  • Cold Fusion Scientists;
  • Security Professionals; 
  • Legal Scholars and Executives; 
  • Law Enforcement Executives, Correctional Community Executives;
  • Judicial Executives, Legislators;
  • NASA Executives, National Science Foundation Executives;
  • Scientists and Engineers and Programmers from leading corporations; 
  • Accounting & Finance Executives, Financial Analysts; 
  • Silicon Valley Executives
  • Investment Bankers, Angel Investors and Venture Capital Executives; 
  • Entrepreneurs and Innovators Worldwide from every single field and industry;  
  • And, most importantly, THE PARENTS.  
In other words, we need everyone on board because I know that the answer and the implementation is in your hands, and not solely in the hands of one individual.  There is no one single individual who can claim credit for this effort because I know that this is something that We All Have a Stake In - something which requires All Hands On Deck.   

It's a heroic effort that shuns, and has no room for, individual heroes because to do otherwise would greatly diminish the importance of this project and the efforts of those who would embrace and contribute to it in whatever measure, small or large.  

This is a defining moment in history and an opportunity for all of us to get a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to redefine and transform public education in the 21st century and beyond - across the entire globe.   

What's Next?
  • Click here to learn more about the Virtual Campus Dormitory Consortium.  
  • If you are a current or former head of state of any country in the world; Chairman, CEO,  President of a Forbes Global 2000 or other Enterprise Level organization; or anyone else of substance; who has a Strong Interest in Human Evolution; and would like an opportunity to engage with me in a more personal setting for a highly interactive discussion on other matters of global virtual organization world significance;  then I invite you to request an invitation to join me on the exclusive League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives.  
  • If you support this noble effort in principle and would like to contribute however you deem fit, then I invite you to explore the following document for details on how to proceed:  Member-In-Principle: The Ultimate Membership Level
  • If you believe that some of your family members, friends, colleagues and associates :::: and certain members of your Circle of Influence :::: may have an interest in this endeavor, then I invite you to share the link to this document with them.      


About Author:  Pierre Coupet, Q of VOM is the founder of Virtual Organization Management Institute (VOMI), Virtual Organization Management Institute Repository,  VOMI Global Think Tank VOMI Virtual Organization AcademyVirtual Organization LeadershipVirtual Organization AdvisorsVirtual Organization RecruiterDigital Currency Consortium, Digital Currency Ethical Board,  Virtual Organization JobsVirtual Organization  Executives, and Blockchain Executives :: founder of the modern virtual organization management and virtual organization recruitment disciplines pioneered since 1997:: founder of League of Extraordinary Virtual Organization Executives:: and Lead Architect of  Futuristic City-State Enclave Based On a Civilized World Financial SystemContact Online.    

Stock Photo: courtesy of Pixabay

Copyright 2007-2023. Pierre Coupet. VOMI. Virtual Organization Management Institute. Virtual Organization Leadership. Virtual Organization Advisors.  Virtual Organization Executives. Blockchain Executives. VOMI Virtual Organization Academy. Virtual Organization Recruiter. VOMI Global Think Tank. All rights reserved. Cannot be reproduced without permission.